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Thread: Mortal Kombat 11

  1. #121
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    Main three characters I play as are Shinnok, Sub Zero, and Cassie Cage. Haven't played much of the others, yet.

    My main issue, I think, is figuring out how to transition from combo to special, and vice versa.

  2. #122
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    I Used Mileena's dismemberment fatality last night online, then I heard a child's voice over the chat.

    I'm a monster.

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Main three characters I play as are Shinnok, Sub Zero, and Cassie Cage. Haven't played much of the others, yet.

    My main issue, I think, is figuring out how to transition from combo to special, and vice versa.
    I play as Shinnok and that shoulder charge left, right, x (for you on PS4) is a good move, which I also use for traversal sometimes. Bone Shaper is the best variation, what do you use?

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I play as Shinnok and that shoulder charge left, right, x (for you on PS4) is a good move, which I also use for traversal sometimes. Bone Shaper is the best variation, what do you use?
    Mainly Imposter. Dabble a little in necromancer. Haven't even tried the other one yet... shoulder charge is crazy effective.

  5. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Mainly Imposter. Dabble a little in necromancer. Haven't even tried the other one yet... shoulder charge is crazy effective.
    I like Bone Shaper due to the reach and how much variety there is with that bone staff. He has pretty easy combos with it too, check out this one I did online earlier. When you figure out how to play with him and utilize his meter burns he's pretty high powered.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    My timing is garbage when it comes to trying to pull off chain combos. Practice makes perfect I guess... lots of practice.

    Im about over this game simply because of how unforgiving timing is. I cant do it. Mk 9, persona 4... I havent played a game in a while where its this easy to whiff. And its way too easy to get inescapably trapped in a corner or a fifty percent damage combo: it just isnt fun. Like ok i got caught by one hit, there goes half my life meter and there is not way to stop it. And when i catch them if i miss my move by like a nanosecond they fall to the ground unscathed. Its fucking lame and unfun.

    Also matchmaking is trash. I get pit against people who are basically undefeated all the time. What gives with that? In persona, the gake was really good at finding you even matches. And the rare times it couldnt were few and far between. Wtf.

    They fucked up. I couldve been into this but they had to mess up a had thing with theor shit engineering.
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 04-17-2015 at 04:56 PM.

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Im about over this game simply because of how unforgiving timing is. I cant do it. Mk 9, persona 4... I havent played a game in a while where its this easy to whiff. And its way too easy to get inescapably trapped in a corner or a fifty percent damage combo: it just isnt fun. Like ok i got caught by one hit, there goes half my life meter and there is not way to stop it. And when i catch them if i miss my move by like a nanosecond they fall to the ground unscathed. Its fucking lame and unfun.

    Also matchmaking is trash. I get pit against people who are basically undefeated all the time. What gives with that? In persona, the gake was really good at finding you even matches. And the rare times it couldnt were few and far between. Wtf.

    They fucked up. I couldve been into this but they had to mess up a had thing with theor shit engineering.
    I have no complaints other than lag, this game is everything I hoped and ever wanted it to be.

    Get off ranked (assuming thats where you're at), you find anyone to everyone in player matches. I've had funner matches in player matches than ranked.

    As for this game online, I fucking hate fighting Sub Zero. Such a pain in the ass to fight. He's almost as annoying as Scorpion was on 9. I also hate Liu Kang on this game.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 04-17-2015 at 07:40 PM.

  8. #128
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    Yeah, changing to player matches made a big difference. I also switched from mystic to master of souls, which is less finnicky, and more in line with how ermac has played over the years. I can reguarly do .30% combo on this variation. But i still sometimes whiff out of the combo into the special, which is a finnicky transition.

  9. #129
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    I am destroying people with Kano (Commando) which is weird because his top combo I've seen is only 11 hits. (Combo includes his x-Ray) He's pretty much the worst for combos. Regardless, it's awesome to take down people with good records in ranked. I haven't even come across another Kano player yet.

  10. #130
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    so the new gunslinger guy has a combo that does 50% of your life without using any charge??

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    so the new gunslinger guy has a combo that does 50% of your life without using any charge??
    Corner combo that is God Tier in timing so I highly doubt you'd ever come across it.

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Corner combo that is God Tier in timing so I highly doubt you'd ever come across it.
    That's how I found out about it. I'm sure it's impressive to pull off, but still... that should NOT be possible. Hopefully I don't see it again...

    I'm going to actually start using the "share" function on my PS4 though, so that's something. Next time I run into something like that, I'll be sure to save it for posterity.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 04-18-2015 at 01:03 PM.

  13. #133
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    They'll patch the shit. Have faith.

  14. #134
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    Kenshi has a supposedly very simple 60% corner combo. Yeah game needs balancing. I wish there were more ways to escape combos. It just seems silly tonhave every match come down to basically 3 or four hits.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    Kenshi has a supposedly very simple 60% corner combo. Yeah game needs balancing. I wish there were more ways to escape combos. It just seems silly tonhave every match come down to basically 3 or four hits.
    Who on Earth do you fight?!!

