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Thread: Goodbye 2015, bring it new year

  1. #1
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    Goodbye 2015, bring it new year

    Good riddance, personally, but I get sentimental about the things that haunt me, as I learn to stop regretting so many things that I cannot change... I wish I was still in the sort of shape where I could wreck myself and assuredly wake up in decent shape on New Years Day, but this is one of my favorite holidays regardless... though I'll be doing it (mostly) sober this year.

    I thought I might let everyone on here know (or at least the people I've interacted with in some way) that I appreciate it. Even if we've argued, the communication has been (for the most part) fascinating and uplifting. I've had some hard times hit me this year, and this has been one of my favorite hubs to retreat to and know that people are going to be sane, intelligent, considerate, and just generally good people to each other.

    Kind of funny, considering anyone who knows me from this board ten years ago... and as part of my new year's resolution, I pledge to just be a nicer person in general, offline and on. I don't want to be a dick to anyone anymore actually. I'll just say I was having a hard time when I joined this board ages ago, and I'm glad that you guys let me stop being the pariah on here, even though I earned and deserved it at the time. Maybe I retroactively still do.

    Cheers to you all. You're good people. Let's welcome in the new year!

  2. #2
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    i feel like this is officially tipping us towards the 2020's which is fucking scary to me. cheers to all and hopefully everyone gets some peace in 2016.

  3. #3
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    Going to the cottage, peace out ETS see you in the horrible nightmare afterworld

  4. #4
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    I usually like to make some form of new years resolution but I'm going to be moving to a new city and starting a two year vocational-type course and I'm just looking forward to all the new things that I'll be experiencing!
    2015 was definitely a rollercoaster ride. I think the worse part was when I was dealing with anxiety by throwing up every day for about a week or so. Fuck that. Never again.

  5. #5
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    @Jinsai - I basically/absolutely relate to every single word and letter you wrote. It's not always easy either, but in the long-run it's definitely worth it. If only I knew then what I know now when it came to communication, especially on the Internet, but at the same time, I also still suppose that's simply/exactly what living, growing and learning is all about. And well, in spite of some of the bumps on the road here and there, it was still quite a fun ride.

    Aside from that, I always wish and hope that the next year will always be better than the last, even if it might not necessarily always seem to look and/or be the way.

    And well, Happy New Year ETS!
    Last edited by Halo Infinity; 12-31-2015 at 03:54 PM.

  6. #6
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    Fuck you 2015 for taking away my dog.

  7. #7
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    2015 was a blast. i'm tired but in the good way. i had too much fun, so 2016 i have some "growing up" to do.

    happy new year guys.
    Last edited by ldopa; 12-31-2015 at 03:45 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    GEORGIA - You're fucking welcome
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    Happy New Year ETS - I just realized I made it passed 10 years on this board and I agree - it's changed, evolved, grown up - whatever it might be - I still enjoy coming back and taking a spin through. Thank you all!

    Last edited by Dra508; 12-31-2015 at 04:35 PM. Reason: Popping bottles

  9. #9
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    Yeah, i had a fucked up year too.
    Too many dead friends and i broke my back in 6 too many places.

    But hey, i stayed out of jail!
    That's impressive for me.

  10. #10
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    GEORGIA - You're fucking welcome
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    But hey, i stayed out of jail!
    That's impressive for me.
    A thousand smiles on that one!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dra508 View Post
    A thousand smiles on that one!
    i think i'm finally growing up (at 35 years old)

    KIND of.

  12. #12
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    Staying at home for NYE this year, my Dad is already in bed and I'm playing some tunes and drinking prosecco and stuff.. they have Bryan Adams on TV over here no idea why, under 20 minutes of 2015 left. Happy New Year everybody.

  13. #13
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    I took care of a good friend overnight at her house after she had surgery this summer, and she surprised me by giving me a bottle of Veuve Clicquot that G and I will be drinking at midnight with our white sturgeon caviar with Crème fraîche, and shrimp and crab, and we'll watch the new Chicago River NYE show and Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin on TV.

    Edit: oh and it's still so fucking weird being in the Central time zone when I grew up in the Eastern time zone. The Times Square ball drops at 11 p.m. here in Chicago. Wtf.

    4 months and 2 days until we launch the ZoSo at her new marina this year. Mazel Tov to 2016.

    @thevoid99 - I'm toasting your late doggy.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-31-2015 at 07:59 PM.

  14. #14
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    Almost managed to destroy my laptop 5 minutes to midnight by dropping prosecco wine on it!. Managed to get it working half hour later but the mouse traker not working.

  15. #15
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    2015 was pretty rough for me, so I'm glad to see the back of it. Also, first sober NYE in years - it's quite fun! Food, bed, cats and cheesy supernatural TV shows.

  16. #16
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    The roughest thing about this year was seeing my wife try to cope with what that meningitis did to her brain last december, watching her struggle to remember words and facts, and getting to know her as a completely different person. At least she's alive though.

    And i thank everyone here for shooting the shit with me through it all. It helped me maintain my sanity for sure.

    also: hell yeah @slave2thewage . Food, bed, pets and TV for the win
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-31-2015 at 07:17 PM.

