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Thread: Star Wars: The Last Jedi - SPOILERS

  1. #481
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    No, only the ones who can't put together an argument to save their lives, so they resort to trying to be witty, because if you are wrong, then just play the clown and everything might just disappear. You are doing a stellar job so far.
    I'm just too fucking tired to respond after an eight hour day at work, to your nerd rage, over a movie I said I enjoyed.
    Last edited by GulDukat; 12-28-2017 at 02:49 AM.

  2. #482
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I've been through this before here, more than once. Here I go again. No, the shithole town where I live has no cinema. It doesn't even have a fucking McDonald's or any of that cool shit. You have to go to the post office to get your mail. There aren't even mailboxes in front of the houses.

    And this particular shit hole is surrounded by MORE shitholes that are similar, for miles and miles.

    To get to a cinema, you must drive 1.5 hours. The last movie i saw in the theater was TFA.

    Furthermore, this is far from unusual. There's still a lot of empty space in the us, dotted by tiny, sparsely populated farming communities.
    Sounds like you are the real life Luke Skywalker then. I didn't mean to mock you ofc. I personally detest living even in a village (been there a year), let alone in such a rural area, but I heard some people explaining why they like it. I can't even stand the little things, like here, if you live in a village, you have to say hi to everyone you meet.

    But I disagree with the folk who apologized for not using spoiler tags. Those tags are real helpful during that awkward 5-7 days period, where certain countries did not even have the chance to see the movie, and most of the spoilery discussion are big chunks of reviews, and not constant back and forths about about something more specific. But by this time, if someone REAAAALLLY wanted to see it, they could have. And if they didn't, there is absolutely no reason to read this thread.

    And why didn't you see R1? You can watch it on your computer now as well.
    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    I'm just too fucking tired to respond after an eight hour day at work, to your nerd rage, over a movie I said I enjoyed.
    You should get a rest then, because you are starting to misuse expressions (nerd rage) as well. While I'm certainly annoyed by some of the lowest quality responses you folks produce and high5 each other afterwards, calling it a nerd rage is quite rich.

    I admit, there is one thing in TLJ that makes me nerd rage, and that is the Rose kamikaze scene. I can't talk calmly about that at all. There are things I loved in TLJ, things I hated in TLJ, and there's that scene, which makes me go mental. That scene defies every single standard I hold dear in my life; it's like a personal attack coming from the big screen.
    - That scene makes no sense from a character standpoint: Rose's sister sacrificed herself for the Resistance and Rose accepted it; it's what they'd signed up for. When DJ asks for her medallion? Here, take it. My name is Rose, and I will not dwell on the past. I loved my sister and always will, but I do not need such sentimental values. If that's the price to help the resistance, then so be it. [fastforward a few hours or so] YOU CAN'T SACRIFICE YOURSELF FINN!!!! BTW I LOVE YOU!!!!
    - That scene makes no sense plot-wise: So Finn and Rose did fuckall during the whole movie, and indirectly got their friends murdered. Okay, that in itself could be an interesting story element. But when Finn is about to redeem himself, he is being "saved" by a suicide crash from his partner in crime??? What if he succeeds and the Resistance gets to live another day? There was no indication of Finn's plan not working out, and if they let that laser go through, then their friends die. If their friends die, then they are captured and tortured to death.
    - That scene made no sense from a moral standpoint: What was the meaning of that? If you feel a tingling sensation in your pants, then act upon it, because your genitals always know better? As lame as the "everyone can be a hero" and "not all people are helpless" messages of the SW movies might be, at least they are kinda true and have a positive vibe. Giving up your own and your friends' lives for someone you barely know has a terrible message and makes no sense. Not letting a friend sacrifice himself is fine, but within context, it was either that or a miracle - plus he already made up his mind. How can you even love such a defiant person, when you feel the need to stop him? You don't fall in love into someone for their sense of humor then tell them to stop being funny.

    Aghhhh.... someone hold me.

