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Thread: Star Wars: The Last Jedi - SPOILERS

  1. #181
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    I'm looking forward to this film but I think this trailer shows TOO much. There are two specific plot points that they should hadn't included Spoiler: Kylo about the pull the trigger on something (perhaps a ship where Leia is) and Kylo offering Rey a hand . Why do films' trailers nowadays need to show too much? It's Star Wars, people are going to see the film no matter what.

  2. #182
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    Might be clever editing there. We will find out in a couple of months

  3. #183
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    does anyone know what the "special fan night" thursday night tickets actually get you other than seeing the movie a few hours early? they're over $20 each. but if you go at midnight, the tickets are normal price (around $11). there's nothing in the description on fandango that helps me understand WHY the thursday evening tickets are so much more expensive than the late night ones.

  4. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    does anyone know what the "special fan night" thursday night tickets actually get you other than seeing the movie a few hours early? they're over $20 each. but if you go at midnight, the tickets are normal price (around $11). there's nothing in the description on fandango that helps me understand WHY the thursday evening tickets are so much more expensive than the late night ones.
    "Be among the first to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi at the 6pm Opening Night Fan Event. Fans will be treated with exclusive content, collectible cards, and a special concession offer."

  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    does anyone know what the "special fan night" thursday night tickets actually get you other than seeing the movie a few hours early?
    Varies by theater:

    Most screenings will start at 7pm EST on December 14th, technically a day before the official release date. But Lucasfilm will be offering three (pricey) options to see The Last Jedi an hour earlier, at one of three different events:

    • An “Opening Night Fan Event”, which costs around $25-$30 a ticket, depending on your theater
    • A back-to-back double feature of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Wars: The Last Jedi double feature (around $40 a ticket)
    • A Star Wars marathon, consisting of all eight movies (Rogue One didn’t make the cut, apparently), for around $100 a ticket

    Each of the fan events comes with some extra swag, like trading cards and concession stand popcorn, but you’ll want to check your individual theaters to see exactly what’s on offer.

  6. #186
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    LOL oooooh trading cards!

  7. #187
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    Trading cards are back

    Shut up and take my money!

  8. #188
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    I'm truly, honest-to-God happy all of you are excited about this trailer and the movie but...

    I'm old and I guess bitter? Because I liked this movie better when it was called The Empire Strikes Back.

    Those ice foxes? are cool though, and that bird-like thing with Chewie is adorable.

  9. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    I'm truly, honest-to-God happy all of you are excited about this trailer and the movie but...

    I'm old and I guess bitter? Because I liked this movie better when it was called The Empire Strikes Back.

    Those ice foxes? are cool though, and that bird-like thing with Chewie is adorable.
    I understand the criticisms of The Force Awakens being so similar in plot to A New Hope, but what about this (aside from the dour tone) makes you think it will be a retread of Empire? Just that it looks like the bad guys have a leg up on the good guys and that there's a jedi in training?

  10. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    does anyone know what the "special fan night" thursday night tickets actually get you other than seeing the movie a few hours early? they're over $20 each. but if you go at midnight, the tickets are normal price (around $11). there's nothing in the description on fandango that helps me understand WHY the thursday evening tickets are so much more expensive than the late night ones.
    Heard that in addition to the early screening it also gets you an erotic massage from Star Wars sexiest character, Malakili!!! But, don’t everyone rush to drop your 20 bucks because that could turn out to be just a baseless rumor.

    Quote Originally Posted by thevoid99 View Post
    I saw it during a terrible game on MNF and.... whoa..... We get to see a bit of Snoke and..... I think that's all I'm going to say as I'm not going to spout any theories that might spoil things.
    Hopefully an interesting character is written for Snoke. If Snoke comes across as another Palpatine but 10x stronger, that’ll be just as eyerollingly bad as Starkiller base being like the Deathstar but 10x bigger. Write a different story, develop unique characters, we don’t need more of the same only 10x bigger. Snoke doesn’t need to be bigger and badder, but needs to be different and interestingly developed. Here’s to hoping.

