Yeah, much as I hate to say it, at this current state the creature SFX quality is definite step-down, especially during that final scene. I know I belong into a minority of about five people on the planet who still remembers and actually cares about the 2014 film, but it has a very similar moment, when G first clashes with the female MUTO, and the execution is just night and day. The way he walks up to her, his movement makes you think of a real reptile on a hunt, mixed with a very pissed off human getting ready for a pub brawl, then he very suddenly grabs the thing on her throat and goes for a bite, and the whole bit looks wonderful. The monsters seem to have weight to them, they look enormous, in a sense really elegant, but also just plain cool.

I mean it's not like perfect or even decent special effects were ever the thing this franchise was known for, and I will always love the big guy, even as a weird-looking cartoon dino, running the Boston marathon against the most generic-looking lens flair infested teal/orange CGI backdrops, but some of that magic that G'2014 and - surprisingly or not - Shin Godzilla so effortlessly provided, seems to be missing from here.

This is just my impressions coming from the visuals, of course. It might turn out to be the best Godzilla movie ever. Nothing would make me happier.