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Thread: The Xbox Thread

  1. #241
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    The PS4 doesn't have a mandatory camera that you can't disconnect, that's the difference here - I'm pretty sure the optional Eye Toy won't be in standby mode if you can physically unplug it from the console. It wouldn't be an issue if there were a way of actually switching off the Kinect but it seems like it's always going to be enabled in some capacity.

  2. #242
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    Now MS is saying you can share your game library with ten people, does not have to be "family". This is really interesting, I just can't see how publishers will agree to this. Maybe they will not allow "sharing" for their games? This is huge if its true.

  3. #243
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    Dont care joining to all the "X-box haters", i just found this hilarious!

  4. #244
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    Re: The Xbox Thread

    Despite the stupid, over the top restrictions, and if they really feel the need to watch me yank my knob, or expect me to watch tv instead of the dvr I have beside it, it'll definitely be a cool enough console, game-wise. I just hope they don't go all overboard with kinect integration like PS3 did with sixaxis. And despite the flaws, it does have awesome exclusives. I won't be buying it this year, but I eventually will.

  5. #245
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    The X1 is pushing cloud gaming forward. PS4 is just last gen ecosystem with updated graphics.

    Wait and see. Wait and see.

  6. #246
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    The X1 is pushing cloud gaming forward. PS4 is just last gen ecosystem with updated graphics.
    Yeah, it's not like Sony acquired the game streaming company Gaikai or anything.

    Both systems are getting into cloud gaming and streaming. I don't need to "wait and see" anything to realize that Microsoft could shit on your doorstep and you'd find some reason to thank them for it.

  7. #247
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Yeah, it's not like Sony acquired the game streaming company Gaikai or anything.

    Both systems are getting into cloud gaming and streaming. I don't need to "wait and see" anything to realize that Microsoft could shit on your doorstep and you'd find some reason to thank them for it.
    And I don't have to assume you've always been a Sony fan. Last gen PS3 uber fanboy? Probably. You were also probably in the camp being fooled by typical Sony smoke and mirrors during the PS3 launch eh? How'd that turn out for you? Predictions were met? probably not, 360 cruised.

    I see the same thing happening here. Sony has always been behind online, and they continue to show they are behind an entire generation. Both consoles will get the multiplat games and the Xbox versions will continue to dominate. Yes, Sony will have some nice exclusives but this time less than before.

    What about extra peripherals? Sonys "move" failed, what else do they have? That camera? Sure. ok. Will it sell? nah. Kinect will continue to improve and the X1 online will continue to offer a lot more. So, some eager over zealous gamers will blow up the internet and claim the PS the winner before the generation starts, the media and gaming press follow a la Fox news... nothing new here.

    The more I talk to actual developers the more I see what the X1 is doing that's going to blow the doors off the PS4. You can cry about it but it's going to happen.. will you be man enough to admit it once it happens though? nah, you'll just claim the PS4 is better for 'you'

    Microsoft hasn't shit on anyones doorstep, yet. The gen hasn't started. The policies need ironing out, and they're working on it. Lets see what happens before you consider Microsoft in bed with the NSA and EA sports shall we?

  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    And I don't have to assume you've always been a Sony fan. Last gen PS3 uber fanboy? Probably. You were also probably in the camp being fooled by typical Sony smoke and mirrors during the PS3 launch eh? How'd that turn out for you? Predictions were met? probably not, 360 cruised.
    There's some 360 games i've liked a lot. I'm not like you. I played Mass Effect on 360 when it was an exclusive, and Shadow Complex is one of my favorite games. I'm not a hardcore Sony fan. Fuck them, they're assholes. But they make the video game console that I prefer and the one I'm intending to buy at some point.

    Your allegiance to the Xbox is kind of insane. Are you ten?

    And yeah, I was satisfied with the PS3, considering that Uncharted 2 was probably my favorite game of the last generation.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 06-18-2013 at 01:01 AM.

