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Thread: (Real) Lights In The Sky

  1. #61
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    hasn't it been visible to the naked eye, like, forever? i can see it every night, easily. in fact, in the fall of 2003 it looked realitively large, a sizeable red ball, for months. like hale bopp, kind of. i remember well because i had friends who thought it being so close was fucking with their lives. like a full moon or something (dumb, but we were in our early 20's).

    @elevenism download google sky map. last night saturn was bright af.

    (this is much more appropriate for the spaaaaaaace thread)
    Last edited by kel; 08-15-2018 at 07:18 PM.

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by kel View Post
    hasn't it been visible to the naked eye, like, forever? i can see it every night, easily. in fact, in the fall of 2003 it looked realitively large, a sizeable red ball, for months. like hale bopp, kind of. i remember well because i had friends who thought it being so close was fucking with their lives. like a full moon or something (dumb, but we were in our early 20's).

    @elevenism download google sky map. last night saturn was bright af.

    (this is much more appropriate for the spaaaaaaace thread)
    NO shit.
    I never knew man.

  3. #63
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    Project Blue Beam Holographic projections, yes the technology exists and I believe it was used on me two separate times during early childhood. I can go into detail on what I saw if you want. Anyhoo, it's likely that TPTB will stage an event that will seem as though aliens are making contact with us, but really it's just their techno trickery, they'll come up with some kind of excuse as to why we should accept the NWO and hand over our sovereignty to them and join the one world government. If you ever see a "UFO", or hear about it, it is ALWAYS just human driven technology and run by some secret agency or whatever you would describe these types. Actual, real "aliens" would have no use for trolling us with crop circles, abductions by cartoony grey aliens or any of that other CIA glow in the dark hollywood nonsense. Aliens that could travel here wouldn't come via a space ship, they could just materialize themselves here in an instant and at that point in technological sophistication why would they come here at all?

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by IwakuraLain View Post
    Project Blue Beam Holographic projections, yes the technology exists and I believe it was used on me two separate times during early childhood. I can go into detail on what I saw if you want. Anyhoo, it's likely that TPTB will stage an event that will seem as though aliens are making contact with us, but really it's just their techno trickery, they'll come up with some kind of excuse as to why we should accept the NWO and hand over our sovereignty to them and join the one world government. If you ever see a "UFO", or hear about it, it is ALWAYS just human driven technology and run by some secret agency or whatever you would describe these types. Actual, real "aliens" would have no use for trolling us with crop circles, abductions by cartoony grey aliens or any of that other CIA glow in the dark hollywood nonsense. Aliens that could travel here wouldn't come via a space ship, they could just materialize themselves here in an instant and at that point in technological sophistication why would they come here at all?
    I don't know about all THAT, the NWO business I mean.

    This thread was never intended to be pro or anti alien. I just wanted to discuss anomalies in the sky.

    It IS true that the gvmt has tricked people into thinking they've seen aliens after said people saw experimental aircraft they weren't supposed to see: some of this is declassified.

    The same goes for plans to project "God" into the sky during the first Iraq war: this is also declassified.

    So while Bluebeam exists (although that might not be what it's actually called,) I damn sure wouldn't hold my breath for a One World Government false flag alien event there, chief.

