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Thread: The Heavy Thread. Deathcore, Black Metal, Metalcore and all things HEAVY

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    The extreme thread. Black, death, noise, heavy, pirate, tech, progressive, math etc

    I know this community seems to like the lighter side of the music world, but what do you guys listen to that's on the heavy side of things? I've been stuck on Angelmaker, Infant Annihilator, A Night In Texas and The Holy Guile lately.

    What are you guys listening to?

    Last edited by tony.parente; 12-18-2015 at 08:52 AM.

  2. #2
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    I mean, if what I like is "light," ok... but this sounds pretty hilarious to me...

    Merzbow, Masonna, and Aube would make fans of this crawl into a corner and cry.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 12-18-2015 at 04:43 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I mean, if what I like is "light," ok... but this sounds pretty hilarious to me...


    What genre is this? This sounds like what came out of my phones speakers when I called someone and they were online with a dial up modem.
    Last edited by tony.parente; 12-18-2015 at 05:15 AM. Reason: d

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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post

    What genre is this? This sounds like what came out of my phones speakers when I called someone and they were online with a dial up modem.
    Lmao wtf is that shit

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Lmao wtf is that shit
    It's high brow sophisticated heavy music. We wouldn't understand lol

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    Did you really put BM in between deathcore and metalcore? I'm sure Varg Vikernes does not approve of being lumped in with crap like Asking Alexandria and Bring Me The Horizon.

    How about some Mayhem to set things right!

    Though I'm actually mainly on the more progressive metal side of things: Opeth, Mastodon, Tool, Agalloch, Porcupine Tree (though they only get heavy occasionally), Gojira, Enslaved, Devin Townsend, Isis (damn those terrorists for ruining that name forever), Apocalyptica (who says you need guitars to be heavy?!), Baroness, etc.

    (Damn thing only allows me to post just one thing at a time)

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    And of course, how could I possibly forget Amon Amarth?!

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    High tide raises all ships. Celebrate all metal no matter where it comes from.

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    I recommend renaming it the Extreme Music thread, because we don't have a catch-all for that. Plus it would lend credence to the Merzbow inclusion - surely there are a few people who seriously dig noise.

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    Quote Originally Posted by seasonsinthesky View Post
    I recommend renaming it the Extreme Music thread, because we don't have a catch-all for that. Plus it would lend credence to the Merzbow inclusion - surely there are a few people who seriously dig noise.

    Hows that?

  11. #11
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    I'm just dropping this in here It's worth a listen.

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    ....and this scroll down for the mix.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    Hows that?
    How's what? Extreme music thread is needed, Merzbow fits, Jinsai is already apparently one forum member who'd post about it. What's not to be understood?

    Also, for the Merzbow naysayers: Try one of the albums he made with Boris. He appears on Heavy Rocks ("Death Valley"), Klatter, Rock Dream, and on the new one coming out (Gensho) that are Boris 'heavy rock' with his added noise - easiest way to see if you like at all what he does without subjecting yourself to actual harsh noise like Pulse Demon. He's also beyond excellent on the recent record with Full of Hell, and he also took part in a collaborative album called Cuts of Guilt, Cuts Deeper that is less noise and more avant-garde jazz soundscaping, if that's up your alley.
    Last edited by seasonsinthesky; 12-18-2015 at 12:43 PM.

  14. #14
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    Merzbow does not need to be justified, the guy is more metal than anyone.
    I saw him play St Vitus in Brooklyn a couple years ago, fucking phenomenal gig: a prog metal hellride, a fucking journey into the beyond, far beyond any metal band's imagination or ability, harnessing noise and transporting you somewhere awesome and scary. One of my all-time top gigs: how often does a gig actually take you somewhere else? Move you? Like not just your body, but your actual imagination, making a memorable dent on your mind? Hardly ever. Merzbow is what more metal should be about. But nah, then it'd actually be scary and mean something.
    Merzbow is a visionary: laughing at him in an "all things HEAVY" thread is straight-up ignorance by kids who don't know what they're talking about.

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    And yes, I'm mad bro

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    I missed him on tour several years ago when he played two hours from me. Crazy they were able to book him at all here. I will see his insanity someday.

