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Thread: The Tomb Raider Thread

  1. #31
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    I love this game, GOTY so far for me.

  2. #32
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    I feel like this would be a GOTY contender in any other year, but this one will see a new Bioshock, a new GTA, some flashy Next Gen shit, and already had Ni No Kuni. This game was PERFECT but it's that kind of year.

    But who knows, the last GTA wasn't great and maybe the hype of Bioshock Infinite will crash and burn.

  3. #33
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    Re: The Tomb Raider Thread

    Its definitely a contender. Has a lot of stiff competition in the near future, alone. Going to be a tough call probably.

  4. #34
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    we can't worry too much about what the game of the year is at this point. We're barely in.

    Besides, I already know my favorite game this year is going to be Tales of Xillia.

    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple
    Any spiders in this one? (i always have to ask with games like this considering the atmosphere of islands and possible cave and underground scenarios, even Uncharted 3 had spiders of course those ones didn't bother me too much since they looks like scarabs or ants but if they were like the spiders in Skyrim.... NOPE NOPE NOPE!)
    This is a real thing? I'm not belittling you, I'm just surprised that the phobia carries over to media. To be honest, I fucking hate spiders, and I used to be really bothered by them. I got over it a bit as I grew up, but even when I was younger I liked movies that messed with me regarding that fear. I saw Arachnophobia in the theaters and it honestly freaked me out, but that's why I enjoyed it.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 03-10-2013 at 10:11 PM.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    This is a real thing? I'm not belittling you, I'm just surprised that the phobia carries over to media. To be honest, I fucking hate spiders, and I used to be really bothered by them. I got over it a bit as I grew up, but even when I was younger I liked movies that messed with me regarding that fear. I saw Arachnophobia in the theaters and it honestly freaked me out, but that's why I enjoyed it.
    Yeah man my phobia of arachnids is pretty extreme, i can't even handle still images of spiders so that means no national geographic magazines for me lol.... my anxiety just goes through the roof and then i get paranoid and i just feel like I'm turning inside out, I'll start hyperventilating and get vertigo. Real life, Films, Games, Still images on the internet (I've got a filter blocking tagged images of spiders on Tumblr). Doesn't matter, i just can't do it...

    If i even have to google something that has spider in the title for example maybe using image search for some graphics like for Spider-Man or there's this band called Spiderbait, I'd have to be extremely specific so I'm getting the right images popping up...

    With the internet being so unpredictable at every turn though.... trying to spider proof everything is pretty impossible. You'd really think I'd be desensitized by now with the amount of times I've been spooked by the damn things but it never seems to change.
    Last edited by thelastdisciple; 03-11-2013 at 12:16 AM.

  6. #36
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    For what it's worth, now that I've finished the game, I can say with confidence that it is completely without spiders of any size. Which is kind of baffling considering the setting....

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Yeah man my phobia of arachnids is pretty extreme
    Wow. That sounds awful. I'm sorry that happens to you. Have you tried any therapy to deal with it? I'm not overly enthusiastic about the shrinks, but there's got to be someone who knows what to do about this, because (as I'm sure you know) it's an irrational fear.

  8. #38
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    Welp, I was pleasantly surprised by this. Would've been GOTY for me if it had been a new IP rather than a reboot of the Tomb Raider series; I feel like the Lara they created wasn't as likeable as the original but the plot and gameplay were good enough to make me get over it. I guess if it had been an entirely new game, it would've been too easy to compare it to games like Uncharted and Far Cry 3 (especially the latter...) without it having the backing of a pre-established franchise.

    9/10 as a game in its own right. Maybe 6 or 7/10 as a Tomb Raider game. Still really enjoyable either way, although I don't know how it'll stand up in terms of replay value. The older Tomb Raiders (prior to the debacle that was AoD) were all pretty vast, whereas it only took two days for me to 100% this.

  9. #39
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    Re: The Tomb Raider Thread

    I was originally reluctant to play it mostly due to the fact that I never really played the original games. After playing this one, I'm kinda interested in trying out the old ones now.

  10. #40
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    Wow, guess we're all too wrapped up in newer games to talk about this. Poor Lara :P

    I assume everyone has heard at this stage that there isn't going to be singleplayer DLC, and instead the devs'll be focussing on multiplayer. It only really struck me today that I feel a bit gypped as part of what had me so excited for this game was the possibilities DLC could bring. It's a shame, really; the multiplayer is pretty weak compared to the main game itself. It might have been okay as a side-note added to the game to add a bit of extra revenue. With this, they're just adding money to a component of the game many people won't even bother with.

