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Thread: Star Wars: The Last Jedi - SPOILERS

  1. #451
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    Disney, totally makes movies by committee, focus groups on dailies, everything i hate about modern movie making. they will ruin marvel and x-man too

  2. #452
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    Looks like Mark Hamill has had a change of heart with regard to Luke's character in TLJ.

    Saw TLJ again today, very enjoyable movie. Some of the nitpicking has been pretty ridiculous.

  3. #453
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  4. #454
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Looks like Mark Hamill has had a change of heart with regard to Luke's character in TLJ.

    Saw TLJ again today, very enjoyable movie. Some of the nitpicking has been pretty ridiculous.
    A lot of the stuff with Mark that I've seen has been completely blown out of context to support the narrative that all the TLJ haters have. It's so fucking sad.

  5. #455
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    I don't see the point for Hamill to regret what he said. It's his opinion on a character that is deeply linked to his private persona for decades. Of course he would have his own view on where to go with the character and it would be very sad if everbody involved with these new movies would unisono oblige to everything the executives and the director says. It all has to follow a certain thread, but to have some feedback along the way certainly doesn't hurt. It doesn't mean that Hamill was deeply disappointed by the movie in the first place, he only voiced an opinion that he would have thought of a different story for his character. Most people tend to forget that during all this time people have been cooking up fan theories and built the expanded universe, no one knew about Rey, Kylo Ren or the First Order. So of course the legacy actors will find themselves in a setting that they would have never dreamt of, and that is neither good or bad, but just the way things go.

    One thing that really has me thinking though is the fact that JJ is coming back to finish this. So with no opinion on these two directors I myself would find it pretty annoying to have set up a new trilogy, have someone write a continuation where he kills of several of my ideas and then come back to it. Am I getting this picture wrong? At least that's what I gathered from the news and if that's truly how they are going on about these movies, I'd be very unhappy if I was creatively involved in the story. Does anybody else feel like this? It seems too much a mess for this precious and heavy-weight franchise in my opnion, and I am not even a die-hard Star Wars fan. It feels like Stephen King would step in and write a book of Game Thrones only to have R. R. Martin return and finish the story.
    Last edited by dlb; 12-27-2017 at 05:59 AM.

  6. #456
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    Yeah, if they liked Rian so much that they gave him another trilogy, why didn't they invite him back for ep IX? It makes no sense. You'd think that at the cost of girl power, cutesy animals and inappropriate humor, Disney would at least make some sound business decisions. But Rian's script for ep VIII, the drama around the Han Solo movie and then the return of J.J. implies otherwise.

    I wouldn't mind them screwing around with everything else, as no one should expect every single SW thing they produce to be top-notch quality. But ffs, at least treat your main trilogy properly. Whatever we think about TFA and TLJ, it's a travesty that Disney even let things get to this point. Absolutely no vision at all.

  7. #457
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    I expect shitty trolling from Volband, but it’s sad coming from others. You just keep posting the same shit over and over.

    I mean, if you didn’t like it, fine but at least get your info straight.

    Rian was actually offered IX but turned it down then soon after it was announced he was getting his own trilogy. Disney is not unhappy with Rian (duh doy. They gave him a new trilogy!). The real bullet dodged was shit canning Trevorrow. I am thankful he won’t be involved.

    The Solo solo Movie was fucked by Kathleen Kennedy who hired a well known comedy director team (Lord/Miller) and expected them not to use any of their trademark style in the movie. Then she hires unimaginative Ron Howard to “fix” it?! Not good.
    Last edited by Swykk; 12-27-2017 at 05:32 PM.

  8. #458
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    saw The Last Jedi at last yesterday, glad no one spoiled it for me (turns out you can just ignore the internet), and I thought it was good! not as fun or as fast as Force Awakens, or as interesting as Rouge One, and defo felt just a tad too bloated for my liking. But having sat with it a while, it was certainly a Star Wars film, and I like Star Wars.
    Oh and I thought Hamill was great.

  9. #459
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    Ah shit, totally forgot that Treverrow was expected to film the last one, sorry. Either way, the situation that JJ is in right now would actually piss me off a bit. Coming back to something you have initiated while someonelse (no matter how good or bad he did) was tinerking with it. So that is my major gripe with Star Wars right now. Too many cooks and no consistency... it looks like the success of Rogue One and TFA went over their heads to they are churning out stuff like never before.

    Like I said before, the franchise is probably the biggest franchise apart from the MCU right now and they are handling it rather carelessly right now imho. Someobodey posted that Nolan quote a couple of pages back and that's exactly what I mean. The luxury of crafting something for a couple of years isn't given anymore in today's cinema and I'm afraid that all of these movies coming out could be so much better if more time would be given to them. In hindsight I enjoyed the Last Jedi but it did have some questionable moments for sure.