    Edit: don't believe every bat shit crazy thing you see on youtube.
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-30-2018 at 08:26 PM.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    ummm... I don't know about all THAT, the NWO business I mean. This thread was never intended to be pro or anti alien. I just wanted to discuss anomalies in the sky. It IS true that the gvmt has tricked people into thinking they've seen aliens after said people saw experimental aircraft they weren't supposed to see: some of this is declassified. The same goes for plans to project "God" into the sky during the first Iraq war: this is also declassified. So while Bluebeam exists (although that might not be what it's actually called,) I damn sure wouldn't hold my breath for a One World Government false flag alien event there, chief. Edit: don't believe every bat shit crazy thing you see on youtube.
    B-but George Bush Sr. spoke of the NWO and an alien invasion in one of his speeches, predictive programming. I was thinking about aliens last night and I came to the conclusion (and I read something similar to this one the net once) that we're inside a bubble universe, or maybe some sort of simulation created by an ancestor civilization. If we were in a "free" universe with millions or thousands of other "alien" civilizations in the same universe then they would have killed each other off (including us) by now. The people who destroyed the twin towers using directed energy weapons probably already sent people (Robert David Steele says they sent people to mars already) to various planets and colonized them, they probably have FLT technology and who KNOWS what else has been created by now in secret, thus beings that descended from earth probably already have managed to "evolve" to the point where they basically have mastered this universe, so if there were other civilizations at a similar level of development then either they would have had us assimilate with a galactic community by now (the peaceful route) or we would all be dead (the route that earth-beings usually take, the path of force aka might makes right). So how do we break free from the bubble reality and explore other avenues of reality, or are we forever stuck in this chinese doll of reality.

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by IwakuraLain View Post
    B-but George Bush Sr. spoke of the NWO and an alien invasion in one of his speeches, predictive programming. I was thinking about aliens last night and I came to the conclusion (and I read something similar to this one the net once) that we're inside a bubble universe, or maybe some sort of simulation created by an ancestor civilization. If we were in a "free" universe with millions or thousands of other "alien" civilizations in the same universe then they would have killed each other off (including us) by now. The people who destroyed the twin towers using directed energy weapons probably already sent people (Robert David Steele says they sent people to mars already) to various planets and colonized them, they probably have FLT technology and who KNOWS what else has been created by now in secret, thus beings that descended from earth probably already have managed to "evolve" to the point where they basically have mastered this universe, so if there were other civilizations at a similar level of development then either they would have had us assimilate with a galactic community by now (the peaceful route) or we would all be dead (the route that earth-beings usually take, the path of force aka might makes right). So how do we break free from the bubble reality and explore other avenues of reality, or are we forever stuck in this chinese doll of reality.


    I fought hard to get people to rationally discuss interesting anomalies regarding unidentified flying objects and it eventually happened. We discussed the Chilean video and the mind blowing U.S. footage released a year or two ago.

    And here you're going on about "the people who destroyed the twin towers using directed energy weapons colonizing Mars?"

    part of me is actually wondering if I'm being trolled here.
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-30-2018 at 11:16 PM.

  7. #67
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    Also, sorry for double post but, @kel , I feel pretty stupid for thinking mars was only recently visible to the naked eye considering it was observed by the Sumerians.

    It's the first time I'VE seen it and known it was visible is what the deal is.

    Also, I think the '03 brightness you saw was the "once in a lifetime" viewing condition and it won't be like that again until the early 2200's.

    (Trying to find spaaaaaaaace thread but I'm not sure how many a's are in spaaaaaaaaaaace.)

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    It IS true that the gvmt has tricked people into thinking they've seen aliens after said people saw experimental aircraft they weren't supposed to see: some of this is declassified.

    The same goes for plans to project "God" into the sky during the first Iraq war: this is also declassified.
    Okay you can't just post crazy shit like this without links. I feel a good late-night wikipedia rabbit hole coming up.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Okay you can't just post crazy shit like this without links. I feel a good late-night wikipedia rabbit hole coming up.
    Oh man. @theimage13 , a GREAT place to start with the disinformation stuff is a documentary called Mirage Men. It WAS on Netflix. It will blow your mind.

    Here, too, is an interesting story about alleged disinformation agent Richard Doty. I might have misremembered when saying the information was declassified: I think it's more like corroborated.
    But it's fairly convincing and makes perfect sense. Another interesting thing to research is the history of projects Grudge, Sign and Blue book and the attitudes of those running the programs as well as the (sometimes internal) criticisms leveled at said programs.

    As for the holographic projection pysop plans, here's an old story about It from the Washington Post.
    Last edited by elevenism; 08-31-2018 at 03:20 PM.

