I let my kids listen to SELECT NIN tracks. Swearing? Don't care. Hence my ten and six year olds have "Only" on their ipod Shuffle's. (That was the videos fault though.) They also like "The Hand that Feeds". They like Perfect Drug too. I've shown them bits of NIN live too.

I would draw the line at a lot of songs though. My kid saying "Fuck" in front of their grandmother doesn't bother me. Them telling her they want to fuck her like an animal on the other hand...

I figure I'll wait until their at least 12 to show them the Broken movie...

(Since this is the internet and the collective IQ drops weekly, I must add the last bit is a joke)

To give some perspective, because of me my kids like Iron Maiden, David Bowie etc... Even a bit of Pink Floyd. My next trick is to get at least one hooked on Marillion's "Grendel" after I named my latest Terraria character that.