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Thread: The Ghostbusters Thread

  1. #271
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    Well at least they didn't mess up the first teaser like they did with the reboot (someone in charge is actually paying attention to what they are doing) I'm still not sure we really need this, but it's happening regardless of what i think so hopefully they make a good film.
    With regard to casting, maybe they'll go the Extreme Ghostbusters route, or maybe they'll do that for the animated offering....anyone even remember Extreme Ghostbusters?!?! Casting will be vital for this, they can't just go for funny people and except them to just do their thing to carry the movie.

  2. #272
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    I'll wait to see more before i get too excited, why exactly are the original actors (minus Ramis RIP) not interested in returning anyways? Is it a case of been there, done that, too old? I remember when GB3 was originally trying to get off the ground i could recall Bill Murray always being a hold out, then of course Ramis sadly passed away. At least we have that video game they did where they all reprised their roles.

    Not sure I'm all that interested in Tweenbusters if that's how it's going to go down but we'll see what they do with it.

    I don't think I'll ever bother with that 2016 film though, from the trailers it came across like a movie from the latter half of Eddie Murphy's film career.

  3. #273
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    From the little bits i've picked up over the years i believe Bill wasn't keen on even doing the second one, though i don't think it was ever confirmed his reasons why (could be any number of reasons!) Even if they all had done a 3rd, i doubt it would have worked unless they were all 100% motivated to do it...and i could only ever see them doing it for a pay day (maybe thats why Bill didn't want too, he didn't need the money so couldn't be bothered...though that doesn't explain why he did 2 Garfield movies!)

    What i want to know is...will they make the Caspar cameo canno?! (probably not lol)

  4. #274
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    I don't think I'll ever bother with that 2016 film though, from the trailers it came across like a movie from the latter half of Eddie Murphy's film career.
    I skipped the 2016 movie too, and instead I’ve watched like three 30-45 minute video breakdowns on why it’s objectively abysmal, and I feel like that filled in the gaps well enough, heh.

    Dancing! Fart jokes! Bad improv, oh my!
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 01-17-2019 at 07:46 AM.

  5. #275
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    Ghostbusters 2016 should of just been a movie that lifted heavily from Extreme Ghostbusters

  6. #276
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    From the little bits i've picked up over the years i believe Bill wasn't keen on even doing the second one, though i don't think it was ever confirmed his reasons why
    Murray and Ramis' relationship fell out when they were filming Groundhog day. I read his daughters book (Ramis) and she broke down some moments on the set of that movie where at one point, Ramis was grabbing Murray by the collar not seeing eye to eye. Who knows the exact reason Murray shut him out, but it lasted a good 20+ years...oof. Murray's cameo in the 2016 film just seemed like he was literally trolling everybody and I hated every moment of it.

    After the 2016 film... I say die-hard fans do need this film and to pretend that the previous film never happened or even exists.

  7. #277
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    What are the odds that Chris Pratt gets cast in this, too? It seems like he's being attached to most of the franchises that I loved as a kid. Who are some other modern actors that are the right age, the right kind of funny, and could play a good "everyman" type of character? Simon Pegg? Jack Black? Ryan Gosling? Paul Rudd? Zach Galifianakis? Luke Wilson? Bradley Cooper? It would also be nice if they cast a few female actresses, too (obviously). Maybe Emma Stone, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Julie Louis-Dreyfus, Mindy Kaling, Maya Rudolph...
    Last edited by sonic_discord; 01-17-2019 at 01:45 PM.

  8. #278
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    What are the odds that Chris Pratt gets cast in this, too? It seems like he's being attached to most of the franchises that I loved as a kid. Who are some other modern actors that are the right age, the right kind of funny, and could play a good "everyman" type of character? Simon Pegg? Jack Black? Ryan Gosling? Paul Rudd? Zach Galifianakis? Luke Wilson? Bradley Cooper? It would also be nice if they cast a few female actresses, too (obviously). Maybe Emma Stone, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Julie Louis-Dreyfus, Mindy Kaling, Maya Rudolph...
    If we're going for this i'd say go for people with comedy talent over acting talent (i mean it is meant to be a comedy after all) Tina Fey is a good shout (they are all decent suggestions honestly) but i think they might try and mix a fair amount of younger talent to (holds breathe) carry the franchise forward. Chris Pratt, as much as i love him, i don't think i'd like to see him front another action comedy franchise.

