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Thread: Next Alien movie to no longer be directed by Neill Blomkamp

  1. #1
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    Next Alien movie to no longer be directed by Neill Blomkamp

    This is an awesone news.

    This what the Alien franchise needs. I'm excited just to think about the trailer.

  2. #2
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    Really hope he disregards films 3 & 4 and does a proper sequel to Aliens. I know the huge time difference but that could be fixed if they were either floating out in space long enough or they were found and seperated/imprisoned and are released because of some new Alien threat etc.

    Great news regardless!

  3. #3
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    Blomkamp's Elysium was hit or miss for me, but I really liked District 9 and he is one of the most interesting choices for the franchise right now. I'm not sure if he could pull it off, but after the last couple films in the franchise turned out to be so poor, I'm more inclined to give a wildman a chance at it and see what happens. Whether he knocks it out of the park or kills the franchise(and he's capable of doing both), its going to be an interesting ride.

  4. #4
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    Yeah... I dont really think he is that great and i dont really think the franchise is that great. As a whole i sincerely like 2 maybe 3 of the movies (i like requiem, stfu).

    I havent seen district 9, which admittedly is the one to see apparently. But that new one Chappie looks to continue elysiums annoying legacy of being heavy handed and trite.

  5. #5
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    Ugh I'm not sure whether to be excited or nauseated. Alien = Flawless. Aliens = Bug action flick. The rest = stab out my eyeballs.

  6. #6
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    If it's in par w/ the first 2 films, I'll probably go see it although I kinda liked Alien: Resurrection for its look and its ensemble cast. Alien 3 was terrible.

  7. #7
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    Blomkamp is a very interesting choice (I like D9 but not Elysium), and some of that concept art he shared is very, very cool - though I couldn't get behind Ripley with that xeno-suit. Maybe I didn't get it? Anyway, if they bring back Michael Biehn/Hicks somehow (retcon the slap-in-the-face that Alien 3 is if necessary), then I am abso-fucking-lutely on board.
    Last edited by Deadpool; 02-18-2015 at 11:09 PM.

  8. #8
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    For me, Alien 3 should've had Ripley fighting the aliens with Hicks once the Weyland corporation's attempt to weaponize the aliens have gone bad while Newt would still be in the story but safely as she is back home with family which only adds Ripley need to fight the aliens so she can come back home to Newt.

  9. #9
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    Alien 3 was brilliant and 4 was ok until the hybrid showed up.

    How does this new film correlate with supposed Ridley's Prometheus sequel?

  10. #10
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    I hope its a horror film!

  11. #11
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    Soon as I saw this I was very excited, specially seeing who is directing it. I read there wont be any Xenomorphs in it though, that would be weird if true.

    Side note, I thought Alien 3 was very under rated.
    Last edited by Rdm; 02-19-2015 at 04:05 AM.

  12. #12
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    I'm pretty sure the Xenomorph will be in it, it's Ridley Scott who wants to ommit it completely for Prometheus 2 which he will be still directing and which will have no connection to Blomkamps Alien movie.

    This could turn out great as many have claimed, but also could ultimately flaw (see Prometheus which had an asskicking art direction aswell). With Sigourney in it, it's bound to be at least a tiny tad good like Resurrection.

    I'll see this either way as I'm a sucker for all things Alien. I just hope it's not becoming to gimmicky like the last AvP comics and doesn't get over the top with mutations and stuff, but focusing on the Alien and maybe even on the Engineers a bit.
    The problem with this franchise IMHO is that there are too many people throwing their ideas into the mix and every movie after Aliens looked like some kind of fan fiction that didn't really blend with the first movie. I love Alien³ for its style and design and Resurrection for its tone aswell. The AvP movies were horrible and Prometheus only had the Engineer design and Fassbender going for it in my opinion. Yet the first movie is where it's at.

  13. #13
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    According to Ridley Scott, the new Alien movie, produced by his company, will take place AFTER the events of the Prometheus trilogy.


  14. #14
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    (after watching District 9) YAY!!!

    (after watching Elysium) NAY!!!

  15. #15
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    I guess I'm the only one who likes Elysium. It's not as good as District 9, and the ending was disappointing, but I thought the positives outweighed the negatives. I'm on the fence about Chappie. Although I think having Blomkamp directing the new Alien movie is a step in the right direction.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    (after watching District 9) YAY!!!

    (after watching Elysium) NAY!!!
    I'm waiting until I see Chappie to go one way or another on it. Altogether though he has a strong visual style and if he's not the one producing the script I think it could be really fantastic. He co-wrote D9 whereas Elysium was a solo effort and it showed in the writing; Chappie has his wife back co-writing as she did on D9. If Scott is making the script for the new Alien, who knows; he's such a hit or miss now that I have no clue what to expect.

    Honestly I am just happy to see the series continue and to see a director get attached who is genuinely passionate about it and not a generic hired gun.

  17. #17
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    Elysium's biggest problem was the story, so full of plot holes and dumb dialogue, but i think Blomkamp is a talented guy, i just hope he sticks to directing and art direction and someone else does the script, because the movie has great potential to be awesome but this could go either way...

  18. #18
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    I was reading an article in the paper saying how he likely had a lot of creative control stripped from him by the studio in order to have Matt Damon in it, which is why it ended up the mess it was. That's similar to how Alien 3 was supposed to be Fincher's big breakout film but Fox fucked him at every turn. That said, I enjoyed Alien 3 for what it was, a sort of return to the first film with one creature and a horror aspect, a good cap-off to the trilogy. It could have been great but it wasn't.

