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Thread: Star Wars: The Last Jedi - SPOILERS

  1. #571
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    They moved with purpose and had a counter for everything. It didn't even seem like an indirect lightsaber strike did anything to their armor and that it took a direct impaling move to damage and/or kill them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    It struck me as odd that Kylo had just used a simple force trick to kill Snoke, but then immediately after he almost got choked-out by the guard. Wasn’t sure what the deal with those guards was and how they kept up with Kylo and Rey in a fight.
    It's been brought up already, but the Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Visual Dictionary is worth the ~$15. Here's a quote:

    "The layered armor of the Praetorian Guard is a high-tech onion-skin of laminate, impregnated with conductive wirepaths that, once powered, create an intense local magnetic field. Once this energy-intensive field activates, the powered plates can deflect blaster fire. Even a lightsaber will glance off, though a directed thrust will penetrate the shell."

    The Praetorian Guard's fighting style is comprised of Teras Kasi, Bakuuni Hand, (unarmed) Enchani, and Nar Kanji. Without knowing anything specific about the other styles, I know that Teras Kasi was developed to counter/fight Jedi.

  2. #572
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    It's a good thing to establish that just because you have a lightsaber and versed in the Force, you can't automatically chop everyone who doesn't have these things. We can still have awesome fights like this (coughs Knights of Ren coughs), while elevating the actual lightsaber duels or battles even higher.

  3. #573
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    I'm still wondering why the Knights of Ren weren't even mentioned in the movie like at all, are they all dead? is it in the past?

    We know Kylo Ren is the master or leader of them, were they all once pupils of Luke as well? I know that's the general theory but you'd think they'd be somewhat relevant in the explanation of what happened during Ben's turn.

  4. #574
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon View Post
    It's been brought up already, but the Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Visual Dictionary is worth the ~$15. Here's a quote:

    "The layered armor of the Praetorian Guard is a high-tech onion-skin of laminate, impregnated with conductive wirepaths that, once powered, create an intense local magnetic field. Once this energy-intensive field activates, the powered plates can deflect blaster fire. Even a lightsaber will glance off, though a directed thrust will penetrate the shell."

    The Praetorian Guard's fighting style is comprised of Teras Kasi, Bakuuni Hand, (unarmed) Enchani, and Nar Kanji. Without knowing anything specific about the other styles, I know that Teras Kasi was developed to counter/fight Jedi.
    Their armor reminded me of Dracula's in Bram Stoker's Dracula for some reason...

  5. #575
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    Quote Originally Posted by thelastdisciple View Post
    I'm still wondering why the Knights of Ren weren't even mentioned in the movie like at all, are they all dead? is it in the past?

    We know Kylo Ren is the master or leader of them, were they all once pupils of Luke as well? I know that's the general theory but you'd think they'd be somewhat relevant in the explanation of what happened during Ben's turn.
    Most likely, as Luke said himself that Kylo left with some other pupils. And why weren't they in TLJ?

    - Rian, I read your script, but some pages must be missing.
    - No, it's all there.
    - But what about the Knights of Ren?
    - The who?
    - Kylo Ren's special group, most likely ex-Jedi. They also appeared in Rey's vision. You know, dark robes, masks, weapons. It was very ominous.
    - Where did they appear exactly?
    - In The Force Awakens.
    - Aaaah, I heard about that movie! Maybe I should check it out, but right now I'm too busy admiring myself in the mirror.

    I am 800% sure that J.J. will bring them back. Not only they were his creations plus obviously important to the story, but the lack of threads for him to pick up for Ep IX means that he doesn't have the luxury of deciding which characters he wants to include. Sadly, J.J. is a visionary, but one who can't finish any good idea on his own. That means the Knights of Ren will be used for an epic battle scene with the Jedi, and that's it. They could have been included in TLJ, showing how and why Luke's other pupils abandoned him, because if he was such a great Jedi master that he only screwed up with Ben, then it makes no sense why others would leave him.

    But then again, the movie's time was probably better spent on the importance of teaching us not to keep free animals enclosed for our own entertainment. Changed my life to be honest.