  9. #279
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Murray and Ramis' relationship fell out when they were filming Groundhog day. I read his daughters book (Ramis) and she broke down some moments on the set of that movie where at one point, Ramis was grabbing Murray by the collar not seeing eye to eye. Who knows the exact reason Murray shut him out, but it lasted a good 20+ years...oof. .
    Really? That's really sad guess that explains why he never was into doing a 3rd, and probably never will now.

  10. #280
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    Quote Originally Posted by Haysey View Post
    Really? That's really sad guess that explains why he never was into doing a 3rd, and probably never will now.
    Unfortunately, yes. But my excitement for this new film has lasted about no more than two days after this rumored news

  11. #281
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Sounds like an extreme ghostbusters idea here. I am down for habing a group of teens doing it like that show did. I just dont want it to suck like the last movie.

  12. #282
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Sounds like an extreme ghostbusters idea here. I am down for habing a group of teens doing it like that show did. I just dont want it to suck like the last movie.
    Right. I’m not against the idea itself, know, make it good, and I won’t mind one bit. You can replace the entire cast with dogs and if it’s done right, then that’s fine.

    I just don’t like the trend of “oh, we changed the cast (be that in terms of age, gender, etc), so that means we’re golden” that plays such a big part in the decision-making for all these fucking reboots.

  13. #283
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    With the trend of changing gender and age groups, I’m sure dogs are next up for ghostbusters 5.

  14. #284
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Sounds like an extreme ghostbusters idea here. I am down for habing a group of teens doing it like that show did. I just dont want it to suck like the last movie.
    I am still open to it, just not what I was expecting at all. I mean, it cannot be any worse than what we got recently... Right?

  15. #285
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    I was ecstatic with the announcement of "Ghostbusters 3" originally the other day when we got that teaser trailer, but then once the news broke the day after that it would be kids, my excitement level just plummeted to "Ghosbusters 2016" territory.

    I'd honestly rather just have the adult women back over 12 year olds, and I hated that movie. 12 year olds running around with proton packs catching ghosts does not get me excited. I honestly don't care if they're men or women, I just want a proper Ghostbusters 3 that follows canon and has ADULTS running around.

  16. #286
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    Leslie Jones slams Jason Reitman’s Ghostbusters: “It’s like something Trump would do”

    Quote Originally Posted by Leslie Jones on Twitter
    So insulting. Like fuck us. We dint count. It’s like something trump would do. (Trump voice)”Gonna redo ghostbusteeeeers, better with men, will be huge. Those women ain’t ghostbusteeeeers” ugh so annoying. Such a dick move. And I don’t give fuck I’m saying something!!
    I love Leslie, but....fuck, I'm eyerolling so hard.

    I caved and started watching the 2016 movie. So far, the most clever thing in it is Chris Hemsworth saying "Did you know that aquariums are just submarines for fish?"

    Edit: Yep. That was even worse than I thought it would be.
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 01-20-2019 at 03:31 PM.

  17. #287
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    The 2016 movie is fucking godawful and feels like its "jokes" were written by a 12 year old. It's one of the worst movies I've seen and does everything it can to be the opposite of Ghostbusters. This ain't about male versus female, it's about the writing, the comedy, the direction and the 2016 remake fails on all fronts. Hell, the original had strong female characters with Sigourney Weaver and Annie Potts. I only chuckled once, yes just once, throughout the whole movie during the scene with Leslie and the haunted mannequin and her reaction. Everything else was terrible. This has nothing to do with sexism and all to do with my a godawful movie.

  18. #288
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    Leslie Jones has a point though... we just rebooted the movie w/ a female recast, which seems to have evoked the anger of a bunch of dudes for "being PC and changing everything to placate SJWs" or something. There's good enough reasons to be wary of or to dislike reboots in general, but to reboot it "back to the way it was" right away does feel like "whoops, sorry about that" more than it feels like a sincere attempt to do an homage to the original, director's son or not.

    There's really never been anything like it that I can think of, so it makes sense that it would register that way.

  19. #289
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    I'm already tired of this "going back to the basics" trend that all these film franchises seem to be clinging to. I understand why it's being done from a business standpoint, but beyond that, it just reeks of being creatively bankrupt.

  20. #290
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    The 2016 movie is fucking godawful and feels like its "jokes" were written by a 12 year old.
    Well, now those 12 year olds that wrote it, get to star in the next one! Yay!

