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Thread: Mr Robot

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    Mr Robot

    I was surprised there wasn't a thread on this already. I just watched the first episode on a whim and it was great! It has hints of Dexter, Fight Club, and Matrix in it.

    imdb is showing a 9.4/10 rating (on 22.5k users). That places it as one of the highest rated shows right now. Most of the marketing around it makes it seem like some cheesy show, but it's not.

    The lead actor does an incredibly good job of conveying the psychologically and socially broken/deviant character. I was assuming all the tech was going to be stereotypically fake/stupid... but it's actually very legit. People who live this stuff are actually loving it, which is hard to do. But you also have plenty of people who don't work in tech/security who are also loving it. I hope they don't screw it up as the season progresses....

    Trailer. It doesn't do the best job of conveying the quality of the show, but you get the general concept:

    And you can watch the first episode here, if you don't have the USA Network:
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 07-09-2015 at 10:53 PM.

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    Probably one of the best premieres I've seen. Editing, music, the actors, the script... So good!

  3. #3
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    New episode tonight!

    I caught up to the 3rd episode and things are still holding strong.

    I really want to know how they are keeping their tech so accurate.
    Someone did some digging to figure out what spyware was used in episode 3: https://medium.com/android-news/what...t-bde7804cbac5

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    Well that was intense. I'm going to have to watch it again to catch everything.

    Any ideas on who we are? We, as in, the audience. Lots of 4th wall breaking going on, but I'm not really sure who we are supposed to be to the character.

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    I watched the pilot last night and was absolutely blown away. It didn't feel like a TV series but more like some Fincher-esque movie. Everything from acting, camera work to music (which I think NIN fans will very much appreciate) is absolutely superb. Just wow. I think I'll just watch the premiere again rather than the second episode, because it was so fucking good and I don't want to miss anything.

    Although the tone is quite serious, I'm really enjoying the occasional dark humor in it. The only thing I'm worried about is Spoiler: I hope I haven't figured out the twist ending already. Because they are hinting something about the main character that would be too obvious I think. But probably not, because they are hitting this string quite hard
    Last edited by telee.kom; 07-20-2015 at 08:20 AM.

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    The writer mentioned that he started writing this as a film but it got so long that he decided to make it a TV series. I wonder how much of that influences the "movie quality" aspect and wether that will change after enough episodes.

    As for the twist that you are hinting at... i agree. It's so blatant that I don't think it is going to be anything big like the end of season reveal. At least... i hope not. There is so much subtlety in the rest of the show it would be really out of character. In one of the interviews, I heard about some of the perfectionist things they did when shooting certain scenes: getting the ferris wheel scene done in a single shot (and reshooting the whole thing if someone screwed up a line), having the subway driver perfectly hit every mark along the planned route so that continuity across shots was perfect, etc. I actually just purchased at bootleg shirt that riffs on the blatant twist.

    I actually rewatched all the episodes after seeing the 4th episode. It helped fill in a few bits of info that didn't seem important when I first saw them. That pilot was every bit as good as the first time I saw it.

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    Damn, the fourth episode was like a love child of Trainspotting and David Lynch. So trippy. I love it

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    There as a bunch of Naked Lunch going on too.

    Last night's episode (the 5th) is something I still need to process. The scened with Bill(?) the low level guard pissed me off for being so stupid while I was watching it. Then I started to understand what was probably going on. Now I'm just confused.

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    This series works for me in a similar way to season 2 of True Detective. Specifically, I'm losing interest.

  10. #10
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    Yeah the scene with Bill was gut wrenching. I thought it was incredibly shot. I mean, it's saying something when the show can make you so emotional about a character you know for like 2 minutes. I hated Eliot at that moment, but that's why the scene was so good

  11. #11
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    i'm really loving it.

    i relate to the opiate addiction, i relate to the anti globalist/capitalist stance, i love the lynchian vibe, i adore the music.
    I'm writing this 3 episodes in.

    edit: Ok, 5 episodes in now, and i re-watched the first one.

