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Thread: The Ghostbusters Thread

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    It's like online discourse dealing with gender is toxic or something, hmmmm, if only feminists had been pointing this out.
    The feminism thread is leaking again.

  2. #92
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    Ironic that Devin Faraci is throwing terms like "limp dick loser" around. That guy has been a piece of shit since his CHUD days. Doesn't give a fuck about movies. Once "wrote" a LOST piece (where he was invited on set) that contained almost zero LOST info and instead was him bragging about getting drinks with cast members. His appearances on Attack of the Show were always embarrassing too.

    I am not seeing the movie because Melissa McCarthy isn't funny and casting her in your movie guarantees I won't be seeing it. That was before the awful trailer dropped. Now, I'm 100% confident in my decision.
    Last edited by Swykk; 05-18-2016 at 07:20 AM.

  3. #93
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    This is why I like being decidedly un-famous.

    I didn't like the trailer, so I'm not going to watch the movie.
    Hear that? It's the sound of no one caring, and it's magnificent.

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    This is why I like being decidedly un-famous.

    I didn't like the trailer, so I'm not going to watch the movie.
    Hear that? It's the sound of no one caring, and it's magnificent.
    WHAT DID YOU SAY????????!!!!!!?!?!?! HOW DARE YOU!?!?!?!?!?!?

    (you have to give us time to care)

  5. #95
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    I mean, did you guys watch the new trailer? It makes the movie look like an even bigger piece of shit than the first one (And I like Feig, Weig, McCarthy & Bridesmaids alot). Who can blame anyone who doesn't have to review the movie for $ to be forced to watch and review it?
    Last edited by bobbie solo; 05-19-2016 at 02:33 AM.

  6. #96
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    This movie is totally trolling the trolls! I love it. In terms of entertainment value it has already delivered, and then some.

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    This movie is totally trolling the trolls! I love it. In terms of entertainment value it has already delivered, and then some.
    I agree! After the new trailer I'm convinced the rumour that Sony wants to piss people off is true. And it's fun watching it work because it's so blatant and people buy right into it

  8. #98
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    Honest question: if this wasn't a remake/reboot, would the reaction to it still be the same?

    I've just seen the second trailer and I like it. I do. And I'm a HUGE fan of the original, I saw it in theater several times when it came out in 1984 and it was at a time when we were shown 2 movies so I had to endure a shitty movie before I got to see Ghostbusters.

    I'm going to see it.

  9. #99
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    @marodi My reaction would be the same. I like plenty of remakes and reboots.

  10. #100
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    I'm tired of reboots and remakes. And it wasn't Ghostbusters that made me decide this even though I think Ghostbusters looks bad. It's the fact that Witchfinder General is being remade.

  11. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Ironic that Devin Faraci is throwing terms like "limp dick loser" around. That guy has been a piece of shit since his CHUD days. Doesn't give a fuck about movies. Once "wrote" a LOST piece (where he was invited on set) that contained almost zero LOST info and instead was him bragging about getting drinks with cast members. His appearances on Attack of the Show were always embarrassing too.
    I think you'll like this. At Fantastic Fest, they have a boxing match between some guests that is basically just for laughs, and the fights are mostly not very serious. But one year they got Faraci to go against Joe Swanberg, an independent filmmaker who Faraci liked to criticize. Swanberg wanted blood, started taking real boxing training before the fight, and gave him the business. Faraci looked pathetic.
    Last edited by Millionaire; 05-18-2016 at 04:49 PM.

  12. #102
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    Dane Cook has entered the arena.... I feel like I'm watching an episode of WWE from the attitude era.

  13. #103
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    @marodi , @Swykk , i'm with you guys.
    I third that sentiment.

  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Millionaire View Post
    I think you'll like this. At Fantastic Fest, they have a boxing match between some guests that is basically just for laughs, and the fights are mostly not very serious. But one year they got Faraci to go against Joe Swanberg, an independent filmmaker who Faraci liked to criticize. Swanberg wanted blood, started taking real boxing training before the fight, and gave him the business. Faraci looked pathetic.
    swanberg lives across the street from me. he's awesome.

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frozen Beach View Post
    Dane Cook has entered the arena.... I feel like I'm watching an episode of WWE from the attitude era.
    Why is he chiming in? What a talentless douche.

