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Thread: Borderlands!

  1. #391
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    Quote Originally Posted by ibanez33 View Post
    Looks like I'm gonna respec my Commandos turret to use the dual Slag guns again, unless I can find a decent Slag weapon for my primary. In a way I'm glad they've patched the Evil Smasher exploit/glitch, since it was a massive game-breaker, but it's going to be a huge pain to farm the Invincibles (solo) for rare drops now.
    I plan to do the same with my Commando, I do have a few good slag weapons but it will be nice to have everything slagged whenever my turret is out. Once you hit level 61 you'll be able to have the slag turrets and the nuke, that combo will wreck shit. Since they patched the Smasher glitch there's no way I'll be farming the invincibles, which is no biggie since that was really game-breaking but it was great for farming. I might end up using the Norfleet/Sham combo for UVHM, I've played through the story so many times and not sure that I feel like spending another 15 hours or whatever to get through it.

  2. #392
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    Damnit, apparently I need to update my OS to install the patch. Probably won't be able to play for another hour or 2...

  3. #393
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    I played UVHM for a couple hours last night, got through the Hunting the Firehawk mission. It's not too much different than going from Normal to TVMH but the upped enemy health is definitely noticable, slag is a must. Once enemies are slagged the Bitch SMG or this bad ass AR I have make short work of them. I also used the Norfleet/Sham combo to fly through a lot of it, but once I start getting into the higher levels I don't think that level 50 Norfleet will do jack shit. The double slag turret for the Commando is perfect for this playthrough. I'm dreading places like Thousand Cuts and Sawtooth Cauldron, I have a feeling those places are gonna be pretty rough.

  4. #394
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    I plan to do the same with my Commando, I do have a few good slag weapons but it will be nice to have everything slagged whenever my turret is out. Once you hit level 61 you'll be able to have the slag turrets and the nuke, that combo will wreck shit. Since they patched the Smasher glitch there's no way I'll be farming the invincibles, which is no biggie since that was really game-breaking but it was great for farming. I might end up using the Norfleet/Sham combo for UVHM, I've played through the story so many times and not sure that I feel like spending another 15 hours or whatever to get through it.
    My invincible technique consists of my gunzerker speced out for a pistol class, the bee and dual double penetrating unkempt harolds. The explosive damage from those things wrecks all.

    Im not looking forward to farming the bar room for torque tokens again, it took freakin forever to get the 1200+ needed for 2 harolds, plus all the hours spent farming at the torgue machine till the DP ones popped up. I got so bored, i started keeping track of what variants were coming up, and only 1 out of 37 was the DP variant. Not to mention that maybe 1 in 10 of the items of the day, was the Harold.

    Anyways, enough complaining. anybody get any pearls or etech relics yet?

  5. #395
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    Quote Originally Posted by SM Rollinger View Post
    Im not looking forward to farming the bar room for torque tokens again, it took freakin forever to get the 1200+ needed for 2 harolds, plus all the hours spent farming at the torgue machine till the DP ones popped up. I got so bored, i started keeping track of what variants were coming up, and only 1 out of 37 was the DP variant. Not to mention that maybe 1 in 10 of the items of the day, was the Harold.
    I only ever bought 1 gun from the Torgue vendor and it was a DP Harold. Shitty thing was I didn't have enough tokens left after that for another gun and the next time I checked the vendor in Pete's Bar it was another DP Harold. So yeah, that pissed me off enough that I never bothered with the tokens again. This time I'm not even going to check those vendors unless I have enough tokens to buy a gun.

    I haven't gotten any pearls or etech relics yet, I only just made it to level 52 and The Fridge last night. I'm having trouble putting a lot of time into UVHM even though it is fun, I've played through the story 4 times already and there are some parts I'm not real fond of and have stopped for the night when I've gotten there. I've only run into one legendary loot midget so far when I was in Frostburn Canyon and he didn't drop anything good.

  6. #396
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    UVHM update came out for Mac, I just got to the part where you rescue Roland from W4R-D3N.... I'm not finding it any harder than when I moved up from Normal to TVHM, bit I'm sure as soon as I level up another couple of times and outgrow my legendary gear I'll be fucked, and I'll start spending all of those Seraph crystals I've been hoarding...

    Jesus CHRIST is the leveling from 50-61 ever slow! I love it though, my level 50 DP Unkempt Harold and Binary Thunderball Fist are still kicking a ton of ass at level 52, they should last me the rest of this playthrough. Judging by how it's gone so far I think I'll still only be 53 by the time I kill the Warrior. Has anyone had any luck with pearl weapons yet? So far through UVHM I've only found 1 legendary grenade mod that Willhelm dropped, which I thought was rather unfortunate since the Meteor Shower grenade mod from the Seraph vendor is the best one in the game IMO. The amount of area it covers & damage it does are unreal, plus I have the homing variety so I just throw one out and I'm almost guaranteed a kill or 2 (or 3, or 4, or...)
    Last edited by ibanez33; 04-05-2013 at 04:28 AM.

