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Thread: (Real) Lights In The Sky

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    (Real) Lights In The Sky

    I don't know if i believe in space aliens are visiting earth or not. To me, it seems like they wouldn't come all this way unless they were, say, out of water. And in that case, i doubt that they would be friendly.
    That being said, i do believe that there is other life in the universe. Some of the greatest minds in the world (Michio Kaku, NOT the dude from ancient aliens) say that the chance of intelligent extraterrestrial life existing is 100%.

    This field of study is damn near a waste of time because you never know when what you're watching/reading is disinformation from the government, which they have ADMITTEDLY done EXTENSIVELY in the US, ostensibly to confuse folk who have seen top secret weapon technologies, driving one of them to commit suicide (see Mirage Men.)

    BUT-you can't "disbelieve" the existence of unidentified flying objects. They don't have to be aliens. Many so called sightings are easily debunked, or their authenticity is up in the air.

    In the past few years however, there have been strange things in the sky captured from multiple angles and seen by hundreds or even thousands of people.

    So. Here's my question. What the FUCK is this?

    Is it a spaceship? A rip in the fabric of space and time? Are we talking Project Bluebeam?

    There are more crazy, baffling shits like this on youtube. More and more they are making it onto the evening news.

    Have the lights in the sky finally arrived? What the fuck does it all mean?

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    lol at those lights

    "hai guys I'm gonna float here for a bit then vanish for no apparent reason"

    go home lights in the sky, you're drunk

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    i think it's ball lightning. a perfectly explicable weather phenom. or st elmo's fire.'s_fire
    Last edited by ldopa; 12-07-2015 at 02:43 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ldopa View Post
    i think it's ball lightning. a perfectly explicable weather phenom. or st elmo's fire.'s_fire
    and then what the fuck is THIS shit?

    i think they are probably military tests...or wormholes of some kind.

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    Back in biblical times we thought stars, the northern lights and other astrological phenomenon were gods and angels. As science grew and the scope of the unknown has shrunk we now think they're aliens for some reason.

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    All I'm saying is that @Hazekiah gets a lot of shit because of post formatting and his love for less-than-critically-acclaimed movies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Back in biblical times we thought stars, the northern lights and other astrological phenomenon were gods and angels. As science grew and the scope of the unknown has shrunk we now think they're aliens for some reason.
    But what in the fuck are they @tony.parente ?

    There are several more like this. These are the kind that interest me. They are witnessed by hundreds of people, they are captured from multiple angles, they come on the mainstream news, and they baffle science.

    Personally, i don't think they have anything to do with aliens, and as a matter of fact, they might fit very neatly into the realm of science.
    I think there's a damn good chance that they are interdimensional "bleedthrough." Multiverse theory is becoming more and more widely accepted. Why wouldn't things "slip through" from time to time?
    For what it's worth, i think that my theory on this covers "ghosts" too. I've SEEN the motherfuckers. I've seen them WITH my wife, WITH my brother, etc.
    But the idea of them being disembodied human spirits doesn't sound right to me.

    ANYWAY, here's another one that fits my parameters.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    All I'm saying is that @Hazekiah gets a lot of shit because of post formatting and his love for less-than-critically-acclaimed movies...
    i'm confused. Is @Hazekiah a Space Alien?

    Edit: Hey, Everbody, check THIS shit out. It's several of them. "mass sightings." Multiple witnesses, multiple camera angles, made the news-NOT the kind that one cat can fake with a computer program.

    Here's another possible explanation-advanced weapon technology. The US government has OPENLY talked about a psyop where they would project an image of Allah over Iraq.
    If these sightings, especially the really spectacular ones, are examples of that sort of thing (some believe it to be called Project Bluebeam,) imagine the fucking POWER it grants those who would use it to manipulate people.
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-07-2015 at 05:15 PM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    i'm confused. Is @Hazekiah a Space Alien?
    Some people act like he is, yes.

    What I meant was that Haz takes a ton of shit and has to defend (well he doesn't have to but, God love him, he does) in certain threads while threads like the this and the conspiracy thread run unchecked and without scrutiny. Just seems strange to me. To each their own though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    Some people act like he is, yes.

    What I meant was that Haz takes a ton of shit and has to defend (well he doesn't have to but, God love him, he does) in certain threads while threads like the this and the conspiracy thread run unchecked and without scrutiny. Just seems strange to me. To each their own though.
    Oh no dude. I take a LOT of shit for my conspiracy "theories."
    Look at the thread for fuck's sake.
    And this thread, well dude, what can i say? This shit IS HAPPENING. There's no debate over whether or not it's happening. Things are appearing in the sky, hundreds of people are seeing them and filming them from multiple angles, scientists are baffled. Those are HARD FACTS, not theories.
    So what's wrong with a thread about it? Are you saying that the moderator should, what, deny that it was on the news or something?