    There was a 2.3 GB patch today for Xbox One version for some reason so.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Who on Earth do you fight?!!

    There was a 2.3 GB patch today for Xbox One version for some reason so.
    Mostly scorpion amd kung jin :P

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadaloo View Post
    They'll patch the shit. Have faith.
    I know, and I'm trying to enjoy the game despite its faults. Fighting games need high level players to work out the kinks. Traditionally this was done in the arcades I guess. The thing is, the more I dive into this, the more I'm running into stuff that seems just terribly thought out and maybe unresolvable.

    I guess it isn't a big deal, but for instance... this faction war stuff. My first thought was "huh, neat, but how is this going to work? Won't players just naturally flock to the most popular faction, and then that side will simply dominate? It'll probably be the first available option too, the Lin Kuei faction."

    aaaaaaaaaaaand I guess my initial assumption turned out to be correct

    How exactly did they spend all the time designing this aspect, only to have the fundamental design of it be so flawed? Has anyone else in here actually tried participating in a five player team faction battle? It takes FOREVER to match you up with other players... the Lin Kuei side fills up immediately, and then you sit and wait.... and wait.... and wait...

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I know, and I'm trying to enjoy the game despite its faults. Fighting games need high level players to work out the kinks. Traditionally this was done in the arcades I guess. The thing is, the more I dive into this, the more I'm running into stuff that seems just terribly thought out and maybe unresolvable.

    I guess it isn't a big deal, but for instance... this faction war stuff. My first thought was "huh, neat, but how is this going to work? Won't players just naturally flock to the most popular faction, and then that side will simply dominate? It'll probably be the first available option too, the Lin Kuei faction."

    aaaaaaaaaaaand I guess my initial assumption turned out to be correct

    How exactly did they spend all the time designing this aspect, only to have the fundamental design of it be so flawed? Has anyone else in here actually tried participating in a five player team faction battle? It takes FOREVER to match you up with other players... the Lin Kuei side fills up immediately, and then you sit and wait.... and wait.... and wait...
    Yeah, I tried it. gave up after 15 minutes. On topic of Lin Kuei, I am soooooooo fucking sick of Sub Zero on this game already. Seriously, fuck this character. His shit is so goddamn cheap online it isn't even funny. Every player I face that's him is a total asshole. He has too much versatility compared to other characters. He feels stupidly strong in this game between that ice slide, the fucking 3 hit kick that hits every height making it so incredibly frustrating to block and the ice spamming on top of it. I'm so over it. It doesn't help I've lost every match tonight so far (6 losses in a row) so it makes for unfun bullshit after awhile.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    On topic of Lin Kuei, I am soooooooo fucking sick of Sub Zero on this game already. Seriously, fuck this character. His shit is so goddamn cheap online it isn't even funny.
    One word for ya.

    Spoiler: Ermac

    I find Ermac to be way more OP and annoying than Sub-Zero and I'd rather go up against 5 Sub-Zeros in a row than I would 5 Ermacs in a row. The majority of Ermac players just use his force lift and push and his teleport. It's what I was doing to Wretchedest the other night when we played, so even I'm guilty of doing it (sorry dude, I was getting frustrated and I was starving at the time so I was just wanting to get matches over with lol). Even with MK9, every Ermac player was just lifting you up and then pushing you away so once you get close he can do it again and then once you get too close to them, they'll just teleport and do the same shit over again.
    Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 04-19-2015 at 12:24 AM.

  20. #140
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    ok, I forgive a lot of the issues with this game... A lot of the combo juggle possibilities are actually really well designed and carefully controlled to make sure they aren't overpowered. There's still a lot of out of control stuff here, but I think if they patch it, it'll be great.

    But... I just figured out that Kung Lao's first combo isn't actually broken... it's just completely obnoxious to pull off, requires weird timing, and is probably not worth EVER doing since there's other options that are a lot more reliable, especially if you're considering input lag in online games. If anyone's trying to figure out how to do it, I'd just suggest not bothering... just throw in the spin move or something... it's better, and it'll launch a juggle combo.

    However, if you want to pull it off... I think it's a strange sub timing thing. You do the first two hits normally, then input the triangle-square-triangle bit really fast at a specific point during the animation of the second punch. In my opinion, that makes using it pretty much unreasonable, but that's (I think) how it's done.

    Did they really need to make combo timing such a nuisance this time? Is anyone getting the hang of it?

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
    One word for ya.

