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Thread: The Xbox Thread

  1. #301
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    I'm definitely warming up now to the idea of owning an Xbox One, it just needs to be $100 cheaper now and come without Kinect (i don't care how "integral" it is to the system...don't care about the voice activation BS, I'm not that lazy i can push the buttons on the fucking controller thanks)
    THIS THIS THIS x 1000000000000

  2. #302
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    Like others are saying, I think my only beef with the console now is the price tag and the Kinect issue. Other than that, I have no doubt that the console itself is good , now that all the shit policies have been changed for better. Doesn't really reflect how I feel about Microsoft saying things HAD to be that way then changing their minds, but at least the console's a bit easier to digest now.

    I guess in the worst-case scenario, you can just cut up a little cardboard box and put it over the Kinect. Sure, it sounds silly, but it's really no more silly than Microsoft saying the Kinect is required for the console to work completely. I'd like to see anyone try to really defend why that has to be a feature.

  3. #303
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    Other than that, I have no doubt that the console itself is good
    Really? You know the demos were running on computers that, if rumor is true, have video cards 3x as good as what's in the XBox One. If they had faith in their product, why would they do this?

  4. #304
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    Really? You know the demos were running on computers that, if rumor is true, have video cards 3x as good as what's in the XBox One. If they had faith in their product, why would they do this?
    Really? Huh...I didn't know about that little bit of info. I'll have to look into it. Maybe I'm giving the Xbox One too much credit? :\

  5. #305
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    Don't buy into that bullshit. I've got no doubts that they were using computers for a lot of their demos (not Forza 5 or Killer Instinct by the way) but this isn't anything new. They did the same thing pre-xbox 360 launch and low and behold, it was indicative of the final product. The graphics card HAS to be more powerful than what's in the xbone, you can't compare the efficiencies of a graphics card in a console compared to that of a PC. If the exact same graphics card was in that PC the results would not be indicative whatsoever of the console. Bottom line is Forza 5 and Killer Instinct were running on xbone hardware so if you're happy with that you'll be happy with the end result. I'm getting shitty about all the 'hive-mind' style anti-MS comments that is everywhere on the internet, as if Sony are fucking saints.

  6. #306
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madmya View Post
    Don't buy into that bullshit. I've got no doubts that they were using computers for a lot of their demos (not Forza 5 or Killer Instinct by the way) but this isn't anything new. They did the same thing pre-xbox 360 launch and low and behold, it was indicative of the final product. The graphics card HAS to be more powerful than what's in the xbone, you can't compare the efficiencies of a graphics card in a console compared to that of a PC. If the exact same graphics card was in that PC the results would not be indicative whatsoever of the console. Bottom line is Forza 5 and Killer Instinct were running on xbone hardware so if you're happy with that you'll be happy with the end result. I'm getting shitty about all the 'hive-mind' style anti-MS comments that is everywhere on the internet, as if Sony are fucking saints.
    I can't say if what was shown at E3 before the 360 was released was on par with the final product's graphics; I still find it a shady practice along with the claims like "the AI is so advanced that fish move out of the way for you!" It just smells.
    I don't consider Sony to be saints. I am still incredibly pissed at them about the PSN hack. Their recent hardware update bricked a ton of people's systems. And I know they attacked Microsoft with several parts of their E3 announcements. It's just that Microsoft are acting like the biggest assholes I've ever seen in such a competitive market, as if we have to take it- we showed them we didn't. But going back to them after it to me seems like going back to a boyfriend who promises he's changed, he won't throw a punch again, baby.

  7. #307
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    Of course you can't say because you don't know. If it was bullshit shenanigans you'd know. As opposed to the PS3's showing of games like Lair... but anyway, Alrea, don't buy into that bullshit. I swear this is the year of 'Let's expect the worst possible outcomes'.

  8. #308
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madmya View Post
    Of course you can't say because you don't know. If it was bullshit shenanigans you'd know.
    That's what I meant- I can't recall the particular graphics from YEARS ago. Thanks for clarifying my words? You can't know until the console is released. Just because a company does something once doesn't mean it'll turn out the same again, especially after it's showed its ugly side pretty badly.

