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Thread: List of Luv

  1. #631
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    @eachpassingphase you've been the most thoughtful and articulate new member in ages. thanks for the joining the board.
    Geez! Thank you so much for the encouragement. I've felt really welcome here for sure.

  2. #632
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    @Leviathant , @playwithfire , @theruiner

    You guys were nothing short of heroic in the mental health thread responding to mr secret identity.

    I was getting my popcorn ready and preparing to morbidly enjoy a dumpster fire.

    But your responses were, just, wow. I've never seen anything like it.

    Big ups.

    And even if this turns out to be some sort of advanced troll, so be it.

    You guys did the right thing and went WAY above and beyond the call of duty.
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-07-2018 at 04:04 PM.

  3. #633
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    Bleh, thanks. Having OCD, especially intrusive-thought-heavy OCD, is something that I think most sufferers of it tends to carry a lot of empathy for each other with. It's a really horrible thing to experience and the shame and fear that can come with it is really terrible. theruiner has shown me a lot of understanding about it over the years... when you also have OCD, you understand it in a way that I think it's very hard to understand without experiencing it, and I don't think any of us would want anyone to experience it.

  4. #634
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    Are you two trying to make me cry?

  5. #635
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    hey @allegro not seen you around here lately, hope you're well wherever you are (Chicago I guess)
    I can't be the only one who kinda misses you

  6. #636
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    hey @allegro not seen you around here lately, hope you're well wherever you are (Chicago I guess)
    I can't be the only one who kinda misses you
    she told me she's just a lot happier NOT being here these days. She deleted facebook and other things too. I wish she would come back too, but if she's just flat out happier NOT fucking with it, then I most definitely understand.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-11-2018 at 10:11 PM.

  7. #637
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    Got it: glad there's an explanation!

  8. #638
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    hey @allegro not seen you around here lately, hope you're well wherever you are (Chicago I guess)
    I can't be the only one who kinda misses you
    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    she told me she's just a lot happier NOT being here these days. She deleted facebook and other things too. I wish she would come back too, but if she's just flat out happier NOT fucking with it, then I most definitely understand.
    she butted heads with Levi over something that was kind of a big deal and instead of being a bigger person and apologizing for doing something wrong, she decided to leave the board. while she was often filled with wisdom, she was also often very condescending and had a holier-than-thou attitude about many things. just my two cents.

  9. #639
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I've had to limit my Twitter involvement because, well, it's Twitter, it's not good for one's blood pressure.
    You know I have high blood pressure and try to get me to use Twitter more.:/

    Speaking of prolific members who aren't around much anymore, I REALLY miss @Khrz , he of the suave selfies and eloquent posts.

    I hope he is well.

  10. #640
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    glad to see you back, @allegro .

  11. #641
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    To everyone who supported me during the last year and a half: So much love for and gratitude towards all of you. Honestly don't know how I would have gotten through it without you guys.
    And @playwithfire , the impact of what you did for us that morning... It's gonna be felt 'til I die. <3 <3 <3

  12. #642
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    According to his Twitter, our wrestling pal @xfocalinx cracked his skull yesterday.

    Sending get well soon vibes to you, buddy.

  13. #643
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    According to his Twitter, our wrestling pal @xfocalinx cracked his skull yesterday.

    Sending get well soon vibes to you, buddy.
    @xfocalinx hope you get better!

  14. #644
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    @elevenism in the present, past and always <3 You are a total sweetheart. Thank you again for your encouragement on the old ETS to be brave and post publicly. See? It only took nigh a decade for me to finally be able to follow your advice. You are fucking awesome <3
    Last edited by dedevoce; 10-12-2018 at 02:49 AM.

  15. #645
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    @elevenism @henryeatscereal @Prettybrokenspiral - While I'm very-well aware that I'm sometimes a piece of work or just the odd one out, the acceptance and reassurance you've given me helped me feel very welcome here, and encouraged me to keep it moving while helping me know just when to apply the brakes. *Especially when reminding me to put things into perspective on what is, and isn't worth reacting to. I've also got to admit that you've also saved me from myself here.* And while also helping me fit in, thanks for also being among the several to help me think for myself and be my own person. (I admittedly sometimes just get swayed way too easily. Just sometimes though, but that's still yet another thing that I got to work on.)

