Hey! Just wanted to say...
I know I was kind of a jerk back in the day. The shitlist thing got a little outta hand, and I probably said some really shitty things.
I wanted to say I'm sorry.

I saw someone post something about how another NIN group was "Jinsai-free, and therefore 100% better" a while back, and I wondered there if I should just fuck off. I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to be a negative thing, but I guess in a lot of ways I was. I want to apologize for that, but there's no meaningful way to really. I said a bunch of other shit over the years that I really wish I could scrub away from the internet. But I can't.

I guess I just wanted to say this is probably the best moderated board on the interwebs, and I love you all, more or less. I guess I just hope I wasn't too shitty here, not really, and if I ever really upset someone, I hope you know I didn't mean it, unless you deserved it