  3. #483
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    I admit, there is one thing in TLJ that makes me nerd rage, and that is the Rose kamikaze scene. I can't talk calmly about that at all. There are things I loved in TLJ, things I hated in TLJ, and there's that scene, which makes me go mental. That scene defies every single standard I hold dear in my life; it's like a personal attack coming from the big screen.
    - That scene makes no sense from a character standpoint: Rose's sister sacrificed herself for the Resistance and Rose accepted it; it's what they'd signed up for. When DJ asks for her medallion? Here, take it. My name is Rose, and I will not dwell on the past. I loved my sister and always will, but I do not need such sentimental values. If that's the price to help the resistance, then so be it. [fastforward a few hours or so] YOU CAN'T SACRIFICE YOURSELF FINN!!!! BTW I LOVE

    If I could find that up close screenshot of Rose right before she collides with Finn, I'd post it lol. Probably the most embarrassing and cringey shot of the entire film. Her whole character was unnecessary. The Finn/Rose arc was unnecessary to the overall movie. I'd rather have seen Finn join up with Poe in his struggle with wanting to go head first into battle. Just a hypothetical, after Holdo takes over, they could have had Poe and Finn and friends sneak onto a First Order ship to carry out a similar mission and devote more time to the Captain Phasma/Finn conflict. I know everyone has their ideas for improvements, but man they could have utilized Finn in such a better way. Instead, in my opinion, they brought him down by having his story arc support Rose, one of the worst characters in the movie.

  4. #484
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    Oh I didn't mean to sound like I was snapping at you @Volband .

    As far as spoiler tags, I couldn't resist looking behind some of them. :/

    We were supposed to go to the theater and see TLJ on Xmas day but our car would not start. I haven't always lived in this tiny place; I spent most of my life in a big city and I really miss it. This town has fewer people than my high school did, which was one of at LEAST 100 high schools in the DFW area.
    At any rate, I can't wait to see TLJ.

  5. #485
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    Quote Originally Posted by captainbeyond View Post
    If I could find that up close screenshot of Rose right before she collides with Finn, I'd post it lol. Probably the most embarrassing and cringey shot of the entire film. Her whole character was unnecessary. The Finn/Rose arc was unnecessary to the overall movie. I'd rather have seen Finn join up with Poe in his struggle with wanting to go head first into battle. Just a hypothetical, after Holdo takes over, they could have had Poe and Finn and friends sneak onto a First Order ship to carry out a similar mission and devote more time to the Captain Phasma/Finn conflict. I know everyone has their ideas for improvements, but man they could have utilized Finn in such a better way. Instead, in my opinion, they brought him down by having his story arc support Rose, one of the worst characters in the movie.
    Ah, yes. You see, this is what rustles my jimmies. Some people think that me or many others who are being harsh with this movie has an agenda or just want to troll. It is so eaaaasy and convenient to dismiss everyone who doesn't agree with you like that, but it couldn't be farther from the turth. Finn is an awesome character and John Boyega is an awesome actor. I'd lie if I say I wasn't worried for him in TFA, but Finn was probably the most relateable and loveable character by the end of TFA.

    In comes TLJ, and they managed to write him as one of the most unrelateable characters in the movie. His motives... why? His actions... why? His reactions... why? Everything about Finn felt forced and plastic. He was side-lined, turned into a comic relief, turned into a love interest in a possible love triangle, and made into a caricature of himself. When in TFA he fought against TR8R, it was epic. In TLJ his fight against Phasma was a copy of that fight, but they managed to make him into a 1-dimensional 1-liner badass. Yes, it was HILARIOUS when he gave Phasma a bitchslap with his batton. That scene - among many others - show the priorities of the way Rian wrote this movie.
    a.) Use these rich and unique characters to create a dramatic scene and further deepen their story
    b.) Use these rich and unique characters to make the audience laugh

    Why? And don't tell me "that's Star Wars for ya!" Sure, when Obi-Wan confronted Grievous, that Hello there! was - while not out of character - pretty weird, but then they had a spectacular fight at least. Want to make a badass out of Finn? Fine, fuck the drama then, but at least coreograph a fight scene between these two which are a.) not a rehash from the previous fucking movie and b.) actually epic.
    Oh, and that shot of Phasma at the end with her eye revealed? What was that? I bet you 1$, there is a wall of text out there somewhere explaining how deep and meaningful that shot was. And maybe it was, but how am I supposed to praise it, when 5 seconds earlier she was knocked out like some villain in The Looney Tunes?

