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Thread: Meeting Famous Musicians and Other Celebs

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    My friend/his then-publicist (excited voice): Trent, I've been wanting to introduce you two for so long! This is blah blah blah. She's from blah blah blah which I know you love. She's a big fan of yours.
    Me (huge smile, casual voice): It's really nice to finally meet you!
    TR (looking bored, totally flat voice): *nods* Hi. Nice to meet you.
    Then one of his friends whispered in his ear and he went over to hit on Amanda de Cadenet.

    I was beyond crushed. (I didn't have any gentlered fantasies; I was just looking forward to chatting.) Driving home, I figured out that I got one word for every year I'd been a fan. I thought about sending him an invoice for all the merch I'd bought and all my travel expenses with a note saying, "the least you could have done was buy me a couple of drinks, asshole" but never went through with it. The whole things is hilarious to me now for so many reasons and it obviously never affected my love for NIN.
    That sucks, but to be fair that was during the era that Trent said he was on all sorts of drugs and he was struggling with buying into his own celebrity bullshit. He's pretty regretful about it now. I've met a few people that said he's a polite, nice guy nowadays.

    As for famous folk I met, I've ran into Conan O'Brien at a Quiznos, Quentin Tarantino at a Vons, Edward Norton at a doctor's office, and Ian McKellen in a bookstore. I don't ask for autographs or pictures, I only say, "I just want to say that I enjoy your work." They all seemed to appreciate the low key-ness and each reached out to either shake my hand or pat me on the back.
    Last edited by Millionaire; 12-05-2014 at 05:39 AM.

  2. #62
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    I work at a dine in movie theater that's in downtown KC near a few music venues so we always have musicians coming in on their off days and shit like that. Notable ones:

    - Trent, obviously, if you remember my story from the NIN Spotting Thread in September '13. Nicest dude. It was amazing
    - Nikki Sixx came in and watched Guardians of the Galaxy and without all of his makeup he looked like a homeless 70 year old.
    - Some dude from Five Finger Death Punch saw Captain Philips and had to be cut off, because he was ordering too much whisky.
    - Donald Glover came in with a posse and saw The Wind Rises. Glover was weird as fuck, left the film halfway through it and sat in the lobby with his head in hands, and when another employee came over to see if he was alright Glover just looked at him and then ignored him. He eventually walked on his tab before the movie ended. Basic.
    - When Jennifer Lopez was in town for American Idol she wanted to come in and see Guardians, called 20 minutes before the movie started and wanted us to block out the whole theater so she could watch it by herself with her crew and sneak them in a side door, and when we were like "Sorry, we have normal people who paid for tickets in there. You're more than welcome to still come in and sit in the back row." Her agent or whatever scoffed and hung up on us.

  3. #63
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    Wow some great stories in here. I don't have very many brushes with fame.

    Henry Rollins bought a record off me once on Ebay. It was Ęthenor - En Form For Blå.
    I've met and talked to countless musicians, but none that I'd consider really famous. Favorite was chatting with Aaron Turner from Isis after we watched Tim Hecker.
    Oh, I've met a few Sharks players. No one that's still in the NHL anymore.

  4. #64
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    NIN (obvs)
    Gary Numan
    Skin from Skunk Anansie
    Jeffrey Tambor
    Andrew O'Neill
    Noel Gallagher
    Brian May
    Colin Firth
    Kelly Jones
    Graham Norton
    Nick Cave
    Rihanna (didn't know who she was)
    Dresden Dolls
    Saul Williams
    Christopher Lee
    The Queen

    and probably some others.

  5. #65
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    Maynard twice. Once when I was 15 along with Billy Howerdel and Josh Freese and Snake River Conspiracy. The second time was a few years ago at aPuscifer show. Met Josh Freese again when playing for Nin along with Twiggly-Pants and Aaron North.

    Dan Carey on several occasions, have lost count. My favorite drummer and yes, Adam Jones is a prick.

    Almost got in a fight with the lead of Drowning Pool the weekend before he died. He was all smiles and buddy buddy until I asked how his shitty band was fortunate enough to open for Coal Chamber.

