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Thread: The Dillinger Escape Plan (Kill posers)

  1. #241
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    One of us is the killer is their best album IMO, Calculating their worst. I think they are getting better with each album.

  2. #242
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    Quote Originally Posted by Airbornefeline View Post
    One of us is the killer is their best album IMO, Calculating their worst. I think they are getting better with each album.
    100% agreed

  3. #243
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    Haha, wow, to each their own, but as a fan who remembers the long wait for Miss Machine back in the day I won't be budging on my opinion. That new one off song they released a month or two ago is the shittiest and most bland thing they've ever released, this new collab track is outright awful as well.

  4. #244
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    Call me weird but my favorite album was and still is Ire Works.

  5. #245
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    Ire Works has aged better than the last two definitely, I actually think Option Paralysis is their worst at the moment.

  6. #246
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    I almost forgot about Option Paralysis. I'd have to put that one down just above Calculating Infinity. The only songs I really like off OP are Farewell, Mona Lisa and Chinese Whispers. Now that I think of it Miss Machine is a great fucking album and it's probably my favorite at the moment. Overall my rankings ATM would be Calculating, Option Paralysis, Ire Works, One of Us Is The Killer, and Miss Machine at 1st. Ire Works, Killer, and Miss Machine are constantly swapping out for my favorite album spot but right now I'd have to say Miss Machine is my favorite. This kinda contradicts my "they're just getting better with every album" statement but y'know whatever I thought about it and changed my mind.
    Last edited by Airbornefeline; 08-28-2014 at 11:14 PM.

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    I do love Calculating, but the reality of the situation is that they haven't put out a truly great album since Miss Machine. The quality has never been as high, and in hindsight Chris Pennie leaving was simply an indication of that direction. To say their albums have actually gotten better is laughable.

    I am not putting down your opinion. Everyone is entitled. I am just shocked to hear you say that. I think the production quality has been better on each progressing album. i.e. Ire Works<O.P. O.P.<OOUITK

    As far as songwriting, a lot of people threw out OOUITK because it sounded "too clean" or "commercial". Yet, I still see some NIN fans who TRIED to listen to Prancer or When I lost My Bet and still couldn't get into it.

    Yes the title track is a modern hard rock song, but so was Black Bubblegum and to go to Miss Machine…Unretrofied is in that group. Phone Home was an early warning that Ire Works was going to be in their future.

    I actually praise the band for not sounding the same on every record. They take a chance and don't give a shit if fans like it or not. Which is what real art is about.

    With that said, I can understand your love for C.I. but it is hard for me to comprehend your saying an old drummer is the reason the band sucks now. Which they don't.

  8. #248
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    I don't think they suck outright, and I enjoy tracks from all of their albums, even the more commercial sounding ones, I just haven't enjoyed an album in its entirety since Ire Works. Production on One Of Us was much better than some of the others where everything was slightly muddy. Option Paralysis had some weird rehash moments that were slightly jarring and I thought that that album was amongst the worst production wise. Ya I love Calculating but I love Miss Machine just as much for different reasons.

    I would still go see them live, I'm just glad I got to see them way back in the day before the surgeries and the wear and tear set in, back when Greg was blowing fire into the crowd and swinging a flaming bat around and Ben was throwing broken guitars into the crowd. You can't perform that way forever, I know as much, I just don't see them releasing an album at this point that I will love as a whole. Losing Chris Pennie is still a pretty big thing to me though, they haven't truly been able to replace him.

  9. #249
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    One of Us is the Killer and Option Paralysis were the only two that I've enjoyed all the way through. Ire Works and Miss Machine are still great though. I can't get into Calculating Infinity.

  10. #250
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    Out of curiosity what was the first Dillinger album you listened to?

  11. #251
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    Billy Rymer is a really fine replacement from Chris Pennie, live he just kills it. Can't understand why Chris Pennie went to Coheed and Cambria...Option Paralysis is my favorite DEP album, but Miss Machine, One of Us is the Killer and Ire Works are not that far behind. First album I listened to was Irony is a Dead Scene, then Miss Machine, then Calculating Infinity. I like the progression this band has had.

  12. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    I don't think they suck outright, and I enjoy tracks from all of their albums, even the more commercial sounding ones, I just haven't enjoyed an album in its entirety since Ire Works. Production on One Of Us was much better than some of the others where everything was slightly muddy. Option Paralysis had some weird rehash moments that were slightly jarring and I thought that that album was amongst the worst production wise. Ya I love Calculating but I love Miss Machine just as much for different reasons.

    I would still go see them live, I'm just glad I got to see them way back in the day before the surgeries and the wear and tear set in, back when Greg was blowing fire into the crowd and swinging a flaming bat around and Ben was throwing broken guitars into the crowd. You can't perform that way forever, I know as much, I just don't see them releasing an album at this point that I will love as a whole. Losing Chris Pennie is still a pretty big thing to me though, they haven't truly been able to replace him.

    This still happens though? Maybe not opening for NIN, as they are very conscious of not drawing attention away from the main act (in a good way).
    Greg has cut back on the fire as he didn't like that people had come to expect it, so he only does it occasionally now. Ben still breaks guitars as well. I have the one from the London show last year that he broke....... Just before both of them jumped terrace into the crowd.

