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Thread: (Real) Lights In The Sky

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timinator View Post
    just so we're clear, this is you demonstrating me putting my foot in my mouth and proving your point, right?

    BTW @Timinator . You study or studied physics, right?

    Why AREN'T there interdimensional glory holes?

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    just so we're clear, this is you demonstrating me putting my foot in my mouth and proving your point, right?

    BTW @Timinator . You study or studied physics, right?

    Why AREN'T there interdimensional glory holes?
    Yes, I thought your thoughts seemed at odds with each other.

    Yes, I studied physics.

    "Why are there no interdimensional glory holes," is a bad question. That's not how you do science. We don't know if there are other dimensions, and if there are we don't know if there are (or are not) connections between them. You're supposing lots of things in your question and are putting the cart well ahead of the horse.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    All I'm saying is that @Hazekiah gets a lot of shit because of post formatting and his love for less-than-critically-acclaimed movies...
    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    i'm confused. Is @Hazekiah a Space Alien?

    Edit: Hey, Everbody, check THIS shit out. It's several of them. "mass sightings." Multiple witnesses, multiple camera angles, made the news-NOT the kind that one cat can fake with a computer program.

    Here's another possible explanation-advanced weapon technology. The US government has OPENLY talked about a psyop where they would project an image of Allah over Iraq.
    If these sightings, especially the really spectacular ones, are examples of that sort of thing (some believe it to be called Project Bluebeam,) imagine the fucking POWER it grants those who would use it to manipulate people.
    Quote Originally Posted by Archive_Reports View Post
    Some people act like he is, yes.

    What I meant was that Haz takes a ton of shit and has to defend (well he doesn't have to but, God love him, he does) in certain threads while threads like the this and the conspiracy thread run unchecked and without scrutiny. Just seems strange to me. To each their own though.
    I'm actually a Zortanian from the planet Zort, as documented by the art books of Ed Emberley. That "snout" is actually a 3D concert bootlegging lens, the bugged-out eyes help camouflage me among the druggies in the front row (as does the green skin), and my "third leg" really helps steady the shots with my "tripod," ifyouknowumsayin'.

    But it's w/e.

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    so this weird ass thing filmed near an Ohio military base has been making the rounds on the internet and the news. It's another case with multiple sightings.
    i wonder what in the fuck it is? Things like this always fire my imagination regarding what stunning new technology our
    military could be working on.

    Regarding all the ridicule i received upon starting this thread, i guess it's to be expected. We have been conditioned for years to disregard strange things in the sky and laugh at the people who see them, because the military goes to great lengths to keep its secret projects secret (see Mirage Men on netflix for a great explanation of this-government agents telling people that what they saw WAS an alien craft, and in one case, quite literally driving a person crazy with disinformation, all because he saw a secret jet he wasn't supposed to see.)

    My point in creating this thread wasn't ZOMG ALIENS ARE INVADING THE EARTH BRAH!

    The fact is that strange things appear in the sky, regularly, and are often observed by multiple witnesses.
    And seeing as how most people carry pretty damn good recording devices in their pockets,
    more and more of these strange things are being filmed.

    And i, for one, find these things very interesting-especially
    the ones that can't be easily explained away and are seen/filmed by multiple sources.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post

    The fact is that strange things appear in the sky, regularly, and are often observed by multiple witnesses.
    And seeing as how most people carry pretty damn good recording devices in their pockets,
    more and more of these strange things are being filmed.
    And seeing as how Hollywood grade editing software is available to anyone with a computer (and that's everyone), more and more of these things are being very convincingly faked. Multiple witnesses / angles? Eh, so the editor got some people to play along.

    I'm not saying this to say that I absolutely 100% disbelieve everything I see. The video above, for example, has very much piqued my curiosity and if it is in fact genuine I would love to know what the hell it is we're seeing - even if it turns out to be something "boring". I'm simply saying this to remind people to take what you see on the internet with a grain of salt.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    And seeing as how Hollywood grade editing software is available to anyone with a computer (and that's everyone), more and more of these things are being very convincingly faked. Multiple witnesses / angles? Eh, so the editor got some people to play along.