    Rose was useless, but she didn't have to be. Even if she had to be with Finn, she was interesting enough to at least write her in a way that isn't obnoxious.

    Do you know what's funny? This movie tried to cater for the trends, but totally did the exact opposite:
    - A black guy and an asian girl? Better put them in a meaningless subplot where they do nothing!
    - A very talented young girl with immense potential? Better make her defy her master so that he can try to save the soul of this strong man, but she fails and runs away.
    - Two women with the rank of admiral (I think) and loads of experience behind them? Better make them swoon over this hot-shot guy, and just laugh it off how he disobeyed at everything the women were telling himto do or not to do.

    Just my 5 cents, but maybe don't hire a guy who never seen a woman act like a real person to write a movie with a female protagonist. Holdo letting herself being toyed by some random hot-shot she probably seen hundreds of during her military career was everything but believeable.

  6. #486
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    Quote Originally Posted by captainbeyond View Post
    If I could find that up close screenshot of Rose right before she collides with Finn, I'd post it lol. Probably the most embarrassing and cringey shot of the entire film. Her whole character was unnecessary. The Finn/Rose arc was unnecessary to the overall movie. I'd rather have seen Finn join up with Poe in his struggle with wanting to go head first into battle. Just a hypothetical, after Holdo takes over, they could have had Poe and Finn and friends sneak onto a First Order ship to carry out a similar mission and devote more time to the Captain Phasma/Finn conflict. I know everyone has their ideas for improvements, but man they could have utilized Finn in such a better way. Instead, in my opinion, they brought him down by having his story arc support Rose, one of the worst characters in the movie.
    While I liked Rose and their scenes on at the Casino planet, her ramming into Finn was pretty goofy and a low point in the film, imho.

  7. #487
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    I admit, there is one thing in TLJ that makes me nerd rage, and that is the Rose kamikaze scene. I can't talk calmly about that at all. There are things I loved in TLJ, things I hated in TLJ, and there's that scene, which makes me go mental. That scene defies every single standard I hold dear in my life; it's like a personal attack coming from the big screen.
    but, you know. don't bring your agenda into the thread.

  8. #488
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  9. #489
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    but, you know. don't bring your agenda into the thread.
    Agenda: The underlying intentions or motives of a particular person or group. - source

    So I hated a bad, dishonest scene in a movie. Once again, you try to be sensationalist, because you think if you cut down the parts where I explain why those scenes suck (which have nothing to do with the word agenda, but something something US education), then they do not even exists.

    You are way too accustomed to being lazy. "Ever in trouble? Choose an option: a.)play gender-card b.)play politics-card c.)play "I had a terrible past"-card d.)quote things out of context." I mean, you could have told us your take on that scene in question, but I guess it would require an actual effort.

  10. #490
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    but, you know. don't bring your agenda into the thread.
    There's a groupthink brainwashed clique SJW agenda here, that's why we always agree with each other all the time and never squabble over anything!

  11. #491
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    There's a groupthink brainwashed clique SJW agenda here, that's why we always agree with each other all the time and never squabble over anything!
    Hihihi... *rolls eyes*
    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post

    I suppose that is a fair review. Some food for thoughts for everyone.

  12. #492
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    I suppose that is a fair review. Some food for thoughts for everyone.

    They absolutely dismantled the entire movie. If only Disney's writing was this good.

  13. #493
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  14. #494
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    Jesus. Here we go again.
    Why do the Star Wars threads get so toxic?
    Didn't @Rabbit get banned last time over this type of shit?

  15. #495
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post

    That guy is annoying as fuck, but he makes some good and bad arguments as well. What made this video listenable for me is that he wasn't that ignorant as he sounded to be. Ie. when criticizing the Leia scene, at least he admitted that yes, we know she is Force sensitive, and then goes on explaining why HE thinks it was still a bad way to show it.