  7. #397
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    I hit the wildlife preserve last night, leveled up to 53 while I was farming loot midgets, you'll definitely be past 53 by the time you beat it. Enemies start giving a ton of XP once you get a little farther into it. The part in Outlook where you have to protect the beacon so you can get back to Sanctuary is a huge pain in the ass.

    I farmed the midgets for maybe an hour last night and got a ton of e-tech relics but no pearls. Some of the relics are useless but some of them are really bad ass. I've only seen 1 legendary in UVHM so far and that was from Boom Bewm.

  8. #398
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    I got about halfway through leveling up for the first time to 51 before realizing that there are no new achievements for hitting 61 or anything so stopped lol. Too many games now but I'll definitely hit it someday...hopefully.

  9. #399
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    I got about halfway through leveling up for the first time to 51 before realizing that there are no new achievements for hitting 61 or anything so stopped lol. Too many games now but I'll definitely hit it someday...hopefully.
    Likewise, I like being able to level up once more but I'm not hard pressed to do so or play as there aren't any achievements involved. Glad too, I'd never hit 61.

  10. #400
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    There's rumored to be like 10 new achievements with the new DLC in a couple months.

  11. #401
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    If the 4th DLC is gonna be as big as they're saying, it better have more than 150GS. And I hope the achievements are actually something fun to do, they've all been generic crap for the DLCs so far.

  12. #402
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    Oh yeah, the next DLC...with the new class, had slipped my mind. Will hopefully jump back in for a while when that comes out, but like kdcraig said, it had better be worth it.

  13. #403
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    Got my first pearl weapon. An Akurate Sawbar, it is useless.

    Edit: DP Harold destroys shit in UVHM. Bunker was a joke
    Last edited by kdrcraig; 04-06-2013 at 09:09 PM.

  14. #404
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    Just beat UVHM, finished at level 59 without really doing any side missions but a little farming. At 58 I farmed for a Bee and got one with 51k capacity and 112k amp damage, it absolutely destroys everything with a DP Harold. I can't wait to see how powerful all the legendary guns will be at level 61

    Edit: farmed Bunker to get to 61. He dropped a pearl, an Unforgiven, only time he's dropped anything better than purple for me. But he dropped a lot of other awesome shit too. I'm pretty much unstoppable now
    Last edited by kdrcraig; 04-07-2013 at 09:08 PM.

  15. #405
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    ^Holy fuck, 112k Bee? My 55 is ~30k capacity and ~50k damage, but it also makes me immune to corrosion so it's really handy for farming Pete. I still haven't had any luck with the pearls, I'm gonna try farming some loot midgets in a bit.

  16. #406
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    Yeah that Bee is ridiculous, and it's not even max stats I don't think

  17. #407
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    By the way, if anyone wants a dickload of legendaries, you can farm the Legendary Loot Midgets in the Wildlife Preservation, in the area where you go to Bloodwings enclosure just after the Ultimate Badass Loader. Make sure you have the Doctors Orders mission active (available from Tannis in Sanctuary). Kill all of the Skags and Stalkers in there so the loot midgets have a higher chance to spawn, then look in the 4 cardboard boxes that are in the room with that red chest. Every time I've done it I've gotten at least 2 to jump out, usually 3 or 4 though (I ran it 6 or 7 times last night), no pearls yet but a ton of those new relics, a few Legendary guns, and an Impaler shield.

  18. #408
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    You don't have to kill all the stalkers/skags in there to get a higher chance for the LLMs to spawn, but killing them anyway is a good idea because they will come wreck your life while you're farming the midgets. Doctor's Orders being active is all you need to guarantee at least a couple midgets coming out of those boxes, I think the lowest I've had was two as well. I farmed there for a little during the story and got a couple legendaries and a pearl, haven't been back since I hit 61 one though. Fighting through all those stalkers and loaders to get there gets old for a farming run. Another option for the LLMs, which is what I was doing last night for a bit, is accept the Rocko's Modern Strife mission from Brick which will make it so no enemies spawn in the first part of Thousand Cuts as long as you don't go talk to Rocko. Then you can farm all the loot crates there for LLMs. I didn't get them to spawn every run but for the most part they did, one run I had 5 spawn. I'd say it's a little shorter than fighting your way through for the Doctor's Orders way but it's just not guaranteed that you're gonna get any LLMs. I got 3 legendaries between the midgets and the red chest in the buzzard factory, tons of E-Tech relics but no pearls.