    As for me, i don't give people shit.
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-07-2015 at 05:21 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Oh no dude. I take a LOT of shit for my conspiracy "theories."
    Look at the thread for fuck's sake.
    And this thread, well dude, what can i say? This shit IS HAPPENING. There's no debate over whether or not it's happening. Things are appearing in the sky, hundreds of people are seeing them and filming them from multiple angles, scientists are baffled. Those are HARD FACTS, not theories.
    So what's wrong with a thread about it? Are you saying that the moderator should, what, deny that it was on the news or something?

    As for me, i don't give people shit.
    Not saying you do specifically. As for the videos posted above, the "Area 51" guy was an admitted hoax (and sampled by The Faceless). I'm not not seeing these things in the videos, but c'mon. Things falling from the sky? Could easily be space junk or meteors (meteoroid?) entering the atmosphere. Floating orbs? A lit drone. Those things flying upward with huge tails? Government experimentation (weapons, rockets, etc.). Just because it's weird doesn't make it alien. Not saying there isn't alien life, but if it were that readily apparent I think we'd see some trustworthy people come forward with some info instead of a bunch of clips (from Fox News...really?) uploaded to Info Wars or whatever.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    Not saying you do specifically. As for the videos posted above, the "Area 51" guy was an admitted hoax (and sampled by The Faceless). I'm not not seeing these things in the videos, but c'mon. Things falling from the sky? Could easily be space junk or meteors (meteoroid?) entering the atmosphere. Floating orbs? A lit drone. Those things flying upward with huge tails? Government experimentation (weapons, rockets, etc.). Just because it's weird doesn't make it alien. Not saying there isn't alien life, but if it were that readily apparent I think we'd see some trustworthy people come forward with some info instead of a bunch of clips (from Fox News...really?) uploaded to Info Wars or whatever.
    Dude, i never said they were aliens. In fact, the first thing i said was that "i don't know if i believe in aliens visiting earth."
    annnnnd i didn't post a video about the Art Bell show caller.

    Tell me what that norway spiral is.

    My point is that these things are happening on a massive scale and being witnessed and captured by shitloads of people.

    And my money is on holographic projection (as in weapons testing,) not aliens. My second theory is interdimensional "bleedthrough."

    But, dude. I already said all that shit.

    "Personally, i don't think they have anything to do with aliens, and as a matter of fact, they might fit very neatly into the realm of science."
    (that's from the eighth post in this thread.)

    I strongly doubt that they are aliens, but they ARE very bizarre, interesting, and potentially frightening.
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-07-2015 at 05:46 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Dude, i never said they were aliens. In fact, the first thing i said was that "i don't know if i believe in aliens visiting earth."
    annnnnd i didn't post a video about the Art Bell show caller.

    Tell me what that norway spiral is.

    My point is that these things are happening on a massive scale and being witnessed and captured my shitloads of people.

    And my money is on holographic projection, not aliens.
    Yes, you did. It's about 8:15 into the last video you posted.

    Sky projections is perfectly reasonable, but who the hell cares? Having a giant light doesn't grant anyone powers. Shit, the local high school has one of those that they use for football games.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    Yes, you did. It's about 8:15 into the last video you posted.

    Sky projections is perfectly reasonable, but who the hell cares? Having a giant light doesn't grant anyone powers. Shit, the local high school has one of those that they use for football games.
    well fuck me. i didn't realize that about the art bell caller. And yes, i know that's a hoax. Also, being a long time paranormal researcher, if i have to hear that art bell call ONE MORE FUCKING TIME, i'm gonna kill myself.

    As far as sky projection, i'm not talking spotlights here. I'm talking about 3 dimensional holograms that could cause people to believe things are there that AREN'T there.

    Think about the ramifications.

    Think about 100 million rednecks thinking that Jesus was back, ready to do his divine will...
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-07-2015 at 05:54 PM.

  16. #16
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    My skeptical nature makes it hard for me to take UFO stuff too seriously, but it is really interesting to read about some of the theories and the strange happenings and coincidences surrounding them.
    Check out all the stuff connected to WWII and the nazis. The Vril women, operation highjump, etc... some of it gets a little spooky.

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    Drugs are amazing and can make all kinds of wacky ass shit sound reasonable.

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    northern lights, (as i mentioned) st elm's and ball lightning, sky sprites, weapon testing, space satellites, missile debris, bat signal...
    sky shit!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS!

    i watch the night sky as often as possible. i've seen some shit. but there is always an explanation. even though it's wonderful, fun, and exciting for there not to be one.

    from a technical standpoint, roswell was merely testing drones (per se)



    i'm so sorry, aliens and such are not very serious subjects to me.
    Last edited by ldopa; 12-07-2015 at 11:11 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarah K View Post
    Drugs are amazing and can make all kinds of wacky ass shit sound reasonable.
    True dat, me and my friend saw beautiful pink lights coming out of the sky one night but we had eaten some purple microdot.

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    Norway Spiral from 2009 "At least this failed test made some nice fireworks for the Norwegians." It was apparently Russian military missile tests:

    In case there are too many words there for people to digest in the wiki article, here's a bit of explanation " Prior to the Russian statement, Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, had already suggested that the unusual light display occurred when the missile's third stage nozzle was damaged, causing the exhaust to come out sideways and sending the missile into a spin."

