Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post

You’ve helped me find some music that I really needed and was looking for. I appreciate it.

Especially because, back in the day in the long long ago, I was a complete dick to you. I was a complete dick to a lot of people. I’d gone through something really traumatic and fucked up in my personal life, and I was venting, a lot of the time after drinking. It’s not a good look and I regret it.

So anyway, sorry/thanks
That's nice to hear. Life can be horrendous but music is still our friend. I was a dick to you too, back in the day, and have no excuse for it other than youthful arrogance... I'm also sorry, but I'm really glad you're still here buddy

Keep creating good shit and putting it out there, it's obviously what you've been put here on this miserable shithole godforsaken planet to do!