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Thread: 2016 Presidential Election

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    2016 Presidential Election

    In just about 22 months Americans will go to the polls and elect the 45th President of the United States.

    Some recent articles state that Mitt Romney wants to put his hat in the ring for the third time and that there is likely to be a showdown between him and Jeb Bush, as both men are going after the same donors and both men are favorites among the GOP "establishment."

    The primaries are still a year away and anything can happen, but it's likely to be Bush or Romney running against Hillary Clinton, who I think is all but certain to win the Democratic nomination. I like Warren and Sanders, but I just don't see them winning the nomination. Sure, pretty much everyone thought Hillary Clinton would win the nomination in 2007, a year away from when the first votes were cast, but Obama was a once in a lifetime candidate, and I don't see anyone like that this time around. It's worth noting that Obama and Clinton split the electorate pretty much 50/50 in 2008.

    In the end I predict Clinton will be the next president, but what do I know?

    Last edited by GulDukat; 01-13-2015 at 09:38 AM.

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    As much as I want a female President, I really hope it's not Hillary. She's just the same old shit, recycled. I wish somebody new and refreshing threw their hat into the ring. ALL of these candidates are boring fucking legacy dinosaurs. I liked Romney's dad but Mitt AIN'T his Dad, not by a longshot. We've had too many Bushes and Clintons, already.

    So far, candidates = YAWN.

    It's hilarious how the candidates and the GOP don't seem to think about what the voters want. Young voters ain't likely to go for Hillary, and we've already seen what happens to the electoral college votes when candidates don't care about minorites in big urban areas (looking at you, Marie AntoiMitt).

    I'm just tired of all these geezers.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-13-2015 at 10:56 AM.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    As much as I want a female President, I really hope it's not Hillary. She's just the same old shit, recycled. I wish somebody new and refreshinh threw their hat into the ring. ALL of these candidates are boring fucking legacy dinasaurs.
    From 1980 to 2008 a Bush and/or a Clinton ran for president or vice president in EVERY election. So I see what you mean.

    Now we might have a Bush run against a Clinton. Party like it's 1992!

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    Hahahaha UGH!!!!!

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    Clinton is too centrist for me, but I'll vote for her. Hopefully she'll be able to work with congress and get things done. Plus, even though she would be president, the Clintons are a team. The 1990's weren't so bad, really. They weren't perfect, but a lot of people would rather have that than another Bush or a Romney.

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    Every time I like Hillary, some bullshit comes out of her mouth that makes me change my mind.

  7. #7
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    Elizabeth Warren vs Ted Cruz
    Warren wins.

    NO Hillary. She'll totally lose against anybody. Hillary voters should vote Warren.
    Yeah I know she used to be a republican, but as far as I can see, she's the best option.

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    They're going to have to have some kind of US Supreme Court decision, first, re Cruz being born in Canada.

    Then maybe all the Obama birthers will finally STFU.

    I like Elizabeth Warren a lot, but she's not saying anything new, really. And she keeps saying she's not going to run for President, isn't she?

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    Although not American, my husband would really like to see Arnie be president (he genuinely thinks he would be a good president), but he's ruined by the US born rule. I think if someone has become a us citizen they should be able to become president.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post

    I like Elizabeth Warren a lot, but she's not saying anything new, really. And she keeps saying she's not going to run for President, isn't she?
    That's what I've been reading about Warren. However, she's under a lot of pressure from progressives.
    On the other hand, the establishment is most likely behind Hilary. The banks are, that's for sure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    I think if someone has become a us citizen they should be able to become president.
    I'm no Nationalist, but I actually like this rule. Also the one about being of a certain age - like 35 I think. They should also have an age limit, say 72. Yeah, I said it - the average brain is dimishing by than. I don't want some ol geezers finger on the button. Shit, Reagan was already showing signs of dementia when he left office right?

    I don't think Warren will run and if she did, I'd be afraid for her life. Seriously, some dumb 'merican folk think she's a communist.

    I'll still find someone to vote for and all you assholes here better be fucking registered and vote too or I will hunt you down.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    I'm no Nationalist, but I actually like this rule. Also the one about being of a certain age - like 35 I think. They should also have an age limit, say 72. Yeah, I said it - the average brain is dimishing by than. I don't want some ol geezers finger on the button. Shit, Reagan was already showing signs of dementia when he left office right?

    I don't think Warren will run and if she did, I'd be afraid for her life. Seriously, some dumb 'merican folk think she's a communist.

    I'll still find someone to vote for and all you assholes here better be fucking registered and vote too or I will hunt you down.
    I'd be against an age-limit. Plenty of people are still sharp into their 80's or even 90's. But perhaps it should be easier to remove a president if he or she is unfit.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    In the end I predict Clinton will be the next president, but what do I know?

    SADLY...and yes, i say this with much sadness, i believe that there isn't a snowball's chance in hell of a democrat winning the next presidential race.
    Obama has galvanized the right and the pendulum must swing...that seems to be how it works in these extremely polarizing times.