  10. #460
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    Rian was actually offered IX but turned it down
    He out of all people knew the best that TLJ is a decent stand-alone movie, but an extremely shitty 2nd episode in a trilogy. No one would want to write the script for episode IX, it's lose-lose. If you follow that nothing Rian left behind, you limit yourself into a mediocre movie. If you aim to make a great, or at least good movie, you have to pull things out of your ass, but then people will complain about ep VIII having no weight in the trilogy.

    I'm not that mad at Rian; people who not only get away with this shit but actually get rewarded deserve nothing, but respect.

    edit: btw guys, not liking TLJ is shitty trolling. you heard it here first from the most mentally stable user on ETS.
    Last edited by Volband; 12-27-2017 at 10:11 AM.

  11. #461
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    No, that’s not it...but you already know that. It’s the “girl power” disparagement. It’s the disinformation (where the fuck are you coming up with your bullshit?). You pollute every thread here.

    If you’re mad at TLJ because porgs, about Luke, you’re mad the cast is’re a troll or at the very least, delusional (porgs are such a tiny part, guys. Come on). Luke has never been a badass hero. Note that I previously said it’s okay if you don’t like the movie.

    Fuck off forever, Volband. Go to 4chan. It’s a better fit for you. Keep shaming me for being open and honest, I’ll keep calling you out for being a shitty person. Congrats!
    Last edited by Swykk; 12-27-2017 at 12:16 PM.

  12. #462
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    The Last Jedi, nearly a billion dollars made worldwide, oh yes such a travesty for Disney. "It's too much like A New Hope!" "It's too different!" "It ruined everything in Force Awakens built that I bitched about being too much like A New Hope."

    I love the folks who think they know what went on with Disney's decision making lol. For every hater, there's 5 people who loved this movie. It's just haters never stop coming around to complain about it. There's no pleasing these people. Guess what? Riann won!

    I bet if any of the original Star Wars movies came out today, these same people would be bashing them.
    Last edited by neorev; 12-27-2017 at 12:43 PM.

  13. #463
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    Yes, @neorev . And funny thing is, the info about the film IS available. Easily found. So when these folks come up with “film by committee,” JJ this, Rian that, Disney can simply find good sources and develop a better perspective. It’s not difficult.

  14. #464
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlb View Post
    One thing that really has me thinking though is the fact that JJ is coming back to finish this. So with no opinion on these two directors I myself would find it pretty annoying to have set up a new trilogy, have someone write a continuation where he kills of several of my ideas and then come back to it. Am I getting this picture wrong? At least that's what I gathered from the news and if that's truly how they are going on about these movies, I'd be very unhappy if I was creatively involved in the story. Does anybody else feel like this? It seems too much a mess for this precious and heavy-weight franchise in my opnion, and I am not even a die-hard Star Wars fan. It feels like Stephen King would step in and write a book of Game Thrones only to have R. R. Martin return and finish the story.
    This coming from someone who found TFA to be fairly mediocre and who was hoping for a follow-up that would provide some meaningful context to the characters and events featured therein, TLJ doesn’t do much for me. Instead of an interconnected big picture coming into focus, it feels more like these are random ideas being packed into movies that are being rushed out the door as finished products to meet deadlines.

    From what little I’ve read it sounds like Rian Johnson went into writing TLJ without any real explanation from Abrams or his creative team about who these characters were and what events were shaping up to as an endgame for this trilogy. The random puzzle pieces Abrams put on the board with TFA were given to Johnson to work with, and it feels like he simply threw many of them out to do something different. Maybe some more time to collaborate and map these things out ahead of time would have helped?

    And from the perspective of being on the outside of Star Wars fandom looking in, it’s almost humorous how fan’s expectations were played with. There were plenty of people who loved TFA, regarding it as the savior of the franchise after the atrocity of the prequels, or whatever. A good portion of these people who loved TFA have spent the time between these episodes speculating and theorizing on 3 main mysteries. 1. Who are Rey’s parents? 2. Who is Snoke? And the main event, 3. Luke Skywalker, what kind of awesome things are we going to finally see him do after all these years? Instead of dealing with any of it, the film basically says, “Rey’s parents? Fuck ’em, there nobodies. Snoke? Fuck ’em, he’s dead now. Luke? Fuck ’em, he’s a has-been.” Instead of addressing what the fans have been interested in and talking about for almost two years, TLJ spends all kinds of time telling the story of Finn, Rose, and Poe saving the horses while at the same time getting most of the resistance killed with their failed plan. This whole thing is so very bizarre.

  15. #465
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    No, that’s not it...but you already know that. It’s the “girl power” disparagement. It’s the disinformation (where the fuck are you coming up with your bullshit?). You pollute every thread here.