  6. #576
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kodiak33 View Post
    Their armor reminded me of Dracula's in Bram Stoker's Dracula for some reason...
    I'm assuming that red leather made an impression on you, too?

    It looks like they used RIS and Mandalorian armor as a base, then took elements from other suits to make a new one. There are quite a few tidbits (in this film) to appease Old Republic and Galaxies fans.

  7. #577
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    everyone complaining about rian johnson's style and acting like JJ is going to come "fix" everything is cracking me up.

    jj abrams is like the king of un-fulfilled setups. isn't that what the majority of Lost ended up being? a bunch of threads that got set up and never knocked down? i honestly doubt he had a direction in mind for many of the things that were included in episode VII.

  8. #578
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    Agreed, @eversonpoe, on that first point.

    Moreover, nothing that’s gone down in TLJ would’ve happened if Disney, notoriously iron fisted Kathleen Kennedy and the other producers (including Abrams) didn’t want it to happen exactly the way it did.

    They map this all out, guys. This is how the film business works, especially with big franchises (maybe the biggest) like Star Wars. Blaming Johnson is silly fanboy crying. He’s getting his own SW franchise after all, which I mentioned before. Disney and specifically, Kennedy, are behind the wheel. With the money that TLJ made, I don’t think the destination is changing, no matter what you tweet or spam a SW thread on a NIN board with the same long winded posts. The (again) ridiculous fanboy crying—including the hilarious “Butbutbut a billion isn’t THAT much” narrative is what it is.
    Last edited by Swykk; 01-11-2018 at 09:28 AM.

  9. #579
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    I love when they do these video panels with the story group because they really dig in to a lot of the continuous references from the original movies and what they've been doing now starting with TFA thru Rebels thru Rogue one thru TLJ and so on. Give this one a watch.

  10. #580
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    everyone complaining about rian johnson's style and acting like JJ is going to come "fix" everything is cracking me up.

    jj abrams is like the king of un-fulfilled setups. isn't that what the majority of Lost ended up being? a bunch of threads that got set up and never knocked down? i honestly doubt he had a direction in mind for many of the things that were included in episode VII.
    I don't think anyone can fix this, and even though hope dies last, I am fairly certain that IX will be a breathtaking cinema experience but with all the clichés you can imagine.

    J.J.'s strength is his vision. He creates amazing stories, and leaves them to actual writers to finish it up. I agree, it sounds like the easiest job on the planet, but it's hardly luck that his name can be associated to many now cult shows. You don't just happen to be very lucky so many times.

    As for Lost, he had nothing to do with the ending. He was there for the first half of the first season and then he left; you can hardly blame him if you were dissatiasfied with the ending. Maybe ha gave too many unexplainable hooks for the writers, but he also gave them enough material to write, produce and direct one of the most amazing TV episodes: The Constant.

    Rian might very well be a better director, than J.J., but he (and Disney) still dropped the ball with TLJ.

    Disney's SW track record so far:
    - A New Hope 2
    - The reshooting controversy around Rogue One
    - A movie that's biggest strength is the people who say it's not that bad
    - Had to find a new director for the Solo movie, of which no one gives a fuck about. Not even Disney wants it anymore.

    More and more evidence shows that this forced release schedule for the SW movies are taking its toll on their quality. Then again, why would we expect more from them, when even the fanboy apologists resort to the "but but buttttt it made a lot of money!!! nothing bad ever made lot of money!!! lot of money is good!!"

  11. #581
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    They map this all out, guys. This is how the film business works, especially with big franchises (maybe the biggest) like Star Wars. Blaming Johnson is silly fanboy crying. He’s getting his own SW franchise after all, which I mentioned before. Disney and specifically, Kennedy, are behind the wheel. With the money that TLJ made, I don’t think the destination is changing, no matter what you tweet or spam a SW thread on a NIN board with the same long winded posts.
    If I'm not mistaken Rian Johnson said somewhere that they're working step by step and that there's no grand master plan to the story, which matches with the way Abrams is setting up his projects. Of course they won't change anything about their general idea of how this trilogy should turn out but saying that you can't blame Johnson is also kinda silly. He's the writer and director after all and it's not like he's a puppet in the hands of Kathleen Kennedy. Obviously his script needed to be approved by all the people involved and yeah, they did that, but c'mon. You're basically saying that anyone could write and direct those movies and they would turn out the same. That's bullshit.

