Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post

Well, Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter, and Dead or Alive still use a button for block, but it's a more reasonable button... right there in the middle of all the attack buttons. It bugs me with MK, because I can already tell this is going to be the game that breaks the R2 button on at least one of my controllers.
Oh dude I know, I honestly felt like my R2 button was about to cave in and break off. I didn't know that Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter and DOA still used a specific button for block. Shows you how long it's been since I've played any of those lol.

Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post

My biggest complaint is fact that my main's primary combo string is flat out broken. Seriously, Kung Lao's basic quick combo does NOT work. At first I thought they had revamped the combo system and made it much more difficult, and then after some googling I realized that nope, it's just that somehow this slipped through the cracks?! That's CRAZY.

Which makes the angry "fuck you" message I got funnier. I'm not being a "cheap little bitch." I'm using the character that is actually broken. Come back after they patch this nonsense and I'll show you "cheap."
Which combo is it? When I played as him I couldn't get his square,square, triangle, square, triangle combo to work (I think that's the combo input?). He would just stop after the first two square button inputs. I really don't know how they could get away with having a bunk combo.

I can't wait till I get my first hate message.

Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post

We're both rusty, but yeah, there's some issues with hit boxes and recovery block frames. I hope they're working on it, but more than anything, they need to fix the net code. The games with nemesis were fluid, but we both have fiber optic cable, and my PS4 is hard wired. The game is definitely fun, but there's things that need to be worked out.
I'm glad it wasn't just me noticing the hit detection was off.