  17. #17
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    Kathy Griffin is already half-naked and hilarious on CNN with Anderson Cooper, last year she handcuffed herself to him.

  18. #18
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    I agree about the time zone comment @allegro . I'm having some
    Bland de blanc and looking forward to 2016.

  19. #19
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    Happy New Year everyone. I'm heading on up to my apartment's roof to see if I can catch any fireworks over Manhatten (I'm in Queens). If I see any, I take photos and post them.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I took care of a good friend overnight at her house after she had surgery this summer, and she surprised me by giving me a bottle of Veuve Clicquot that G and I will be drinking at midnight with our white sturgeon caviar with Crème fraîche, and shrimp and crab, and we'll watch the new Chicago River NYE show and Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin on TV.

    Edit: oh and it's still so fucking weird being in the Central time zone when I grew up in the Eastern time zone. The Times Square ball drops at 11 p.m. here in Chicago. Wtf.

    4 months and 2 days until we launch the ZoSo at her new marina this year. Mazel Tov to 2016.

    @thevoid99 - I'm toasting your late doggy.
    Thank you. Happy New Year.

  21. #21
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    Last edited by DF118; 12-31-2015 at 11:48 PM.

  22. #22
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    Fuck you, 2015. Gleefully toasting your death.

    Hugs to all.

  23. #23
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    2015 was interesting because I experienced a lot of highs but the lowest low kinda cancels them out and it's when I realize that if not for that low, I wouldn't have achieved many of the highs. But y'know what, fuck it. It's now 2016 and I should say "I've not got the time to dwell on that" and move on with my life. Here's to new beginnings and continuing on with the foundations of the goals I started to achieve last year.

  24. #24
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    i think 2016 will be alright. i had a GREAT start. i feel mushy and motivated right now. let's see how long it fucking lasts though! it took me a lifetime to type this. i might even get logged out before i hit enter.yttt

    best ass fukcking wishes to you guys! @allergo, you are hyper fancy and i'm a bit jealous! you are justification for a higher education!
    Last edited by ldopa; 01-01-2016 at 07:57 AM.

  25. #25
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    I was asleep before 11pm because I'm old and because doing the right things these past 5 years haven't made those good years at all so I expect nothing from 2016. I'm lowering expectations significantly. That's my plan.

  26. #26
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    2015 was weird in a very dull way for me. Maybe it was dull in a very weird way. 2016 is, for me, probably going to be an extension of that. I didn't go to any NYE celebrations last night.

    I started writing individual replies going down the list of people here, but if I did that I'd be here way too long, and I'm already growing weary of looking at the screen (and it's only 10:40am here). I'm so glad you're all here. This board's almost old enough to drive, and it's been a blast watching different waves of people join up, and seeing the personalities evolve over time. I wish I had the kind of leisure time I had when this all first started, as I do feel like I've been neglecting things a bit here... but it's all still functional, and that goes a long way I guess :b

    It's looking like we're going to see another wave of newbies sometime this year. Bring it on, 2016.

  27. #27
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    2015 was mostly very good, with the start of some really shit things at the end. Those will continue into 2016; we'll see how long for.

    But I'm a positive person. I can already see the good this year will outweigh the bad. I have very good feelings about what's going to happen, and my ability - and the ability of those close to me - to deal with whatever shit comes out way.

    Being in a new(ish) city I'm looking forward to the chance to reinvent myself a bit, re-connect with my now-nearby family, and make some new friends.

  28. #28
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    2015 was my first full year as a civilian after being in the Navy for 4 years and having my career ending because I developed epilepsy out of nowhere. It was a little tougher than I had expected with the bitterness, shame, and anxiety towards my condition, losing my career, and losing my uncle while forcing myself to just work on something new before fully coming to terms and resorting to destructive habits to deal. Things got a little dark for a while with the drinking even though there was also a lot of fun with enjoying my new freedom and going places. The more I drank, however, the more the bitterness and shame got the best of me and changed me to where I was always angry at something. My wife got tired of it and left. These last few months have been enlightening. I haven't gotten drunk since she left back in September. I feel a lot better now that I have given up the booze. I never realized how much it can really fuck with your personality.

    My wife and I are still separated but things are really looking up. We're actually having fun again. She's still being cautious though. I can't blame her. I made a deal with her - if I fuck up between now and our next anniversary, then it's her call what happens. If I don't, then we get new rings and finally take our honeymoon(we got married while I was in the Navy and was waiting until I got stationed in Spain to have it) and have like a new beginning or something. I really appreciate everyone's words in the other thread where I was looking for advice. 2015 started out pretty good and fun for the most part but got pretty shitty at the end. Instead of bitching, I'm looking forward to pushing through and rebuilding in 2016. No BS resolutions but just learning from mistakes and pushing on.

  29. #29
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    Late to the party but 2015 was pretty awesome. Got a new car, new loft, NEW WIFE and some gains at the gym. I ended 2015 with all the people I started it with and nothing tragic happened.

    9/10 would recommend.

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