    And man oh man, Luke is looking a little rough in the trailer. He’s got a strange trippy look to his eyes, like maybe he’s been hittin’ them death sticks pretty hard over the years.

  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonic_discord View Post
    I understand the criticisms of The Force Awakens being so similar in plot to A New Hope, but what about this (aside from the dour tone) makes you think it will be a retread of Empire? Just that it looks like the bad guys have a leg up on the good guys and that there's a jedi in training?
    Not just that. Rey's parentage is still secret (Luke/Vader); the Jedi Master doesn't seem to have full confidence in his padawan (Yoda doubted Luke all along); we seem to have an Humpty Dumpty trainee once again (which side of the Force will she fall?/Anger will lead you to the Dark Side, Luke) we already know a major character, Leia, is going to die (Han got frozen; his future was uncertain)... Want to bet Rey's going to leave before her training is over?

    Don't get me wrong; I'm still going to see it. I just can't get excited about it. In my own humble opinion, the Star Wars saga should have ended with Return of the Jedi. It was a perfect ending: the bad guys were dead, someone found redemption, Han and Leia were going to live happily ever after, Luke was going to revive the Jedi order... and we would never have to see the Ewoks again because they were kind of annoying after a time.

    Snoke is a great replacement of Palpatine. He's truly ruthless and scary. But Kylo Ren is no Darth Vader. He still very emo, throwing tantrums, smashing stuff and almost crying? What? At least the scar makes him look a little badass.

    But Rey is definitely intriguing, BB-8 is awesome, I'm kind of rooting for Phasma because she is badass and I'll admit that I want to know how Luke has evolved. I just don't feel the hype.

  12. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Want to bet Rey's going to leave before her training is over?
    I got that feeling immediately when I heard Luke say “This is not going to go the way you think.”

    Also, all I could think when I saw that little cutesie bird creature which I guess is called a “porg”:


  13. #193
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    Ah, I actually wrote to Santa that I wanted a Spaceballs the Flamethrower when I was a kid. I still want one.

  14. #194
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    Managed to snatch good seats for the Thursday evening screening just as it went live last night. I haven't been that stressed out over buying tickets since NIN pre-sales.

  15. #195
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    I also still need an answer why Luke decided to trade his human-looking robot hand for a robot-looking robot hand.

  16. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bachy View Post
    I also still need an answer why Luke decided to trade his human-looking robot hand for a robot-looking robot hand.
    You don't need fashion when you're chillin' on a lonely rock, man.

  17. #197
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    Wonder if they are setting this up for a Spoiler: Rey goes to dark side, Kylo comes back to the light twist..

  18. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bachy View Post
    I also still need an answer why Luke decided to trade his human-looking robot hand for a robot-looking robot hand.
    It's the same hand; it's been wore down to just the metal parts.

  19. #199
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    It seems like Luke actually decides to stop training her, and that's why she leaves.

    It would be a pretty big bummer if she went dark, I don't know if I would be on board with that choice in writing. Kylo going light is at least interesting, because Star Wars hasn't seemed a character redeemed like that before.

  20. #200
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    All plot details and assumptions aside this film looks visually rich and gorgeous. That shot of fighters going down in snow with the red smoke -- stunning. Bare minimum it looks like one of the most striking and beautiful entries in the series and I'm thrilled to sit in a theatre and take it all in on a gigantic screen. Johnson's got a great sense of style and it looks like this is using the budget and scale to its fullest potential in that regard.

  21. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    It would be a pretty big bummer if she went dark, I don't know if I would be on board with that choice in writing. Kylo going light is at least interesting, because Star Wars hasn't seemed a character redeemed like that before.
    i like the idea of him turning back (maybe he finally feels the power he's seeking from the light side) and the thought of this trilogy being a tad more original, but i just can't get over the whole killing han solo thing + starkiller base destroying (what was it?) 7 planets!