    Just about every small name hard core/metal band to come through MN from 2003-2008 including Lamb Of God, Killswitch (all 3 singers, yes, there were 3), Gwar, so many others I can't list. The Bled was my favorite, I became great friends with them and always have a great time when they come to town, though I don't care for the music much anymore.

    Last year I met Ilan in Vegas at the first Nin/SG show. I have a lot of respect for that dude. He was the hardest worker on this last tour, imo. He was nice enough to take a pic with my wife and I and shoot shit for a bit at the Halo Bar.

    But I was most star struck by Robin Finck. Even though he is not the greatest musician of all time he's my favorite musician around. Even more than TR. My wife said "hi I'm Lindsey..." I couldn't say anything. She said "and this is Steve". All I could say was I love you and I got a warm hug and he took pics with us then gave us pizza. That'smy profile pic, ETS represent!

  6. #66
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    I met James Randi two nights ago. He's 86 now.

  7. #67
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    Too many to count; it's just part of my job. And a lot of times, it doesn't really phase me - we're both just people doing our jobs, and we're either having a working conversation or just making small talk.

    But whenever Paul McCartney would walk by and say hi...that one always kind of threw me for a loop.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Too many to count; it's just part of my job. And a lot of times, it doesn't really phase me - we're both just people doing our jobs, and we're either having a working conversation or just making small talk.

    But whenever Paul McCartney would walk by and say hi...that one always kind of threw me for a loop.
    I try to think of celebrities as just people, just like all of the rest of us. But I think Paul McCartney walking by and saying hi on a regular basis would throw me for a loop, too. Too surreal even for me.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by heavenly_bearded View Post
    Almost got in a fight with the lead of Drowning Pool the weekend before he died. He was all smiles and buddy buddy until I asked how his shitty band was fortunate enough to open for Coal Chamber.
    I'm not a fan of Drowning Pool, but that's kind of a dick thing to say.

    While I'm here, the coolest musician/hero of mine that I've ever met is Blixa Bargeld. So fucking suave.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I'm not a fan of Drowning Pool, but that's kind of a dick thing to say.

    While I'm here, the coolest musician/hero of mine that I've ever met is Blixa Bargeld. So fucking suave.
    So envious, dude. I seriously think I'd become mute if I ever met him, he's so amazing.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miss Baphomette View Post
    So envious, dude. I seriously think I'd become mute if I ever met him, he's so amazing.
    I think the only person who would seriously make me mute is Iggy Pop.

    Well, and probably Paul McCartney, too, egad.

    I don't talk much around strangers, anyway, so this ain't saying much, LOL.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-10-2014 at 12:56 AM.

  12. #72
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    We unknowingly stayed at the same hotel as Soundgarden the night before the SG/NIN show. I did the name your own price so didn't pick the hotel, decided to splurge on a 5 star on the beach, got a good deal too (our bar tab for the 2 of us was more than the room). Saw the buses in the parking lot when we got there and the bartender told us who was there. NIN was at the Four Seasons next door. Wandered over there in my drunken state thinking we were totally going to hang with the band, used the restroom, and went back to our hotel and played pool with the new GM of the hotel. Ate breakfast next to Kim Thayil the next morning, but I suck at being social so didn't say anything, plus I was hungover and hadn't had my coffee yet. Got a pic of nin's tour bus, lol. A few days later I saw a pic on Mariqueen's Instagram from the same time we were out wandering the beach.

    Curly Neal used to come into the gas station I worked at in college to buy scratch off tickets. He would stand around, scratching off his tickets, and chatting. I didn't know who he was until the guy that worked with me told me. He had been in several times before chatting with me before I knew who he was. Have an autographed picture from him. Also met and have an autograph from Sherman Hemsley.

