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Thread: The Flash!

  1. #61
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    Yeah surprised they went with that ending of episode 1 of the crossover. The way he went out was dumb but so is almost everything with these shows.

    the cameo from the Batman 1989 world gave me a gigantic grin.

    Black Lightning even got into the mix on last night's episode. Switched it up a bit from the normal doom & gloom of this season to...different doom & gloom haha.

    Thought it was odd that Superman & Lois just gave up and jettisoned their kid off planet and retreated. You'd think Superman would have tried to do something to prevent the anti-matter spread even if it was for naught.

    Can someone explain why the two Supermen fought for 5 seconds and then it was over?!? What did Lex do and why?

  2. #62
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    The Batwoman episode last night was absolutely fantastic

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  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    Can someone explain why the two Supermen fought for 5 seconds and then it was over?!? What did Lex do and why?
    Given that he had that book and tried to eliminate all Supermen from existence i guess he just wanted some sick semblance of entertainment before going further with his plans? Of course since his goal wasn't completely fulfilled, the latest episode in the crossover shows us that he went and messed about in a different way.

  4. #64
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    This is essentially the CW DC Show thread right? Ok great.

    Flash season ended as ho hum as possible b/c show production was halted bc of CV. Not their fault of course, but man did most of the long running storylines this season not end up delivering (not woman in the mirror storyline is a pile of shit...at least that attempt at a big fight at the end was cool). Hopefully they correct things a bit when they come back.

    Speaking of coming back, CW has said to not expect any new episodes of their superhero shows (or maybe all shows?) until January. I think we're gonna see alot more of that, but other networks aren't being as open as the CW is at this point.

    Batwoman sucked but I kept watching hoping the world would expand and things might go in a different direction eventually. Nope, we just got all these uninteresting twists & turns with her sister Alice and her minions over and over and over. And then randomly they introduced a not-comic-book-origin-accurate-at-all version of Hush as someone she was in cahoots with. Why? I dunno. Who cares? Does it matter? At least he looked cool.

    And now Ruby Rose is out. Just peaces out of the show that is completely built around her. Hilarious. I hope the showrunners take this opportunity to start fresh w/a different take on both Batwoman & the conflicts she will have in the future. I can't take any more Alice bullshit. Please kill her off & have Batwoman fight interesting villains, preferably with powers.

    Let's talk Stargirl eh? Anyone else watch the pilot? I thought it was GREAT! If you like comic books and superheroes (especially if you're a DC nerd, watch the first 4 minutes of the pilot right here and tell me you didn't get pumped:

    The feel, tone and budget of the show is a major upgrade from your standard CW fare. I found out after watching that this is b/c it's a DC Universe show first. New episodes are on the app on Mondays, and then CW gets them on Tuesdays. Don't get me wrong, the show isn't grim & gritty like Swamp Thing or Titans. This is still a show targeted towards a young audience, with Stargirl starting at a new HS in a new state in the pilot and will clearly be going through HS growing pains, teen angst etc. But it's also a fantastic love letter to the Golden Age. How can you not love that the JSA & Injustice Society are gonna factor into this heavily? That was handled pretty well above, bc of Geoff Johns firmly behind the scenes here.

    The show looks great, has some relatively big names in it with Luke Wilson & Amy Smart (who were both solid in the pilot), feels different than the other CW DC shows, and was just alot of fun. Cool cliffhanger at the end too. I believe this world is in it's own universe like Black Lightning, but I'm sure can and will crossover with the rest of the CW shows when the time is right. Looking forward to more.

  5. #65
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    Stargirl episode #2 was another good one. We're really going to see alot of the old & new JSA, as well as the Injustice Society. So fun. The CGI for S.T.R.I.P.E. is solid so far too.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    And now Ruby Rose is out. Just peaces out of the show that is completely built around her. Hilarious.
    I believe Ruby Rose left the show because of a serious neck injury she suffered during filming.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by wizfan View Post
    I believe Ruby Rose left the show because of a serious neck injury she suffered during filming.
    That happened early on. She got hurt, got better and finished the season. She left bc apparently she was a nightmare to deal with. She did not adjust well to being in Vancouver and the grueling hours filming a long TV season requires. She was pissing everyone off related to the show, and they all came to a mutual decision she should go.

  8. #68
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    I guess I'm the only one here watching Stargirl. Season finale was INSANE. So much great superhero action scenes with basically every character on the show. Full on fights for minutes at a time with everyone using all their powers btwn all the heros and villains. Grundy was let loose, people died, and alot of other shit went down. I really hope they keep the production values up for the second season, which has been announced to on ly be on the CW, as it becomes clear the DC app is going away. Please keep this show's budget and writing above the CW standard we have come to expect from lesser shows like Flash & Batwoman.