    I just wanted to say thank you yet again, at least before this year ends, as you guys have made my stay on ETS as of most recently all the very worthwhile.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 11-02-2018 at 07:47 PM.

  16. #646
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    Awww, thanks @dedevoce
    And @Halo Infinity

    I have mad luv for the both of you, too.

  17. #647
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    @dedevoce , regarding the past, you were like MY only good friend on the old board, so thank YOU!

    Let's see: I also talked to @ImTheWiseJanitor and he's a damn good dude, and we got to see nin together this year, but I mostly.talked to YOU.
    So I guess we encouraged each other.

  18. #648
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @dedevoce , regarding the past, you were like MY only good friend on the old board, so thank YOU!

    Let's see: I also talked to @ImTheWiseJanitor and he's a damn good dude, and we got to see nin together this year, but I mostly.talked to YOU.
    So I guess we encouraged each other.
    That was such a good fucking time! The moment that (hidden for tour debut spoiler!) Spoiler: The Perfect Drug started playing and we both looked at each other and FLIPPED OUT is gonna stick with me forever, hahaha that was so hype! But I'm glad we got to meet up and spend the shows hanging out, man. Definitely gonna happen the next go-around, too.

    Off the top of my head: Big luvs to @m0reta, whose package just came in the mail the other day and turned the absolutely awful day I was having completely around! It's been a real pleasure messaging back and forth with ya, and extra kudos for being the eyes and ears for the tour posters for everybody! You're saving lots of people LOTS of headache, and probably saving us some green, too. :P Hugely appreciated!!

    Also luvs to @nmitchell86 for helping a brother out in Chicago! You made the third night possible for me, and even if we ended up on opposite sides of the center rail on night 3, it was blast, and you and your friends were some of the coolest people I met that weekend. Not to mention I'm super glad you guys got to enjoy most of the show relatively puke-free (Poor girl, she didn't look like she was doing too well). AND I think I got a delivery notification for the thing you sent, so sometime today after work I'll be going down to get it!! Happy to help you out with your surplus of extras, heh.

    Bonus shout out to @Wolfkiller, who I also met briefly in line in Chicago! Once the line got moving and the crowd got packed into the venue I think everyone was pretty set in their spots, but it was cool bumping into you and happening to be one person away from each other in line, haha. Same goes to the anonymous ETS lurker I'd met (I'm terribly sorry, I don't recall getting your name!) who was in line right behind me but had issues getting in with his bag.

    Normally I'm a little reserved when meeting people initially, but y'all were so chill that it didn't take long at all. Still blows my mind how well this community continues to impress and support each other over the years.

  19. #649
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImTheWiseJanitor View Post
    That was such a good fucking time! The moment that (hidden for tour debut spoiler!) Spoiler: The Perfect Drug started playing and we both looked at each other and FLIPPED OUT is gonna stick with me forever, hahaha that was so hype! But I'm glad we got to meet up and spend the shows hanging out, man. Definitely gonna happen the next go-around, too.
    Hell yes man. It was fucking awesome. It was also badass that we had talked about meeting up TEN YEARS EARLIER, but it didn't happen.

    Hey, btw, is that picture of the two of us on your phone or ours? (i don't mess with the phone much :P )

    I DID see a picture of just me before the show started, and i looked so ridiculously stupidly happy, it was hilarious, hahaha.

  20. #650
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    Hey @ImTheWiseJanitor , another priceless moment was when I said I didn't think I had ever heard a particular song (you know the one.) And you kindly and patiently began to explain to me where it fell in the catalog and I was like "NO, motherfucker, I've HEARD the song, I meant LIVE."


    But yeah, being at nite 2 with my brother (with whom I first saw NIN in 94,) and our wives (who were at their first nin shows,) AND a damn cool dude from ets who understands the ridiculous obsession was just incredible. AND we had good seats! I couldn't ask for much more. I just wish my mom had gone too, but no way could she have handled that climb.

    Oh, and while I'm at it, @ImTheWiseJanitor ALSO gave me $50 for a better ticket even though I told him he didn't necessarily have to.
    Last edited by elevenism; 11-03-2018 at 03:51 PM.