    I'm not saying this to say that I absolutely 100% disbelieve everything I see. The video above, for example, has very much piqued my curiosity and if it is in fact genuine I would love to know what the hell it is we're seeing - even if it turns out to be something "boring". I'm simply saying this to remind people to take what you see on the internet with a grain of salt.
    99.9% of UFO/paranormal "evidence" is easily debunked or purposely faked, and faking such things is a degree of assholery that i utterly detest.
    And being an enthusiast of "high strangeness" means digging through mountains of horseshit (or being the type of moron who believes everything he sees.)
    But the .1% that turn out to be genuine mysteries are solid gold, and make the digging worth it.
    This is why, to me, the very best supernatural/ufo information comes from skeptics.
    Check out, for instance, this list of world mysteries from noted atheist and skeptic Acharya S.
    It's when things CAN'T be debunked that shit gets truly interesting. That's the stuff that makes me tick.

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    Last edited by Your Name Here; 07-25-2016 at 02:05 PM.

  8. #38
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    I swore this thread existed, but try searching for Lights in the Sky on this site, and...yeah.


  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I swore this thread existed, but try searching for Lights in the Sky on this site, and...yeah.

    man i just came here to post that.
    pretty fucking weird, isn't it? what in the hell do you think it is?!

    So, in short, the CEFAA (Committee For Studies of Aerial Anomalies is my rough translation) has, after a two year investigation, declassified this bizarre video of an unknown aerial craft appearing to dump some type of dense gas into the sky. It was captured by a Chilean Navy helicopter pilot, who reportedly made several unsuccessful attempts to communicate with the object, which did not respond, and was also undetectable by radar. Whatever this thing was, it was flying in controlled airspace. The video was captured on 11.11 ( ) 2014

    The video alone looks like a hoax or a viral marketing campaign, but what makes it crazy is the source. The CEFAA is an actual branch of the Chilean Millitary and they have had all kinds of experts investigate it. They have ruled out any natural explanation and the lack of the object appearing on radar seems to rule out the idea that it could be a civilian drone.

    Here is the thing releasing the gas.

    This is the type of "UFO sighting" that interests me. It comes from a highly credible source that spent over 2 years trying to debunk it.

    What in the hell do you guys think this is?
    My guess is some type of experimental american aircraft, with part of the experiment being to make sure it doesn't appear on radar, but that's obviously just a guess.

  10. #40
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    Don't have a clue, but just like you said, this is exactly the kind of thing that I'm actually interested in. I was raised to be open, but skeptical. So for soooo many "sightings" I simply roll my eyes and chalk it up to any number of things, including people just plain lying.

    But this? Military origin with absolutely no agenda behind it, years of experts from various fields weighing in, and still no one can explain it fully. Gives me goosebumps.

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  12. #42
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    Yeah, that's freaking crazy. Regardless of what it actually is, I love that no one has any explanation for it.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Yeah, that's freaking crazy. Regardless of what it actually is, I love that no one has any explanation for it.
    well I don't just mean the video.
    I mean the fact that the Pentagon was spending millions of dollars on investigating these things in the name of national security.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    well I don't just mean the video.
    I mean the fact that the Pentagon was spending millions of dollars on investigating these things in the name of national security.
    ~$5.5 million a year to figure out whether shit that we can't identify in the sky could be a threat and how to make sure we're safe if it is
    ~$3.5 million a year to give around 50,000 active duty soldiers a hard on

    I'm honestly not concerned about the former when viewed against the latter. We spend money on some pretty stupid shit. I don't have a tremendous problem with some of that going to researching potential encounters with outside life (which could also end up also being tech from other nations that is just waaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of ours).

  15. #45
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    I’m quite sure these are either alien probes just passing through our system, or long-term alien observers.

    Actually I have no idea, but it’s definitely some hardcore alien shit.

    Now I believe more strongly that my abduction experiences throughout highschool were real.

  16. #46
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    Oh don't get me wrong. It's not that I think it's stupid. I'm wondering what in the fuck they might know now.

    Like I don't think we're alone in the universe but have always doubted that we'd been visited.
    This shit makes me wonder

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Oh don't get me wrong. It's not that I think it's stupid. I'm wondering what in the fuck they might know now.

    Like I don't think we're alone in the universe but have always doubted that we'd been visited.
    This shit makes me wonder
    Have you ever watched the show People of Earth? Highly, highly recommend it if you haven't. It's a comedy, not a non-fiction. But it's on this subject matter and I loved the first two seasons.

  18. #48
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    anyone else catch the SpaceX launch last night?

