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Thread: Grand Theft Auto

  1. #391
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    What song(s) on the radio do you feel goofy for liking? I'll go first. Convoy by CW McCall.

  2. #392
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    Looks like the stimulus went through last night, but instead of 2 payment of 250k they just dumped 500k in one drop. More than a few people have had 1.25mil deposits in error...makes you wonder who is in charge of quality control over there.

  3. #393
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    Shit I wish I got 1.25 mil lol

  4. #394
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    I got $20 and a handgun :/

  5. #395
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    All my weapons are gone. I'm getting fucking tired of shit mysteriously disappearing. This only aggravates me because I found out too late when some asshole just randomly attacked me when I was trying to get my mechanic to bring me a car.

  6. #396
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    All my weapons are gone. I'm getting fucking tired of shit mysteriously disappearing. This only aggravates me because I found out too late when some asshole just randomly attacked me when I was trying to get my mechanic to bring me a car.
    After my stimulus and buying a garage/apartment, I'm so done with the multiplayer on this game.

  7. #397
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    I only play if friends are on and we roll together, playing alone is a snooze fest.


  8. #398
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    Lost half my garage today and other cars reset to ones that were previously sold. First bug for me and it's a big one.
    500,000 doesn't even half cover what I lost. Pfft. Roll out Stimulus Package 2.0 with patch 1.06

  9. #399
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    Quote Originally Posted by raygunprimed View Post
    Lost half my garage today and other cars reset to ones that were previously sold. First bug for me and it's a big one.
    500,000 doesn't even half cover what I lost. Pfft. Roll out Stimulus Package 2.0 with patch 1.06
    Patch 1.05 is a joke. It made lobbies emptier, caused the game to freeze up even more, I also lost my entire garage the other day and they keep nerfing the pay of all the missions to such low amounts that you'll never be able to aquire anything worthwhile unless you pretty much live online. I've been playing since day one trying to be legit because I didn't want to be one of "those people"...but after R* made it so hard to acquire anything and after I lost all my cars I made my own stimulus.

    1. Get a car thats resale worth is under 50K. I'm using an Oracle
    2. Upgrade the crap out of that thing, dump every dollar you have into upgrading everything to the max value. (chrome it out, expensive rims, the 25k horn adds a lot to the resale value)
    3. Park it outside of Los Santos Customs
    4. Start > Online > Options > Spawn location > Last Location (you can do this inside or outside of the car, doesn't matter)
    5. Start > Leave GTA Online
    6. Start > Online > Join Session

    1. Drive your car into Los Santos Customs
    2. Sell > Sell Vehicle > Are you sure? ::::: As SOON as you confirm:::::
    3. Start > Online > Swap Character > Confirm
    4. Select the character you sold the car with
    5. You'll spawn either inside or right outside LSC in the car you just sold and you'll have the money you got for selling it.
    6. Repeat 1-4 till you're rich or bored
    (I maxed out the oracle with the highest priced accessory in every category so now i'm able to sell it for a cool $101k every 3 minutes with this method.)

    TIP: Not quite sure of the location on the map but the LSC underneath the overpass in the grimy construction type area respawns you inside of LSC 8 times out of 10 so you don't have to keep driving back there to sell again.
    Last edited by tony.parente; 11-10-2013 at 02:31 PM.

  10. #400
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    Man, sorry to hear all the fuck-ups that have occurred to players as a result of the latest patch. I was paranoid of this, so, worked to earn platinum well before this fucked-up patch. Since it's still fairly new, managed to get $50 in trade, so, basically played the entire game for $10. Not too
    Last edited by Ruined; 11-10-2013 at 01:22 PM. Reason: meh

  11. #401
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruined View Post
    I was paranoid of this, so, worked to earn platinum well before this fucked-up patch.

