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Thread: Chelsea Wolfe

  1. #91
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    Boy that's an unfortunate band name... and an even more unfortunate album cover. Shame as the music sounds pretty good!

  2. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    band name is fucking terrible, band's songs are fucking spectacular. One sounds like Chelsea Wolfe, one is more punk. Great stuff.

    Seriously, whose buying their shirts with that name? Only edgelords and dead enders.
    You think that's something. Now that the album's out and up for vinyl preorder......

  3. #93
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    Give me the masterbating nun Over that.

  4. #94
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    Even a urine yellow vinyl record. How embarrassing.

    Might have actually bought this if it weren't for the entire presentation.

  5. #95
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    I dunno, I'm picking up on the art is subversive vibe that they're going for here, and I think more power to them.

  6. #96
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    Quick question, if this were two dudes would y'all be as put off by the name and artwork?

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Quick question, if this were two dudes would y'all be as put off by the name and artwork?
    Me personally, yes.

  8. #98
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    I can't judge cause one of my favorite albums is the one Tim Heidecker did as the Yellow River Boys and is all about piss drinking.

  9. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    I can't judge cause one of my favorite albums is the one Tim Heidecker did as the Yellow River Boys and is all about piss drinking.
    Yeah, but that's a comedy album.

  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Quick question, if this were two dudes would y'all be as put off by the name and artwork?
    Yes, b/c Pissed Jeans actually are a pretty good band but i cannot listen to them or take them seriously bc their name disgusts me. The imagery in my head always grosses me out, part. cuz I always think of their singer shirtless and sweaty at the same time b/c that's he often was when they performed.

  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Quick question, if this were two dudes would y'all be as put off by the name and artwork?
    Interesting how you choose to judge us in this way.

    For me, the thought of their sexuality never even entered my head.

    I'm more offended by your comment than by that album cover. Why did you even write that?
    Last edited by katara; 05-30-2020 at 02:40 AM.

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by katara View Post
    Interesting how you choose to judge us in this way.

    For me, the thought of their sexuality never even entered my head.

    I'm more offended by your comment than by that album cover. Why did you even write that?
    who said I was judging? There were multiple entries in a row of people openly complaining about the album cover and band name, and so I asked the simple question. Male musicians put out art even more graphic than a drawing of a woman pissing and I don’t ever see any complaints. Just simply asking if people would feel the same way if it was, say, a new Aaron Turner side project.

    You seem to be the only one offended by this so I don’t know, guilty conscience?

  13. #103
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    There have been various instances in the past where the presentation of a band's record or even the band itself threw me off that much, that I ended up not buying the physical product. Doesn't matter who is behind this... as a big Rammstein fan I refuse to buy into their more profane stuff as well.

    I enjoy this EP for what it probably is, a fun little piece for both of these women and I really do like some of these songs. It's kind of forgettable though, isn't it? And yeah, band name and presenation leaves alot to be desired... yet I can see where they are coming from, giving this an edgy 80s/early 90s DIY-aesthetic.

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    You seem to be the only one offended by this so I don’t know, guilty conscience?

    By implication, your post paints everyone who commented on the album cover as hating it because they're women. Please read it again and tell us that isn't true.

    Now you point the finger directly at me, which is not cool at all. I don't get this conflict and indirect name-calling. It's pointless.
    Last edited by katara; 05-30-2020 at 12:45 PM.

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by katara View Post

    By implication, your post paints everyone who commented on the album cover as hating it because they're women. Please read it again and tell us that isn't true.

    Now you point the finger directly at me, which is not cool at all. I don't get this conflict and indirect name-calling. It's pointless.
    lol all I'm saying is everyone else seems to have given a simple rational answer to a simple rational question, and you're the only one who is flying off of the handle over it.

  16. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    Yes, b/c Pissed Jeans actually are a pretty good band but i cannot listen to them or take them seriously bc their name disgusts me. The imagery in my head always grosses me out, part. cuz I always think of their singer shirtless and sweaty at the same time b/c that's he often was when they performed.
    I've never even given Pissed Jeans the chance because of how off-putting their name is. Never heard a single song of theirs, even when they were in all of the music headlines, and I don't plan on it either. The name and art of a musical project is how the art is presented to the listener, and I'm just not interested in anything presented in this way. If you don't take your art seriously, why should I?

  17. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    lol all I'm saying is everyone else seems to have given a simple rational answer to a simple rational question, and you're the only one who is flying off of the handle over it.
    To come into a thread for a female artist and accuse the fans of being misogynists isn't exactly the wisest course of action.

    For that to be your first post in this particular topic is quite telling.

    I may be reacting poorly to this situation, but I do not think I'm in the wrong here. The point of view you're bringing into this thread is abhorrently sexist.

    You asked (paraphrased) "Would you be as put off by this if it were made by men?". I struggle to see anything rational there.