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    SADLY...and yes, i say this with much sadness, i believe that there isn't a snowball's chance in hell of a democrat winning the next presidential race.
    Obama has galvanized the right and the pendulum must swing...that seems to be how it works in these extremely polarizing times.
    If they pick Bush, it might stir people's memories enough to the point where they'll sit up in shock and say "OH HOLY FUCK NO!!!!' and actually mobilize a voting base.

    Obama has not done as bad of a job as the republicans are spinning it. I would vote for him again. And I sure as fuck will vote for Clinton over Bush if it comes to that... but please, let's not let it come to that... that's so fucking stupid. Please, let the election come down to ANY candidates but Clinton vs Bush. I will literally lose my fucking mind.

  15. #15
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    I just don't know @Jinsai . i hope your right about the bush thing.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    SADLY...and yes, i say this with much sadness, i believe that there isn't a snowball's chance in hell of a democrat winning the next presidential race.
    Obama has galvanized the right and the pendulum must swing...that seems to be how it works in these extremely polarizing times.
    Romney and Bush are weak retreads and every poll has Clinton ahead in a potential match-up. Plus the Republican party is splintered, with the Tea Party wing steering the party far to the right of most voters. Democrats on the other hand are far more united. I'd be very surprised if the Republicans win in '16.

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    Jeb Bush is NOT his brother, and has a lot of Latinos in Florida behind him. He could totally run away with this. And I wouldn't think it would be as horrible as Romney. Go figure.

    But, yeah, I've seen a lot of statistical studies showing that unless Republicans clean up their act and ditch the Tea Party and court us Independents and the minority voters, they will never again win the Pres election. They'll keep House control forever due to gerrymandering, but President? Forget it.

    Face it, Hillary is a weak retread, too. This is her 2nd try. She was in the WH for 8 years.
    WHITEWATER. Can't we have someone NEW?

    And I feel TERRIBLE as a feminist for saying that; Hillary is from Chicago, she's smart, educated, driven. But, she speaketh with forked tongue and I don't like her. I don't trust her. I like Warren or Stein a LOT more.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-13-2015 at 09:44 PM.

  18. #18
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    Can you image for a second having Warren as POTUS?
    The right would literally go insane. They think Obama is a communist? They haven't seen nothing. Warren is so far off to the left compared to Obama.
    Problem is what would Warren do without controlling the Senate?

    Anyways, how much is Rand Paul polling these days? Does he have shot at winning the primaries?

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    I dunno, wayyy too early, people are too sick of the November election to care, yet.

    But Rand Paul might do really well in a primary with geezers like Romney and Bush. And if Clinton is the snooze Dem frontrunner, I think you'd see a lot of Independents swinging over to Rand Paul.

  20. #20
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    Clinton would likely need a VP nom like Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders to get over huge, and I doubt she'd make a choice like that. Democrats are way too center and "safe" anymore.
    Last edited by Swykk; 01-14-2015 at 11:46 AM.

  21. #21
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    I hope the Republican primaries are even crazier this time around. Also, has Bush the second ruined the Bush name? Most people outside the States hate him. But in the US there seems to be a section of conservatives who love him. Is it big enough to give him a serious chance if he runs?

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    Quote Originally Posted by icecream View Post
    Also, has Bush the second ruined the Bush name?
    Technically, W isn't "Bush the 2nd" since he has a different middle name than his dad. Dad is George Herbert Walker Bush. And, no, there are a lot of people here who view Jeb a lot differently, in a more positive light. Actually, lots of Americans still view George HW in a very positive light.

    See this:

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Jeb Bush is NOT his brother, and has a lot of Latinos in Florida behind him. He could totally run away with this. And I wouldn't think it would be as horrible as Romney. Go figure.

    But, yeah, I've seen a lot of statistical studies showing that unless Republicans clean up their act and ditch the Tea Party and court us Independents and the minority voters, they will never again win the Pres election. They'll keep House control forever due to gerrymandering, but President? Forget it.

    Face it, Hillary is a weak retread, too. This is her 2nd try. She was in the WH for 8 years.
    WHITEWATER. Can't we have someone NEW?

    And I feel TERRIBLE as a feminist for saying that; Hillary is from Chicago, she's smart, educated, driven. But, she speaketh with forked tongue and I don't like her. I don't trust her. I like Warren or Stein a LOT more.
    A recent poll has Clinton ahead with Latino voters in Florida:

    Bush may have done well with Hispanic voters when running for governor, but I really question whether he will be able to carry the state, much less enough of the electorate to get to 270. Bush may do better among Hispanics than Romney, but will it be enough to matter?

    And yes, this is Hillary's second run--but she almost did win the nomination in 2008. In fact, going by the popular vote (excluding states that held caucuses), she received more votes than Obama. Since leaving the senate she's served as Secretary of State. Romney is a one term governor and has already run for president twice and failed. Neither Bush nor Romney has held office since 2007--which makes them more of a retread than Clinton.

