I think I'm reasonably happy with it. My first impression is that I found it more interesting than TFA, it definitely plays around with the core concepts of the mythos in a way that challenges the way you perceived Star Wars so far, which I can see how alienates many people. The humour felt a bit off at times but other times it was fine.

Cons: I agree with everyone that the casino subplot needs to die a horrible death, at least the way it was handled. I appreciate the general sentiment or message it wanted to get across, but the execution could have been handled much, MUCH better. The other problem I had with the film was that I got the feeling sometimes that we were missing a scene. Like, there was a transition or an event in the film which had me momentarily questioning how such and such got here all of a sudden etc.

Pros: Really like the dynamic between Kylo and Rey. Something interesting can be done with it, though Spoiler: they did stop just shy of going somewhere really interesting with it after Snoke's death. I liked the Force stuff, and the kind of trippy element that was added in certain Force related scenes. I thought Luke's part in the story was satisfying. And finally there are some very cool scenes that will stand out in all of the SW movies. From the top of my head: Spoiler: the throne room fight, the light speed ramming, the white/red contrast and how they played with it in the mineral planet. Also, Spoiler: (apparently) puppet Yoda!.

Curious to see how I will perceive it on a second viewing. And of course how it will tie to Episode IX.