    Watch this show people!

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    I guess I'm the only one here watching Stargirl. Season finale was INSANE. So much great superhero action scenes with basically every character on the show. Full on fights for minutes at a time with everyone using all their powers btwn all the heros and villains. Grundy was let loose, people died, and alot of other shit went down. I really hope they keep the production values up for the second season, which has been announced to on ly be on the CW, as it becomes clear the DC app is going away. Please keep this show's budget and writing above the CW standard we have come to expect from lesser shows like Flash & Batwoman.

    Watch this show people!
    I'll give it a shot. I finished Harley Quinn and Titans, and was pondering whether to watch Doom Patrol or Swamp Thing next, as Stargirl just didn't look all that interesting to me, but if it's as high value as you claim, I'm sure to dig it.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wight Rabbit View Post
    I'll give it a shot. I finished Harley Quinn and Titans, and was pondering whether to watch Doom Patrol or Swamp Thing next, as Stargirl just didn't look all that interesting to me, but if it's as high value as you claim, I'm sure to dig it.
    I haven't watched Doom Patrol yet, but I think that is a weightier watch than Stargirl and possibly a better show bc of the chances it takes. Stargirl is great, but it's still standard superhero fare and def. plays with lots of familiar tropes and some cheese (we're talking about the JSA here so there's gonna be some cheese).

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    I guess I'm the only one here watching Stargirl. Season finale was INSANE. So much great superhero action scenes with basically every character on the show. Full on fights for minutes at a time with everyone using all their powers btwn all the heros and villains. Grundy was let loose, people died, and alot of other shit went down. I really hope they keep the production values up for the second season, which has been announced to on ly be on the CW, as it becomes clear the DC app is going away. Please keep this show's budget and writing above the CW standard we have come to expect from lesser shows like Flash & Batwoman.

    Watch this show people!
    I have CW fatigue. They’re starting to get so many I’m not super into them anymore. Flash is still mostly good to me and Legends was ok past season. Bat woman has scared me from watching newer stuff. That shitshow is something else.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I have CW fatigue. They’re starting to get so many I’m not super into them anymore. Flash is still mostly good to me and Legends was ok past season. Bat woman has scared me from watching newer stuff. That shitshow is something else.
    From what little I've seen, Stargirl looks nothing like your usual CW stuff. It's even shot in a different aspect ratio! I'll take both my dad's and @bobbie solo 's word for it; looks like we haven't seen the last of what CW can offer, especially now that Arrow is out of the way.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I have CW fatigue. They’re starting to get so many I’m not super into them anymore. Flash is still mostly good to me and Legends was ok past season. Bat woman has scared me from watching newer stuff. That shitshow is something else.
    That's what happened to me. I was all over Arrow after I caught up to where it was on TV, then I started watching The Flash from its debut, and kept up with both routinely. Then Legends of Tomorrow came out and I started watching, but then CW kept changing the schedule and I eventually just stuck to Arrow and Flash. That started becoming problematic, though, as I found myself with limited time and fell behind on episodes. Yes, I know Supergirl was happening during all that, but I had already been so far behind on it that I didn't see the point in trying to catch up. I pretty much just gave up on them all. I have no idea what happened at the end of, I believe, Season 5 of Arrow nor the season of The Flash from that same period. All I have seen since has been clips or headlines that revealed some details to me. I might try to catch up on Arrow and The Flash at the very least, but I kind of just feel over it.
    Last edited by wight rabbit; 08-23-2020 at 01:33 PM.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I have CW fatigue. They’re starting to get so many I’m not super into them anymore. Flash is still mostly good to me and Legends was ok past season. Bat woman has scared me from watching newer stuff. That shitshow is something else.
    Only things to stick with from the CW DC shows are Flash (which is getting weaker by the season but im trying to be loyal), Black Lightning & now Stargirl. I'll give Batwoman a chance if people say its improved with this new star and hopefully a complete reinvention of the show as such. I'm not holding my breath though.

  15. #75
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    @bobbie solo I watched that Stargirl season, def had some good bits here and there.

    Lol at everyone ignoring that Henry kid or telling him off all the time, i was starting to feel sorry for him but he was also pretty annoying.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    @bobbie solo I watched that Stargirl season, def had some good bits here and there.

    Lol at everyone ignoring that Henry kid or telling him off all the time, i was starting to feel sorry for him but he was also pretty annoying.
    And Henry gets some sweet payback for all that ignoring in the finale!

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