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Thread: Star Wars: The Last Jedi - SPOILERS

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    ha! @RhettButler it would, but I have the idea that we won't be seeing anything too complicated. And although that isn't that complicated, I think it will be more elegantly simple.
    Ray as a Skywalker is painfully predictable and lame.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Ray as a Skywalker is painfully predictable and lame.
    I personally don't think she is biologically the daughter of any of the characters. I think that's gonna be what surprises everyone who thinks she's a Skywalker or Solo or Palpatine or Kenobi.
    And I don't think Snoke is Darth Boogaloo from Wookie Comics number 38 or any of that outlandish shit either. I think Snoke is just Snoke and Rey is just Rey.

  3. #123
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    I hope that they're simply new characters because I hate this attitude of "everyone has to be related to everybody else." It's lame. The Star Wars universe is gigantic and for all of these characters to come from the same tiny little familiar corners isn't very interesting to me (it's also a big part of why I have utterly zero excitement for that Han Solo movie).

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I think Snoke is just Snoke and Rey is just Rey.

    The problem with that though is you've essentially jerked people off with all these red herrings. You can't just be like oh, yeah, there's no story here she's just some girl and Snoke is just some dude.

    You could have done that if you set up the backstory properly from the start, but you've led people along to think there is something grander unfolding. There needs to be some interconnection to the already laid out universe.

    She doesn't need to be a Skywalker or a Kenobi, but there needs to be some relevance and explanation (especially for things like, the force sensitivity etc).

    To not have that would not only would that be a bit of a royal slap in the face and piss people off, it would also show a severe lack of planning and development on the story group's part.

    Bottomline - I don't have a dog in the fight (I guess I think it would be cool if Snoke was Plagius?) but otherwise I have no expectations - it just needs to be a good story but it absolutely can't be at this point if you are going to ignore all the yank fest reveals JJ set up in TFA. There needs to be a payoff and it needs to be sensible.

  5. #125
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    @valiantsteed they could still have bad ass stories even without being, or being related to, other characters!
    You know, I don't think there is much chance of Snoke being Plaugis, because, seriously, I don't think casual fans have any idea who plaugis is. Shit I'm a fairly obsessive fan of the original trilogy who owns like fifteen articles of star wars clothing and I only know who Plaugis is because of snoke theories. I pretend the prequels didn't happen.
    I think we will get the DEEP fanboy service in the form of Easter eggs and references, not big plot points.
    Of course, these are just MY bullshit ideas.
    I think it's fun to speculate with other fans!

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @valiantsteed they could still have bad ass stories even without being, or being related to, other characters!
    You know, I don't think there is much chance of Snoke being Plaugis, because, seriously, I don't think casual fans have any idea who plaugis is.

    I think it's fun to speculate with other fans!

    Agreed I don't think there is much chance of Snoke being Plaguis now either to be honest - but come on. He was mentioned in one of the best scenes of the entire prequel trilogy when Anakin basically makes his first turn to the dark side and Palpatine finally reveals himself after 2.5 movies of dilly dallying. Outside of the fight with Obi Wan, the rest of the turn was pretty lame, but that scene killed it for me. It was Palpatine having played the long con and just so confidently laying all of his cards out on the table moving his chess pieces into checkmate, knowing how brilliant he played it to the point where Anakin was unable to do anything but be hypnotically seduced.

    Plaguis was the metaphoric catalyst for all of that, so fan of the prequel trilogy or not, it's a key moment in Star Wars lore. It's not EU, it's not obscure - it's no different than reference like say the kessel run, or dantooine, or bothan spies which most casual SW fans would recognize or know.

    Again, I don't think people have to be related to other legacy characters. I think there are so many creative options for Snoke. But JJ set it up so there has to be a mega reveal, regardless of what it is.

    Just a random joe at this point cannot make for a good story - there is not enough time to effectively tell it because of how TFA was structured.

  7. #127
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    What if Snoke is really Jar Jar? Would you be officially done with Star Wars?

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    What if Snoke is really Jar Jar? Would you be officially done with Star Wars?
    Noooooo because that would be fucking HILARIOUS. We finally get to episode ix and it starts out with snoke revealing that he is jar jar. And he says "issa ME!" And the whole movie is about jar jar. It would be SO fucking worth it. It would be fucking GREAt hahahahaha.

    It would totally be worth the sacrifice.
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-07-2017 at 10:43 AM.

  9. #129
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    @valiantsteed I haven't even seen revenge of the sith

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    @valiantsteed I haven't even seen revenge of the sith
    By far, the best of the prequels.

  11. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    By far, the best of the prequels.
    dude I saw the first prequel and thought I must have been missing something. Then the second one was totally forgettable. By the time the third one came out, I had kind of accepted that the first two weren't very good and I just didn't want any more of it

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    By far, the best of the prequels.
    That doesn't mean much.