  13. #73
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    -I watched Nick Oliveri play foosball at the Lollapalooza 2003 in San Antonio TX, I got to say hi and take a picture with him.
    -In July 2009 I was in Austin TX for a Modwheelmood show, went to the venue in the afternoon to get tickets, and I walk into the venue, looking for someone to sell me a ticket. The band was setting up, so I walked up to the stage and shook hands with Alessandro, friendly dude. Told him that I had seen him with NIN in Mexico a few months before, and that it had been a great show.
    -Greg Puciato gave me a hug during DEP's set at the SG/NIN tour.
    -I saw Buzz Osborne walk around the venue before a Melvins show in Houston, summer of 08. I said "Buzz!" and he said "I'll be back". He left, and then he indeed came back and took a picture with me and my brother.
    -Saw Mike Bordin, John Hudson and Billy Gould at the Guadalajara, Mexico airport the day after the FNM show in the same city (I attended that show). For some reason I had The Real Thing CD with me, and they signed it. I talked briefly to Billy Gould about Brujerķa.
    -I've met Henry Rollins about three times, post spoken word show. Super cool dude.
    -Met Incubus as part of their Make Yourself Foundation meet & greets.
    -I've seen Mike Patton and Buzz Osborne after a Fantomas show in Mexico City. They were going to sign people's posters, but someone started pushing and shoving and they decided to leave. Not their fault.
    -Met Carina Round after a Puscifer show, he signed me a couple of her CDs. Matt McJunkins was hanging around, having a drink, and I shook his hand.
    -I shook hands with the bass player of Retox, they had opened up for Tomahawk and he was by the merch stand after Tomahawk was over.
    -I went to a super market to a "buy Maynard's wine and have him sign the bottle" event, but they ran out of wine before it was my turn. I saw the back of his head as he was leaving.
    Last edited by cahernandez; 12-10-2014 at 09:15 AM.

  14. #74
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    I insulted Jerry Only from the Misfits once, true story...

    They "Misfits" (TM), were in town and i decided that it's better than nothing so i went to see them, I went the place early to get a good spot, when i arrived, i just found a small line of people.
    I'm waiting in the line outside the venue, the place is beside a Restaurant (actually they share the same building), but the restaurant door is closed for the event, so i'm there, with the restaurant door very close to me (only a small fence separated the line from the building) and out of the restaurant Jerry comes out with a platter with lots of salad and a what i looked like a lobster, nobody notices since they are watching the entrance of the venue.
    When Jerry came out he was heading to the venue with the food in the platter, but before he went in, he shouted: "HEY YOU GUYS WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??? THE MISFITS SUCK!!!", everyone looked puzzled and most people didn't knew how to react (i'm pretty sure some guys didn't even knew it was Jerry...), so i just shouted: "...YOU'RE THE ONE WHO SUCKS, JERRY!!!".
    He just stared at me with an uncomfortable grin and went inside the building...

    ...I thought to myself: "Glenn Danzig would've been proud"

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    I work at a dine in movie theater that's in downtown KC near a few music venues so we always have musicians coming in on their off days and shit like that. Notable ones:

    - Trent, obviously, if you remember my story from the NIN Spotting Thread in September '13. Nicest dude. It was amazing
    I would love to read this! Does anyone have a link to richard's story or should I just do some digging?

    My encounters are probably only interesting if you're into weird indie bands like me, but for those who might care, here goes.

    (disclaimer: I was a serial 'fan artist', and all of the following stories - with the exception of NIN - have to do with me presenting original art as a gift to the band members)

    I met Katie Stelmanis of Austra twice, and the first time was really special (I'm guessing because she was at least a tad sloshed at the time FYI). Anyway, some of you may know that Katie is a huge NIN fan, which I knew prior to this meeting. I specifically wore my Pretty Hate Machine this particular night during an Austra gig in Brooklyn. She DJ'd down the street afterwards where I followed. I eventually got the nerve to say hi and the first thing she said to me was 'I love your shirt! I was just listening to that album today. It's so good!' I then handed her the poster I made, she said it was 'incredible' then asked for my name and wrote on the poster I gave her. She's adorable and amazing (and again, was probably heavily buzzed during out meeting )

    I met School of Seven Bells: Allie was demure and soft spoken but utterly polite. Benjamin was magnanimous. I'm truly grateful I was able to meet him before he passed. I could tell he was a lovely guy.