    Spoiler: Ermac

    I find Ermac to be way more OP and annoying than Sub-Zero and I'd rather go up against 5 Sub-Zeros in a row than I would 5 Ermacs in a row. The majority of Ermac players just use his force lift and push and his teleport. It's what I was doing to Wretchedest the other night when we played, so even I'm guilty of doing it (sorry dude, I was getting frustrated and I was starving at the time so I was just wanting to get matches over with lol). Even with MK9, every Ermac player was just lifting you up and then pushing you away so once you get close he can do it again and then once you get too close to them, they'll just teleport and do the same shit over again.
    Ermac is my absolute fave, mained him since the first day he was unlocked at the arcade ajd I havent looked back. I love his art design in this game and ive always been enamored with his tk powers. It looks so cool in gameplay. but Mystic is actually the inferior variation. For a fraction of the effort of a 20% combo in Mystic I can have 30% in Master of souls. Those telehang jp telepunch combos require obnoxious timing compared to 222 bf2 (theyre stunned) b321. Also works with EX teleport catch with fire ball b321. I started being a house online with just those two combos.

    But it points to how effort is disproportionate to damage. Even easier than that my frie.d found an easy pu.ish with Dvorah yesterday 33 33 ovipositor, that combo is worth as much damage as my above ermac combo and doesnt require nearly as much timing, she can use it to punish or simply set up with her swarm stun.

  22. #142
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    Somehow managed to unlock Reverent Sub Zero while doing test your might. Also have Klassic Sub Zero. No clue how I got that one.

  23. #143
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    Klassic came free with the recent patch, Revenant's your reward for beating the TYM tower.

  24. #144
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    Just played this. Haven't played MK since, I dunno, 3, maybe. While its not the most technically challenging fighting game around, its damn fun. They really outdid themselves this time with the fatalities and Ricki-Oh "so-brutal-its-funny" moves. Its pretty beginner friendly, so more people seemed to want to give it a go, compared to when we do other fighting games and no one wants to jump in cuz they'll get creamed. This is gonna get a lot of play at get togethers.

  25. #145
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    Jesus Christ some of the fuckers that play this game are whack. I played a Kung Lao earlier (while I was playing as my new crush, Royalty Kitana w/ Dark Empress Skin LOL) and the fucking guy did literally NOTHING but spam the goddamn hat throw in the air and ground. He got me in one round due to chip damage and lucky teleports but after that the next two rounds when he spammed the hat throwing, I gave him a dose of his own medicine by spamming fan throws. I ended beating his ass and doing a Faction Kill. Felt good, man.

  26. #146
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    Where do you even get the dark empress skin? That and the reverent skins seem to be the tricky ones... I did find Dark Raiden though, which is pretty sweet.

    As for online, way too many spammers for it to really be fun. Went against an Ermac earlier, and of course he spammed. Had an attack that I couldn't even block.

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Where do you even get the dark empress skin? That and the reverent skins seem to be the tricky ones... I did find Dark Raiden though, which is pretty sweet.

    As for online, way too many spammers for it to really be fun. Went against an Ermac earlier, and of course he spammed. Had an attack that I couldn't even block.
    Completing 10 Living Towers unlocks the Dark Empress skin, though there are conflicting stories.

    Revenant Kitana is odd...lots of people report getting it differently. Some get it in KOTH match after streaks, some got it from a living tower and some got it from hitting a certain rank in the Brotherhood of Shadows faction. I think I unlocked it by getting it through a living tower, along with Dark Empress. Was good stuff. Both are nice to look at. I might take my time to learn her shit more. She seems devastating.


    Dark Empress

    Lots of spammers and morons roam the lobbies and matchmaking, I haven't come across too many I can't punish or counter-attack/spam. When I do though, then it makes the game annoying and extremely difficult to win as cool-down time is pretty quick on this game.

  28. #148
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    I was playing against my buddy who isn't very good yesterday so I decided to experiment with Royal Kitana. She's really good. Easy combo set up. I desperately tried to get that butt brutality to work but it's actually pretty tought. You have to reflect a projectile at some point, and then finish them with an air ass attack, lol. Goals.

  29. #149
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    The point system in King of the Hill is so flawed. I was playing last night and I won like 4 straight fights and naturally everyone in the room was butthurt so I only got 12 respect points for those 4 wins. One player turned his mic on and cussed me out telling me "you keep using the same fatality and you spam". Hahahaha. If you're gonna keep jumping at me then I'm gonna counter you. I kept countering his air kicks with Kano's upward spin ball attack. It was hilarious.

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thiah View Post
    The point system in King of the Hill is so flawed. I was playing last night and I won like 4 straight fights and naturally everyone in the room was butthurt so I only got 12 respect points for those 4 wins. One player turned his mic on and cussed me out telling me "you keep using the same fatality and you spam". Hahahaha. If you're gonna keep jumping at me then I'm gonna counter you. I kept countering his air kicks with Kano's upward spin ball attack. It was hilarious.
    Yeah, I hate having no points after wins. I had a 7 win streak once and only net close to 35 points the entire time. Such bullshit.

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