    What? How? When? How long? How on earth are you max rank and have been able to beat everything 100% to completion for all trophies and well...everything. The fact I've never 100%'d any game on either console just goes to show me how lousy I truly am. I suck at GTA to be completely honest so not too surprised I won't even get 1/3rd of the tasks done. Crazy how people like you can get it all done in 2 months and I can have this game for 4 years and I still wouldn't be able to. damn crazy, even though achievements don't truly mater entirely for my experience.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 11-10-2013 at 03:25 PM.

  12. #402
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    You're right tony.parente
    Patch 1.05 was supposed to fix players losing content and instead it took content I worked hard to get. Ugh.
    Missions do pay fuck all and race grinding is the way I'm making my money back. I will try your idea out though, like yourself,
    resorting to dirty deeds just doesn't feel right.

  13. #403
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    Sorry for the basic questions.
    1) if I replay an early heist and make a lot more money than my first time, does that benefit my current game, or is it just for fun?
    2) whats a tip or two to get started in multiplayer? I got the stimulus package. Should I buy a car or apartment?

  14. #404
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    What? How? When? How long? How on earth are you max rank and have been able to beat everything 100% to completion for all trophies and well...everything. The fact I've never 100%'d any game on either console just goes to show me how lousy I truly am. I suck at GTA to be completely honest so not too surprised I won't even get 1/3rd of the tasks done. Crazy how people like you can get it all done in 2 months and I can have this game for 4 years and I still wouldn't be able to. damn crazy, even though achievements don't truly mater entirely for my experience.
    It took a lot of work and I was lucky to have friends to work on the MP trophies. I'm not a hacker or anything special; I'm just pretty good at being stubborn with certain games. Aside from the MP trophies (which require team-work), the rest are doable. As you mentioned, it's mainly time grinding. Some were surprisingly forgiving: For example, you only have to earn 70 golds on missions/stranger missions when I think there are about 120 total (very rough guess). In all, it could have been worse by making one earn gold on every mission/stranger mission. It was a lot of fun and that's the point, after all. Good game.

  15. #405
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    Quote Originally Posted by ericy210 View Post
    Sorry for the basic questions.
    1) if I replay an early heist and make a lot more money than my first time, does that benefit my current game, or is it just for fun?
    2) whats a tip or two to get started in multiplayer? I got the stimulus package. Should I buy a car or apartment?
    2nded. How do you even buy a house online?

  16. #406
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    Buy a cheap six car garage near a spray paint shop. Then save your bucks and don't buy anything expensive until the bugs have been sorted. Just choose races that have the custom setting turned off. Apartments are nice if you like to watch your avatar shower, smoke weed, drink shots, watch crappy TV and drink some wheat grass.
    Use your phone to access the realty web site, pick a place and there's an option to mark it on your GPS.
    One thing I HATE are aggressive players who continually try to crash other cars in races. If you want rough and tough go GTA style race or vehicle death match.
    Rubbin' is racin' sure. Driving around the track in reverse to crash into other players is lame.

  17. #407
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    Quote Originally Posted by ericy210 View Post
    Sorry for the basic questions.
    1) if I replay an early heist and make a lot more money than my first time, does that benefit my current game, or is it just for fun?
    2) whats a tip or two to get started in multiplayer? I got the stimulus package. Should I buy a car or apartment?
    1) nope, they're just for fun.
    2) Do both. Get the cheapest Richards Majestic apartment (around $250k IIRC), it can store 10 cars and it's like 20 seconds from an LS Customs shop. Spend the rest on a car and mod the shit out of it. If you're into racing, the most common online seem to be Sports car races, so get something between 100-500k and mod it as best you can (I bought the 9F for 120k). First place in races pay out a lot, you'll make your money back in no time. Winning rewards are based on the average level of all the players in a race, I'm level 50 and playing with other people between 50 and 60 gets about $10k for first place, as long as there are at least 5 or 6 people in the race.