  22. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by hologram parade View Post
    i like the idea of him turning back (maybe he finally feels the power he's seeking from the light side) and the thought of this trilogy being a tad more original, but i just can't get over the whole killing han solo thing + starkiller base destroying (what was it?) 7 planets!
    Darth Vader personally slaughtered entire races (not just the men, but the women, and the children too!), choked his baby mama out, went after a ton of Jedi kids, blew up planets in front of his daughter just to be a dick, cut off his own kid's hand and still managed to be redeemed in the end. A big part of Star Wars' ethos is that idea that there's nothing you can't come back from if you're serious about it and Kylo hasn't gone half as far as his grandfather did, so I think it's not out of the realm of possibility at all.

    I'd personally love to see Kylo and Rey both becoming gray-style characters and the whole idea of "The Last Jedi" and "time for the Jedi to end" meaning that Luke & Co. form a group beyond Light/Dark and remove the need for the inevitable balance of things -- for every Jedi there's a Sith, etc. etc.

  23. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by hologram parade View Post
    i like the idea of him turning back (maybe he finally feels the power he's seeking from the light side) and the thought of this trilogy being a tad more original, but i just can't get over the whole killing han solo thing + starkiller base destroying (what was it?) 7 planets!
    Exactly. He'd be a hard person to root for after the things you mentioned. I don't think they'll make Rey turn to the dark side, either. I could see her or Luke pretending to be turned to the dark side in order to infiltrate the First Order in order to get close enough to Kylo and/or Snoke to kill them. Killing isn't very Jedi-like, but Luke seems over the whole Jedi thing anyway...

  24. #204
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    I've never seen the whole Light and Dark sides as absolute. From what I understood about the Dark side of the Force when Yoda was training Luke is that one has to know what it is about oneself that could potentially lead to embrace the Dark side. Face your fears so that they don't control you etc.

    Maybe Kylo isn't morally corrupted enough to completely succumb to the Dark side. What I would like for him is to own the horrible things he did (like killing his father) but to be strong enough to put his foot down and say "that's enough, this is not who I am". Don't make him a good guy, keep him in the "gray leaning heavily toward Dark" area but don't make him absolute evil either.

    Rey's trickier. When she'll learn the truth about who she is, there's a chance she won't appreciate having been kept in the dark about it for so long. That's a strong potential for conflict and it may play on which side of the Force she decides to be.

  25. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by hologram parade View Post
    i like the idea of him turning back (maybe he finally feels the power he's seeking from the light side) and the thought of this trilogy being a tad more original, but i just can't get over the whole killing han solo thing + starkiller base destroying (what was it?) 7 planets!
    To be fair, Starkiller base killing a bunch of planets worth of people was entirely a General Hux move. In fact when Hux brought it up to Snoke in discussion Kylo looked somewhat pissed about it. Yes, Kylo seems like a total douche for sure, but that multi-planet genocide was on Hux.

  26. #206
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    I think it would be far more interesting if Rey turned to the dark side rather than having some Kylo Ren redemption story (yawn).

  27. #207
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    Solid trailer, I'm probably going to go for the double feature option if I can convince some friends to miss work and come along with me. I saw Force Awakens four times when it was in theaters and it'll be fun to see it again on the big screen before The Last Jedi. As for my own speculation, I think it would be cool to see a turn to the dark side done right (sorry prequels) and Rey wound up becoming a Sith or part of The First Order, while conversely Kylo Ren who was set to become a powerful figure under Lord Snoke or part of the dark side instead became the hero of the story. It'd be great if the finale of Episode IX was a final lightsaber duel between Kylo Ren and Rey in a similar setting as the Force Awakens duel but with their roles reversed.

  28. #208
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    International poster, shows ol' blue sparked...but not by Rey.

  29. #209
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    New trailer...only a few very brief new scenes, but money nonetheless.

  30. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    New trailer...only a few very brief new scenes, but money nonetheless.
    This trailer makes me even more excited than I already was! Spoiler: Luke on the Falcon! I Just wish Han could be there with him. Also, I think I'm going to love the new praetorian guards. Hopefully the non-hologram Snoke is cool enough to not be out-shined by them... SO excited to finally see it! Glad I got my opening night tickets (my wife can't go the Thursday before, or I'd be there that night) when they went on sale so I could get perfect seats!
    Last edited by sonic_discord; 11-02-2017 at 02:19 PM.

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