  11. #41
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    Re: The Tomb Raider Thread

    I've yet to try the multiplayer. I've heard below average things about it. I probably won't touch it. They're fools for no single player DLC though. They know there's a demand for it...

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    I've yet to try the multiplayer. I've heard below average things about it. I probably won't touch it. They're fools for no single player DLC though. They know there's a demand for it...
    Yeah, unless you're all about the trophies (like me), the MP was a waste of time: CoD light at best. If I wanted to play CoD, I'd play CoD. The platinum requirement ("prestige" 4 times) was a brutal grind--boring as all hell. I don't know why devs keep trying to force MP on games that don't call for it; glad Bioshock Infinite stopped with that nonsense. Tomb Raider was a good enough game, as an SP, without tacking on that MP garbage.

  13. #43
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    Multiplayer isn't bad but it's nothing mind-blowingly awesome. It sucks that I want all achievements and have to stomach 25 more levels to get to level 50 in it.

    I still have to beat single player. With Gears of War: Judgment and BioShock Infinite it kinda fell to the wayside.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    Multiplayer isn't bad but it's nothing mind-blowingly awesome. It sucks that I want all achievements and have to stomach 25 more levels to get to level 50 in it.

    I still have to beat single player. With Gears of War: Judgment and BioShock Infinite it kinda fell to the wayside.
    Actually if you want all TR achievements, you need to prestige 3 times to unlock the final MP skin, to purchase, AND then reach level 58 (of that prestige level) to be able to buy all items, earning "Shopholic." It was brutal, but, I got it. For this reason, TR MP sucks for trophy hunters.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruined View Post
    Actually if you want all TR achievements, you need to prestige 3 times to unlock the final MP skin, to purchase, AND then reach level 58 (of that prestige level) to be able to buy all items, earning "Shopholic." It was brutal, but, I got it. For this reason, TR MP sucks for trophy hunters.
    Hmmm, maybe I won't end up getting them all then. The time dedicated to do that I'd rather use playing multiplayer in a game's multiplayer worthwhile, like Gears of War: Judgment.

  16. #46
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    Never mind. Just realised it shipped with pre-orders of the game. I'll go back to not being hopeful about there ever being singleplayer DLC.
    Last edited by Hula; 06-07-2013 at 04:05 AM. Reason: I'm a derp.

  17. #47
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    I loved this latest Tomb Raider game so much I played it straight through three times. The combat is so fluid, it runs like a cinematic experience.

    I liked it so much I went back and bought the first three games as they were on a deal, but I'm still just as crap, kept clunking Lara into walls

  18. #48
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    Rise of the Tomb Raider will be an Xbox One exclusive.

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    Rise of the Tomb Raider will be an Xbox One exclusive.
    not really sure how to feel about this. Console exclusives from first party developers is one thing but when you take a huge third party franchise like tomb raider and make it exclusive, well I don't know. That's like making Resident Evil 7 or the next COD game exclusive to one console. It just shouldn't be in my opinion. Console wars are fucking bullshit

  20. #50
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    I'm pissed. Really enjoyed the first game. It's the fans of the game who suffer in the end. Hopefully it's a timed exclusive.

  21. #51
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    I own an Xbox One and yeah, it is unfair and not the best idea but the amount of hate and butthurt I'm reading is hilarious everywhere. As is the double standards of Sony fans on the matter.

    IT'S A VIDEO GAME. Channel your angst elsewhere.

  22. #52
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    Way I see it. If you don't want me to buy your game, fine. I'm sure I'll get an at xbone at some point, so I'll play it then, whenever that may be. For me, though, it's just shitty business. It doesn't make me want an xbone any more than I did before. I'm sure it'll be great. But, I'm not shelling out another 400 bucks so soon after buying a ps4. Quantum Break seems like the only game worth making me consider the console. That's a whole other topic though.

  23. #53
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    The way I see it: eat a dick Sony fans. This is delicious 17 year old revenge when Tomb Raider 2 went Sony exclusive, despite the original Tomb Raider beginning development as a Saturn title.

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Madmya View Post
    The way I see it: eat a dick Sony fans. This is delicious 17 year old revenge when Tomb Raider 2 went Sony exclusive, despite the original Tomb Raider beginning development as a Saturn title.
    Exclusive as far as consoles are concerned but all of the Tomb Raider games have been released for PC in the past. The fact that this isn't getting a PC release (for the time being) is more bullshit than Playstation getting it as far as I'm concerned.

  25. #55
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    Turns out it is just a timed exclusive. Problems solved.

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJK View Post
    Turns out it is just a timed exclusive. Problems solved.
    Time to see if whiners will put their money where their mouth is. I bet 80% will still buy the game regardless.