  21. #651
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Hey @ImTheWiseJanitor , another priceless moment was when I said I didn't think I had ever heard a particular song (you know the one.) And you kindly and patiently began to explain to me where it fell in the catalog and I was like "NO, motherfucker, I've HEARD the song, I meant LIVE."

    Lmaoooo. IN any defense...You DID say you’d never heard it, not that you ‘d never heard it LIVE. I’m just trying to help a brother out! Still can’t believe was got to see that, holy shit. I’m going through my old NIN folder on my old-ass hard drive and I saved so many live recordings of that one. And then to have it pop up again in Chicago, ugh. <3 Yes, please.

  22. #652
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    I can tell @Rubeninphoenix that I completed any simple task... Like I tied my shoes this morning, or I shipped something to him, and his reaction will, without fail, be some variation of YASSSS QUEEEEN. And it makes me smile every single time, and sometimes that is all a bitch needs to get through the day.

  23. #653
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    I didn't feel like waiting until around Christmas or New Year's Eve, so I just thought of getting this out of my system right now.

    As I become more and more reserved, discreet, secretive, silent, distant and reclusive in real life than ever before, especially from learning more about just how horrible nosiness and over-sharing really is, I still see how much out of character I really am by default on Internet forums and social networking websites. It's also yet another sign that I still need to work on making amends.

    It's come to the point where I only stick to talking to people I know in real life, while totally avoiding complete strangers, and just focus on conversing with people I have an excellent/decent rapport with on top of knowing them, and even then, I always need/desire a good/solid reason to speak up in most cases, or at the very least wait for other people to speak up before saying anything most of the time as well. Otherwise, I just end up feeling out of place and awkward or feel like I might increase my chances of saying the wrong things at the wrong times/paces, and at the very worst, the wrong people/person.

    It's kind of like how I mostly go here for Nine Inch Nails and other similar interests. Granted, I could see how that would do anything but help when it comes to making new friends and finding somebody to date though.

    Anyway, I just want to thank everybody that took their time and effort, big, small and all in between to make me feel welcomed and accepted on ETS even if for just a few moments here and there, especially after a lifetime of just not really fitting in and belonging anywhere. Not to mention, it's always better, since ETS is all about my favorite musician ever anyway, so even all the more reasons to appreciate it. I also don't want to name-drop right now, because I'm sure you all know who you are, and I can't remember them all.

    But yes. Your consideration, civility, courtesy and overall kind words and encouragement were and are always still very much appreciated. Much love, respect and best wishes to all of you.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 12-22-2018 at 11:51 PM.

  24. #654
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    @bobbie solo - I just love how you get me when it comes to general music opinions. My reason for thinking that way came from me always being interested in how just one interest can bring on so many different opinions, ideas, interpretations and even overall uses and approaches from so many different fans. It's always fascinated me ever since I learned what the word opinion meant.

    *Speaking of which, I also like how we like some of the same TV shows as well. I'll admit that I'm still stuck in the 1980s and 1990s with some shows though among other things, but it is what is and I'm always delighted to see a fellow fan of similar interests, always.*

    You're also one of my favorite posters to follow when it comes to music and the Bugs Bunny avatar just adds to the overall humor of your posts. I regard you up there with the likes of @Jinsai @Kid Charlemagne and @Prettybrokenspiral when it comes to music threads/posts, where I don't mind it all if some of my tastes get roasted. (Which is inevitable anyway, but at least this time around, people just roast the bands and not the actual posters, unless there's a good reason too. Since there's a very fine line between: "This band sucks." and "This band sucks and so do you.")

    Anyway, it does help me lighten up on music opinions and to not take the topic too seriously.

    Speaking of which, I'd also like to include @tony.parente in this as well. Not only do I think you'd appreciate the podcast, but I also still enjoy the occasional funnies you provide in the music threads and ETS in general.

    As a matter of fact, I'd love to recommend the lot of you to check out the podcast Your Favorite Band Sucks. It cuts right through all layers and levels of elitism and poseurs and also seems to actually acknowledge all sorts of fallacies, inconsistencies, hypocrisies and contradictions regarding certain particular beliefs and opinions of music, subtle or as blatant as they could possibly be. Granted, I have to also admit that they occasional troll for the sake of jokes/comedic effect and reactions, but once I understood their satirical angles/motives for doing so, it all seemed to fall into place for me and just clicked altogether. It triggered me at first, but I just wanted to give it a chance, and I eventually became a fan.