    So not sure if this is "yikes, what an idiot" or "yikes, too true", but it's a little bit of both.
    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Jesus. Here we go again.
    Why do the Star Wars threads get so toxic?
    Didn't @Rabbit get banned last time over this type of shit?
    Because many of us are passionate about what we like. Some random bloke listens to Hesitation Marks and he says he likes it or he doesn't like it, then moves on. Come to ETS, the primary NIN fan hub, and you have hundreds of wall of texts trying to explain why Hesitation Marks rocks or sucks. There is not much point in trying to play the role of a mediator in these cases. Like, what do you expect? People to not be overjoyous, happy, disappointed or angry? People not to argue? Imagine if the thread for Hesitation Marks would have been locked by the end of page two, with the last comment being yours: "guys, some of you liked it, some of you didn't, let's not stress about it. just move on!"

    The problem is that people can't handle that nothing is sweet sunshine, and since they can't come up with arguments on their own, because all their mind contains is "well, I liked it..." (which in itself is fine), they try to torpedo the critics some other ways. "Oh, you're so troll!!!!" - said by the same people who upvoted my shit in the TFA thread when I was making arguments for the movie instead of them. But voicing my criticism and questioning the others' reasoning in TLJ is no longer acceptable by them, so they try their best to box me as a hater, nevermind the vast evidence on this very board that I'd want nothing for this trilogy but success.

    But since no one is writing sensible stuff instead of them, they have to rely on the brave facepalm option and trying to drag it on a purely personal level, because me being or not being a rude person is apparently more important in a Star Wars thread, than the movie instead.

    And I don't know if our beloved Rabbit got banned or not, but I fondly remember arguing with him. Re-reading his posts, he was the billpulsipher of Star Wars. Hating TFA (or any movie) is not inherently wrong, but he was way too caught up in his conservative views.
    Female backing vocals? 0/10, where's my drugged out Trent?? = A Diesney movie? Where's my George Lucas who worked so hard and meticulously on the Original Trilogy, which is the best there ever was??

    It's not exactly fair to bury him, because - in his own way - he did touch on some reasonable points. He just couldn't stop at "okay, explain to me how this scene makes sense", he had to go to "THIS IS ALL DISNEY FAULT, THEY ARE COMING TO OUR CHILDREN TOO!"

    But here is the important thing: I'm sorry, is everybody seriously calling @Rabbita crybaby for having a perfectly valid opinion about a piece of popular culture? I didn't realize the groupthink was so strong here at ETS. - no, not my sentence, but it was liked by one of the administrators. That should suffice.

  16. #496
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    You know, for a movie you're 6/10 about, you sure put a lot of energy and time into this here thread. And didn't you go see it numerous times either?

    That's what's baffling to me in general about this movie: How enraged about A FUCKIN KIDS MOVIE made by Disney can you be, really? And why the need to rub your opinion on how bad you think it is into everyone's faces again and again? This is not fuckin Citizen Kane here, nor did it ever say it was. And it never aspired to be. Seriously, move on.

  17. #497
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    Star Wars Episode VIII

    Quote Originally Posted by r_z View Post
    You know, for a movie you're 6/10 about, you sure put a lot of energy and time into this here thread. And didn't you go see it numerous times either?

    That's what's baffling to me in general about this movie: How enraged about A FUCKIN KIDS MOVIE made by Disney can you be, really? And why the need to rub your opinion on how bad you think it is into everyone's faces again and again? This is not fuckin Citizen Kane here, nor did it ever say it was. And it never aspired to be. Seriously, move on.
    Star Wars is something more to some people. Just like Nine Inch Nails is something more to others.

    Yea, in the grand schemes of things both are minuscule, but this is a internet forum and this thread is a discussion. I doubt he/she is constantly taking about the movie outside of this thread.

    They are just opinions.
    Last edited by Conan The Barbarian; 12-29-2017 at 06:46 AM.

