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Thread: 2016 Live Speculation

  1. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by somewhat_ View Post
    I've got even further of a reach:

    I listen to my local rock radio station on Sunday mornings periodically, as they have a classic alternative show for a few hours - something about having a block of actual good music on terrestrial radio is still interesting to me. Anyways, enough of the justification of listening to the radio.

    During a commercial break they were advertising a concert announcement coming at 7:00 am Tuesday. Something about it being super secretive and having to keep his lips sealed until then and how people are going to piss their pants. It will probably be one of the shitty bands they play outside of the "classic alternative" program, but what if?

    Btw, they do play plenty of nin during the "classic alternative" session, and last I checked they still play closer every once in a while outside of that program.
    It was Green Day

  2. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotoriousTIMP View Post
    Am I the only one who misses Danny being in the group?
    I unfortunately never got to see him live. I became a fan right after the Fragility tour had just came by my area, and didn't get really into NIN until when AATCHB/Still came out. And of course I didn't have the money to fly across the country when he was a guest for the Wave Goodbye club shows.
    I would absolutely LOVE to have Danny and Robin together again, especially with Josh Freese (knowing how they're all good friends together and had a lot of fun outside of touring).

  3. #213
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    I think i'm probably reaching a bit here but I sometimes check out who TR is following on Twitter on the off chance it reveals what might be going on, the last band he followed was Mogwai who just seem like exactly the sort of band who he would take on as a support on a US tour. Anyway could be he's just got into them I suppose (I think it would be an awesome UK tour combination too)

    almost spot on : )

  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by arsenic View Post
    almost spot on : )
    He followed Marc Maron a while back when people were asking him to do a Trent podcast and I thought we might get an interview out of that, but not yet!

  5. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by WorzelG View Post
    He followed Marc Maron a while back when people were asking him to do a Trent podcast and I thought we might get an interview out of that, but not yet!
    I would love nothing more than for him to do a WTF episode. The older cranky recovery chat between them alone would be instantly-classic Marc material.

  6. #216
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotoriousTIMP View Post
    Am I the only one who misses Danny being in the group?
    i guess i saw old Renholder live twice, but i was like 14 and there were no internets per se, and i really had no idea WHO was on stage other than trent.

    That being said, listening to his remixes and whatnot, as well as Still (pretty sure he was on there,) i imagine he brought a hell of a lot to the group from a creative standpoint. I'd love to see him back in the lineup.
    Last edited by elevenism; 09-12-2016 at 11:45 AM.

  7. #217
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    i imagine he brought a hell of a lot to the group from a creative standpoint. I'd love to see him back in the lineup.
    I was always under the impression that Trent WAS the creative force of NIN, by which I mean to say no one else in the "band" really had a say in anything and they basically just played what he told them to play. I even thought that was a primary reason for a lot of departures - people saying they were annoyed that they had no input. I could also be totally wrong, in which case please feel free to set me straight.

    But as for live - I never saw him in person with NIN, only in live videos. His presence did seem to work well in the 90's "let's everyone run around drugged up and break shit" sort of stage show, but honestly, I think I actually preferred JMJ and Pino. I'm probably alone there.

  8. #218
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    If you ask me, JMJ was by far the best bass player NIN ever had. Usually I don't notice the difference between bass players that much (except for a guy like Pino maybe, where it's really obvious) but JMJ really added a whole fucking lot of quality to nearly every song. I especially fell in love with The Big Come Down from the LITS tour.

  9. #219
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I was always under the impression that Trent WAS the creative force of NIN, by which I mean to say no one else in the "band" really had a say in anything and they basically just played what he told them to play. I even thought that was a primary reason for a lot of departures - people saying they were annoyed that they had no input. I could also be totally wrong, in which case please feel free to set me straight.

    But as for live - I never saw him in person with NIN, only in live videos. His presence did seem to work well in the 90's "let's everyone run around drugged up and break shit" sort of stage show, but honestly, I think I actually preferred JMJ and Pino. I'm probably alone there.
    I've kinda heard both, where they had no creative input but also how ___ member contributed a little to the sound of ___ song kind of thing. Which could honestly just be the style of playing the instrument (like how Trent specifically wanted Dave Grohl for WT). It would be interesting to find out how much the band members made an impact on the sound of a song/album both in the studio as well as live rehearsals and performance (the latter being a little more obvious to spot, but we don't really know if it's because of Trent's direction or because of their individual play style and preference for how a part should go).

  10. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by niggo View Post
    If you ask me, JMJ was by far the best bass player NIN ever had. Usually I don't notice the difference between bass players that much (except for a guy like Pino maybe, where it's really obvious) but JMJ really added a whole fucking lot of quality to nearly every song. I especially fell in love with The Big Come Down from the LITS tour.
    My fav JMJ contribution is probably what he did with – a song that easily could have been tackled the same way as "Me, I'm Not", "Vessel", or "The Great Destroyer" was instead approached as a full-band tune. Those awesome bass licks are forever etched into my brain. I fucking love Robin's guitar solo at the end, too.

  11. #221
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    Agreed. JMJ is the best NIN bass player. I'm seeing Beck next week and I'm really bummed he's no longer touring with him. JMJ's focusing on producing now. Pino's obviously a great player, but he has zero stage presence. 2008/2009 lineups FTW!
    Last edited by Kid A; 09-15-2016 at 08:25 AM.

  12. #222
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    is he still a fucking Scientologist?

  13. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobbie solo View Post
    is he still a fucking Scientologist?
    Ha! he hangs out with Beck a lot, so...

    Jesus christ, look at his fucking recording and performance history. He's like the Josh Freese of bass playing.