    And no one really gave a shit about Whitewater in 1993, much less 2016. And they all speak with a forked tongue--they're politicians, except for maybe Carter.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 01-14-2015 at 05:50 PM.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    A recent poll has Clinton ahead with Latino voters in Florida:

    Bush may have done well with Hispanic voters when running for governor, but I really question whether he will be able to carry the state, much less enough of the electorate to get to 270. Bush may do better among Hispanics than Romney, but will it be enough to matter?

    And yes, this is Hillary's second run--but she almost did win the nomination in 2008. In fact, going by the popular vote (excluding states that held caucuses), she received more votes than Obama. Since leaving the senate she's served as Secretary of State. Romney is a one term governor and has already run for president twice and failed. Neither Bush nor Romney has held office since 2007--which makes them more of a retread than Clinton.

    And no one really gave a shit about Whitewater in 1993, much less 2016. And they all speak with a forked tongue--they're politicians, except for maybe Carter.
    I still think it's way too early to take any polls seriously.

    I realize that they're all politicians, yes, but some lie more than others. And Whitewater, us OLD voters remember it, it was an example of legacy.

    Hillary is gonna get BURIED this time around due to that stupid Benghazi spin job the Republicans are doing; they're gonna use it against her BIGTIME, and it's probably going to work because it's enough to form a shadow of a doubt of bad PR in Americans' minds. This will just make it easier for voters to vote for the other candidate, so she ain't a good primary choice for the Dems.

    I'm an Independent (although I was a card-carrying Democrat for nearly 20 years), so I would much rather see an Independent like Sanders run, himself, but that ain't likely.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-14-2015 at 07:11 PM.

  25. #25
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    I disagree. Benghazi is old news. Yeah, the Republicans will bring it up, but it won't work. Anyone worked up about that probably wouldn't have voted for her anyway. Come November 2016 people will be thinking about jobs and the economy, not Benghazi or Whitewater or Monica Lewinsky or any other scandal the Drudge Report or Fox News tries to make hay over.

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    We'll see ... they love to dig up dirt, they've been spinning that Benghazi bullshit before she even had an inkling about running, just in case. They have it in their arsenal. It's gonna be in every single fucking debate. Because they need some ammo.

    Actually, now that Chelsea had a baby and Hillary went underground, I'm wondering if Hillary has changed her mind and has decided not to even run at all.

    I wish Jill Stein would run as a Democrat so she might actually WIN.

    I think the big subject won't be jobs and the economy, it will be IMMIGRATION, college tuitions, mortgages, and TAXES. I think the American public is finally figuring out that Presidents can't create jobs and these politicians are lying blowhards.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-14-2015 at 07:22 PM.

  27. #27
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    I would be shocked if she doesn't run. Romney is a grandparent too, doesn't seem to stop his ambitions.

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    Maybe Hillary realizes that being so driven means you never get to spend ANY time with your family, and she's not getting any younger and fuck it, have some fun. SERIOUSLY, WHO'D WANT THAT FUCKING JOB? Everybody who has it comes out of it looking like shit and pretty much being hated. It doesn't look like fun, to me. Just so you can have a fucking library?

    Ann Romney REALLY DIDN'T WANT Mitt to run for President, she has M.S., she is a breast cancer survivor, but Mitt's a selfish dick with a Bucket List, so ... yeah ...

    (Also, Hillary "almost won" the DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY; we really have no idea how she'd do in an election against a Republican, we haven't seen that, yet, natch.)

    I wonder if Michelle Obama will pull a whammy and throw her hat into the ring.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-14-2015 at 07:42 PM.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Maybe Hillary realizes that being so driven means you never get to spend ANY time with your family, and she's not getting any younger and fuck it, have some fun. SERIOUSLY, WHO'D WANT THAT FUCKING JOB? Everybody who has it comes out of it looking like shit and pretty much being hated. It doesn't look like fun, to me. Just so you can have a fucking library?

    Ann Romney REALLY DIDN'T WANT Mitt to run for President, she has M.S., she is a breast cancer survivor, but Mitt's a selfish dick with a Bucket List, so ... yeah ...

    (Also, Hillary "almost won" the DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY; we really have no idea how she'd do in an election against a Republican, we haven't seen that, yet, natch.)

    I wonder if Michelle Obama will pull a whammy and throw her hat into the ring.
    All signs point to Hillary running, as her team is gearing up for a 2016 campaign. For example, John Podesta, Bill Clinton's former chief of staff and a top Obama adviser is leaving the White House next month, in order to be part of Hillary Clinton's inner circle. And you're right, there is no way to know how Clinton would have done had she been the nominee in 2008. My sense is she also would have beaten McCain. The American people had had enough of Bush/Cheney at that point and were ready to have the opposition party in power.

  30. #30
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    I'm a straight ticket yellow dog democrat.

    But like @allegro , i don't trust Clinton.
    I supported her until she made that statement about dodging bullets while trying to get on her plane in bosnia.

    Here is a list of things she has lied about.

    Don't get me wrong, y'all. I WILL vote for whoever we run.
    I just hope we can come up with someone better.

    That being said, when we talk about the republican party being splintered, that's great. It's wonderful.
    But at the end of the day, won't they come out and vote for whomever their party is running?

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