  21. #21
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    This conversation (at least the part by @elevenism ) is proof against Intelligent Design.

    Humans are pattern-matchers. We have big brains, and we're hard-wired to figure things out. We try to make sense of data we gather, and make it fit so that we can understand things. When it comes to creating fire, or avoiding being trampled by a mammoth, or designing a silicon integrated circuit, this is a very good skill to have. It's made us very successful.

    But it also means that we have a tendency to force-fit explanations, or try for explanations even when we have insufficient facts to do so. So, like, if there are lights in the sky and no current explanation seems to fit, then we say it's God or aliens or interdimensional gloryholes.

    Occam's Razor says that it's much more likely to be explained by something we know currently but we're just missing some facts, or we got some facts wrong. A proper scientific position is to just say we don't know what the fuck it is and suspend judgment until we know more. It's OK not to know things yet.

    EDIT: For example: Fireballs in skies were Atlas V rocket breaking up on reentry.
    Last edited by Timinator; 12-08-2015 at 07:30 PM. Reason: Added recent news example

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by halloween View Post
    Norway Spiral from 2009 "At least this failed test made some nice fireworks for the Norwegians." It was apparently Russian military missile tests:

    In case there are too many words there for people to digest in the wiki article, here's a bit of explanation " Prior to the Russian statement, Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, had already suggested that the unusual light display occurred when the missile's third stage nozzle was damaged, causing the exhaust to come out sideways and sending the missile into a spin."
    That's just, like, what they want you to believe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Timinator
    interdimensional gloryholes
    There's my new black metal band name.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Timinator View Post
    This conversation (at least the part by @elevenism ) is proof against Intelligent Design.

    Humans are pattern-matchers. We have big brains, and we're hard-wired to figure things out. We try to make sense of data we gather, and make it fit so that we can understand things. When it comes to creating fire, or avoiding being trampled by a mammoth, or designing a silicon integrated circuit, this is a very good skill to have. It's made us very successful.

    But it also means that we have a tendency to force-fit explanations, or try for explanations even when we have insufficient facts to do so. So, like, if there are lights in the sky and no current explanation seems to fit, then we say it's God or aliens or interdimensional gloryholes.

    Occam's Razor says that it's much more likely to be explained by something we know currently but we're just missing some facts, or we got some facts wrong. A proper scientific position is to just say we don't know what the fuck it is and suspend judgment until we know more. It's OK not to know things yet.

    EDIT: For example: Fireballs in skies were Atlas V rocket breaking up on reentry.
    Well said.

    my whole life, i've been interested in high strangeness and mysteries.

    And now we are living in a time where these "lights in the sky" can be captured and scrutinized from multiple angles. and the ones that can be debunked are debunked. what is left are the things that are truly odd or heretofore unknown.

    and i think that's pretty bad ass. i, for one, am not, however, trying to force fit an explanation (although i do have my theories, gvmt testing of holographic projection operations being the top one.)

    Ultimately, though, the beauty for me is in the NOT knowing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    i, for one, am not, however, trying to force fit an explanation (although i do have my theories, gvmt testing of holographic projection operations being the top one.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    and then what the fuck is THIS shit?

    i think they are probably military tests...or wormholes of some kind.

    it kind of looks like that time I first tried messing around with the fx in Photoshop

    i mean... We ARE also "living in the time" of trolls and kids with cracked versions of software
    Last edited by Jinsai; 12-10-2015 at 03:33 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    it kind of looks like that time I first tried messing around with the fx in Photoshop

    i mean... We ARE also "living in the time" of trolls and kids with cracked versions of software
    but it was caught from so many different angles and seen by so many people.
    @halloween found that the norway spiral was a failed russian missile test though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Timinator View Post
    they've been talking about doing it for a LONG time.

    This is from 1999, when the US was toying with the idea of projecting an image of Allah over Iraq.
    I have a feeling that we have worked on this technology, and that some of these "mass sightings" might be tests of such technology, which could be wielded as a powerful psychological weapon.

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    That first picture made me think of photoshop too, but after reading about the failed mission test and looking at the other pictures, you can see how it's smoke.

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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post

    This is from 1999, when the US was toying with the idea of projecting an image of Allah over Iraq.
    This could have backfired as images of God are absolutely forbidden in Islam

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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    This could have backfired as images of God are absolutely forbidden in Islam
    they're TECHNICALLY forbidden in Christianity and Judaism too, if you think about it.

    But the idea was to make them think that it wasn't an IMAGE, rather, that it was God himself, telling the Iraqis what to do (surrender to the US of course.)

    Some people think they went forward with this type of experimentation and are still testing and perfecting it today under the code name "Project Bluebeam," but evidence is spurious at best.
    It WOULD explain a LOT about the UFO phenomenon,
    especially coupled with the active (now declassified) US misinformation campaigns to make people who had seen to secret military planes think that they were in contact with alien intelligence.

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