  16. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Why is he chiming in? What a talentless douche.
    Probably trying to feel relevant in a world that has mostly forgotten about him.

  17. #107
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    I gotta say that I am a little tired of running into the accusation that the only reason I am really unenthused about this remake (despite being a gigantic fan of the original) is because I am in some way sexist. The fact that they cast a female crew to replace the original is the only interesting aspect to me... and judging from the second trailer, this looks like bullshit.

    If they made a reboot with a new male cast, where Seth Rogan replaced Aykroid or whatever, I'd be even less interested. I'm not interested because this looks like it's going to suck, and I'm allowed to say that without being called a misogynist.

  18. #108
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    If this was the original cast in these trailers, I would still say how much I hate it. It has absolutely nothing to do with them being female. A shit trailer is a shit trailer. Shit jokes are shit jokes. Terrible special effects are terrible special effects.

  19. #109
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    Dane Cook is a stupid cocksucker who is just trying to salvage whatever is left of his 15 minutes of fame. As for the new trailer, it is better than the previous one and... I might check it out.

  20. #110
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    James was very upfront about his viewpoint on a movie franchise he is very, very passionate about. People are entitled to their opinions of course about what he says, but it is the people that are bashing him for something he clearly states in the video about why he is not going to see it, nor review it. There are TONS of remakes out there that I have strayed away from because yes, I would rather hold the good memories from something classic that I absolutely love, rather than for it to be tarnished in any way. Of course this doesn't hold up with everything since I always like to give something "New" a chance, but like he said, if it sucks... it sucks... if it's good, it's good. But don't bash on someone that is clearly just making an honest choice not to see it. James is someone that loves to... bring you back to the past, and I love him for that. There is a difference between being stuck in the past, and preserving the past for ignorant generations that may not even know half of the movies they see these days or even video games for that matter are made and inspired from original stories or ideas. Hell, kids these days all know who Mario is, but have no clue about any Mario games that came out before 2005.

    Again, this movie looks awful... fuck this movie.
    Last edited by Self.Destructive.Pattern; 05-18-2016 at 09:46 PM.

  21. #111
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    I'll probably see the movie, but watching the most recent trailer makes me less enthusiastic. Too much slapstick and broad humor.

  22. #112
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    I was trying really hard to remain optimistic about this reboot. I guess I was just trying to convince myself it would be good. I kept telling myself, it's a new Ghostbusters movie, who cares who the cast is, Ghostbusters are awesome. I had friends that would just beat this movie into the ground for sounding like absolute garbage even before seeing anything, I always tried to remain positive and say that I'll still wait and see the movie myself.

    Then the first trailer dropped and boy oh boy did my optimistic view drop with it. I was generally concerned. Not because of the cast. I could care less who the fuck they picked, the old guys are obviously not going to do it again, so there was no sense crying over the fact that it was going to be a new cast, we knew that for years. There were sequel rumors from over 10 years ago when they said they were gonna pass the torch over to 4 new ones, with rumored actors being Jack Black and Will Smith and others. That was not the part I had a problem with, then when they announced it was a female cast, I still did not have a problem with that. What I had a problem with was what I saw with my every own eyes on trailer one. How they were trying to market it as a sequel yet say it had nothing to do with the original. The absolutely atrocious slapstick comedy, everything about it was terrible.

    Then last night, I watched the video that @Self.Destructive.Pattern posted on the previous page of this thread. The one where the reddit user leaked the basic idea of the script online. After reading that, I completely 100% jumped ship. The movie sounded terrible, the whole thing. I was out. I was trying to remain positive to save my judgement for the final product, but I couldn't I lost all interest I had for it. Then trailer #2 dropped this morning and it reinforced my decision was the correct decision to jump ship. Also, reinforces that the script leak is pretty spot on. I don't think those are "rumors" mentioned in that video, that sounds exactly how the movie is going to play out based on what we've seen in the trailers. Spoiler: We even see "Rowin" (Was that his name?) at the end of the trailer in the exact same goddamn form as Stay Puft! He's walking through NYC, crashing into buildings and they even show him on fire and melting... WTF! From the script they say this Poltergeist version of him stands off with the Ghostbusters at the end of the film and asks them to choose a form... same idea as the first fucking movie!! Patty then remembers the Graffiti from the subway tunnel she saw (also shown in the trailer) with the no ghosts logo and that's who she picks as the form....