  18. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by katara View Post
    To come into a thread for a female artist and accuse the fans of being misogynists isn't exactly the wisest course of action.

    For that to be your first post in this particular topic is quite telling.

    I may be reacting poorly to this situation, but I do not think I'm in the wrong here. The point of view you're bringing into this thread is abhorrently sexist.

    You asked (paraphrased) "Would you be as put off by this if it were made by men?". I struggle to see anything rational there.
    Alright, Karen

  19. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Alright, Karen

  20. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by katara View Post
    Flavor of the month sarcasm meme reply that'll be dead by July.

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by richardp View Post
    Alright, Karen
    Found a moment to look this up.
    From knowyourmeme: "Karen is a slang term used as an antagonistic female character in memes. "Karen" is generally characterized as an irritating, entitled woman"

    So... now you use a meme derogatory against women in an attempt to insult me directly. Very mature of you. This doesn't do anything to help your case.

  22. #112
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    UGH! Shut the fuck up and enjoy the fucking music!

  23. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by katara View Post
    Found a moment to look this up.
    From knowyourmeme: "Karen is a slang term used as an antagonistic female character in memes. "Karen" is generally characterized as an irritating, entitled woman"

    So... now you use a meme derogatory against women in an attempt to insult me directly. Very mature of you. This doesn't do anything to help your case.
    Alright, Karen

  24. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triggermine View Post
    UGH! Shut the fuck up and enjoy the fucking music!
    It's a difficult one. What you're asking me to do is give up the battle against sexism, which in itself is fairly problematic. Giving up here is allowing sexism to prevail and perpetuate. I can't stand by and watch that happen.

    However, I will stop, simply because I get that this is both derailing the thread and annoying you. I apologise for that.

    I will not apologise to @richardp . I hope that one day you understand that what you've said (and are continuing to say) is deeply wrong.
    Last edited by katara; 06-01-2020 at 04:20 AM.

  25. #115
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    The transition between Downer Surrounded By Uppers and Knelt pisses me off every time.
    I think it's supposed to be seamless, but it's not (at least my copy I bought off of their bandcamp page isn't).

  26. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by katara View Post
    It's a difficult one. What you're asking me to do is give up the battle against sexism, which in itself is fairly problematic. Giving up here is allowing sexism to prevail and perpetuate. I can't stand by and watch that happen.

    However, I will stop, simply because I get that this is both derailing the thread and annoying you. I apologise for that.

    I will not apologise to @richardp. I hope that one day you understand that what you've said (and are continuing to say) is deeply wrong.
    Alright, Karen

  27. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by katara View Post
    It's a difficult one. What you're asking me to do is give up the battle against sexism, which in itself is fairly problematic. Giving up here is allowing sexism to prevail and perpetuate. I can't stand by and watch that happen.

    However, I will stop, simply because I get that this is both derailing the thread and annoying you. I apologise for that.

    I will not apologise to @richardp . I hope that one day you understand that what you've said (and are continuing to say) is deeply wrong.
    1. I wasn't directing that solely at you. 2. You are taking the Karen thing way too far... The male equivalent is a Kevin, so it's not like women are singled out. It's, for both genders, a person that is easily outraged and is quick to start fights. So, yes, you are acting that way. @richardp isn't helping the situation, but your comments demonstrated a misunderstanding of everyone else's comments and turned it into something it never was. I'm sorry that you feel that anything and everything could be considered sexist, but consider that that could just be you reacting emotionally rather than taking the time to be responsive and learn exactly what the intention was. Stop pointing fingers, breathe, and seek to understand what people mean. Not everyone is trying to pick a fight. And @richardp... Stop trolling.
    Last edited by wight rabbit; 06-01-2020 at 05:46 PM.

  28. #118
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  29. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by poro765 View Post
    The transition between Downer Surrounded By Uppers and Knelt pisses me off every time.
    I think it's supposed to be seamless, but it's not (at least my copy I bought off of their bandcamp page isn't).
    YES! I initially listened on Bandcamp, then when I heard the gap I assumed it was the Bandcamp player, so I listened again on Spotify and the same issue happened. I'm hoping this was just an error and it doesn't sound like that by the time the physical media is released.

  30. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triggermine View Post
    YES! I initially listened on Bandcamp, then when I heard the gap I assumed it was the Bandcamp player, so I listened again on Spotify and the same issue happened. I'm hoping this was just an error and it doesn't sound like that by the time the physical media is released.
    I left a query through bandcamp, but I doubt they'll respond. I also tried Sargent House, still waiting for their reply.
    Hope it gets fixed soon, or get confirmation that it was intentional (which'll piss me off even more, lol).
    You can't really make it work even when you edit out the gap and make them seamless, because there's a subtle difference in tone.

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