    What's with this sudden revisionist history ever since The Force Awakens came out where we all act like the prequels didn't totally suck? They did and they do. Revenge of the Sith is a movie full of good ideas, sure, but the execution of them is terrible. The acting is just as crap as the first two and the action is the same emotionless pretty-colors-exploding weightless CGI. The writing is sophomoric and overlong. The dialogue is clunky and stilted. The overall design is forgettable and uninspired. Many of the best aspects were only good thanks to EU material and fan theory explanations.

    It feels cheap, it's drawn out and it's mostly an emotionally unengaged mess of an attempt at crafting some sweeping great tragedy despite having characters purely reliant on your attachment to past incarnations of them for them to be interesting. It's structurally passable, unlike the other two, but it's still a steaming pile of garbage.

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    That doesn't mean much.

    What's with this sudden revisionist history ever since The Force Awakens came out where we all act like the prequels didn't totally suck? They did and they do. Revenge of the Sith is a movie full of good ideas, sure, but the execution of them is terrible. The acting is just as crap as the first two and the action is the same emotionless pretty-colors-exploding weightless CGI. The writing is sophomoric and overlong. The dialogue is clunky and stilted. The overall design is forgettable and uninspired. Many of the best aspects were only good thanks to EU material and fan theory explanations.

    It feels cheap, it's drawn out and it's mostly an emotionally unengaged mess of an attempt at crafting some sweeping great tragedy despite having characters purely reliant on your attachment to past incarnations of them for them to be interesting. It's structurally passable, unlike the other two, but it's still a steaming pile of garbage.
    As far as revisionist history is concerned, nothing has changed for me because of the excellent TFA and R1. I always thought that the prequels were deeply flawed and I agree with most of your criticisms of ROTS. That said, it is, by far, the most enjoyable and watchable of the prequels. While I enjoyed the visuals and some of the aspects of TPM and AOTC, it was at times just a chore to sit through. ROTS was a lot of fun, imho, I enjoyed the ride. Yes, there is some very bad dialog, but it seemed to get less screen time here. I thought the third act was excellent--among the best of the franchise. Anakin's turn did seem kind of rushed and sudden, but once he is Vader, the film takes off. His final showdown with Obi Wan was very well done, filled with action and Obi Wan's last words with Vader hit a chord with me. Vader getting his armor, the construction of the Death Star and Luke given to his adoptive parents was all well done too. I also really liked the scene where Anakin and Palpatine are at the theater and Palpatine tells the story of Darth Plagues. Very cool visuals and dialog.

    Yes, there are flaws. You brought up some of them, also, why does Palpatine let himself become deformed? Why did Yoda just leave and go into hiding after his duel with Palpatine?

    Here is how I rank all eight movies:

    TPM- 2.5/4
    AOTC- 2/4
    ROTS- 3/4
    R1- 4/4
    ANH- 4/4
    ESB- 4/4
    ROTJ- 3.5/4
    TFA- 4/4

  14. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    …why does Palpatine let himself become deformed?
    Some have contended that the deformity was his true form anyway, saying that his wielding of the dark force had taken a toll on and deformed his physical being. They say that Palpatine had been masking his true self with some sort of sith power up until it was to his advantage to reveal it in order to frame the Jedi in front Anakin and to put on a show for the senate. Where this reasoning comes from I’m not sure, the films never show or even imply this to be the case, the movie simply depicts him sustaining the damage in the duel with Windu. There is also the argument that Palpatine allowed Windu to defeat him in that duel. I don’t buy that. Based on what the movie depicts it seems more likely that Mace just won the fight. The films earlier imply that Mace was the premier Jedi duelist, and that is exactly what is shown in his Duel with Palpatine. If Anakin hadn’t interfered, Palpatine would have been dead.

    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Why did Yoda just leave and go into hiding after his duel with Palpatine?
    Yoda seems a more simple explanation, the Jedi had been branded enemies of the empire. He wouldn’t be fighting just Palpatine but also the imperial army, every imperial loyalist in the galaxy, sith agents, and even bounty hunters, a tall order even for master Yoda. It was his watch on the council that saw the death of the Jedi order, the death of galactic liberty, the rise of the Sith and the empire, and he had his shot at the chancellor and failed. At that point being one of the few Jedi left it was probably the more prudent choice to admit defeat and retreat into hiding.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    I hope that they're simply new characters because I hate this attitude of "everyone has to be related to everybody else." It's lame. The Star Wars universe is gigantic and for all of these characters to come from the same tiny little familiar corners isn't very interesting to me (it's also a big part of why I have utterly zero excitement for that Han Solo movie).
    The universe is large but this story isn't. That's what excites me about the non-Saga films, they don't have to have any of the established "main" characters in them and can show larger stories.

    Now if they show Han meeting people he shouldn't in that movie we can talk small universes.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    The universe is large but this story isn't. That's what excites me about the non-Saga films, they don't have to have any of the established "main" characters in them and can show larger stories.