    Unfortunately my Live expired a few weeks ago so I haven't got my stimulus package yet, but since I've already got the car and apartment I like, I'm probably going to spend the rest on upgrading my current vehicles and upgrading my guns. I mostly play races but when I'm in a deathmatch with my I'm essentially useless because my best weapons are the AK-47 and MP5, with no upgrades. Even in free roam, if someone tries to attack me I have almost no chance of surviving unless I'm in my car and drive away as fast as I can.

    Quote Originally Posted by bruised View Post
    2nded. How do you even buy a house online?

    Go to the internet on your phone, there should be an ad on the right for "eye find real estate" or something like that, then find the place you want. Either that or find the place while you're out and about and walk up to the "for sale" sign.

    Quote Originally Posted by raygunprimed View Post
    Apartments are nice if you like to watch your avatar shower, smoke weed, drink shots, watch crappy TV and drink some wheat grass.
    Best thing about the TV is you can watch other players. Put a $9000 bounty on them or spend $7500 for the mercenaries and watch them fight for their lives. Even better if they have a mic and you send the mercenaries, you can hear them going "what the fuck? who are these guys? I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WHY ARE THEY SHOOTING ME WHAT THE FUCK I'M DEAD WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!"
    Last edited by ibanez33; 11-11-2013 at 01:26 AM.

  18. #408
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibanez33 View Post
    Best thing about the TV is you can watch other players. Put a $9000 bounty on them or spend $7500 for the mercenaries and watch them fight for their lives. Even better if they have a mic and you send the mercenaries, you can hear them going "what the fuck? who are these guys? I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WHY ARE THEY SHOOTING ME WHAT THE FUCK I'M DEAD WHAT HAPPENED!?!?!"
    WTF, you can watch other players in the same session? I did not know this, I just guessed that it was the same as Story Mode. I must try it.
    I don't use headsets/mics. Real life social anxiety creeps into everything. I have found a few people who are the same, just use the msg system and subtle signs in-game.
    I can see how this would be a pain in the arse for Team Deathmatches, usually I follow other players and go into cover near them to cover all angles or go lone wolf.
    Passive mode is great when you can still get shot while in a vehicle, or run over /sarcasm.

    Has anyone else seen that cash cards are available now? Roughly $20 AUD will get you $1,250,000 iirc.
    No Rock*. Your bugs will only eat it all up like real life credit card fees.

  19. #409
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    Quote Originally Posted by raygunprimed View Post
    WTF, you can watch other players in the same session? I did not know this, I just guessed that it was the same as Story Mode. I must try it.
    I don't use headsets/mics. Real life social anxiety creeps into everything. I have found a few people who are the same, just use the msg system and subtle signs in-game.
    I can see how this would be a pain in the arse for Team Deathmatches, usually I follow other players and go into cover near them to cover all angles or go lone wolf.
    Passive mode is great when you can still get shot while in a vehicle, or run over /sarcasm.

    Has anyone else seen that cash cards are available now? Roughly $20 AUD will get you $1,250,000 iirc.
    No Rock*. Your bugs will only eat it all up like real life credit card fees.
    Yup, I don't usually make conversation with other players unless they start talking to me first but I still love listening to everyone rambling when they're going on a rampage or whatever. I wish they would change Passive mode so that the only things that could hurt you are cops or environmental damage. If you're in a vehicle it should be considered an extension of your character, so if you're in passive mode your car can't get shot up and other players hitting you with their car shouldn't do damage.

    I had no idea cash cards were online. I've got a few microsoft points burning a hole in my Live pocket, I might as well put them towards getting some GTA $ when I renew my Live account in a few weeks.

  20. #410
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    I wish Rally Racing wasn't an achievement, I have no mic and no desire to get one. They really need to sort out the damn personal vehicle stuff though, getting fined tens of thousands for self defence is bullshit.

  21. #411
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    I have a whole other pile of bones to pick with rally racing, but what to do you mean about the personal vehicles and having to pay tens of thousands for self defense? car repairs are only a few hundred, if someone destroys your car they pay the insurance, and hospital bills got cut from $2,000 down to $500 just a few weeks ago.