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    And I don't have to assume you've always been a Sony fan. Last gen PS3 uber fanboy? Probably. You were also probably in the camp being fooled by typical Sony smoke and mirrors during the PS3 launch eh? How'd that turn out for you? Predictions were met? probably not, 360 cruised.
    Uh, I'm pretty sure that the 360 didn't cruise at launch. Everyone was getting RROD's shortly after launch. PS3 might have had some fuck ups at launch, but so did the 360.

  10. #250
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    There's some 360 games i've liked a lot. I'm not like you. I played Mass Effect on 360 when it was an exclusive, and Shadow Complex is one of my favorite games.

    Your allegiance to the Xbox is kind of insane. Are you ten?
    How do you know what i'm like? And what allegiance are you talking about? i'm just going by what i have read and heard from some serious high end developers. People are going off the deep end with E3 and I'm just saying I am putting my cards on the other side. That's all i'm doing here.

    If i were "ten" i would be crying about all the things people are crying about from E3. "ten" year olds need to realize the market is changing, gaming is changing, it's behind other industries in terms of how content is delivered, shared, priced, etc. What Microsoft is doing is not new to other segments of the tech industry.

    If i were "ten" i would still be hoping that i can buy used games all the time for dirt cheap while stiffing the actual developers. If I were "ten" i'd never had stopped complaining how closed the 360 was compared to the xbox 1 where i could hack games and never buy a single piece of content, meanwhile going online and ruining the experience for a majority of other gamers that actually spend money on their games.

    Come on. You have to try and be better than this.

    Quote Originally Posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
    Uh, I'm pretty sure that the 360 didn't cruise at launch. Everyone was getting RROD's shortly after launch. PS3 might have had some fuck ups at launch, but so did the 360.
    No doubt.

  11. #251
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    How do you know what i'm like? And what allegiance are you talking about? i'm just going by what i have read and heard from some serious high end developers.
    I know what you're like because you're saying crazy shit like how the new Xbox is "teh future" before moving on to talk how the upcoming Sony system is yesterday's news. The shit you say sounds like those "Genesis does what Nintendont" ads.

    Seriously, you just said something like "how'd that PS3 purchase go for you? Not so good huh? With the 360 it's been smooth sailing." What kind of a moronic fanboy actually says shit like that?

    If i were "ten" i would be crying about all the things people are crying about from E3. "ten" year olds need to realize the market is changing, gaming is changing, it's behind other industries in terms of how content is delivered, shared, priced, etc. What Microsoft is doing is not new to other segments of the tech industry.
    Or you might turn into a rabid cheerleader for Microsoft... like a ten year old would. Both systems are going to have pros and cons, and they're both probably going to do very well. There's perfectly good reasons for choosing either one. I don't care which one "wins," I care about which one will better cater to me... which is a concept you seem to have a hard time wrapping your ten year old mind around.

    No doubt.
    Wait, it's "no doubt" now, while you previously just asserted something completely different?

  12. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I know what you're like because you're saying crazy shit like how the new Xbox is "teh future" before moving on to talk how the upcoming Sony system is yesterday's news. The shit you say sounds like those "Genesis does what Nintendont" ads.

    Seriously, you just said something like "how'd that PS3 purchase go for you? Not so good huh? With the 360 it's been smooth sailing." What kind of a moronic fanboy actually says shit like that?
    Well, fact is Sony hasn't shown anything truly next gen to the system? That's just my view.

    Or you might turn into a rabid cheerleader for Microsoft... like a ten year old would. Both systems are going to have pros and cons, and they're both probably going to do very well. There's perfectly good reasons for choosing either one. I don't care which one "wins," I care about which one will better cater to me... which is a concept you seem to have a hard time wrapping your ten year old mind around.
    Ok. But i'm speaking in general terms, not what is best for you.

    Wait, it's "no doubt" now, while you previously just asserted something completely different?
    Because it's true. Both consoles had hiccups out of the gate. In the end the 360 ran with it.