    I love this show, it's kind of like fight club vs american psycho.
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-24-2015 at 10:43 PM.

  12. #12
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    Last night's episode was fucked.
    As for the Bill scene from the prior week's episode... I'm still not sure if that was real. The entire time he was in Steel Mountain it felt like reality was extremely bent.
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 07-30-2015 at 11:49 PM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Last night's episode was fucked.
    As for the Bill scene from the prior week's episode... I'm still not sure if that was real. The entire time he was in Steel Mountain it felt like reality was extremely bent.
    i'm pretty sure it was real

  14. #14
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    I said before I am losing interest... wrong, maybe a bad mood or something, the last episode was perfect. (True Detective too, interesting, maybe it was me all the time)

  15. #15
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    I'm kinda freaking out that there are only 4 episodes left this season. What is going to fill this hole that I never knew I had until this damn show came into existence? I'm all out of the good Cory Doctorow books... maybe I will look into Neal Stephenson.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Substance242 View Post
    I said before I am losing interest... wrong, maybe a bad mood or something, the last episode was perfect. (True Detective too, interesting, maybe it was me all the time)
    With Mr Robot, i think you could chalk it up to a bad mood.
    This show is utterly fucking amazing, btw. I ADORE it.
    Is there going to be another season? On one hand i hope so, on the other, i don't want it to have an opportunity to jump the shark.

    Also, what language are Tyrell and the woman he lives with speaking? A few things that they have said have made me wonder if they are foreign agents, who may ultimately wind up joining forces with Anonymous...sorry, project mayhem...wait...fsociety...to bring down Enron...ahem..E Corp.

    But @Substance242 , you are not wrong about True Detective. It took 4 episodes to get rolling, which isn't good for a show with 8 episodes.

    Edit: Why in the hell are we the only ones talking about this? 15 comments?!?!?! This is the best show on TV right now. Maybe ETS will catch on later.
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-01-2015 at 06:19 PM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Is there going to be another season? On one hand i hope so, on the other, i don't want it to have an opportunity to jump the shark.
    They were renewed for a 2nd season before the first episode even aired. That's unheard of as far as I know. Especially for a network that is clearly working on their first high quality break-out series.
    Also, the writer stated that he has a very clear 5-6 (or was it 4-5?) season plan for the show.

    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Why in the hell are we the only ones talking about this? 15 comments?!?!?! This is the best show on TV right now. Maybe ETS will catch on later.
    Seriously. It's like this mostly everywhere. I'm betting it will be a slow climb to popularity sort of like how Breaking Bad did it. We can hold it down and be the cool kids who caught on first 8)

    That said, the name of the show is retarded and not helping gain viewers. All the marketing/promo material has never conveyed the awesomeness of the show either. So, I guess, this will primarily be a word-of-mouth type show until they fix some of that.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    They were renewed for a 2nd season before the first episode even aired. That's unheard of as far as I know. Especially for a network that is clearly working on their first high quality break-out series.
    Also, the writer stated that he has a very clear 5-6 (or was it 4-5?) season plan for the show.
    Well that's fucking awesome! and surely this show WILL get popular, because it's fucking great.
    We don't work, and i'm sure we watch at least 40 hours of tv a week. And we have netflix, hulu, vudu, plex with 21 shared libraries, etc etc.
    It's been like this for a couple of years, and while i barely watched tv in the last episode of my life...or ever before now, for that matter, i have become a real connoisseur of tv and movies.
    I seek out the good shit. There are so many shows where we watch a couple of episodes, and if it's not up to par, we jump ship.