    For me, Pino is by FAR the best NIN bass player. He really brought something special to the sound. Anyone who can halfway play guitar could play as well as most nin bassists.

  14. #224
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    Listened to the Fragile yesterday for the first time in awhile and revisited the 2013 Tension Vimeo upload on me thinking a lot about what's the future for touring for Nine Inch Nails. I guess at this point, 2016 is just a huge question mark for a possible new album...but I have a feeling for sure that we won't see any tour news this year.

    That being said, I mean...what can we even expect tour wise from Trent at this point? Is he going to want to do another arena tour like he did for Hesitation Marks? I know he kind of downplays the idea of being on tour for long periods of time, but I know he has the itch to play music in front of large groups of people every night. Hopefully we'll get some kind of tour going in 2017 at least. I've never seen a show on a tour more than once, so I'm hoping that if we get similar dates like we did for the fall tour in 2013...I can try and catch at least two shows.

  15. #225
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    For me, Pino is by FAR the best NIN bass player. He really brought something special to the sound. Anyone who can halfway play guitar could play as well as most nin bassists.
    I don't know. I can appreciate Pino and the incredible skill this guy has. But for me his kinda funky way of playing the bass lacks a certain aggressiveness.

    If I had to describe JMJ's bass playing I would go with "thick and raw". Fucking love that.

  16. #226
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    "nine inch nails are definitely out, wont be ready before fall 2017."

    If it's true, then a tour will happen but we will have to wait a year. Also, if true, I don't see new nine inch nails coming out in 2016.

  17. #227
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    Quote Originally Posted by somewhat_ View Post
    "nine inch nails are definitely out, wont be ready before fall 2017."

    If it's true, then a tour will happen but we will have to wait a year. Also, if true, I don't see new nine inch nails coming out in 2016.
    After that Bonaroo thread talk of NIN being ready for may this year, no December this year, i'm not taking any random guy on the internet at face value again

  18. #228
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    After listening to HM on the way to work today, it reminded me that I actually really preferred Pino for that tour. Loved Justin in the shows I caught, but both the style and the tone that the bass lines took on HM? Pino nailed those. I honestly don't see Justin playing them quite the same way. Would he still be good? I'm sure. But Pino brought a very studio-esque precision and replication to the parts that just worked. Justin's style - and frankly, most bassists' style - has some wiggle room and makes the live show sound a little different. Pino made that tour sound like the album, but live. And for me, that was a great way to present those songs.

    Oh, and re: Coachella? I can safely say that

    (just kidding, I don't know anything about Coachella)

  19. #229
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    Justin didn't play on the Hesitation Marks touring circle. Joshua Eustis did.

    Pino did some amazing things from what I heard only from the VEVO Tension video, but to me, while it may have expanded NIN's sound, it didn't really fit.

    Take Sanctified. I prefer the version with the more "rigid" bassline that Josh played.

  20. #230
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    I want David J as the next NIN bassist.

  21. #231
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    my heart is broken as again, i fear that there will be no tour. sigh.

  22. #232
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    maybe the same strategy: sabbatical for 4 years (just like last time and, remember, his family got a new child). so, a new album fall 2017, new tour 2018. no problem!

  23. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by opal View Post
    Justin didn't play on the Hesitation Marks touring circle. Joshua Eustis did.

    Pino did some amazing things from what I heard only from the VEVO Tension video, but to me, while it may have expanded NIN's sound, it didn't really fit.

    Take Sanctified. I prefer the version with the more "rigid" bassline that Josh played.
    I'm with you - I prefer Josh's bassline way more than Pino's - Pino's had a little too much going on and didn't have that NIN edge IMO.

  24. #234
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    I'm with both of you guys. I preferred the way Josh (and Ilan) played Sanctified.

  25. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid A View Post
    I'm with both of you guys. I preferred the way Josh (and Ilan) played Sanctified.
    Maybe this is because I am a bass player, but Pino was hands-down the best bass player on that tour and technically the best they have ever had. I actually dislike the bass line to the version of Sanctified they played without him. The bass line in that songs is what makes it for me.

    On a side note, I thought Josh was the worst "bass player" they have had, both in terms of playing and stage performance. I'm sure he is a great guy, but I really thought he didn't fit. Pino maybe didn't fit with nin in general, but he was a really good fit for that incarnation of the band in my opinion.

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  27. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by witte View Post
    Are you referring to the "for now " ?
    I think we could lock this thread and start the 2017 Live Speculation thread at this point in time.

  28. #238
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    I couldn't think of where I should post this or if I should post this at all, but the last bit has me curious....

  29. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckaroo View Post
    Maybe this is because I am a bass player, but Pino was hands-down the best bass player on that tour and technically the best they have ever had. I actually dislike the bass line to the version of Sanctified they played without him. The bass line in that songs is what makes it for me.

    On a side note, I thought Josh was the worst "bass player" they have had, both in terms of playing and stage performance. I'm sure he is a great guy, but I really thought he didn't fit. Pino maybe didn't fit with nin in general, but he was a really good fit for that incarnation of the band in my opinion.
    To be fair, Josh isn't really a bass player. He's more along the lines of someone with a solid understanding of guitar and can play bass by extension. I prefer Pino in terms of technique and fluidity, but I kind of liked the more raw style Josh had. It actually reminded me of how Danny used to sound

  30. #240
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    Quote Originally Posted by somewhat_ View Post
    I couldn't think of where I should post this or if I should post this at all, but the last bit has me curious....
    It means "I'm doing a lot of shit so I'm going to drop off the face of the earth for a bit brb". It doesn't mean anything at all about NIN.

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