    Anyways, I totally understand the backlash, albeit it's a bit overblown. The whole NSA thing, DRM drama, and the fact that an increasingly amount of content is becoming digital and less "owned" but more subscribed is a problem. There is no question about it.

    It's nice that there is a pushback, we kind of need it. Maybe i was too harsh about the community being ridiculous? I understand their side. But i also understand what Microsoft, as a gaming provider/content provider, is trying to do. There needs to be a happy medium. And hopefully we get there. I think we will. Regardless, their services are shaping up to be better, their path is looking more into the future than i think Sony is. I could be wrong, but I don't think so.

    The old mantra "in the end it's all about the games" isn't as important this time because both consoles will have the big multiplats, and both consoles will have great exclusives. It's going to be the extra content, the execution of the services that separates the consoles this time.

    But what do I know?

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rabbit View Post
    Well, fact is Sony hasn't shown anything truly next gen to the system? That's just my view.
    Wait, I thought you were speaking in "general terms," not just what is best for you? There's a lot of things that the PS4 does that the PS3 doesn't, and your "view" doesn't change that fact. I don't care about the whole social media aspect or the ability to take videos of my own gameplay, but some people do. That's definitely a new thing, and so is the Gaikai streaming. Also, what exactly is defining "next gen" here for you? Usually that means a huge leap in system power.

    Ok. But i'm speaking in general terms, not what is best for you.
    Why do you care about things that don't matter to you? You've been defending the Kinect here, but can you actually name one game that you've enjoyed playing on it? You've bashed the Sony Move because it wasn't popular enough for you or some shit, but at least it was fun to play House of the Dead with it.

    Because it's true. Both consoles had hiccups out of the gate. In the end the 360 ran with it.
    Ok, I don't know what you mean by "ran with it," but saying "it's been smooth sailing" doesn't mean "there were serious hiccups, like a manufacturing flaw that caused practically ALL units to break." That's a pretty big hiccup. Considering that the PS3 has sold extremely well, I'd say they also "ran with it."

    The old mantra "in the end it's all about the games" isn't as important this time because both consoles will have the big multiplats, and both consoles will have great exclusives. It's going to be the extra content, the execution of the services that separates the consoles this time.
    How is this any different than the current generation? Both PS3 and 360 got the big third party titles. The 360 got Halo, Gears of War, and Forza, and the PS3 got God of War, Uncharted, and Infamous. The PS4 is getting Killzone, Infamous, and Final Fantasy 14, the Xone is getting Titanfall, Dead Rising 3, and Forza. These are the things that influence the vast majority of people to get one system or the other, not whether or not it can double as a voice operated remote control for my tv.

  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
    Uh, I'm pretty sure that the 360 didn't cruise at launch. Everyone was getting RROD's shortly after launch. PS3 might have had some fuck ups at launch, but so did the 360.
    If I recall the only issue with PS3 was that it was expensive. I had the 360 crap out on me 4 times before I just had to cave and get a new one. My PS3 is still fine. Still plays awesome games. In fact I'm not sure I've EVER had a real problem with the PS3. Except Skyrim. but that was Skyrim's fault.

  15. #255
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    Re: The Xbox Thread

    Both systems are nearly identical, with different features.

  16. #256
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    Multiple sources apparently saying that MS will, I shit you not, completely reverse their DRM policies in a statement later today! It's all over GiantBomb.com which is so slammed their server is down.

    Link to article. even though again, it's hella slammed at the moment.
    Last edited by october_midnight; 06-19-2013 at 02:56 PM.

  17. #257
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    Multiple sources apparently saying that MS will, I shit you not, completely reverse their DRM policies in a statement later today! It's all over GiantBomb.com which is so slammed their server is down.

    Link to article. even though again, it's hella slammed at the moment.
    I can't get through to that article. It's strange that Kotaku isn't saying anything (yet).