  22. #412
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    Yeah, if I destroy someone's car because they're hunting me down/griefing and they're in a high end vehicle, I can lose a fuckton. They should at least mark other player's personal cars so we know not to destroy them or something.

    And rally racing is just terrible, tried it as driver once and I think the only way to do it is to be psychic

  23. #413
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    Quote Originally Posted by sheepdean View Post
    Yeah, if I destroy someone's car because they're hunting me down/griefing and they're in a high end vehicle, I can lose a fuckton. They should at least mark other player's personal cars so we know not to destroy them or something.

    And rally racing is just terrible, tried it as driver once and I think the only way to do it is to be psychic
    Ooooh I see what you mean. Yeah, I think as soon as you inflict damage on another player you should get a wanted level, and that players with active wanted levels should be able to be killed by other players with no repercussions.

    I've had 2 successful rally races and they were fucking amazing, but there should definitely be a way to weed out the players that don't have mics. I hate when you hit "quick race", don't have a mic in, and then it's a rally race so you have to quit and get points toward being branded a bad sport. They should just be their own thing, so when you search for a rally race or some other thing that *requires* a mic your're given a prompt like "say Grand Theft Auto to continue" so that ONLY people with mics can get into those specific team games.

  24. #414
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    I really hope they expand the main game more, sure DLC for online with heists will be fun, but I prefer the single player game, and don't want to have to find 5-10 people who have free time to do complex heists just for the payoff - I'd much rather do more rampages with Trevor or expand on the aliens or something

  25. #415
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    Yes! A Body Harvest GTA would be fantastic. Stand alone DLC like Undead Nightmare.

  26. #416
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    Hey raygun and Ibanez, thanks for all the guidance!
    Last edited by ericy210; 11-11-2013 at 07:47 PM.

  27. #417
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    The Rally trophy was definitely a pain since my friend and I rarely, if ever, found one. However, randomly, we happened upon a glitch that pops the passenger trophy and counts toward the Numero Uno trophy....Glitch description, below:

    My friend and I chose the Criminal Records map, chose a car, set the game for rally, left every other option as it was (e.g., laps, etc.) and merely got through the first check point (you don't need a mic, you'll hear it ping as you move forward on the track). After the first ping, for some reason, I accidentally switched my character, using the character choice wheel, to one of the single-player characters (like Trevor). Again, I was the driver during this session, with my friend as the rally passenger. Soon after, my friend exclaimed that the passive driver/passenger trophy popped (after I was switched from our online session, to my single player session). So, you can repeat that by switching who is driver and passenger and get the trophy to pop for both of you (by repeating the same steps). Again, I usually avoid glitches, but, seriously, we could not find anyone to play a legit rally game. Most people do standard races. NOTE: This was done before the latest patch, so, I'm not sure if it's been patched. However, I have not seen anyone describe this glitch on any other forums/youtube, so, I don't know that it's widely known (I helped a few people on my friends list by repeating the glitch for them, as well). Good luck if you try it.

  28. #418
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    Jsyk, if you use exploits like that and R* catch you, they will wreck your account, freeze your funds, dump you with a semi-permanent dunce's hat and force you into super bad sports only worlds for a veryyyy long time

  29. #419
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    Yeah, I heard about that. I find it highly unlikely that Rockstar has the staff to actually find all but the most egregious offenders. For fuck's sake, they've had to spend all their time fixing their game. So, unless you're one of those idiots who exploited glitches to literally bank $1 billion or reach level 771 (seriously, saw that back in October), nothing is going to happen. But, either way, I'm done with the game: It was a lot of fun working all the missions, etc., toward the platinum trophy. I was lucky enough to take advantage of a PS4 trade-in deal, getting $50 in trade, a week ago. So basically, I got the game for $10 and had hours of fun playing it.

  30. #420
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    so I finally dove into this game, and while I'm loving it, that torture sequence went a little too far. Was that really necessary?

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