    If you’re mad at TLJ because porgs, about Luke, you’re mad the cast is’re a troll or at the very least, delusional (porgs are such a tiny part, guys. Come on). Luke has never been a badass hero. Note that I previously said it’s okay if you don’t like the movie.

    Fuck off forever, Volband. Go to 4chan. It’s a better fit for you. Keep shaming me for being open and honest, I’ll keep calling you out for being a shitty person. Congrats!
    Easy there. While I don't really care much about the girl power epidemic, it was rather appealing to me in TFA. I like good heroines, and I think J.J. did a good job with writing Rey. Still, let's not pretend that this is not happening (Ghostbusters, Oceans's 8). Disney is ticking off everything on the "we get more viewers/support if we just..."-list. For two goddamn movies now Cpt. Phasma is literally advertised as "finally a strong female antagonist in the SW franchise!!!", and she - as a character - sucked ass in both movies.

    Porgs in the campfire scene are great. Porgs being pushed under my skin is not so much. Luke is meh, so-so. He was okay, but I just disliked the whole island sequence between him and Rey; felt off. But you are missing the big picture. The movie is not shit because Let's Sell Porgs (tm) infiltrated the movie. No, it's shit because it has some extremely dull and weak character and story developements, extremely lazy story writing (space chase?), and on top of all these major flaws, they advertised those Porgs for the big bucks.

    I'm as open and honest as you are, so not sure what was your point there. You truly amaze me in the sense that you get so worked up over the fact that I see things differently than you, yet you try to act like the biggest advocate of open-mindedness.
    @neorev : TLJ performed worse than TFA and Rogue One (!!!!!) on its second week. What happened to those 5 people for every hater?

  16. #466
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    One thing I absolutely never understood is why are so many people bitching about the milking scene? It's what, a minute? That is actually a scene that's:
    - funny without being intrusive or breaking the immersion
    - gives some - maybe unnecessary - info about how Luke survived
    - sets up Luke's "I don't give a fuck anymore" character perfectly
    - a good throwback to Luke's roots

    People barely talk about Rose being a waste of space, but oh man, a whole minute passed by in the movie with Luke drinking milk, crazy!!!

  17. #467
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    I still haven't seen it but this thread has spoiled a LOT of it for me. Of course, that's my own damn fault.

  18. #468
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    He out of all people knew the best that TLJ is a decent stand-alone movie, but an extremely shitty 2nd episode in a trilogy. No one would want to write the script for episode IX, it's lose-lose.
    That's right, not one single person.

  19. #469
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    I've yet to see 8, like I said, but I feel that if Rian veered a little too far from the beaten path, JJ will probably bring it back home to "rhyming" with the original trilogy in the end. I have all the faith in the world in JJ Abrams.

    Of course, people bitched about TFA being a retread. Now their counterparts are bitching about 8 being too UNLIKE the OG.

    It seems to me that there is no happy median: it's damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    As for me? I prefer retread. I'm all for retread.

  20. #470
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    That's right, not one single person.
    Good job, you successfully nitpicked. That's the theme of TLJ apologists apparently.
    - TLJ doing worse than TFA and R1? Well it still made a lot of money!
    - No one would write ep IX? There are 7 billion people on Earth, so technically someone surely would!
    + the evergreen "I liked it, so please, don't discuss its flaws."

    Why do you even bother? Other than being as uninspiring and lacking in substance as TLJ was, there's not much to it. I'm starting to understand the required mindset to really appreciate TLJ for what it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I've yet to see 8, like I said, but I feel that if Rian veered a little too far from the beaten path, JJ will probably bring it back home to "rhyming" with the original trilogy in the end. I have all the faith in the world in JJ Abrams.

    Of course, people bitched about TFA being a retread. Now their counterparts are bitching about 8 being too UNLIKE the OG.

    It seems to me that there is no happy median: it's damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    As for me? I prefer retread. I'm all for retread.
    Yes, J.J. is an obvious exception from "no one would want to do it", but don't expect much from these TLJ fanboys. But he accepted his fate with his decision, because he is gonna get flamed to death by many people, and it won't be his fault.

    Why didn't you watch it btw if you are so interested that you are monitoring this thread? Makes no sense mate!
    Last edited by Volband; 12-27-2017 at 06:20 PM.

  21. #471
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    Good job, you successfully nitpicked. That's the theme of TLJ apologists apparently.
    - TLJ doing worse than TFA and R1? Well it still made a lot of money!
    - No one would write ep IX? There are 7 billion people on Earth, so technically someone surely would!
    + the evergreen "I liked it, so please, don't discuss its flaws."