  10. #70
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    That WaPo article seems so well written and informative compared to the dribble brainless garbage you'll get today ... and to think this came from the washington post ...

  11. #71
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    Also I swear that kind of tech was used on me when I was very young. Both times I saw them were when I was going to bed, the first was a glowing glove on the floor that spoke to me and of course I freaked out, I tried waking up the other two boys near me (my mother's then husband's children) but they just ignored me, then the second time was at my grandparents and I saw some ghostly woman in a dress, all blue and just floating in a corner of the room. Idk why they would choose to experiment on me, so maybe it's possible that I was dreaming ... but I remember being wide awake, like, it wasn't a lucid dream.

  12. #72
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    So you are gonna take over this thread with bat shit craziness @IwakuraLain ? Dude, please don't.
    I, for instance, have seen a FUCKTON of ghosts.
    But I have about fifty explanations for it before I get to "being experimented on."

    And the first explanation is to question my sanity.

    Dude i.feel like your heart is in the right place, but you need more skeptical. There is a LOT of misinformation out there, not to mention theories created by people who are straight up.schizophrenic.

    I would like for this thread to be about things that are unimpeachable (like the Pentagon leak,) and, secondly, asking questions about weird shit rather than going full bore into wild (but, to be fair, possible) theories right off the bat.

    Dude if you keep going on like this, this thread will become JUST a joke. And some people already think it's a joke. But the shit you're doing will straight up kill it.

    PLEASE think about that.

  13. #73
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    Ok so. Question. What in the FUCK is this?.

    Is it easily debunked?

    I don't believe that space aliens visit earth, although I think believing we are the only life in the universe is absurd and arrogant. But why would they come HERE, from light years away?

    So, for me, that's out.

    My first guess would be extremely bizarre government experiments (if it isn't a hoax.)

    My second would be that it's a portal to a near dimension (if you believe such things exist. I don't exactly BELIEVE, but I wonder.)

    The final thing would be actual skinwalkers.

    I used to feel like the idea of skinwalkers was just fucking stupid.

    But one night, I picked up a homeless Native kid (EDIT: to give him a place to stay for the night. Reading this back, that shit didn't sound right ) from the Ute tribe (which is where this ranch is.)

    And he scared the SHIT out of me talking about skinwalkers. He 100% believes in them as do a lot of people in his tribe.

    And the way he talked about it: you could hear the reverence and terror in his voice and see it in his eyes. He claimed to have SEEN the fucking things. (This came up because we had been talking about horror movies and I asked him if he had seen the Skinwalker Ranch movie, which he hadn't.)

    THEN the motherfucker told me we had to stop talking about them because they would come find us.

    I don't scare easy, but I've gotta be honest: his conviction on this fucking horrified me.

    Still, I don't think this explanation is very likely.

    SO: what do you guys think? Is this another Amityville style hoax, or.something more?

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Dude i.feel like your heart is in the right place...
    it's not. look at some of their other posts on the forum. whoever they are, they're a transphobic a-hole.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    it's not. look at some of their other posts on the forum. whoever they are, they're a transphobic a-hole.
    oh yeah. I forgot about that shit. I meant regarding the subject matter in this thread.
    But yeah, I saw those posts and (i think) responded.

  16. #76
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    interesting theory on abductions is people actually being operated on on various levels Anastasia in levels of dream state and memories of their importation when they were "suppose" to be out and our subconscious filling in the blanks which could explain hypnotic recall

  17. #77
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    so many things have to happen in order make contact first one thing that always fascinates me we view things through our own lens meaning even science fiction we only talk and write within are own comprehension much longer pont maybe later

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    interesting theory on abductions is people actually being operated on on various levels Anastasia in levels of dream state and memories of their importation when they were "suppose" to be out and our subconscious filling in the blanks which could explain hypnotic recall
    no doubt.
    Also, a lot of this weird stuff could very well be VERY natural, but just a part of the nature of reality we don't understand yet. We are so arrogant. And it's like every generation laughs at beliefs of past society, thinking "we have everything figured out NOW."
    But I mean, we don't know much. We don't know, for instance, what consciousness is or how it works or why it exists, or, hell,.why ANYTHING exists.