  12. #582
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    It’s really not. Kennedy hand picks directors that have a youthful buzz and then makes them play by Disney rules. Very little happens without her say so. That’s not to say directors (like Abrams and Johnson) can’t play within her sandbox and inject their flourishes into the movie but don’t kid yourself, nothing gets by without her and Disney’s say so.

    As for the Solo movie with Lord/Miller? This is not quite the same but similar enough with what happened with Edgar Wright and Kevin Feige on Marvel’s Ant Man (also a Disney property). Feige isn’t as stubborn as Kennedy, though.

    So you’re saying “Not every last detail is decided upon” but then you all but agree with me? Is it just that you want to blame Johnson that badly? The overall story of this trilogy is mapped out before it’s written. Thinking JJ is going to come in and fix everything you hated about TLJ is short sighted. The only way they’d consider doing that is if the movie tanked box office wise and was poorly reviewed. It was neither. If there were problems with Johnson, he would not be getting a franchise deal!

    Nothing I’ve said in this thread (or Rogue One, or the Marvel thread, etc) is coming out of my ass. The news is available to everyone. It’s like any other news deal where some sources are better than others. I used Collider most often.
    Last edited by Swykk; 01-11-2018 at 02:07 PM.

  13. #583
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    I feel like we're kind of saying the same thing except that our conclusions differ.

    So yeah, it's freaking DISNEY. Star Wars is one of their most important brands and they're looking for directors that play by their rules and share their vision. Fair enough, everyone knows that. But I'm fairly certain that the sandbox you're thinking of is much smaller than it really is.

    You can bet your ass that Disney exactly know what a Star Wars film should be about and what it shouldn't be about. How it should feel and how it should look. How it should start and how it should end and what should happen in between. Yeah. But you're putting it like there's no chance that any of the things that sucked about TLJ could be tackled in a different way. That everything is set in stone and that there is no artistic freedom whatsoever. That it wouldn't matter if any other director worked on this movie, because it would turn out EXACTLY THE SAME.

    And dude, that is just wrong. Johnson wrote the damn thing, those are his freaking ideas. Sure, his sandbox isn't endless and he definitely had VERY strict rules. But it's his freaking screenplay, man. You're definitely over-estimating Disney's influence. And again, I'm totally agreeing that Johnson absolutely CAN'T do whatever he wants and that it's a very small sandbox he's working in. But still. Real people with real artistic visions made this movie -- and not an AI.

    So yeah, how about this: He wrote a screenplay and Kennedy loved it. Aaaand if another writer would have written it maybe she would have loved it, too. Because a different screenplay absolutely still could tick all their check boxes but tell the story in its own way.
    Last edited by niggo; 01-11-2018 at 02:30 PM.

  14. #584
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    I agree that it’s similar but the conclusions are different so I’m not looking to drag you (in case that wasn’t obvious).

    Also, it’s okay that some people didn’t like the movie but I hate it when some of those people just make shit up as to why. That’s my biggest problem with this thread (that and the long winded spamming). The tiniest amount of research refutes the nonsense. Is it just stubborn laziness? Whiny fanboy crying? Straight up trolling? Or a combination of them all?

    Short version-Have your opinion but it should make sense and be well thought out.

    The biggest head scratcher of the TLJ hatred to me is with Luke. “They made him weak!” Do these folks remember ANH and ESB? That’s the character. His actions in RoTJ did help his friends but moreover, he wanted to get his father back. He was never a badass. How long into the future is this? He’s tired. He’s old. He’s beaten down. He recognizes the cycle of things and is annoyed by it. Spoiler: Yoda shows up in one of the best scenes and kind of motivates him (reminds him) and he does a very admirable thing and uses an impressive force power to literally save the Rebellion. Then passes finally at peace.

    That character has always been conflicted. That’s the arc. He’s not weak.
    Last edited by Swykk; 01-12-2018 at 09:50 AM.