  9. #309
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    Here is a good article re:X180 : http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/20...ts-us-to-smile

    I highly recommend the Digital Foundry analysis too, they go over the hardware on display with both PS4 and X1. THe results were basically that the PS4 game mostly ran ok, and looked nice and were running on ps4 hardware or dev kits. The X1 games were looking better, but only a couple were on dev kits, but the ones that were (Forza notably) looked very good.

  10. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    That's what I meant- I can't recall the particular graphics from YEARS ago. Thanks for clarifying my words? You can't know until the console is released. Just because a company does something once doesn't mean it'll turn out the same again, especially after it's showed its ugly side pretty badly.
    So you're saying 'be careful' because they were honest about a DRM scheme they were trying to implement?

  11. #311
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    really, having followed Microsoft as a company for so long, this is standard practice for them. They've always been a give and take statement kind of company, not only versus Sony but versus apple and any of their other competitors. they try something people don't like, make a big deal out of it, and if people don't raise enough of a fuss, they get their way. this is one of those instances where they didn't get their way, but it certainly makes people like Sony pay attention, because if the outcry hadn't been so huge, Sony would have picked up some of the same policies and implemented them to "stay competitive" in a strange, reverse psychology sort of way. it's how Microsoft works. they push, and sometimes try to bludgeon the market to get what they want.

  12. #312
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madmya View Post
    So you're saying 'be careful' because they were honest about a DRM scheme they were trying to implement?
    Hah, are you trying to say that's the only thing they were doing with this system? Their surveillance capabilities with Kinect, have they been honest about that? "Hey guys! We can watch you all the time because you have to keep this camera on! Did you know we have applied for patents to not allow more people in the room when you're watching a movie you only purchased for 2 people? We made it even better for you this time, because you have to sit there and watch ads because we know when you're not!" Yeah I didn't really see them talking about that to the public.

  13. #313
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    Re: The Xbox Thread

    Again, you can turn it off.

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  14. #314
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    Have they been dishonest about that?

  15. #315
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    You can turn it off while using the system?

    Quote Originally Posted by Madmya View Post
    Have they been dishonest about that?
    They're not disclosing anything about how video and sound data they collect will be used. This argument is pointless however, as we obviously are on opposite sides of the caring spectrum. If people don't want to care how they're treated as consumers, that's their choice.

  16. #316
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    You can turn it off while using the system?\.
    From what I understand, NO, you cannot.

    This whole turnaround is curious btw. They're now implying that various things THAT THEY WOULD NOT NEED TO TOUCH have been "ruined" because they've caved into pressure from Sony. Fanboys around the net are now actually trumpeting the fact that the Xbox One could have been super nifty if not for dickheads complaining about DRM.

    Are they kidding? EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING Xbox originally announced could still be implemented and enforced except for the part where your physical video game copy is rendered pointless. They could still do this family share plan with digital copies. They could still suggest this resale program with digital copies. Everything they've been supporting here could still happen, just not with the physical copies. The only difference would be that Microsoft gives the consumer a choice.

    I'm starting to wonder if this was part of their give and take strategy all along.

  17. #317
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    Re: The Xbox Thread

    The things they cut seem like a definite fuck you.

  18. #318
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    Re: The Xbox Thread

    To be honest, all they had to do was to get rid of the online check in.

    That seemed to be the biggest issue.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

  19. #319
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    To be honest, all they had to do was to get rid of the online check in.

    That seemed to be the biggest issue.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
    I could agree with that.

    It's a shame really that this happened.

    The console no longer has an identity. The innovation and ideas they had laid out were scrapped due to massive whining. Neither console has an identity this next generation.. It's pretty much the same thing we have now with the current gen. minus the graphics boost and power increase. No changes or alterations whatsoever.

  20. #320
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    The innovation and ideas they had laid out were scrapped due to massive whining.
    No, every "innovation" was scrapped because it's a backhanded way of snatching away the carrot and stick from the fanboys. Everyone should be holding MS's feet to the fire here and pointing out that nothing, NOTHING needed to change except the move to make physical copies of games into something pointless. I said it earlier, but maybe Microsoft should have gone fully digital this generation if they're going to be so arrogant about people losing their rights to the physical media, but that's it.