    I also met the band Chairlift at the same venue I met Austra. Patrick the bassist couldn't be more chill, but Caroline (singer) really left an impression. Before I could even finish introducing myself, she shakes my hand and says "have we met before?" which is crazy because a.) I look familiar to you?! and b.) it's the title of one of their more popular songs. That was a surreal & unexpected moment. Once we established that we hadn't met before, I presented her with my fan bullshit, she gave me a hug, and my brother posed us for a photo... but it was Caroline who suggested we do a goofy photo first then a serious one. She's an actual angel.

    I met Io Echo about a year ago, and they were just the nicest. I got to tell Leopold Ross how much I loved the Broken City score he did w/ Atticus and he said we should grab drinks after the show! Ioanna was absolutely flattering. She's like an anime character come to life or something. When she speaks to you, you know she's genuinely interested and listening.

    I met Chris Corner/IAMX, and Chris was/is a total mensch. You can tell he loves his fans. Janine, his sort-of right-hand-woman, was just as nice and engaging. I love them.

    I've heard some vague horror stories about Shiny Toy Guns but I've met the entire band on 2 separate occasions and they went above and beyond to be nice to a stranger like myself. *shrug*

    I met 2:54 after a show in NYC and they were more excited to meet me than I was them. A really lovely bunch. They gave me free merch!

    Justin Meldal-Johnsen is one of the nicest people I've ever met in any walk of life. On the NIN|JA tour, I sat directly across from him during dinner and got to nerd the fuck out when I asked him how Ken Andrews got involved in mixing some of the The Slip live videos. I really cherish the time I got to spend with him.

    Lastly, during the NIN|JA meet & greets, I missed shaking hands with Ilan altogether, shook Robin's hand, stood by JMJ (who put his arm around me ), and didn't want to overstep my boundaries, so I didn't go after Trent since it was such a hurried process. I looked down nervously almost the whole time, and right before we're about to get our picture taken, I see an outstretched hand: I look up, and it's Trent with his cool dude sunglasses on. He says "What's up, man?" We shake and I utter some mono-syllabic response like "hey." Hardly the epic encounter a fan dreams of, but the fact that he went out of his way to greet me still moves me!
    Last edited by Deadpool; 12-13-2014 at 12:20 AM.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadpool View Post
    I would love to read this! Does anyone have a link to richard's story or should I just do some digging?
    I was still on cloud nine over the whole incident when I posted this so it's worded super poorly, and the grammar is fucked to hell, but I guess that gives it some charm.


  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadpool View Post

    I've heard some vague horror stories about Shiny Toy Guns but I've met the entire band on 2 separate occasions and they went above and beyond to be nice to a stranger like myself. *shrug*
    How could that even happen? Shiny Toy Guns are some of the NICEST people I have ever met in my life. Seriously, how could anyone thing otherwise? Jeremy kind of has resting bitch face a little bit but whaaaaa?
    Now if we're talking about being a huge cunt did Amy Lee completely destroy my teen years when I met her awhile back.

  18. #78
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    i was working as a stage monkey for the dallas cowboys halftime show on thanksgiving day in 03 or so.
    the whole thing was fucking crazy, as one of my nutjob friends had somehow landed the gig of handling the whole stage production and he used all of his miscreant friends to do the work...i was one of them.
    we climbed out on the catwalk over the hole in texas stadium, i tackled my brother onto the star on the field, shit like that. we broke into all the corporate boxes and stole beer and beef jerky, whatever the company who owned the box sold.
    the whole thing was just too fucking surreal.

    anyway, destiny's child was the act. they gave out this half assed thanksgiving dinner.
    if you've ever worked a halftime show, you know about all this insanity.
    i was sitting on my ass in the tunnel eating my thanksgiving dinner, and the elevator door opens, and out walks Jay-Z.

    now i'm a huge jay z fan, and i'm sitting there looking crazy with my hair in braids in a cashmere coat with beaver skin around the neck, sitting on the floor.

    and i stared at him with big eyes, and he looked back at me. i stammered "you're jay-z!"
    and he smiled and said "right." and he kinda stood there waiting for me to say something else but i was just fucking dumbfounded.
    he walked off kinda laughing at me.

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