    And this show fucking has it ALL. Not only are the music, writing, acting and cinematography amazing, it's EXTREMELY timely and contemporary (the technology, Anonymous, the 1 percent) and the subjects it deals with, it gets right, which is rare (for instance, 90 percent of people probably don't know what suboxone or a k-hole is and aren't even catching those references. but some of us do. i was on suboxone for 2 years and have snorted enough ketamine to kill a herd of buffalo) and it makes the whole thing far more realistic and refreshing. In fact, the suboxone bit was one of the things that really grabbed me. I was like "wow, they've really researched this shit. And again, wow, it IS hard to get on the streets.
    The only thing i could see people complaining about is that it's too much like fight club. But honestly, i don't mind that. And multiple seasons will probably clear that shit up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    they've really researched this shit
    It's disturbing how well they get the stereotype and the accuracy of the details. I do a decent amount of work in net security. I have yet to find even a tiny detail that isn't legit. Even little things like the shot of Tyrell installing a backdoor on that phone... they actually used a legitimate commercial backdoor product for the few seconds you could see it. They had to research every damn detail and then go out and buy it just for that quick shot. It's amazing. Tyrell totally typo'd one of the characters in the serial number when he was quickly typing it though :P There has been several spots where they use bad IP addresses or URL's. I'm certain they are doing it for the same reason movies use the 555-xxxx phone numbers though.

    I've watched a few interviews with the writer. He actually has a bit of background in security. I guess he was a spammer for a while (but got busted) which requires a decent amount of knowledge to pull off. Also, because the show is so good in this area, they are now getting some very talented netsec types (many of which are anonymous) reaching out with offers to do tech consulting for them. The netsec industry fucking LOVES this show. We are used to getting riduculous hollywood crap (as was pointed out in the scene in the hotel room when they are watching the movie Hackers on the TV).

    Some people are saying they went a bit too far with the drug aspect of the stereotype, but I disagree. Drug use is pretty rampant as a way to deal with the stress and/or deal with their own horrible social attributes. Even the concept that addiction is something that you can control is a very common thing. Everything has rules and you can follow them to the edge and gain control on anything. You just have to research the shit out of the topic... or at least that is the common perception of those participating. That said, the big problem with the drugs in the show is that Elliot would really be buying his stuff on the internet. I'm pretty sure they chose not to do that because it would remove huge portions of the story though.

    The writer has talked about the Fight Club influence and several other influences. It already feels like they have deviated enough to make it not a ripoff.
    Did you notice any of the other influences or homages?
    Here is one for The Matrix: https://imgur.com/a/byXWx

    edit: looks like the ending is planned 4-5 seasons out. source
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 08-01-2015 at 11:09 PM.

  20. #20
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    Oh, and lots of people complain about the cheesy nature of the company being called "Evil Corp"... but that's because they didn't pick up on the first episode when this was explained. Elliot "reprogrammed" his brain to see/hear Evil Corp in place of the actual name of the company. If you pay attention, there are some places where you see "E Corp" instead. That should tell you when you are perceiving something through Elliot's head (most of the show) vs outside it.

    Did you pick up on that important bit? I honestly didn't the first time through.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Did you notice any of the other influences or homages?

    edit: looks like the ending is planned 4-5 seasons out. source
    Hell yes, Tyrell is American Psycho, straight up.

    4-5 seasons out, eh?

    i hope it doesn't fucking get cancelled and become like firefly or the 4400

  22. #22
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    If you want to see something funny, here are 40+ FCC complaints about this show: http://www.scribd.com/doc/273076997/...s-for-Mr-Robot
    It's basically all homophobia. The FCC has no control of cable TV to begin with.

    "During the show they had two men having anal sex. They had the sounds effects too. This shouldn't be on TV ever!"

    "there was an explicit male gay sex scene. That is ridiculous for any child to stumble on, especially my religious freedom of a man joined with a woman ONLY!"

    "was a very graphic scene showing homosexual sodomy. There was thrusting, nudity & sounds of fluid transfer."

    "homo sexual sodomy acts in living and graphic color. Can't un-see that. ... Please make it stop."

    "Although there was no penetration shown, they did graphicly illustrate one cleaning the others anus"

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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    They were renewed for a 2nd season before the first episode even aired. That's unheard of as far as I know. Especially for a network that is clearly working on their first high quality break-out series.
    Also, the writer stated that he has a very clear 5-6 (or was it 4-5?) season plan for the show.

