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Thread: The Dillinger Escape Plan (Kill posers)

  1. #721
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    Quote Originally Posted by firewlker View Post
    Honestly I don't know why the surprise on this thread, Greg himself said the album 'One Of Us Is The Killer' was about the rift between him and Ben.

    In the end The Dillinger Escape Plan is Weinman's band, he was there since the beginning and he can do whatever he wants with it, even if we (including myself here) don't agree with his decisions on it.
    completely agree. it annoys me but I agree.

  2. #722
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    Calculating Infinity was a gamechanging record. Reuniting for this occasion without Dimitri, now, that would've seemed disingenuous.

  3. #723
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  4. #724
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninsp View Post
    This is the most pretentious, obnoxious fuck you I've ever read:
    I think it is very important to mention that Greg has no ownership of the Dillinger Escape Plan as an entity, no ownership in the overarching corporation, and has no ownership over the name and he never has. He has always been paid as an independent contractor and he has no interactions with our booking agent, lawyers, etc. I'm happy to show anyone who doubts this all the paperwork that says otherwise. That's that. This band has existed with different singers and musicians over the years and I am proud that my continued involvement from day one has helped keep some consistency in how we functioned and did things as a unit.
    The truth is that any discussions of a reunion with Greg have been shut down before money was discussed. There have been no concrete money offers for a reunion with Greg – meaning that the conversations have never gotten to money as they've always been shut down immediately – that I or anyone on our team is aware of. I think there was some preliminary talks thrown around for us to do Furnace Fest, but our agent's response was that we are not entertaining reunion offers at this time. The end. I have been approached a few times indirectly by people who had talked to Greg while he was out on the road about doing a reunion, and what was conveyed to me was that he really wanted to do it and that it should be discussed with me.

    Wow, where was this posted. I have zero issue with Ben, but this is very passive aggressive.

    I knew there was a rift between Ben and Greg, but always assumed it was creative differences. Was there something officially mentioned?

    Either way.... #BetterLovers

  5. #725
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reznor2112 View Post
    Wow, where was this posted. I have zero issue with Ben, but this is very passive aggressive.

    I knew there was a rift between Ben and Greg, but always assumed it was creative differences. Was there something officially mentioned?

    Either way.... #BetterLovers
    This was posted after Billy for some reason posted a festival line-up that he saw in a dream he had (which included TDEP) and Greg mentioning in response to fan questions about this that promoters have been offering him mountains of cash for a TDEP reunion.

    Greg has never made it a secret that he considers his relationship with Ben toxic (admittedly much to his own fault) and Ben mentions anytime he's asked about Greg that them holding opposing values in many areas of life would make a reunion between the two very unlikely.

  6. #726
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    Someone on r/DillingerEscapePlan asked Greg about those reunions and that was his answer. Can't say it's true or not, but I'll paste here since it's a public comment anyway and seems on par to Greg kind of writing:

    “I mean I don’t wanna do it, not for any negative reason just no real excitement/way too soon for me, and it’s not songs I wrote, so I have pretty much the same reaction I would have to news about anything else that happened when I was 19 that I had nothing to do with. Pretty much full indifference, but if anything, if it’s for good reasons, then I’m happy for Ben and Dimitri. It’s obviously not “way too soon” for Dimitri, there’s a big difference between last playing a show 23 years ago and last playing a show 6 years ago. Also, they were young friends who made a special album together, and who had an abrupt split, I’m sure it’s probably healing and good feeling for both of them to revisit that album from a celebratory place. It’s a great record! Anyhow. How you been mang what’s good? Long reply I know but I just copied and pasted the same thing to the other four random people(you make five dickhead) I hardly ever talk to who texted me the same thing. None of my reaction would be a surprise to anyone in my day to day.”

  7. #727
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  8. #728
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    Ooof. DM's got about as much enthusiasm there as Omar during the 2012 ATDI reunion shows.

  9. #729
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  10. #730
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    That’s about as much enthusiasm as he’s ever shown on stage. If you’re expecting more, you’re going to the wrong show.

  11. #731
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    Really not sure why anyone would prefer that over Greg, to be honest. Both his vocals and stage presence are infinitely (pun intended) more interesting.

  12. #732
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Really not sure why anyone would prefer that over Greg, to be honest. Both his vocals and stage presence are infinitely (pun intended) more interesting.
    This isn't about preferring anyone. I don't think there are very many people at all that prefer Dimitri. But I'll take Dillinger with Dimitri over no Dillinger at all, which is the only other alternative here.

  13. #733
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    Hope the shows in New York sound better. He sounded fairly gassed here. He was fucking great when I saw him in New York back in 2017.

  14. #734
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    That was a lot of fun last night. Can’t wait to do it all again tonight and tomorrow!

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  15. #735
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    Quote Originally Posted by otnavuskire View Post
    This isn't about preferring anyone. I don't think there are very many people at all that prefer Dimitri. But I'll take Dillinger with Dimitri over no Dillinger at all, which is the only other alternative here.
    Meh, I prefer to have DEP buried like they all agreed to do. This feels like one of those cash grab tours/reunions that some really cringe bands do after breaking up... which is the entire reason that DEP closed the book... to end it on their terms and to not become a parody of themselves.

    Zero issues with Dimitri... but without Greg, there is no DEP for me. He put a ton of heart, soul, energy and performance into that band that made it what it was. Not saying the other guys aren't talented but... this whole thing is just odd to me.

    Much like Van Hagar vs. Van Lee Roth... not for me.

    Better Lovers is the band for me now to scratch the DEP itch.

  16. #736
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    That’s fine. You do you. I had a fucking blast this weekend though and would happily do it again.

  17. #737
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    Quote Originally Posted by otnavuskire View Post
    I had a fucking blast this weekend though and would happily do it again.
    Me too!! Great to meet you last night.

    For me, this was my chance to see the earlier era of DEP. Having seen the Greg era for so long, I always wondered if I would catch Dimitri at one point. I’m glad I went, I don’t think I would have heard most of those tracks if Greg came back.

    Overall I had fun.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  18. #738
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    Quote Originally Posted by otnavuskire View Post
    That’s fine. You do you. I had a fucking blast this weekend though and would happily do it again.

    Apologies, sincerely, if my response came across pretentious or sounded like YOU should feel a certain way about DEP. Was strictly stating how I felt about it.

  19. #739
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reznor2112 View Post
    Apologies, sincerely, if my response came across pretentious or sounded like YOU should feel a certain way about DEP. Was strictly stating how I felt about it.
    It's all good man. Even all through the Greg era there were people that said they only liked the Dimitri era of DEP. I definitely prefer Greg, but Dimitri is fun too. Everyone has an opinion about music and none of them are wrong. Probably. Maybe. Well probably a few opinions are wrong. Haha.

  20. #740
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    This never came across as a cash grab to me. It seemed to me that Ben and Dimitri felt there was unfinished business with this era of the band. They've remained friends, and for whatever reasons, this felt like the right time to play these shows. Now that the dust has settled, they kept these shows to the pre-Greg era, and that was appropriate. It wasn't for everyone clearly, but it does feel like it was FOR THEM, and plenty of people came along for the ride.

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