    As for the Chris Pennie thing, it had got to the stage that it was either he or Ben in the band. Ben actually sat out the last few shows of the Miss Machine tour! Gil was a last minute replacement, and Ben wrote the drum parts for Ire Works and Gil just came in, recorded and toured. I don't think they tried to "replace" Chris as such, as Billy is obviously such a different drummer. In saying that, without him I can't see the last two albums sounding anywhere near the same (for better or worse in your case).


    Miss Machine>OOUITK>Ire Works>Option Paralysis>Calculating Infinity

  13. #253
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    Good to hear, maybe I'm wrong, the live videos I've seen of them in the past few years just don't show a band as ferocious live as they were in the early 2000s, I'd still go see them now though.

    As for Chris and Ben, Ben has always seemed a little douchey so personality clashes aren't shocking and I recall the main problem Chris had was the direction and mindset that Ben wanted to take the band forward with, clearly I would've been in the corner of Chris on this one.

    Release wise, Calculating>Miss Machine>Under the Running Board>Irony is a Dead Scene>Ire Works>One of Us>Option Paralysis

  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by 50 Volt Phantom View Post
    Out of curiosity what was the first Dillinger album you listened to?
    Option Paralysis, then Miss Machine, then Ire Works, then Calculating Infinity. It took me until earlier this year to dig Miss Machine though.

  15. #255
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    I started at Miss Machine [tho had been aware of and familiar with their chaos from s/t onward through a friend who loved that kinda stuff]. I always loved Miss Machine [Panasonic Youth, Setting Fire... and Unretrofied were great as memorable singles], didn't click immediately with Ire Works [tho now love it] and everything since has been stellar.

  16. #256
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    I thank the Underworld soundtrack for having Baby's First Coffin on it. Loved it so much I checked out Miss Machine. Well, here I am. A fan of 8 years now.

  17. #257
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    I'd heard them onstage with NIN on 2009 recordings, and never looked into them, and then this tour was announced and they were at my dates so I felt like it was the right time to try them out. I worked backwards more or less, starting with OOUITK and going in reverse, and loved it. I typically don't listen to music as heavy as they are, so starting with what's I guess considered their more accessible album worked really well for me, and it's still my favorite at the moment (seeing more from it live than anything else adds to that).

  18. #258
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    I saw them open for Mr. Bungle on the California tour in '99. Picked up the Patton EP a couple years later, then Miss Machine and was hooked.

  19. #259
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    Repost from @LaneSax from the Mastodon thread…but thought some DEp fans might wanna know about Brent Hinds and Ben Weinman's new band GTO:

    in the studio as of yesterday with Ross Robinson:

    Would be cool to see a Killer Be Killed - GTO - Dillinger Escape Plan - Mastodon tour
    Last edited by Reznor2112; 09-02-2014 at 10:28 AM.

  20. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reznor2112 View Post
    Not sure how one song signifies a "downward spiral". They aren't in a downward spiral. Their stuff gets better with each album. Unless you are just a Calculating Infinity Chris Pennie fanboy.
    Fixed. (10characters)

  21. #261
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    Cannot wait for a live DVD:

  22. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by cahernandez View Post
    Cannot wait for a live DVD:

    Fingers crossed that Mitch Massie wasn't teasing us for nothing. Im really betting that it will be on the OOUITK Deluxe Edition

  23. #263
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    Apparently they are writing new music right now. Fingers crossed it comes out soon!

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanmcfly View Post
    Apparently they are writing new music right now. Fingers crossed it comes out soon!
    I think it'll be a little bit…they just started "writing" and putting together sequencing. Then Greg has to come in a do vocals and I believe they are bout to tour Killer Be Killed.

  25. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reznor2112 View Post
    I think it'll be a little bit…they just started "writing" and putting together sequencing. Then Greg has to come in a do vocals and I believe they are bout to tour Killer Be Killed.
    Yeah, I was thinking late next year for a new album. But news is news.

  26. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanmcfly View Post
    Yeah, I was thinking late next year for a new album. But news is news.

    Things are slowly boiling on the DEP social media channels…nothing significant…but still a brewing.

    Also, I've been speaking with Mitch Massie, DEP's music video director, has he was looking for people to help on production on a new music video for an unnamed band (most likely NOT DEP) and being a fellow filmmaker I hit him up.

    If our dates line up, I will try and pry something out of him when I go up to Indiana for the shoot.

  27. #267
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    Hopefully there will be more dates than the Rock on the Range show.

  28. #268
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    NEW SITE for The Black Queen. Greg's side project with Josh Eustis

  29. #269
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reznor2112 View Post
    NEW SITE for The Black Queen. Greg's side project with Josh Eustis
    cannot like enough times. i am so happy this is going to see the light of day.

  30. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    cannot like enough times. i am so happy this is going to see the light of day.
    I freaked out like a little school girl when I saw the site was official. I asked Josh on his instagram the other day about the project but go no response. Now I see why. Now give me a pre-order so you can take my fucking money now!!!!

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