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Thread: The Xbox Thread

  1. #121
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    yep... they want to make all-in-one devices that do everything... except play the previous generation's games. At least the Wii U got that part (mostly) right.

    I care a lot more about backwards compatibility than having the system operate as a voice activated remote control for my TV. Also, it's looking like the new Xbox is also going to be region locked, so that's another check in the negative category for me.

  2. #122
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    Re: The Xbox Thread

    Both systems will be gaming consoles. All that other stuff is extra. Seriously, if you don't like the idea of having your gaming console do more than just one thing, get a Wii u.

  3. #123
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    I could really care less about the extra stuff. I want a console to play games, that's it. I have a computer, cable, and a console. Whole thing is overkill when you have an input button on your tv remote. Who cares though? If you want to make things even more simpler than they likely already are, then you'll probably fall in love with the new console. I have a dvr, so the tv dynamic won't affect me the slightest. The only problem I have is their take on DRM, and lack of freedom to the user. That's it.

    "Buy our console, it's great, it has a 500gb HDD that you can't upgrade, and you have to install all of your games. We'll let you know...eventually...if you can delete games to make space later and not pay a fee... Eventually...".

    You'd think after the shitstorm they put themselves in, they'd be pretty quick to try talking their way out of it. Nope! Not Microsoft. PR disaster, and they're as quiet as a mouse. Either very confident in what they're showing at E3, or just completely stupid.

    And what would they gain by watching people? I think the last thing they would want to do is watch some guy at home tugging one out.

  4. #124
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    If things continue to go the way they are going, hackers are going to work extra hard to get the Xbone open.

  5. #125
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    Re: The Xbox Thread

    And they seem to be forgetting how and why PSN was hacked and taken out of commission.

  6. #126
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    Re: The Xbox Thread

    I thought the installs go to the cloud?

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    I thought the installs go to the cloud?
    No, I just think they're validated online. It wouldn't really make sense to install the bulk of a game to the cloud. They wouldn't need to "install" it... it would already be there if you were playing it from a streaming source.

  8. #128
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    New updates and articles:

    "Kinect 2.0 is a game changer."

    What the official game box art will look like.

    And lastly, the most interesting one: Xbox One's apparent system for used games.

    In summary, you trade a game in to GameStop (or another retailer who has agreed to integrate Microsoft's Azure tech in to their own system). Once traded in, the store immediately contacts Microsoft who clears the data files from your account (as has been previously discussed) and registers the game as re-sold. Then it's a fresh game for the next buyer. This is why the Xbox One has to connect with the servers online every 24 hours.

  9. #129
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    Re: The Xbox Thread

    I just don't care that much about the Kinect. A cool idea that was poorly executed. None of the Kinect games seemed appealing to me. Probably awesome for a five year old. Not a 30 year old. Plus, i'd probably feel like a weirdo. Someone in another room could hear me talking and think "is he talking to himself?", when I'm actually telling it what to do. Maybe I'm old fashioned. I've been at it since the Atari and NES days. Plus, I run around like a lunatic for my day job. Last thing I would ever want to do when I get home from that chaos is to continue moving around like a lunatic.

    Whatever happened to going home, laying down, and playing a game?

  10. #130
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    Re: The Xbox Thread

    So Sony is sort of going the same route yet Xbox is still the bad guy.

    Seems like the legion of doom pulled a fast one on all of us.

    But like I said, as long as the devs get a piece of that action, I'm fine with it

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    I could really care less about the extra stuff.

    Back to the topic, X1 is crap. At least in EU. No Netflix for example. No NFL.

    I mean, seriously? All I ask is a nice console for games with some extras. So far so good. But the bad part is no support for previous generation of games. Required internet access and 5GB RAM is not that much at all. (3GB is reserved for the 3 OSs). The Kinect is and will remain nothing but a gimmick unless hacked. Constant camera and sound recording in my living room? No thanks.

    There are a lot of other smaller issues. If they say that the X1 controller will not work on PC, they're fucked up big time.

    X1 is one step closer to Fahrenheit 451 and that's cool until you realize it isn't.

  12. #132
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    So if the game data files are erased and null after you sell it in and the game is considered new to another console why even bother with an install? What is the fucking point?

  13. #133
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    Has anyone else seen this? I mean, not only do Microsoft not give a shit about their players, they are also completely deluded! (and yes, I'm aware it's saying 1 billion next-gen consoles overall, it's still ridiculous).

  14. #134
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    Figured it'd be appropriate to post this.

  15. #135
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    Microsoft dun goof'd. I use to love Microsoft but this is just sad. I'm sticking with Sony and Nintendo. R.I.P. XBOX ONE.

  16. #136
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    Re: The Xbox Thread

    Sad part is, over 250,000 are already lined up to pre order. It shouldn't be, but it'll probably end up breaking even... I think they gave PS4 the win, but, I don't think it's going to hurt Microsoft too much as in terms of profit. Some (alot) games are spineless... They can talk a big game, but at the end of the day will cave (quickly) when a new Halo (or whatever) is about to drop.

    Is this post acceptable to you, grammar nazi?

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    So Sony is sort of going the same route yet Xbox is still the bad guy.
    Sony got trashed for their weaker selling points at their unveiling. How are they "going the same route" though?