    I'm excited to see what Blomkamp does with it, because I loved District 9. I just hope he doesn't continue his predilection for giant guns that turn people into soup. It was fun in District 9 but got tiresome in Elysium. He needs to get a copy of the Colonial Marines Technical Manual and study it well. Oh, and he needs to stay as far as he can away from the Colonial Marines game. Ugh, what a mess THAT was...

  19. #19
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    I'm pretty sure colonial marines has been stripped of its cannon status

  20. #20
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    I think the Assembly Cut for Alien 3 is great, and doesn't get the love it deserves from the general public.

    Colonial Marines, on the other hand, oof. That was shite. I really liked Alien Isolation. It made the alien scary again.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    The problem with this franchise IMHO is that there are too many people throwing their ideas into the mix and every movie after Aliens looked like some kind of fan fiction that didn't really blend with the first movie.
    Indeed! In fact, even Aliens is sort of fan-fiction to Alien ("Hey, Alien was good, just imagine: More Aliens! More Guns!"). The franchise is really branching out, almost like cheap horror movies or the Ultima roleplaying games. I mean, there are the main movies, the comics/expanded universe, Alien vs. Predator, and now the prequel/s. A bit ridiculous.

    I bet Blomkamp will include some social commentary in the movie, that's what he likes to do. Maybe the Weyland-Yutani corporation will play a bigger role.

  22. #22
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    I kinda like that comic quality to the sequels, though... Like every iteration is a version on the universe. Too bad the quality isn't really there, but fundamentally I love the fact that none of them are hardcore sequels. I take them all as side projects from different authors...

  23. #23
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    That's also a way to look and it and while I'm all for branching out the quality really isn't there like you pointed out. But the whole expanded universe of Alien is essentially the very first thing die hard Alien fans have to fear. Of course the series first step into this downhill ride began with Aliens as that was the point where the Alien became a bug and not a sole predator. Yet the theme of the Alien being a weapon of mass destruction to erase entire planets was inherent with the first movie as well.

    Well, things aside... this will be interesting and Blomkamp might very well be one of the guys to revive this or at least put a thrilling spin to the series!

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by henryeatscereal View Post
    Elysium's biggest problem was the story, so full of plot holes and dumb dialogue
    lets not forget the cut and slash editing

  25. #25
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    Blomkamp's movie will ignore Alien 3 and Resurrection.

    "I want this film to feel like it's literally the genetic sibling of Aliens... So it's Alien, Aliens, and then this movie."

    I am so down with this.
    Awaiting the inevitable casting of Michael Biehn.

  26. #26
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    It seems like Chappie flopped with the critics: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/chappie/

    I saw the trailer and can't say I didn't see this coming. Tired, re-hashed formula. Quoting one of those film critics, he's approaching M. Night Shyamalan territory (great first film, mediocre second one, terrible third film).

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    Chappie is pretty decent (and sort of surreal if you like die antwoord), I think as long as the plot/script are halfway decent, then the NB alien movie will be fine. Really the basic plot, cast and production design is all there is to these films. The script doesn't have to be brilliant but it can't be laughable. People do get a bit up themselves sometimes & forget that Alien doesn't exactly have an amazing script (plenty of howlers).

    I think Alien 3 was poor compared to the first 2, but it at least had the vibe right, resurrection and the AVP movies felt like they were set in a different universe. Prometheus for all it's faults definitely had a bit of the 1979 movie's vibe to it. Resurrection was just appalling BTW... Aliens that are basically raptors, zero atmosphere, lame moments of light relief, general ridiculousness - ripley's tenuous flash gordon resurrection, bouncing bullets off pipes to shoot some guard who surely would have shot you anyway given what's just happened... I felt insulted by how shit it was!

  29. #29
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    I remember loving Alien 3 at the time.

    I don't think I've seen it since. I can't fault Aliens: it's a kick-ass movie. James Cameron was great before he started getting ideas above his station.

    Alien Resurrection was a travesty. On paper it could have worked, but as my friend points out: it never would have worked. Aliens universe is a fundamentally "realistic" one (he calls it grey sci fi or something). Jeunet and Caro are fantasy artists, who play with the grotesque and the flamboyant and weird and the picturesque, and clearly the two modes did not successfully meet. Also Joss Whedon is completely awful. + Cute aliens no thanks.

    Never saw any AVP movie, nor do I want to. The first two Predator movies were good, but come on: the Predator does not belong in the same universe as Aliens. The Alien franchise - even the first movie - transcended whatever schlocky b-movie roots it may have had. Predator never did. And Predators was awful.

    I enjoyed Prometheus in spite of its flaws and wish that Ridley Scott would concentrate on the obvious sequel instead of making whitewashed biblical movies and Blader Runner sequels.

    But seriously all we want to see is xenomorphs let loose on Earth: on the civilian population of Earth. And they keep denying us this simple wish...I don't get it.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    But seriously all we want to see is xenomorphs let loose on Earth: on the civilian population of Earth. And they keep denying us this simple wish...I don't get it.
    Because, in my opinion, aliens work better in a claustrophobic setting. Either you treat it like a zombie movie/start of infestation film and it loses the point, either you're doing an end of times film about doomed humanity, and you're basically making yet another alien film, with the cosmetic change that the setting is earth... Well, I'm no screenwriter, so there may be a way to make it interesting, but the twist is, the studio won't let anything interesting happen to that franchise, I'm afraid. The AVP movies are proof of that.
    And Alien 3 really hasn't aged gracefully...

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