    Not to mention, even outside of music, for everything that's loved out there, there's also more than enough hate around to rear its ugly head. (And well, nothing ever being above criticism 24/7/365 anyway.)

    @botley - I also wanted to let you know that I also appreciate your overall understanding of me in the anti-natalism thread. I know it's far too late for me to do anything about this now, but in retrospect I have definitely over-shared so much on ETS since 2004, so I realized even that could be definitely one of those topics I could've and perhaps should've kept out of here.

    I always try to see things as they are and see reality unfiltered, but I'll also admit that when I'm honest in myself, I get caught up in extreme thinking and become blinded by own thoughts and emotions. I really still try to see the good out there in spite of how negative things can get for me sometimes, which is yet a constant reminder for me to do personal work on myself and always find ways to make amends and to constantly turn blunders into learning experiences more than anything. Despite how people can be, and I know how very cliche this is, but the least and most we can do is to be the change we want in the world and make life better to those who came before us, those that are alongside us and those that will come after us.

    This means a lot to me in some ways, considering how touchy that subject can be. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors along with the next chapter of your life as you start your family.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 01-04-2020 at 04:37 PM.

  25. #655
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    Thank you for the kind words <3

  26. #656
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    @Halo Infinity wow im truly flattered. Just seeing this now. Haven't been on here since before the new year. Thanks! I don't even know what I've posted or liked to deserve such an outpouring. Brought a smile to my face. I think the main thing I appreciate about your posts is that you come across as VERY thoughtful about the things you decide to discuss on here. Not many quick hits from you.

  27. #657
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    the only ppl that were nice or even civil to me after I rejoined in 2015 were cornfed chump and allergo.
    so I luvlist them whether they're around or not. I be rememberin shit.

  28. #658
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    Quote Originally Posted by ldopa View Post
    the only ppl that were nice or even civil to me after I rejoined in 2015 were cornfed chump and allergo.
    so I luvlist them whether they're around or not. I be rememberin shit.
    long time no see! i changed my name a while back. so did allegro. she's Cat Mom now. so good to see you!
    Last edited by kel; 01-14-2020 at 09:22 AM.

  29. #659
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    @elevenism @eachpassingphase - I didn't mean to forget the both of you, but I appreciate your understanding of my religious background and how it affected me as a Nine Inch Nails fan.

    This also isn't just limited to Nine Inch Nails, but I often tend to enjoy reading about opposing views and how they sometimes clash and contradict each other, so when I see that happening in fan-bases in general, it often gets me interested. As with any interest the generates fans by the millions, it's very fascinating to see how many different walks of life and flavors of beliefs/lifestyles there can be, which is the epitome of diversity in my opinion.

    After thinking this over for a few decades at the point and just letting it sink in, it really is like this with me.

    You can take me out of the church, but you can't take the church out of me. (In this case, the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It's like a "tattoo" on me at this point.)

    Overall, it was really cool to see your overall opinions and stances on being a fan of Nine Inch Nails while being a believer.

    Pardon the puns as I'm still trying to "Find My Way" out of any "Terrible Lie" if you get my "God-Given" drift of "Heresy". (Sorry, as big fan, I just wanted to squeeze that in. "The Wretched" indeed. What a "Zero-Sum" outcome.)

    But for real though, may you both find peace, joy, health, success, meaning, wisdom and fulfillment in your beliefs as well.

    @marodi - I apologize for forgetting to include you here. It's been so long since we spoke, but you were definitely part of this. Thank you for also being so quick to understand me and accept me as I am on ETS and (At least when there was a forum.)

    Anyway, that's always very much appreciated along while helping me feel welcome on ETS since we first interacted, and taking the time to listen to me intently and never jumping the gun on me. Or should I say peruse intently since this is a forum.
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 02-26-2020 at 11:33 PM. Reason: I can't believe that I forgot to include marodi.

  30. #660
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    You're good people, @Halo Infinity , and EXTREMELY thoughtful in your posts, as @bobbie solo said.
    i've certainly enjoyed talking with you over the past several years.

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