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Thread: Trentticus

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post

  2. #32
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    So now the discussion is: can Trent leave NIN and Atticus be the sole member of NIN?

  3. #33
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    So do they do most of their work at Trent's in home studio or do they have another place where they work?

    Also i remember hearing Trent talk about how Atticus is able to assemble his work into meaningful songs. I wonder if they have separate "shifts" or do they spend most of their time in the studio together. Hmmm....

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    So do they do most of their work at Trent's in home studio or do they have another place where they work?
    The most recent article(s) made it seem like the new studio was somewhere other than TR's house but that could've been me connecting dots in my head.

    As for the other part, I always got the impression they liked to work together. TR mentioned that he will put together a collection of sounds and hand them over to AR who would assemble them into a soundscape or whatever. Trent said he'd take that time to step out to clear his head, come back and Atticus had assembled the pieces into something that becomes a part or a song or whatever. I wish I could cite the article but I'm going on memory. It was relatively recent.

  5. #35
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    I wounder when they come into the studio like what cars do they drive or do they take turns bring Starbucks for everyone? Like is it Rock-Paper-Sissors on who is getting lunch that day, lol! The things they do just out side the process of creating? Those outside activities are playing on how they work together is what I'm getting at here and curious about.

  6. #36
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    these 'outside activities' are called personal lives and are none of our business

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by nmitchell86 View Post
    I wounder when they come into the studio like what cars do they drive or do they take turns bring Starbucks for everyone? Like is it Rock-Paper-Sissors on who is getting lunch that day, lol! The things they do just out side the process of creating? Those outside activities are playing on how they work together is what I'm getting at here and curious about.
    I know that Atticus listens to the new Billie Eilish record on his way to "work" in his car. But Trent does not. He says he has no time for "new music"
    Trent is missing out.

    Read it in an interview, lol. Trent was asked on his opinion on Billie Eilish. He said he never listened to her, Atticus chimed in that he's listened to it on his way to the studio and enjoyed what he heard.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Atticus is a core NIN collaborator but NIN is still TR and always will be.
    trent reading this now :


  9. #39
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    I'm really not too interested what they do together on their personal time because it's probably what most adults with careers and families do, just sit around and BS about stuff.

    If Trent really is too busy to listen to new music (not surprising with trying to raise his 17 children or however many he has now), I genuinely feel bad for the guy.

    (hopefully he was just trolling the interviewer, which wouldnt suprise me. But if not I get it because I'm so busy sometimes when I do have time to sit down and listen to music, I don't want to waste my time with something that could possibly suck...)

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by cdm View Post
    TR mentioned that he will put together a collection of sounds and hand them over to AR who would assemble them into a soundscape or whatever. Trent said he'd take that time to step out to clear his head, come back and Atticus had assembled the pieces into something that becomes a part or a song or whatever. I wish I could cite the article but I'm going on memory. It was relatively recent.

    I think I read it in an article too, but I also remember hearing it in this interview:

    He mentions it at about 3:45.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by StockAvuryah View Post
    trent reading this now :
    I know Atticus is officially in the band now (and as of about five years after I wrote that), but it's still Trent's vision and "blueprint" for NIN that they're following, at the end of the day. If he doesn't like something, or think it's not the right direction for NIN, undoubtedly TR will veto it. Atticus is a huge part of the production and writing process, and his presence and onstage input has revitalized the live band too, by taking some of the arrangement burden off TR's shoulders, so he can focus more on performing. We can all be thankful for that.
    Last edited by botley; 02-04-2020 at 09:00 AM.

  12. #42
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    I think some might be confused by my post (I guess I could have been more descriptive.) I'm not interested in their personal lives/ business. I know that people need their privacy and I get that. What I was inquiring about was how they work together just outside of the actual creative process. The working relationship that they have built. This relates to anyone who works in a team/ partner situation and much can be learned for anyone to find ways to improve their own situation.

    For instance, in my last job, my first partner and I got along great. We regularly had lunch together and visited job sites together we talked and would be able to communicate with our customers in a collaborative way. This indirectly contributed to my stellar personal job performance. I was quicker with troubleshooting issues, finding solutions that better fit the customer. We bounced ideas off each other. Our working relationship was positive which created the atmosphere where ideas on how to solve problems would come easy. Once he left and I got a new partner things went down hill fast. New partner was a MAGA dickhead and just hated on everything in life. That negative experience lead to my degraded work performance. Customer interaction with him felt like arguments not problem solving discussions. Sure I could still troubleshoot problems and find fixes but it was much more labored and results were not my best work.

    All the music that TR and AR have been producing the last few years has been amazing. Their working relationship is deeper than TR coming up with a riff or melody and AR arraigning it. They have a working chemistry that is intriguing.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    his presence and onstage input has revitalized the live band too, by taking some of the arrangement burden off TR's shoulders, so he can focus more on performing.
    I think his presence helped Ally most of all. I'm currently doing a spreadsheet of who plays what in each song in each lineup for my own amusement (I'll post it once I'm done), and I can safely say that TR still plays pretty much all the same parts he did in 2013/2014 tours.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by fillow View Post
    I think his presence helped Ally most of all. I'm currently doing a spreadsheet of who plays what in each song in each lineup for my own amusement (I'll post it once I'm done), and I can safely say that TR still plays pretty much all the same parts he did in 2013/2014 tours.
    Sure, I don't mean that Atticus being there literally frees up Trent's hands onstage, or anything like that, it's more about how they go through the process of arranging those songs for the band in rehearsals. Atticus took over responsibility for most of the electronic textures in those arrangements, so Alessandro could focus on playing bass and the occasional synth lead part, but Trent isn't the one poring over the sequenced stuff anymore to make sure it sounds right along with what the band is playing live. That just seemed to free up his headspace a bit more to focus on singing and performing better, from what I saw anyway. They re-arranged almost everything for the initial shows in 2013, then again for the Tension lineup, then AGAIN when going down to a 4-piece. I think TR may have been a bit leery of re-constructing it all again in 2017 and 2018, and it must have been a relief to hand some of that over to AR.

    I remember hearing the track "Only" in 2014, for example, and it was a bit of an ear-bleeder... more punk-like, with not a lot of finesse. In 2018 with Atticus, by contrast, they were basically able to pull it off live sounding just like the record.
    Last edited by botley; 02-04-2020 at 01:53 PM.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    I know Atticus is officially in the band now (and as of about five years after I wrote that), but it's still Trent's vision and "blueprint" for NIN that they're following, at the end of the day. If he doesn't like something, or think it's not the right direction for NIN, undoubtedly TR will veto it. Atticus is a huge part of the production and writing process, and his presence and onstage input has revitalized the live band too, by taking some of the arrangement burden off TR's shoulders, so he can focus more on performing. We can all be thankful for that.
    Yeah well, all bands have their own dynamic, leaders or not. The previous works are still there, NIN is Trent Reznor for more than half the discography.

    But Atticus much more of his own, and pushes Trent to do what he wouldn't have done without him.

    It's less "Trent will veto it" than "They push each other to do the best".

    Well anyway, waiting for Atticus to post with his secret account now any minute.

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