  18. #498
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    Quote Originally Posted by r_z View Post
    You know, for a movie you're 6/10 about, you sure put a lot of energy and time into this here thread. And didn't you go see it numerous times either?

    That's what's baffling to me in general about this movie: How enraged about A FUCKIN KIDS MOVIE made by Disney can you be, really? And why the need to rub your opinion on how bad you think it is into everyone's faces again and again? This is not fuckin Citizen Kane here, nor did it ever say it was. And it never aspired to be. Seriously, move on.
    Yeah, the 3rd viewing is always delayed by some bullshit. The next "3rd viewing" supposed to happen tomorrow, but I believe it when it happens.

    Don't call it a kids movie, please. That is an unnecessary oversimplification that serves no purpose other than trying to create some sort of immunity, because if Dora the Explorer were to be criticized by adults for being too childish, that wouldi ndeed be... um, embarassing. The Force Awakens has a scene in its first 10 minutes where Kylo orders his men to slaughter innocent people. Anakin murders children. Rose gives a social commentary in TLJ which kids can not even understand. People are being dismembered all over the series. Shall I go on, or can we agree that there's a difference between a kids movie (like Spy Kids) and Star Wars?

    In the TFA thread I explained like one million times to people why the Finns vs Kylo and the Rey vs Kylo scenes made sense. Was that a useful way to spend my time? Probably not, but it was important to me, because it grinded my gears how a good movie is being smashed for something it did absolutely right - instead of the things it didn't, because it wasn't flawless. In TLJ, I am open to discuss great and terrible things alike. There are things I feel being blown up for no reason at all (Luke and the milk, Yoda, Leia, Poe, etc.) and there are things which are ignored when they should not be (direct opposition to the ideas of TFA, cheap shock value instead of meaningful character developement, etc.). Is it a useful way to spend my time? Probably not, but there are other people, like me, who like to waste hours by sharing and discussing their and others' ideas, and this is what these platforms are for, right?

    "Move on" sounds rather ignorant, when you put it into context. Ever heard people, even friends arguing after they lost in a video game, or even during those games? CS, CoD, LoL, DOTA, etc. A bunch of grown up people being all worked up over lines of codes. They are obviously invested into it, so telling them to move on helps absolutely no one. Why out of all places it is an internet board, where I feel the need to explain that I have a geek side that is invested in SW?

    Once again, on a board (being a cult to a person who makes music we like) with full of people whose thinking about life is mostly liberal, some people have a very hard time understanding how someone can be invested in something that's not even real.
    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Star Wars is something more to some people. Just like Nine Inch Nails is something more to others.

    Yea, in the grand schemes of things both are minuscule, but this is a internet forum and this thread is a discussion. I doubt he/she is constantly taking about the movie outside of this thread.

    They are just opinions.
    Exactly! Maybe I come across as some neckbeard dude, who walks around in his "Han Shot First" T-shirt and not being invited anywhere, because during every social event, I climb atop of a table and rant about TLJ, but that's couldn't be farther from the turth, and no offense to people with those T-shirts.

    I still urge every friend of mine who hadn't seen it to go watch it at least once.

  19. #499
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    This thread sucks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    This thread sucks.
    Are you surprised?

  21. #501
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    This thread sucks.
    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Are you surprised?
    When botley brings out the irony about a hive mind, then keeps on being the yes-man of this thread. Tasty.

  22. #502
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    This thread sucks.
    matches the movie.

    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    who walks around in his "Han Shot First"
    lest we forget
    Last edited by Sallos; 12-29-2017 at 09:40 AM.

  23. #503
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    This thread sucks.
    only b/c @Volband is allowed to bloviate like a sociopath in it.

  24. #504
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    I don't have the power to stop any of you from saying anything you want to about the movie. You yourself decided that you want to talk about me, because I am apparently more important, than Star Wars. As flattering as it is, currently we have 8 off-topic comments on this page from people complaining about comments without depth.

    How about if instead of whining and crying, you either get a grip or take your personal displeasures with me to PMs? Absolutely ridiculous how you blew this up, then blamed it on me.