  19. #49
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    Ok so I was driving down the street yesterday morning. It was still dark.
    I was stunned to see this brilliantly bright light fall from the sky to the ground. It was fucking stunning. It was CLOSE too.
    All I can figure is that it was a little piece of a meteor.

    If I still lived in a big city, there are all kinds of possibilities as to what it could have been, but remember, I now live in a tiny, isolated farming community.
    I've been looking at images of meteorites falling to earth and I'm like 99% sure that's what it was.

    Edit: HOLY FUCK. I just looked at this "fireball report" website where meteors are reported and it's on there! Stratford, Tx, with the right date and time! I just got goosebumps!
    Last edited by elevenism; 01-17-2018 at 07:57 AM.

  20. #50
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    That's awesome!! I just saw the report about the one over Michigan and Canada that came with a boom loud enough to register as seismic activity. My only thought was "if I just watched a fireball accompanied with a loud booming noise, I don't think my first reaction in this era would be 'oooooh, meteor!'"

    How sad is it that that's the world we live in now?

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  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Holy shit.
    Dude, I wonder what the government knows. I mean, all the disinformation campaigns make me think they know SOMETHING.

  23. #53
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    I've seen so many things in the sky that i'm starting to question my own sanity..

    HOWEVER..EVERY thing I've seen has been with another person.

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by xfocalinx View Post
    I've seen so many things in the sky that i'm starting to question my own sanity..

    HOWEVER..EVERY thing I've seen has been with another person.
    I've only ever seen two, but they were also both with another person.

    You're not crazy: there's all kinds of shit up there, taking into account experimental aircraft alone.

    There's no fucking telling what sorts of black projects our millitary is working on.

    IN FACT, something just occurred to me. Those ufo videos being released by the government could TOTALLY be videos of secret aircraft being developed, and they're being released so that if anyone sees them, they will think they are UFOs.

    The govmt has and does go to such lengths to keep top secret projects under wraps. They've hired full time disinformation agents in the past; this is part of why ufo phenomena are constantly ridiculed. It's by design.

    Anyone interested in the disinformation subject should watch Mirage Men on netflix. It's fucking jaw dropping.

  25. #55
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    Are any of you guys stargazers?
    There is basically NO light pollution where I live, and a couple of nights ago i saw something unusual in the sky: it really looked like a planet and it was reddish.
    I think it's fucking Mars!
    I've gone and looked at it each of the following nights.

    I looked online and apparently Mars is closer to the earth than it has been in a long, long time.
    I'm pretty damn sure it's mars. It is stunning to behold.

    Edit: oh shit. It's definitely Mars.

    Here is a picture of it. This is definitely what I'm seeing
    Last edited by elevenism; 07-16-2018 at 01:08 AM.

  26. #56
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    Well, now that we've identified it, I guess it's not a UFO :P

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Well, now that we've identified it, I guess it's not a UFO :P
    nah it's certainly not a ufo but it sure is cool to look at.
    It made me more aware of the solar system and our place in it than I've ever been. I really don't know how to describe the feeling.

  28. #58
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    I get it. I was out way past my bedtime in Germany the other night and happened to look up, and there was Mars, shining brighter than any other star in the sky. Spent a staggering amount of time staring at it before moving on.

    edit: phrasing makes it sound like I think Mars is a star. I may be American, but I'm not that dumb

  29. #59
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    Recent Lunar eclipse reminded me how... limited (?) I am despite long fascination by the universe and all the documentaries... because I confess I was expecting the shadow going from right to left (I am at northern hemisphere, Europe). Silly me, right? Of course Moon is going to the east, same direction as we're rotating but slower, so it was from left to right... Still have trouble imagining these movements in my head. :-) And that made me thinking "how often is Moon in exactly the same spot" and I found myself reading about metonic cycle and on and on... And yes Mars is beautiful nowada... nowanights? :-) Damn, word "nowanights" in fact does exist, the older I get the less I know!

  30. #60
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    Yeah, everyone should look at mars. It's just mind blowing.
    I mean, ok. We all know Mars EXISTS. But I had never seen it.
    So it exists, for me, like an atom or a photon, for instance. We know they're REAL, but have certainly never seen them with our own eyes.

    And then, THERE IT IS! Right over there! You can point at it.

    I don't know if I'm describing the feeling properly, but for me, it was dizzying.

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