  21. #291
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    I feel like all of these movies are just alright. I didn't feel like 2016 version was especially terrible or great, but neither are the originals.... Nit sure why people feel so strongly about this franchise

  22. #292
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I feel like all of these movies are just alright. I didn't feel like 2016 version was especially terrible or great, but neither are the originals.... Nit sure why people feel so strongly about this franchise
    If I’m being honest, I’m not a devout fan of the originals or anything, but they were entertaining and knew what kind of movies they wanted to be. The pointless resurrection of this franchise is just wildly amusing to follow. Even if the 2016 film existed in a vacuum where it was the first Ghostbusters thing ever, that movie...eesh. Fart jokes, forced-in dance scenes, and a wannabe feminist tone with an identity crisis. Eh.

    The big bad villain of this movie is just a dude, who dies and becomes a ghost. They beat the giant evil ghost by....yelling “LET’S LOOSEN HIS GRIP” and shooting it in the crotch with their proton packs. You know, because testicles. The testicles that aren’t there. On the ghost. The number of poorly executed and improvised lines in this movie is beyond count. It’s such a poorly assembled movie. Which is a shame, because I think the casting had potential to be rock solid and deliver a great performance. But they were poorly directed by a director that couldn’t deliver. It was a bigger mess than it needed to be.

    Apparently it made over $200 million, so who am I to talk, but we all know that the number of tickets sold and amount of money made are in no way reflective of quality. It simply says “we got this many people to see our movie.”
    Last edited by ImTheWiseJanitor; 01-21-2019 at 09:13 AM.

  23. #293
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I feel like all of these movies are just alright. I didn't feel like 2016 version was especially terrible or great, but neither are the originals.... Nit sure why people feel so strongly about this franchise
    I'm more into the Real Ghostbusters cartoon if I'm honest but i still really enjoy the first two films, they're legitimate classics that have withstood the test of time and are right up there with some of the best.

  24. #294
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    With the trend of changing gender and age groups, I’m sure dogs are next up for ghostbusters 5.
    See, the thing is...I would actually be excited for that. This and the 2016 version? No. But with dogs? I'm in.

  25. #295
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    "101 Ghostbusters", featuring the ghost of Cruella de Vil...

  26. #296
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    See, the thing is...I would actually be excited for that. This and the 2016 version? No. But with dogs? I'm in.
    Scooby Doo meets The Ghostbusters

    Why hasn't this happened!?

  27. #297
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    I've collaterally seen the 2016 one a few times, and, you know it's pretty mediocre, but the vitriol against it and a lot I'm reading here seems pretty extreme. Like decrying it for fart jokes seems so bizarre to me because I don't remember any from it at all. Like I'm not saying it's not in there it's just weird to characterize it on that. Like the original Ghostbusters had slimer right?

    And yeah there's this thing where, this remake cause inpotent nerd rage from the start but oh now there a new director and it's not gonna be an all female cast, so the franchise is saved! Ok...

  28. #298
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    I think we're all pretty much in agreement we would quite like GhostBusting Dogs.

    I also think it pretty obvious at this point we're never going to get the true Ghostbusters 3, at which point they're just beating a dead horse trying to make a franchise with everything BUT the original characters which were the only reason the original was so great. The only saving grace would be if they focus on making it good, rather then just churning out a weak script like they seem to be doing with a lot of films...and i don't have any faith in Sony doing that. Jumanji was a fluke and Siderverse was a miracle, everything else they have is utter pants! Just look at some of these films...The Dark Tower, Venom, The Angry Birds Films (yes there is a squeal coming!) The Emoji Movie! Smurfs, Pixels, the Hotel Transylvania films, Paul Blert Mall Cop, the Amazing Spider-man films...the fuck!?! (these are all listed as Sony films or co-productions) and lets not forget they're in charge of the Sonic Movie!!!

    ...i have very little faith in Sony actually making a good film regardless of any cast.

  29. #299
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    I feel like all of these movies are just alright. I didn't feel like 2016 version was especially terrible or great, but neither are the originals.... Nit sure why people feel so strongly about this franchise
    its also a pop culture 80s Americana classic... its flaws are enduring member-berry time capsules. It’s like Labyrinth, Karate Kid, Back to the Future, Gremlins, Ren and Stimpy.... it’s ostensibly kid’s material with subversive adult aspects pinned clearly to an iconic time period. It’s part of the stuff that kickstarted the imagination of kids in the 80s, but unlike some stuff you revisit as an adult, it still works and isn’t just a sugary nostalgia pill.

    which is part of why I resisted the reboot, but a double reboot is going to kill Sony’s golden goose. I guess in their view they might as well since the IP hasn’t laid an egg in a long time
    Last edited by Jinsai; 01-21-2019 at 12:55 PM.

  30. #300
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    This would have half a chance if Ramis were still alive

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