    Why do you even bother? Other than being as uninspiring and lacking in substance as TLJ was, there's not much to it. I'm starting to understand the required mindset to really appreciate TLJ for what it is.

    Yes, J.J. is an obvious exception from "no one would want to do it", but don't expect much from these TLJ fanboys. But he accepted his fate with his decision, because he is gonna get flamed to death by many people, and it won't be his fault.

    Why didn't you watch it btw if you are so interested that you are monitoring this thread? Makes no sense mate!
    Yawn. And yes, everyone who enjoyed the film and doesn't like to endlessly bitch about its supposed flaws is a "fanboy."
    Last edited by GulDukat; 12-27-2017 at 06:59 PM.

  22. #472
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    @Volband I am INSANELY interested in seeing it but I live out in the fucking boondocks. The nearest theater is like 90 miles away. I just haven't got to see it YET, but I plan to remedy that asap.

  23. #473
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Yawn. And yes, everyone who enjoyed the film and doesn't like to endlessly bitch about its supposed flaws is a "fanboy."
    No, only the ones who can't put together an argument to save their lives, so they resort to trying to be witty, because if you are wrong, then just play the clown and everything might just disappear. You are doing a stellar job so far.
    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @Volband I am INSANELY interested in seeing it but I live out in the fucking boondocks. The nearest theater is like 90 miles away. I just haven't got to see it YET, but I plan to remedy that asap.
    Hard to even imagine that such a place exists in a "normal" country. Even shithole towns here have a cinema.

    Btw, I thought it might be easier to watch it during this last week of the year, but nope. It's so full, I can't even book tickets, except for the 31st. So yeah, I'd assume you have to wait till next year.

    Not sure how the spoilers might affect this movie. There wasn't really any "JESUS, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'VE DONE THIS!!!!" moment. Some people bitch about a certain death, but even that is just "oh, okay..." level. This is actually a better movie to spoil, as nothing really happens that would actually matter. I think that's why I like rewatching it; if you treat it as a spin-off movie, it's really not that bad. Some pew-pew, some ha-ha, more pew-pew, some wise and motivational one-liners, EPIC LIGHTSABER SCENE, EPIC SPACE SCENE, more ha-ha, more pew-pew, and here we are, the end. Kylo got stronger and smarter, Poe got more experience, while the rest clearly annoyed Rian, so they just ran in circles and did nothing.

    In many ways, you really can't hate this movie.

  24. #474
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I still haven't seen it but this thread has spoiled a LOT of it for me. Of course, that's my own damn fault.
    HAHA. Sorry man, some of us did stop putting the spoiler tags up. Aren't you the one who also never watched episode 3 revenge of the sith? Ever get around to seeing that one?

    Don't let the negative talk about TLJ dissuade you from seeing it in a decent venue if you get the chance. It's beautifully filmed, visual eye candy, well acted, and entertaining. Worth seeing it for yourself and forming your own thoughts.
    Last edited by Dr Channard; 12-27-2017 at 07:51 PM.

  25. #475
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    Does anyone know why Colin Trevorrow was dropped?

  26. #476
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
    Does anyone know why Colin Trevorrow was dropped?
    I think it had to do with the fact that his film Wonder was a big flop or something like that.

  27. #477
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vertigo View Post
    Does anyone know why Colin Trevorrow was dropped?
    i assume that he wanted to take the film in a direction that kathleen kennedy wasn't happy with

  28. #478
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    I'm sorry, it wasn't Wonder. It was The Book of Henry that also starred Jacob Trembaly of Room (not The Room). I got confused. That film bombed bad.

  29. #479
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    Yeah, pretty sure it was because Book Of Henry bombed and got terrible reviews. They were banking on his name after Jurassic World, which I'm sorry I think any director could have made Jurassic World, and when The Book Of Henry flopped, I think they realized they couldn't bank on his name. I was happy when they announced his departure (firing).

  30. #480
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    No, only the ones who can't put together an argument to save their lives, so they resort to trying to be witty, because if you are wrong, then just play the clown and everything might just disappear. You are doing a stellar job so far.

    Hard to even imagine that such a place exists in a "normal" country. Even shithole towns here have a cinema..
    I've been through this before here, more than once. Here I go again. No, the shithole town where I live has no cinema. It doesn't even have a fucking McDonald's or any of that cool shit. You have to go to the post office to get your mail. There aren't even mailboxes in front of the houses.

    And this particular shit hole is surrounded by MORE shitholes that are similar, for miles and miles.

    To get to a cinema, you must drive 1.5 hours. The last movie i saw in the theater was TFA.

    Furthermore, this is far from unusual. There's still a lot of empty space in the us, dotted by tiny, sparsely populated farming communities.
    Last edited by elevenism; 12-27-2017 at 11:36 PM.

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