    (and yes, i am aware that I am just as childish as you are by entertaining this notion of "oh mah gawd, I literally can't post in this thread because of big bad Volband!! for totes, guys!"; no excuse for that)

  25. #505
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    Currently listening to this,

    ..while frantically reading through the posts in this thread. Absolutely riveting stuff.

    Back to the Snoke origins theories, some theorists have been pointing to a connection with the temple mosaic of the first jedi.

    Could they be on to something?

  26. #506
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    Quote Originally Posted by Volband View Post
    the yes-man of this thread
    Do you really need to keep doing this? Get some self-awareness, man.

  27. #507
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    There was ONE airing in ONE cinema where I could book proper seats for tomorrow (TLJ, obv.) in the capital fucking city. I hoped to finally watch a movie in IMAX, but in the end I'm glad I could even find proper seats after all. Zzz.
    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Do you really need to keep doing this? Get some self-awareness, man.
    What did you post in this thread so far? Ooh, that's right... Keep talking about self-awareness, while you are acting as a lackey to your friend and trying to flamebait me. Well, not exactly trying, as you more or less succeed, but still. Quite sad.

  28. #508
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    It's fucking Star Wars.

    I'm shutting this thread down until I've had a chance to peruse it and hand out judgments. Be nice to each other until then.

  29. #509
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    Play nice and quit smacking your laser swords at every turn you get.


  30. #510
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    Finally watched it again. It was much more enjoyable than the 2nd watch, so waiting a few weeks turned out to be beneficial. The good thing in n+1 watches is that you see things you might otherwise miss, because I kept watching what happened in the background more this time.
    - Rey's nails are beautifully cut.
    - During the Finn vs Phasma fight, BB-8 is wrecking havoc in the background with the stolen AT-ST.
    - In the Rey vs. Kylo scene it's very cool how those fiery things keep falling down.
    - I read on Facebook that someone said the choreography during the throne room fight was shit. I watched how the guards try to outnumber them and if there's any Bud Spencer-like "I'm gonna wait for my turn to get hit" moments. Maybe there is, but nothing stood out for me. Also, I'd like to see a movie that does the many vs 1 fight in a super realistic way.
    - Porgs are flying around the island in (almost) every shot. I didn't even know they can fly properly.
    - I still don't know if those were A-wings in the first space fight scene but I am too lazy to google it.

    Of course, with the new good things you can see new bad things as well.
    - I still don't get the way they've done Yoda. A CGI puppet was like the only way they could piss off just about everyone and the madmen did it. He looks out of place.
    - In that scene where Rey is swinging around with the lightsaber, Luke could have given her some instruction before/while/after crying dramatically. I can do without a full-fledged training, but is it really that hard to use some mumbo-jambo like "with more finesse! don't aim to destroy? faster!" etc.? That whole scene would've been reaaallyyy good. This way it was just - again - nice cinematography with those shots.
    - The lack of logical errors (ie. Holdo not revealing her plan) is especially surprising for a movie that is so meta with almost everything else. A good part of the movie consists of people explaining things to the audience. Ie. "There must be another way out.... WAIT, THE ARCTIC FOXES!!!!"
    - Was it just me who was bothered by Poe when he said Luke wants to win time for them to escape? That scene felt very unnatural and rushed in order to advance the plot. What if Luke went out to destroy everything and expected some help? If it was said by Leia, it would've been believable at least.

    - There is a scene at the beginning right after Poe switches back the flight mode of his X-wing and blasts a turret. He says something (to BB-8 I believe) but it is not translated to Hungarian. The funny thing is, that in the Hungarian trailer, that very scene is there and it's translated there.
    - In our dubbed version, we never get a name for DJ.
    - The reaction to jokes. One audience laughed their ass off at the ironing space shuttle-bait, this one did not have anyone laugh, The first two audiences never laughed at C-3PO's joke, most noticeably on his last one, when he finishes his sentence after Poe old him to shut it. This audience had a few members to actually giggle at his quirkiness. I am onto something, but not sure what exactly.

    At least this time everyone shut the fuck up during the warp jump scene.

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