    Seriously. Fuck this fucking movie. And it has nothing to do with them being fucking female. Nobody asked for a remake of the original movie with even cornier jokes. That is why people are pissed off about this movie. There are a lot of fantastic women actors out there, in fact most of these women (I say most because I think Melissa Mccarthy is the unfunniest person on the planet) are top notch comedians and actors, you figure throwing them all together would make for some pure comedy gold, but it isn't. Their talents are being wasted here on a shitty script. They should seriously push the movie's release back and do some MAJOR reshoots like they did with TMNT 2014.

    With a little tweaking, I think this movie COULD be saved. But they need to push it's release back. Tie it into the previous Ghostbusters universe. Make it a true sequel. Have...fuck.... I donno... the opening scene of Ray and Winston at a graveyard laying Peter and Egon to rest. Peter, because Murray obviously wants nothing to do with reprising his role as Venkman. They could make a joke about how he died in Zombieland (lol)... Then have Ray pass the tourch onto like... his niece or something. Or say she stumbles across all of Ray's old gear and takes the business on herself.... There we go.... movie saved. It's continuing the fan service, making it a true trilogy. You know, tweak a bit more things, like the final battle Spoiler: so it isn't a direct carbon copy ripoff of the marshmellow man battle and you have a redeeming Ghostbusters movie. Maybe not an amazing fantastic Ghostbusters movie, but I think one that could save this movie from being this years biggest flop at the box office.
    Last edited by ManBurning; 05-19-2016 at 02:05 AM.

  23. #113
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    The movie is coming out in less than 2 months. There will be no re-shoots. This is the dreck they're giving us. Sony's all in now.

  24. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    swanberg lives across the street from me. he's awesome.
    Yeah? Tell him me and thousands of others loved that hammer party he pulled on fucking Faraci. Also I really dug Hannah Takes the Stairs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    James was very upfront about his viewpoint on a movie franchise he is very, very passionate about. People are entitled to their opinions of course about what he says, but it is the people that are bashing him for something he clearly states in the video about why he is not going to see it, nor review it. There are TONS of remakes out there that I have strayed away from because yes, I would rather hold the good memories from something classic that I absolutely love, rather than for it to be tarnished in any way. Of course this doesn't hold up with everything since I always like to give something "New" a chance, but like he said, if it sucks... it sucks... if it's good, it's good. But don't bash on someone that is clearly just making an honest choice not to see it.
    I very much agree. I decided years ago, after thinking "what was the point of that?" every time I see a remake/reboot of a movie I liked, I stopped watching remakes if I saw and liked the original films, because I knew I wouldn't enjoy it. Rolfe just talked about that in a very innocuous way, and people seem to be coming out of the woodwork to talk shit at him for...not seeing a movie he thinks he won't like? I guess we have to see every movie now. All these guys- Patton Oswalt, Faraci, Cook- I'll avoid anything they're involved in now(Faraci and Cook were already there, anyway). And I won't see this movie, either, because I think I won't like it. I don't need to see it if I don't want to.

  25. #115
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    It's like execs at Sony Pictures take ten shots of liquor each before making business decisions for the day.

  26. #116
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    This is the last thing I will say about the James Rolfe situation because it's dying thankfully, but these are "professional" journalists.

  27. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thiah View Post
    It's like execs at Sony Pictures take ten shots of liquor each before making business decisions for the day.
    You should read the leaked e-mails between Sony executives/producers/staff... lots of fucked up stuff going on over there and many terrible decisions.

  28. #118
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    One more little thing about this James Rolfe thing- this video sums up the situation perfectly for me. This guy has been targeted by people with an agenda, and they didn't bother to actually see the video and know that he didn't really say anything about the female cast, but they call him sexist anyway. I'm all for better female representation in movies, but this is beyond ridiculous. Its kind of like a McCarthyism Salem witch hunt on the internet.

  29. #119
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    In actual news related to the actual movie, which is actually relevant to the actual movie, and actually sheds actual light on said actual movie, the U.K. trailer is out. It's funnier than the two U.S. trailers, and it looks better. It has turned a lot of people around in their desire to see the movie.

    Here's why. (SPOILER ALERT: they finally got someone who wasn't an advanced-stage MORON to edit a trailer for them)

  30. #120
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    Thought this was an interesting read (it mentions Ghostbusters)...

    'Fandom is Broken'.

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