    Seriously. It's like this mostly everywhere. I'm betting it will be a slow climb to popularity sort of like how Breaking Bad did it. We can hold it down and be the cool kids who caught on first 8)

    That said, the name of the show is retarded and not helping gain viewers. All the marketing/promo material has never conveyed the awesomeness of the show either. So, I guess, this will primarily be a word-of-mouth type show until they fix some of that.
    i'm on board, this show is fantastic.

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    Haha, those FCC complaints are hilarious... Complaining about the content that effectively serves the story is absurd (especially considering that this show is fairly accurate to real life). I guess those people just don't want to accept reality for what it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Also, what language are Tyrell and the woman he lives with speaking? A few things that they have said have made me wonder if they are foreign agents
    I read somewhere that they are actually speaking both different languages, one of them Danish and one of them Swedish or something like that. Maybe for the security reasons?

    I just got around to seeing episode 6 and my heart sank in last few minutes. I knew that this is how it had to end, but damn.. That was just sad. Rami Malek really pulled it off, it was very subtle performance, but it was exactly what I would expect from Eliot's character. Also the cinematography is so fucking weird I love it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    I read somewhere that they are actually speaking both different languages, one of them Danish and one of them Swedish or something like that. Maybe for the security reasons?
    Interesting! I was thinking they were both speaking Swedish, but Danish would make sense, too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Oh, and lots of people complain about the cheesy nature of the company being called "Evil Corp"... but that's because they didn't pick up on the first episode when this was explained. Elliot "reprogrammed" his brain to see/hear Evil Corp in place of the actual name of the company. If you pay attention, there are some places where you see "E Corp" instead. That should tell you when you are perceiving something through Elliot's head (most of the show) vs outside it.

    Did you pick up on that important bit? I honestly didn't the first time through.
    Wow, there are really people who think the company is actually called Evil Corp? I love the way they did this, it would be one thing for Elliot and co to keep saying "Evil Corp", but the fact that it keeps showing it on TVs and subway ads and shit is great.

    I love a show where every line is important and your utmost attention is absolutely necessary. I try to explain this to people who watch things casually and somehow have no understanding of what the fuck is going on halfway in.

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    Quote Originally Posted by telee.kom View Post
    I read somewhere that they are actually speaking both different languages, one of them Danish and one of them Swedish or something like that. Maybe for the security reasons?

    I just got around to seeing episode 6 and my heart sank in last few minutes. I knew that this is how it had to end, but damn.. That was just sad. Rami Malek really pulled it off, it was very subtle performance, but it was exactly what I would expect from Eliot's character. Also the cinematography is so fucking weird I love it.
    Spoiler: That shot of Elliot reacting after opening the trunk of the car with the camera spinning around and drawing out the reveal was so fucking awesome. Definitely quality above and beyond anything I'd expect out of basic cable TV, let alone fucking USA channel. Amazing.

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    Just bought and finished episode one. I thought it was good. A lil heavy on borrowing from Dexter - especially with such a similar internal monologue, "secret collection", troubled upbringing - but that's just being nitpicky. Waiting for the missus to get home to introduce her (and hopefully talk her into subscribing to Hulu).

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    Quote Originally Posted by the duder View Post
    Just bought and finished episode one. I thought it was good. A lil heavy on borrowing from Dexter - especially with such a similar internal monologue, "secret collection", troubled upbringing - but that's just being nitpicky. Waiting for the missus to get home to introduce her (and hopefully talk her into subscribing to Hulu).
    see Duder , i didn't catch any Dexter.
    What i saw was a BIG heaping helping of fight club (honestly, to the point where i believe that Chuck Pal should be acknowledged, maybe the way Rush acknowledged Ayn Rand in the liner notes of 2112,) and a steaming side of American Psycho.

    BUT...the show is SOOOO fucking good that i can forgive how derivative it is.

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