    Regular checks to ensure that your digital library isn't pirated are also pointless. If they made it a thing that only applies to digitally downloaded games, nobody would really be complaining. Actually, THEY STILL don't need to check in every 24 hours to make the "family plan" strategy work. You'd just need to check in (on both ends) every time a game was loaned.

    The spin here is awful, and everyone should be offended.

    By the way: Microsoft will still be checking in regularly every 24 hours for the same reasons if you are someone who intends to connect your appliance to the internet, they just won't turn your system off if you fail to check in. And even if that's an INCREDIBLY SMALL victory, we should still be universally counting it as a good thing.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-20-2013 at 02:57 PM.

  21. #321
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    Xbox now has more pre-orders than PS4 on Amazon.


  22. #322
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    Quote Originally Posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
    Xbox now has more pre-orders than PS4 on Amazon.

    This kind of thing doesn't really matter to me, but really, they're not being honest here and they're just grasping for clicks. There are 5 different versions of the PS4 for sale on the Amazon marketplace, and they're all in the top ten current "sales" ranks. The fact that one of these different packs isn't outselling everything else at this point isn't a revelation.

  23. #323
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    No, every "innovation" was scrapped because it's a backhanded way of snatching away the carrot and stick from the fanboys. Everyone should be holding MS's feet to the fire here and pointing out that nothing, NOTHING needed to change except the move to make physical copies of games into something pointless. I said it earlier, but maybe Microsoft should have gone fully digital this generation if they're going to be so arrogant about people losing their rights to the physical media, but that's it.
    The only thing I'll comment on as it's the only thing I was trying to get across is that NEITHER console has anything new now. They're just upgraded versions of the same thing we have already. The changed gap between 7th and 8th gen is next to nil now for either console. Games for the next consoles can be bought on current consoles (minus exclusive exclusives) so how is it a leap forward? Graphics and hardware is about all I can think of that they both share that is anything new. The whole change to new gen is kinda just a meh experience for me because absolutely nothing changed rather than me buying a new expensive box to play games on. No, I didn't agree or like everything Microsoft wanted to do with the new Xbox but at least it showed some signs of moving forward where buying a new console was moving towards something else. Now we have an unnecessary upgrade (both consoles), in my personal opinion as I am content with how great current gen games look, to play games we can already get most on the current gen.

    Quote Originally Posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
    Xbox now has more pre-orders than PS4 on Amazon.

    That's just funny to see spikes rise in selling of the Xbox One since the announcement, even if the article is skewed a bit to make it sound more than what it is. It's misleading.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 06-20-2013 at 04:46 PM.

  24. #324
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    The only thing I'll comment on as it's the only thing I was trying to get across is that NEITHER console has anything new now. They're just upgraded versions of the same thing we have already. The changed gap between 7th and 8th gen is next to nil now for either console. Games for the next consoles can be bought on current consoles (minus exclusive exclusives) so how is it a leap forward? Graphics and hardware is about all I can think of that they both share that is anything new. The whole change to new gen is kinda just a meh experience for me because absolutely nothing changed rather than me buying a new expensive box to play games on. No, I didn't agree or like everything Microsoft wanted to do with the new Xbox but at least it showed some signs of moving forward where buying a new console was moving towards something else. Now we have an unnecessary upgrade (both consoles), in my personal opinion as I am content with how great current gen games look, to play games we can already get most on the current gen.
    What has always been the reason to move onto a new generation of video game systems? Graphics. The difference now is that our eyes aren't as easily able to differentiate the subtle differences in polygons at this point; it's going to look less and less impressive as the next generations come out; we're not going to get anything as exciting as SNES->N64 again probably for at least 50 years and that will have to be some huge new technology. Everything else is add-ons and unnecessary things. I think everyone's lost sight of the point of gaming; not saying that some new innovations right now can't be impressive and fun, but in the end what's important is the games being developed- their ingenuity and quality. Of course technology moves on so that we can play these easier and visualize them better, but I would say there's far less importance there than in the actual game. Just look at the Wii for several pros and cons.