    Now if they show Han meeting people he shouldn't in that movie we can talk small universes.
    If Lucas were writing the Han Solo movie, he'd probably shoehorn in how he was Yoda's half-brother or something. I always thought making Anakin C3PO's creator was so forced and lame.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    If Lucas were writing the Han Solo movie, he'd probably shoehorn in how he was Yoda's half-brother or something. I always thought making Anakin C3PO's creator was so forced and lame.
    I didn't know anakin was c3po's creator.
    That's totally fucking lame.

    I'm with @kleiner352 , i thought the prequels were AWFUL and didn't even watch the third one and i don't care about ANYTHING that's in them.
    And i'm like a really nice guy and a huge star wars fan!

    And i doubt that ANY major plot points in TFA are gonna tie in to the prequels. It's a goddamn miracle that Disney didn't fuck up these last two movies and managed to get people excited about them.

    I remember seeing TFA and thinking "Holy Shit! isn't awful! That's fucking STUNNING!"
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-09-2017 at 02:12 PM.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I didn't know anakin was c3po's creator.
    That's totally fucking lame.
    yeah, you find that out in The Phantom Menace. i remember thinking that seemed like quite a coincidence, even as a kid "enjoying" the movie. and how/why 3PO would have no memory of anakin skywalker being his creator is just as bad as R2-D2 somehow having rocket boots in the prequels :/

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    yeah, you find that out in The Phantom Menace. i remember thinking that seemed like quite a coincidence, even as a kid "enjoying" the movie. and how/why 3PO would have no memory of anakin skywalker being his creator is just as bad as R2-D2 somehow having rocket boots in the prequels :/
    i saw the phantom menace just the one time.

    it was a sobering experience where i questioned my ability to discern what was good and what wasn't, because it was fucking star wars, right?! it HAD to be good, so i must have been confused!
    It was a dark night of the soul that i don't want to revisit. hahahahaha, no shit.

    and i wasn't a kid, i was 19. so some of you guys might have nostalgia for those flicks and give them a pass; i can't even do THAT.
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-09-2017 at 02:13 PM.

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    i saw the phantom menace just the one time.

    it was a sobering experience where i questioned my ability to discern what was good and what wasn't, because it was fucking star wars, right?! it HAD to be good, so i must have been confused!
    It was a dark night of the soul that i don't want to revisit. hahahahaha, no shit.

    and i wasn't a kid, i was 19. so some of you guys might have nostalgia for those flicks and give them a pass; i can't even do THAT.
    I thought TPM sucked at the time. Now, I find I enjoy it, but it's still a B-/C+ IMHo.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    I thought TPM sucked at the time. Now, I find I enjoy it, but it's still a B-/C+ IMHo.
    see, i loved it. i could quote the entire original trilogy by the time i was 3 and i don't even know how many times i rented and watched the two ewok adventure movies. i FLIPPED OUT when they put the original trilogy back in the theater for its 20th anniversary, and i was on a star wars high two years later when TPM came out. as a 12 year old nerd, it was like a gift from the gods, getting a NEW star wars movie after so long. i was so blinded by my love of the star wars universe that i had no idea how terrible it was. the only way i can watch it now is with rifftrax, and even then, it's pretty painful.

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    see, i loved it. i could quote the entire original trilogy by the time i was 3 and i don't even know how many times i rented and watched the two ewok adventure movies. i FLIPPED OUT when they put the original trilogy back in the theater for its 20th anniversary, and i was on a star wars high two years later when TPM came out. as a 12 year old nerd, it was like a gift from the gods, getting a NEW star wars movie after so long. i was so blinded by my love of the star wars universe that i had no idea how terrible it was. the only way i can watch it now is with rifftrax, and even then, it's pretty painful.
    wow, I forgot that you were that much younger than me.
    But yeah I didn't HATE TPM at the time; i kind of told myself it just didn't fit. It didn't feel like star wars. And i, too, was blinded by my love of the universe and couldn't admit that tpm was bad until about the time that TCW came out

    For the record, I loved those ewok movies when I was a kid too. And I was utterly mesmerized by star wars as a toddler. Some of my first conscious memories involve star wars

    And I also flipped the fuck out when they rereleased the original trilogy. I went and saw them by myself like five times each. I was seventeen and smoked a lot of weed and would smoke a joint and just zone out in the theater, ha! It was AWESOME.
    And I know I'm in the minority on this, but I actually enjoyed most of the changes.

    Edit: sorry this was kind of disjointed
    Last edited by elevenism; 05-10-2017 at 03:32 PM.

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    Not gonna lie, that last one snuck up on me and I got a little teary.

  25. #145
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    what character does the Asian woman play?

  26. #146
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    Well obviously a Dark Helmet acolyte, just look at her hair.

    Non snark response:

    Kelly Marie Tran as Rose, a member of the Resistance who works in maintenance.[2][13]

    Yeah, ok, because we put random maintenance workers front page of Vanity Fair.

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegate View Post
    Not gonna lie, that last one snuck up on me and I got a little teary.
    Well then definitely steer clear from the full gallery here


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  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by october_midnight View Post
    what. the. fuck.

  30. #150
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    Am I the only one that isn't excited for this movie?

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