    I expect science to eventually explain a LOT of supernatural phenomena. And, I mean, it already has, continuously. People used to think the mentally ill had some sort of demon in their head for instance, and would.knock a fucking hole in their head to "let it out." And of course it " worked. " like 'oh yeah, I feel WAY better now, you can go ahead and not make the hole bigger or add another one! "

  19. #79
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    so where i was going in an earlier post was space is so vast so first a civilization must survive long enough to become space faring a lot of historians believe Egypt is a lot older than we think. 90% of what Lewis and Clark brought with them was supplies like food you don't have ready supplies like that in space. we actually need to think about space ships as little mini planets. one other big issue is communication. so if we ever travel close to fast as light. communication would have to be close behind as Rome expanded there was a big problem if we traveled say 100 light years we could basically lose connection with our civilization and have district 9 situation. this is the same problem as cryogenic status can a number of people basically check out and society be maintained a ship would have to be 100% automated as well as predictive automation.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I don't believe that space aliens visit earth, although I think believing we are the only life in the universe is absurd and arrogant. But why would they come HERE, from light years away?
    Well...we're looking at planets light years away based on certain criteria (like, could it support our life?). So let's say that some planet out there has life that's more advanced than ours, and not only found out our planet existed, but found a way to get it suddenly so far-fatched that they'd send someone (or something) to come explore? We've dropped numerous explorers onto Mars. Hell, we've dropped a robot onto a damn asteroid. Point being, we've had our reasons to pick out other celestial objects and land on them. If another life-bearing planet found ours and had the means to get here, why not at least try to visit?

    I'm not saying it's happened. I'm not saying it hasn't. Just saying...we're all about exploring space and finding planets like ours, so maybe another planet is doing the same and just made more progress than we have.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Well...we're looking at planets light years away based on certain criteria (like, could it support our life?). So let's say that some planet out there has life that's more advanced than ours, and not only found out our planet existed, but found a way to get it suddenly so far-fatched that they'd send someone (or something) to come explore? We've dropped numerous explorers onto Mars. Hell, we've dropped a robot onto a damn asteroid. Point being, we've had our reasons to pick out other celestial objects and land on them. If another life-bearing planet found ours and had the means to get here, why not at least try to visit?

    I'm not saying it's happened. I'm not saying it hasn't. Just saying...we're all about exploring space and finding planets like ours, so maybe another planet is doing the same and just made more progress than we have.
    here's my thing:
    but like Mars is fucking relatively CLOSE.
    There doesn't appear to be any intelligent life in our neighborhood. Calling what we have HERE intelligent is a stretch, but hey, it's who we are i guess.

    if they are advanced enough to have mastered interstellar travel, what could possibly bring them here?

    It's DAMN sure possible; i would just expect more evidence. I just kind of generally operate on the idea that it isn't happening (but i GODDAMN SURE HOPE it is i have a shirt with agent mulder's I WANT TO BELIEVE poster on it. :P)

    i personally think most ufo phenomena are military projects or, (and here's where it, and i, get crazy,) possibly interdimensional.

  22. #82
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    have you seen this yet @theimage13 ? This is BY FAR the most important UFO/paranormal doc i've ever seen and it totally changed the way i see all of this shit.
    it's mind blowing.
    you've got high level air force operatives admitting to disseminating misinformation.
    it's changed the way i've seen all this shit forever

  23. #83
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    again it's very hard to get away from our own human perspective. given the vast size of our universe and our tiny understanding it of my guess is ET's will fall into the category of life after death existence of god and other great mysteries and as with the others keep an open mind continue to explore and expand your knowledge and whatever makes you feel good and alive

  24. #84
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    Well, just in time for the revival of this thread:

  25. #85
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    this is pretty good although his Elmer fudd lisp can be distracting


  26. #86
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    @Louie_Cypher great minds think alike. I was just looking at this thread when you posted that.