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    i saw the black dahlia murder in los angeles years ago and i kind of like them.

    do they fall under this category? i don't know, because i consider slipknot (iowa through volume three) heavy.
    Last edited by kel; 12-18-2015 at 02:55 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by c0f3d View Post
    i saw the black dahlia murder in los angeles years ago and i kind of like them.

    do they fall under this category? i don't know, because i consider slipknot (iowa through volume three) heavy.
    The new Black Dahlia Murder album "Abysmal" fucking slays.

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    Never could get into black metal, but I liked a few moments from Darkthrone's Transilvanian Hunger and Burzum's Filosofem. Though if I had to choose between listening to Sunbather and listening to some lo-fi Norwegian 90-s BM, I'd choose the latter. Thinking of delving more into the black metal classics soon (also tried Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas recently, the vocals make it unlistenable...)
    Death metal was never my cup of tea either, though I find early Cannibal Corpse records hilarious. Pungent Stench is the only death-ish band I could listen too.

    Is Meshuggah extreme enough? Because I like obZen a lot, Koloss also has its moments.

    Also love Old Man Gloom, but there's a separate thread for them anyway.

    Speaking of non-metal extreme music, could never understand how people can listen to Merzbow and/or power electronics (Whitehouse, Ramleh when they're not doing psychedelic rock, etc.)

    P.S. How did I forget about pornogrind? PORNOGRIND IS AWESOME
    Last edited by Kunstmord; 12-18-2015 at 03:32 PM.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kunstmord View Post
    Never could get into black metal, but I liked a few moments from Darkthrone's Transilvanian Hunger and Burzum's Filosofem. Though if I had to choose between listening to Sunbather and listening to some lo-fi Norwegian 90-s BM, I'd choose the latter. Thinking of delving more into the black metal classics soon (also tried Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas recently, the vocals make it unlistenable...)
    Eh, every classic is always overrated. Unless you were there at the time, liking the classics is always about establishing "cred" more than it is about actually enjoying art – sure, lots of people probably liked Transylvanian Hunger when it came out, but I'm quite sure most people who got into black metal afterward just listened to it enough to finally like it. Don't get me wrong – I liked Emperor the first time I heard them (Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk when I was a teenager), but I only understood the mastery of In the Nightside Eclipse this year. Different strokes.

    Try Immortal's At the Heart of Winter.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kunstmord View Post
    Never could get into black metal, but I liked a few moments from Darkthrone's Transilvanian Hunger and Burzum's Filosofem. Though if I had to choose between listening to Sunbather and listening to some lo-fi Norwegian 90-s BM, I'd choose the latter. Thinking of delving more into the black metal classics soon (also tried Mayhem's De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas recently, the vocals make it unlistenable...)
    Well, Attila Csihar isn't exactly the most conventional BM vocalist. You might recognize him as that guy who semi-regularly collaborates with Sunn O))).

    Try instead their rehearsal Out From The Dark, probably the closest thing to a studio album with Dead.

    Also love Old Man Gloom, but there's a separate thread for them anyway.
    I've been meaning to get into Old Man Gloom now that Aaron Turner's other band is unlikely to reunite anytime soon because the name is now forever associated with terrorists.
    Last edited by Patrick_Nicholas; 12-18-2015 at 04:01 PM. Reason: Can only post one YouTube link at a time

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by seasonsinthesky View Post
    Eh, every classic is always overrated. Unless you were there at the time, liking the classics is always about establishing "cred" more than it is about actually enjoying art – sure, lots of people probably liked Transylvanian Hunger when it came out, but I'm quite sure most people who got into black metal afterward just listened to it enough to finally like it. Don't get me wrong – I liked Emperor the first time I heard them (Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk when I was a teenager), but I only understood the mastery of In the Nightside Eclipse this year. Different strokes.

    Try Immortal's At the Heart of Winter.

    Thanks, I'll check that out! And I've the title track from Transylvanian Hunger and the first track from Filosofem and liked them more from other random BM songs I've listened to, so that's why I'm interested in the classics. I have an acquaintance who's a huge black metal fan (he's listened to about 500 records), and I've tried listening to some of his suggestions and mostly couldn't stand them. At least that Darkthrone track I listened to was catchy in places.