  15. #585
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    I agree that it’s similar but the conclusions are different so I’m not looking to drag you (in case that wasn’t obvious).

    Also, it’s okay that some people didn’t like the movie but I hate it when some of those people just make shit up as to why. That’s my biggest problem with this thread (that and the long winded spamming). The tiniest amount of research refutes the nonsense. Is it just stubborn laziness? Whiny fanboy crying? Straight up trolling? Or a combination of them all?
    As much as I love Star Wars and it’s lore, I’ve given up reading articles online about The Last Jedi. Nothing but defense soldiers on one side and major loser crybabies on the other. I only talk with people I know in person about the film really and I study stuff alone online.

    You're right, some stuff people are complaining about can be solved or learned by reading a little canon info or looking into past things via small research. People are just lazy with these movies and they have great fleshed out ideas and origins for a lot but it requires fans to read and find shit elsewhere to fill plot holes or details.

  16. #586
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    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    You're right, some stuff people are complaining about can be solved or learned by reading a little canon info or looking into past things via small research. People are just lazy with these movies and they have great fleshed out ideas and origins for a lot but it requires fans to read and find shit elsewhere to fill plot holes or details.
    But is that really how a film should work though? I don't know what you're specifically referring to but if you need to research canon to justify certain story elements there's definitely something wrong with the script.

    Look, I'm not hating TLJ but I'm not loving it either. There are crazy people on both sides of the spectrum and I agree with you guys on this. I do have a lot of sympathy for a lot of the criticism though.

    Regarding Luke: I think most people, including myself, get upset about him abandoning the Jedi and being this grumpy old man who's letting his friends give their lifes for the greater good while he's just hiding and being weird. It's kind of stupid because he created a map to his location which is what TFA was all about. The way Episode 7 was setting him up doesn't make sense anymore and I think that's another reason why his character seems off to quite a few people.

  17. #587
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    Quote Originally Posted by niggo View Post
    But is that really how a film should work though? I don't know what you're specifically referring to but if you need to research canon to justify certain story elements there's definitely something wrong with the script.
    I get the sentiment, but what about Twin Peaks? Lord of the Rings, Wheel of Time, etc.?

    Is it specifically movies you have a problem with?

  18. #588
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    I love LOTR, it's by far my favorite movie trilogy ever. I haven't seen the other ones (yet).

    Like I said, I don't know what Space Suicide was specifically referring to. It very much depends on what the story is trying to get across. Hell, maybe we're talking about something I loved about TLJ. I was just speaking in general terms.

  19. #589
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    Quote Originally Posted by niggo View Post
    But is that really how a film should work though? I don't know what you're specifically referring to but if you need to research canon to justify certain story elements there's definitely something wrong with the script.

    Look, I'm not hating TLJ but I'm not loving it either. There are crazy people on both sides of the spectrum and I agree with you guys on this. I do have a lot of sympathy for a lot of the criticism though.

    Regarding Luke: I think most people, including myself, get upset about him abandoning the Jedi and being this grumpy old man who's letting his friends give their lifes for the greater good while he's just hiding and being weird. It's kind of stupid because he created a map to his location which is what TFA was all about. The way Episode 7 was setting him up doesn't make sense anymore and I think that's another reason why his character seems off to quite a few people.
    People hate the prequel trilogy to hell and back yet when it came out I remember people delving into supplement material elsewhere in the form of books and cartoons on CN at the time for more information on the Clone Wars and Trade Federation that the movies Didn’t spell out. Yet, for this new trilogy if something is cryptic or not fleshed out as much as it could be people are choosing not to seek out extra material sources when there is stuff to learn. I agree I shouldn’t have to seek out outside material to fill holes in films but when you have a franchise like this in expansive lore you sometimes kinda have to.

    I’ve been buying the books like crazy. The Aftermath trilogy illustrates how the Empire collapsed (after the Emperor’s death) and rumblings and hints of how the First Order came to be. It isn’t 100% clear but allowed inference and insight for people’s questions that might linger. The Battlefront II game also fills voids in about plotpoints that set up TFA in the epilogue. You find out how Lor San Tekka got the map to Luke’s location and how Kylo Ren knew it existed.