  18. #258
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    Thats a game changer if true. Although the damage may be done already. They can also fix their price point by not mandatong Kinect and then it like the console wars are fucking back on!

  19. #259
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    If it's still down for y'all:

    Microsoft to Pull Complete Reversal on Xbox One DRM Policies

    by Patrick Klepek on June 19, 2013

    Sources indicate Microsoft is going to move away from what's caused the company so much headache.

    The tug-of-war between Microsoft and Sony just got more interesting. Multiple sources inform me Microsoft will announce what amounts to a complete reversal on its DRM policies for Xbox One today.
    What does this mean?

    • No more always online requirement
    • The console no longer has to check in every 24 hours
    • All game discs will work on Xbox One as they do on Xbox 360
    • An Internet connection is only required when initially setting up the console
    • All downloaded games will function the same when online or offline
    • No additional restrictions on trading games or loaning discs
    • Region locks have been dropped

    It is unclear what caused this huge change in policy right after E3, a week where Microsoft executives spent days explaining, justifying, and talking about its policies to the press. I suspect Microsoft’s official announcement will say something to the effect of “we've been closely listening to consumer feedback.”
    Based on what I’m being told, that’s definitely true.
    I've reached out to Microsoft for comment.

  20. #260
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    • Region locks have been dropped
    Really?! This detail, although minor compared to the other changes listed here, makes me think this rumor is wishful thinking. It'll be interesting if it's true though. At the very least, it would make me actually consider getting one at some point.

    If this is true, will people be expected to insist that this is an obvious PR stunt that they came up with at the last minute?

  21. #261
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    Re: The Xbox Thread

    Pretty surprising if true. Particularly after they told people to stick with their 360s if they want an offline console.

  22. #262
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  23. #263
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Pretty surprising if true. Particularly after they told people to stick with their 360s if they want an offline console.
    Surprising, for sure. But I guess I'm not TOO surprised, seeing as this is really the only way they can undo the negative buzz around the Xbox One in the gaming community and deal with Sony COMPLETELY smashing them in terms of pre-orders. If they're following through with this, they could make for some pretty stiff competition for Sony in the next Generation after all. However, even if all this is true, they still haven't changed anything regarding the Kinect always having to be connected for the system to even function properly.

  24. #264
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    Pretty surprising if true. Particularly after they told people to stick with their 360s if they want an offline console.
    This is what I was thinking at first when I heard this news. At this point, I trust Microsoft even less. They are all over the place and obviously have no faith in their console since Sony took a huge dump on them at E3 and now they want to change their minds? Lets see how many hardware/problems they run into at launch time. This to me still doesn't change much Imo. PS4 was built for the gamers and it will stay that way. Still doesn't change that Microsofts main focus was to bring the TV experience to the living room through the XBOX One as Sony spent not even 2 minutes showing what the PS4 can do as far as Netflix and all that junk. It is a desperate move and it may raise a lot more eyes, but people are still saying they are going with PS4... too little too late if you ask me.

  25. #265
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    "As a result of feedback from the Xbox community, we have changed certain policies for Xbox One," Microsoft wrote on its blog, adding that past policies are "no longer accurate."

  26. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    "As a result of feedback from the Xbox community, we have changed certain policies for Xbox One," Microsoft wrote on its blog, adding that past policies are "no longer accurate."
    Watch it be for something completely unrelated the the policies in question. "As of now, June 19th 2013, The Xbox One CAN be used as a functional Easy-Bake Oven, overturning the previous policy forbidding its use as such."

  27. #267
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    Now introducing.... The Xbox 180!!

  28. #268
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    ^^^Already been used on the gaming sites about 23 million times...you're a bit behind lol.

    Official confirmation.

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  30. #270
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    Re: The Xbox Thread

    So people got what they wanted. They listened to everyone and people are still hating?

    Also, does this mean that the shared library feature is done? I was onboard for that idea.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

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