    I actually liked some Gehenna album, though that's closer to Blackened Death Metal, I guess. But it was slower and groovier than most traditional bm stuff.

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick_Nicholas View Post
    Well, Attila Csihar isn't exactly the most conventional BM vocalist. You might recognize him as that guy who semi-regularly collaborates with Sunn O))).

    Try instead their rehearsal Out From The Dark, probably the closest thing to a studio album with Dead.

    I've been meaning to get into Old Man Gloom now that Aaron Turner's other band is unlikely to reunite anytime soon because the name is now forever associated with terrorists.
    Yeah, that's why I don't enjoy Sunn O))) as much as I could, his vocals really annoy me. Especially on Monoliths and Dimensions. There's something about his croak that's just unpleasant.

    ISIS the band are awesome and one of my fave bands ever. OMG are a bit of hit and miss – while I get that they have a "anything goes" and self-indulgent, excessive approach, sometimes the noise/ambience is just too long and boring. I'd recommend starting with Ape of God I and II or Christmas, I feel those are their most focused records. Ape of God II is amazingly dark and the last track sounds a bit like a stripped-down and slightly broken (in a good way) version of ISIS, while Ape of God I is more riff-oriented, I guess.
    There's also Sumac (another Aaron Turner project), but it's boring and unmemorable, IMO – I think Aaron had too much control over it and no one restrained him or really contributed to the songwriting, so maybe that's why it's not that great.

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    December has always been Black Metal Month for me. Gotta love a bit of a pre-prison Burzum on Christmas Eve.

  24. #24
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    Look it's perfectly acceptable to have this first initial hostile response to Merzbow. I suppose that's part of the point.
    Anyway, listen to more of his stuff, read about him, take your time: he's not highly acclaimed as a musical genius for nothing.
    Noise...isn't generally for everyday listening, at least not for me: I have to be in the right mood (angsty? frustrated?); when you're home alone, put some Merzbow on, turn it up, and get lost for a while. Soon patterns and rhythms and the music will begin to emerge.
    And's not some intellectual or elitist genre. It's actually quite primal and primitive and physical. Jimi Hendrix and Lou Reed are one of Merzbow's starting points.
    But yeah, listening to 30 seconds of Merzbow for the first time and deciding it's garbage is...a bit limited.

    This conversation reminds me: I went to a lecture about Jane Scott the other week, and the speaker was reading out this review of a Beatles show in 1960s Cleveland by a classical music reviewer: the vitriol, the contempt for this mindless noise, as they were seen by this guardian of taste of the time, was amusing. He saw them as this anarchic hideous talentless affront to music; to us now they're not only the bedrock of pop, but kind of on the soft side.
    Last edited by aggroculture; 12-19-2015 at 12:12 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    but I can't argue against a guy who's got over 400 releases to his credit. That's mind-blowing, even if I don't see the genius you speak of in his music.
    Fun fact, albums 4, 20, 88, 91, 102, 200, 281, 300 and 466 are all the same album.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tony.parente View Post
    It's high brow sophisticated heavy music. We wouldn't understand lol
    It sounds like the equivalent of me getting a blank canvas and jerking off all over it and selling it for a fortune.

    on topic, I love Isis

  27. #27
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    To be honest, it's a bit wanky when people start a thread about "heavy" music and then complain when noise and its associated genres turn up. Should have just said "'pop' hard metal" to clear that up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by slave2thewage View Post
    To be honest, it's a bit wanky when people start a thread about "heavy" music and then complain when noise and its associated genres turn up. Should have just said "'pop' hard metal" to clear that up.
    I figured it could be catch all. I think for a board like this it would be redundant to have a "shitty heavy music thread" and a "heavy music thread". It's conversation, no ones getting personal or calling people stupid apes or anything...hell the first couple posts were sort of ragging on the theme of the thread and a few genres in general, that's totally fine.

    Anyways this track is INCREDIBLE.

    Last edited by tony.parente; 12-19-2015 at 06:28 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Lmao wtf is that shit

    i think this and about four of those gel hits of acid would make me kill myself.

    i'm too old for it i think

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