  27. #87
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    Ok so here's something that has crossed my mind a lot: isn't it possible that there are other life forms that are NOT carbon based? Couldn't it be that life has evolved differently elsewhere, and that, somewhere in the universe, there are life forms that drink liquid potassium or something, and need to breathe methane?

    I got to thinking about this when, a few years back, science was baffled to discover some sort of life form that lives entirely off of arsenic.

    Edit: here is an article about it that kind of goes on the same place in going with this

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Ok so here's something that has crossed my mind a lot: isn't it possible that there are other life forms that are NOT carbon based? Couldn't it be that life has evolved differently elsewhere, and that, somewhere in the universe, there are life forms that drink liquid potassium or something, and need to breathe methane?

    I got to thinking about this when, a few years back, science was baffled to discover some sort of life form that lives entirely off of arsenic.

    Edit: here is an article about it that kind of goes on the same place in going with this
    it does beg the question of what we consider to be life we also assume a certain level of intelligence, again we only have ourselves to reflect on, again all of this is assumption like the have to have a level of intelligence level of civilization, ok they would have to be space faring which adain assumes a bunch of things most of these things are a reflection of ourselves progression same as us tools same as us, opposable thumbs appendages same us were all we know but there is a lot assumption

  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Ok so here's something that has crossed my mind a lot: isn't it possible that there are other life forms that are NOT carbon based? Couldn't it be that life has evolved differently elsewhere, and that, somewhere in the universe, there are life forms that drink liquid potassium or something, and need to breathe methane?

    I got to thinking about this when, a few years back, science was baffled to discover some sort of life form that lives entirely off of arsenic.

    Edit: here is an article about it that kind of goes on the same place in going with this
    I don't think I ever imagined it any differently. I mean, a big thing in sci-fi is the whole "is the atmosphere safe" question. I think I always assumed that life on other planets would have an entirely different set of needs.

    Kind of goes along the lines of everything we've ever done to attempt to leave our mark in the universe. If anything we ever shot into space (be it physical objects or radio waves) ever actually made contact with another form of intelligent life, I feel like the odds of them even beginning to understand it are even smaller than the odds of their receiving the message in the first place.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louie_Cypher View Post
    it does beg the question of what we consider to be life we also assume a certain level of intelligence, again we only have ourselves to reflect on, again all of this is assumption like the have to have a level of intelligence level of civilization, ok they would have to be space faring which adain assumes a bunch of things most of these things are a reflection of ourselves progression same as us tools same as us, opposable thumbs appendages same us were all we know but there is a lot assumption
    Right. And these are ARROGANT assumptions.
    @theimage13 , hell yes. That Amy Adams movie comes to mind.

    Intelligent life could mean all KINDS of shit.
    It could be hyper intelligent telekinetic fungi, with one consciousness and no language, capable of self awareness/reflection, covering an entire planet.

    But we only look for life in "goldilocks zones" and get all excited about water.

    While i think it's likely that there IS an earthlike planet with beings like us SOMEWHERE, I HIGHLY doubt that this is the norm. I would imagine that life that is utterly bizarre to us is like a million times more common.

    Also, I mean a million literally. I think the universe is probably FULL of life.

    The idea that we are alone in the universe is fucking laughable to me. And it really cracks me up that the origin of such an idea is likely left over from the early days of Christianity, and meanwhile, it seems like most atheists seem to adhere to it.

    Edit: also, yeah man. You said a mouthful. There's likely intelligent life that doesn't give a fuck about space exploration. And god only knows what sort of values/customs interstellar societies might have, even if they ARE somehow similar to us.
    Last edited by elevenism; 10-03-2018 at 08:02 PM.

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