    Sony hasn't outlined a plan to restrict and control the used market. They didn't spend the majority of their showcase talking about how the PS4 would make an awesome TV remote. They didn't specifically gear their show towards sports fanatics. They didn't brag about how they were purchasing exclusive DLC to Call of Duty. They actually showed exclusive games that weren't just CG movies. They demonstrated an awareness of markets outside the US beyond showing a two second clip of Hideo Kojima. Their system won't require you to go online once a day in order for it to continue functioning, and it won't require you to have a camera pointed at you while you use it. In addition to that, Sony hasn't expressed an interest in working with the MPAA to use that camera as a means to spy on you. Also, at least Sony's unveiling show wasn't the most boring bullshit I've ever watched.

    There's a lot of things that Sony was justifiably bashed for, but Microsoft just redefined dropping the ball. In addition, they screwed up this bad after Sony went first and gave them a couple months to get their response right. I'm sure they'll somewhat make up for it at E3, but it's hard to spin this as anything but a disaster for them.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Sony hasn't outlined a plan to restrict and control the used market.
    What worries me is that all the used game stuff, the camera see the number of people in the room and licensing accordingly etc.. its all stuff publishers want. Yeah, Sony hasn't said what is going on on the ps4 (and their showing was much better in the 'we want gamers to unite and share and enjoy games!' message.. which is kinda what you want in a games console), but if publishers want this kind of restrictions on their content, even the PS3 can lock content to be online only, I'm sure the ps4 has settings built in to do it.

    Sony would be smart to say that in theory the PS4 can have any used game etc. and bounce the actual implementation to the publisher to them look like the bad guys

  19. #139
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    I'm hating the whole 'casual gamer vs hardcore gamer' rhetoric that's been going on around the new console in other parts of the internet. People throw the word 'casual' around to refer to people who use their Xbox for Netflix or Call of Duty sessions but aren't ~real gaymerz~. To me, casual gamers are people like my mother who used to play Tomb Raider once a week when she wanted to de-stress. The kind of gamer 'casual' refers to these days is pretty obsessive. It's 'plays a shitton of CoD and Fifa but not much else' versus 'plays a shitton of different games in a variety of genres', which I guess is a 'true' hardcore gamer. The fact is, Microsoft aren't catering to the true casual gamers, the one who pick up the controller from time to time to continue their adventure. They're catering to the lazy dumbfuck jerks who populate matchmaking in CoD and call everyone of a lower level a faggot.


    I get what people are saying about picking a different console if this doesn't appeal to you, but when Sony and Microsoft are supposedly the pinnacle of console graphics and computing power... Well, it's like, do we have to pay through the nose for a billion features that just clog the system and essentially turn it into an expensive paperweight just to make the most of cutting-edge gaming technology? Why can't they just release a goddamn games console that is amazing and makes you genuinely excited to play games and release a separate media box to plug into said console if they're so desperate about selling it to people who want TV and Skype linked into their gaming experience? If you've got to draw people in with bells and whistles that have absolutely no bearing on console gaming, you're not selling a very good games console, are you?

    I'm glad developers are planning on continuing to support the 360 for the time being. All of these 'features' both Sony and Microsoft have been blathering on about sound more like dealbreakers to me.

    Sort-of-hardcore gamer who can't afford your stupid console anyway so what do you care

  20. #140
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    This made me laugh. Way to get their shit on lockdown. At least the dude's got a chance at sitting on a nice fat check from Microsoft after the whole thing blows over.


  21. #141
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    Re: The Xbox Thread

    Just saw that it's region locked. With every update they give about it, it seems like it's another reason for them to tell that "one other thing" that we CAN'T do on their console. Like, they're intentionally trying to make that list get as big as possible. Doesn't bother me any, but if they were smart, I'd probably stop putting out that kind of info.

    Are they intentionally trying to be the downer of next gen gaming?

  22. #142
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    Some details about the new Kinect 2.0

    Pretty cool stuff, I actually dig it.

  23. #143
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    Rumors are that the new Xbox might set people back about $900........

    Unless you've got an amazing income good luck on hoping to afford any games after that if there aren't any bundled with the system.

  24. #144
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    Re: The Xbox Thread

    That's after currency conversion. The system will be at 499. No way they will have a system at that price.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

  25. #145
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    That, combined with the head of GameStop saying he's already been told what both consoles will start off at. While he said he wasn't allowed yet to give prices (obviously), they were both 'around or even a little less' than the starting prices of the PS3 and 360.

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    That, combined with the head of GameStop saying he's already been told what both consoles will start off at. While he said he wasn't allowed yet to give prices (obviously), they were both 'around or even a little less' than the starting prices of the PS3 and 360.
    I will be shocked if they don't price match each other, and there's no way that it's going to be anywhere near 900 dollars. I'd guess they'll be at around 450 to 500.

  27. #147
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    Yeah me too. As money hungry as most companies most likely are, the day a console drops with a nine bill price tag...the internet would chew them up in a heartbeat lol.

  28. #148
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    Microsoft just gave a press conference to clear some shit up, first...

    It's official, the Xbox One will need to connect online once every 24 hours.

    And the weird one...and I do mean weird. Even though Microsoft has finally confirmed that used games will not have a 'fee' and that it's still 'up to the developer' (really, which dev would say 'no too bad! no trading!')....the big thing announced is...

    Each game can only be sold/traded to another person once ...and that person has to have been on your friends list for at least 30 days.

    Though I assume SONY will have something similar to match it...still. What. In the actual fuck.

  29. #149
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    I admit, that borrow gaming policy is still unclear. But at least you don't have to pay a fee.

    Second, the always try to connect thing is a bit dumb, but the features require an internet connection. Hell, the Xbox 360 is shit offline, plus I'm sure everyone willing to buy it won't have a problem with being online.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

  30. #150
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    Hm.... it's really Sony's move now.... do they just cut the fuckers head off or pull him up off the ground and join forces?

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