  19. #409
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    Also in thousand cuts there's two right outside BN-K3Rs area, if you go in there and then back out into Thousand Cuts the one immediately to the left usually spawns one, and another near the save New-U station just before where the constructor spawns. farm, save & quit, repeat.

    I don't mind the run for Doctors Orders because I'm still gaining XP from it, haven't hit 61 yet.

  20. #410
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    Thanks for that tip, I've been farming Bunker anyway so ill start doing that. Got a Storm pearl sniper from the doctor's orders midgets earlier, it's pretty bad ass

  21. #411
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    There's an update rolling out today

    • Added support and compatibility for upcoming content, including .
    • Fixed an issue where bank and stash capacity could be exceeded. This change prevents additional items from being added to stash / bank until capacity is below the maximum -- it does not forcibly remove or delete any items.
    • Added a preview of available premium customizations when using a customization station so that players can see what a purchased head or skin would look like before buying.
    • Fixed an exploit where players could become invincible occasionally through the Siren's Res skill.
    • Fixed an issue that prevented players from choosing a new customization from SHiFT when creating a character immediately after redeeming a customization code.
    • Added a new automatic backup feature -- the game will periodically create a backup of your current character so that there is something to fall back on if your character save becomes corrupted.
    • The game will now attempt to automatically delete older compatibility packs that are no longer needed in order to free up some hard drive space.

    • Fixed issues with the following missions that could cause players to get stuck or not be able to complete them:
      • Bad Hair Day
      • Best Minion Ever

    • Fixed a bug that could cause the "Wildlife Preservation" mission boss to sometimes continue fighting after the encounter in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode.
    • (Captain Scarlett DLC) Fixed an issue that could cause Scarlett to not drop Scarlett's Greed in the fight with Roscoe.

    • Fixed a bug that caused the player's grenade count to not be saved properly if they were using a Grenadier class mod.
    • Fixed a bug causing Seraph items of the day to incorrectly be capped at level 55.
    • Rebalanced the Gunzerker's Titan class mod to be more in line other Gunzerker class mods.
    • Fixed an issue where the Evolution shield could incorrectly list a Recharge Delay of 0.00 seconds.
    • Fixed audio from Impact shields not playing when connected to another player.
    • Fixed an issue causing audio distortion in some cases when a transfusion projectile got stuck inside an object.

  22. #412
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    I dont know if it was the patch or the new compatibility update i had to download, but my Badass Rank got reset, im missing 9 golden keys, the items in claptraps stash were gone, and even worse, i lost all my heads/skins.

    There is people talking about this on gearboxs forums, and i opened a ticket with the support department. But so far nothing from gearbox (suprise suprise).


  23. #413
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    This seems to be a common theme with patches :/

  24. #414
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    Thanks for the warning, unfortunately it seems like a freaky thing that doesn't effect everyone but I won't chance it, not to mention I have no drive to play this anyways.

  25. #415
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    That's been randomly happening to people for a long time, can't believe they haven't figured it out yet. Pretty sure they can get you most, if not all of your BA Rank and keys back. I played this all day yesterday with no problems.

  26. #416
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    Just wanted to let everybody know, i got a email back from gearboxs support team asking about my email for my shift account. I responded so hopefuly they can fiz this!

    I did get all my points back, i had to load all my profiles and exit out before it added them all back. It dint remove any earned skins from my charceters (my siren still has her shrapnel slayer helmet on with the green skin from the st. patrics day give away), but i found out with the mechromancer if you change what you have eqquiped, you dont have the option to go back to the old stuff.

    Anyways, Im going to go back to playing the first Borderlands for a bit, at least till they get this crap figured out and the last DLC comes out. Still have yet to get my final cheevo for clearing all the missions in the Seceret Armory.

    my gamertag is SM Rollinger if anybody is interested in a Borderlands (1 or 2) partner, hit me up

  27. #417
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    That's a cool article about what makes Borderlands so great and in some sense games of its type in general, but also talks about its faults that drive some of us crazy. It was written in March of last year and is a pretty long read but I really enjoyed it.

  28. #418
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    I wish they had a visable statistic in the weapons for projectile speed. That alone can make or break a gun.

  29. #419
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    Has anyone bought Poker Night 2? I really want to unlock that Portal-themed skin for Zer0 and the Army of Darkness head for Axton, they look sick.

  30. #420
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    Nah I'm not going to get that, don't want to spend 10 bucks for a few skins I don't care about anyway. I reset my challenges for the 2nd time yesterday, it's nuts after you reset and challenges start getting completed all over the place.

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