  27. #57
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    All I said was that I'm not buying an Xbox for it.

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piko View Post
    All I said was that I'm not buying an Xbox for it.
    No hate to you, to the ones that say CD are garbage and they hate the current Tomb Raider reboot game and they boycott Rise since it was an Xbox exclusive first.

    Edited for stuff like this:

    Last edited by Space Suicide; 08-13-2014 at 02:42 PM.

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    I own an Xbox One and yeah, it is unfair and not the best idea but the amount of hate and butthurt I'm reading is hilarious everywhere. As is the double standards of Sony fans on the matter.

    IT'S A VIDEO GAME. Channel your angst elsewhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide
    So Destiny gives beta access to PS4 first and EXCLUSIVE SONY ONLY Content too? I'm so fucking sick of this shit! They have Hardline too before Xbox.

    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide
    PS/Sony gets far TOO MUCH exclusive shit from devs.
    You got pretty angry when Sony got early access to a BETA. The thing with Tomb Raider is obnoxious, and MS bought it because they knew this was a franchise that has traditionally performed better on Sony platforms. It's just directly fucking over people who aren't generally interested in the content on their system.

    They've done it with niche titles too when they were trying to get Japanese gamers to buy their system... like Katamari, Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean 4, The Last Remnant, . Maybe one or two people in Japan bought an Xbox just so they could play those games... everyone else just missed out until their exclusivity contract expired.

    It's shitty whenever this sort of thing happens, and it seems to piss you off when Sony does it, even in really minor ways... but you think it's funny and worth mocking people who are irritated when Microsoft does it... and they do it more. Already this generation, Dead Rising 3 and Titanfall aren't coming out on PS4 at all because MS threw a bunch of money at the devs. These aren't titles produced by Microsoft.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 08-13-2014 at 06:13 PM.

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post

    You got pretty angry when Sony got early access to a BETA. The thing with Tomb Raider is obnoxious, and MS bought it because they knew this was a franchise that has traditionally performed better on Sony platforms. It's just directly fucking over people who aren't generally interested in the content on their system.

    They've done it with niche titles too when they were trying to get Japanese gamers to buy their system... like Katamari, Tales of Vesperia, Star Ocean 4, The Last Remnant, . Maybe one or two people in Japan bought an Xbox just so they could play those games... everyone else just missed out until their exclusivity contract expired.

    It's shitty whenever this sort of thing happens, and it seems to piss you off when Sony does it, even in really minor ways... but you think it's funny and worth mocking people who are irritated when Microsoft does it... and they do it more. Already this generation, Dead Rising 3 and Titanfall aren't coming out on PS4 at all because MS threw a bunch of money at the devs. These aren't titles produced by Microsoft.
    No doubt and you said it BUT I admitted it was unfair for Evolve dicksucking on Xbox One's end when brought up. I still do. I also think Rise of the Tomb Raider is unfair, I even said it other places instead of here. developers withholding EITHER console of material, whether a full game or a fucking gun is retarded and a lame practice. As for my past Destiny gripes, it was just one more PS only exclusive content in a game that's happened and been popularized the entire last gen for just about every Ubisoft and WB game ever released. Just gets old.

    I just hate the double standard that's utilized time and time again. I've just reached my breaking point with the majority (NOT ALL) of smug Sony fans en mass, this TR shit was the tipping point. I'm constantly berated and shat on just about everywhere but here about owning a One over a PS4. I, personally, never EVER see any type of bashing whatsoever of PS practices anywhere, yet the One is constantly being verbally destroyed on articles, know, pretty much the entire internet. So when I see this happen, I just have to laugh. You can't pit the fanboy shit on me. I owned a PSX, PS2 and I own a PS3. I'm not a hater to the companies or practices as much as it is the communities. My words might spill to PR and company bullshit but it is after all business and money wins. Neither company cares for me and I know that.

    This is all speculation but we don't know what transpired between Microsoft and Crystal Dynamics. MS might've/might even help funding for it. For all we know it could've been another Bayonetta 2 fiasco. Doesn't help that Sony recently sold shares and stock of their Square Enix partnerships either.

    Your argument, although strong, is moot on Dead Rising 3 as Microsoft funded Capcom as well as published the game. No different than this new Silent Hills game revealed yesterday IF the product details of what I've read are true. It'll be a third party developer but published by SCEA, same shit different pond.

    I'm done arguing this. If I go on everytime either company does something to fuck the other over, I'll be arguing the entire 8th generation.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 08-13-2014 at 07:12 PM. Reason: grmmr

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