  25. #325
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    All that needs to be innovative in terms of games consoles is how goddamn well they play games. THAT IS LITERALLY ALL. They don't need to redefine the market. The don't need to re-establish our dependence on peripherals and paid services. They need to be better, faster, prettier and better bang for your buck and that's about it.

    If you think about the 360 and the PS3, all they really changed from the previous generation (outside of graphics and gameplay which are as much a game developer issue as a console one) was the interface and the social aspect. The social aspect was a no-brainer given how popular LAN parties have been since who knows when. The interface is something that's going to be overhauled every time. Microsoft looked at the market right now and said 'Hm, what can we do to ~reshape~ the console? Let's add a bunch of junk that has nothing to do with gaming!'

    Change for the sake of change is bullshit. It galls me that gamers would take 'reshaping the gaming experience' over working on what we already have to make it better.

  26. #326
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    The only thing I'll comment on as it's the only thing I was trying to get across is that NEITHER console has anything new now.
    This kind of sentiment seems to be popping up all over the net, and it bugs me a little because we're jumping the gun on practically everything at this point. How can people be so definitively sure that nothing is going to be different just because some invasive DRM was done away with? Both consoles are still offering streaming gaming last time I checked, and that's CRAZY.

    The corporate shills are eager to insist that something horrible is now happening because consumers said they wanted to own the physical copies of games they bought. It seems Microsoft's new marketing strategy (which is a little brilliant) is "well, now fuck it, all the fun and innovation we were going to unleash has been done away with because you guys were crybabies." This has resulted in a very cleverly orchestrated backlash at everyone who complained about the fact that Microsoft was aiming to basically turn their next console into a more locked down version of a PC.

    Once again, Microsoft COULD still implement everything they promised without requiring daily check ins and DIGITAL rights management of disc based games. They're not doing it because they (correctly) assumed that their fanbase will now lash out in support of DRM and against everyone who said anything to the contrary (and get more people to buy their system) if they suddenly reveal that they've been forced to compromise everything they've been promising as a justification for their drm. This is more than a little insane.

    Expect them to concede to the "voice of the consumer" soon enough, and assure everyone that (just because they're nice) they'll bring back the family sharing plan for digital releases. Wait for the fanboy swooning.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-20-2013 at 05:35 PM.

  27. #327
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    I see that and I've seen the occasional, "What can the new systems possibly do that the current ones cannot?"

    Which, on the surface makes sense, I guess. But really each generation has taken gameplay to a whole different level. Why would the next gen be any different? More power creates more options for the developer. More power creates more realistic facial expressions and environments, which in turn help foster better immersion and story telling. More power means increased draw distance, which means that levels and maps will be built in a completely different way. Better ai etc. etc.

    All I ever wanted in a new game system is more power and better graphics. Thats the whole point. everything else is secondary!

  28. #328
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    What everyone is not understanding that in the end, its still all business.

    Their stocked start to plummet, they have invested so much into the system in all areas.

    Let's say they kept it the way it was.

    They would lose all sorts of money, jobs laid off. The quality in their service will dwindle. The life span would have been that of other systems( turbo grafix 16, jaguar, neo Geo.)

    They saw that people were not interested and not buying. They did the smart business choice into keeping their head above water. You cannot hate on that.

    The only ones who lose are the ones like I, space, and others who were attracted to the features and benefits of the DRM scheme. Minus the online check in.

    And fuck that bullshit about the 100 difference. If 100 dollars are such a big concern, you should just stop thinking about buying a system as that is the very least of your financial worries.

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  29. #329
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    Yeah but that 100 dollars... if saved... could be the difference between going to see a Nine Inch Nails concert or not :P

  30. #330
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    The only thing I'll comment on as it's the only thing I was trying to get across is that NEITHER console has anything new now. They're just upgraded versions of the same thing we have already.
    oh so i can record shit on my 360? brb montage

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