    As far as The Resistance goes in these new movies, the Leia Princess of Alderaan novel basically states and sheds light on how she became the Senator and later was cast out due to who her father was and became the General and founder for the Resistance when she seen The First Order’s rise. The Force Awakens doesn’t even really touch on any of that.

    I also remember reading someones post (not here) about how can the title crawl of The Last Jedi state that The First Order wiped out the New Republic when there’s no information on it. The First Order destroyed the capital planet for the New Republic in people are just stupid also when it comes to “plot holes” complaints.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 01-12-2018 at 12:13 PM.

  20. #590
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    Quote Originally Posted by niggo View Post
    Regarding Luke: I think most people, including myself, get upset about him abandoning the Jedi and being this grumpy old man who's letting his friends give their lifes for the greater good while he's just hiding and being weird. It's kind of stupid because he created a map to his location which is what TFA was all about. The way Episode 7 was setting him up doesn't make sense anymore and I think that's another reason why his character seems off to quite a few people.
    And that is exactly why you need to call out Rian Johnson. Luke in TLJ makes sense, there is absolutely no reason why he couldn't be as hopeless and grumpy as he is.

    The problem is that he was set up entirely differently in TFA. You can't just pull a 180 - though apparently, you can.
    Quote Originally Posted by Space Suicide View Post
    People hate the prequel trilogy to hell and back yet when it came out I remember people delving into supplement material elsewhere in the form of books and cartoons on CN at the time for more information on the Clone Wars and Trade Federation that the movies Didn’t spell out. Yet, for this new trilogy if something is cryptic or not fleshed out as much as it could be people are choosing not to seek out extra material sources when there is stuff to learn. I agree I shouldn’t have to seek out outside material to fill holes in films but when you have a franchise like this in expansive lore you sometimes kinda have to.
    The prequels had some of the most godawful dialogues, but a good story. The sequels have more human dialogues, but a godawful story. Not sure which one is worse.

    Another complaint that I never voiced, but true nonetheless, is the world building. Now, I personally do not expect it, it's really just a bonus for me, but it is undeniable, that we are already 2 episodes into this trilogy and there's been 0 world and lore building. Say whatever you want about TPM for example, it was a goddamn journey with some really cool additions to the Star Wars universe. Even the whole story about the clones gave you a sense of grandiose scales. The sequels feels like a handful of people chasing one another in circles and saying some wise shit whenever they meet.

    Let's say Rey kills Kylo in ep IX and that's it. Would any of you feel the same thing you felt with Luke defeating Vader or Obi-Wan mutiliating Anakin? Father and Son, Master and Pupil (+ best friends). Rey met Kylo twice, they talked about how one should join the other one, and... that's it. I don't hate any of them, and they don't hateeach other either. But they were never friends either. It is the very definition of whatever.

    The only thing I'm hyped up for is Poe kicking ass as a now admiral and absolutely giving the fuck you to Hux and his fleet. Shit is going to go down when the admiral flies out in his X-Wing.

  21. #591
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swykk View Post
    The biggest head scratcher of the TLJ hatred to me is with Luke. “They made him weak!” Do these folks remember ANH and ESB? That’s the character. His actions in RoTJ did help his friends but moreover, he wanted to get his father back. He was never a badass.
    Yikes. Can’t agree with this.

    Sure Luke was not a badass out of the gate, and that’s the craftsmanship of his character arc. Unlike Rey who is a de facto force to be reckoned with, the first time we see Luke in ANH he gets his ass beat by the sand people. He was about to get his ass beat again in the cantina when Ben steps in to save him. When Luke first wields the lightsaber in training he gets his ass handed to him by a simple training orb. Luke is about to be blasted by Vader when Han swoops in last second to save him. He gets clobbered by a Wampa, schooled in the force by Yoda, and then his ass beat yet again by Vader in the next film. Luke didn’t get his saber in ANH and immediately orgasm with force visions and then proceed to thoroughly embarrass Darth Vader in a lightsaber duel, in the very first movie. Nobody would have bought it. His character needed to earn that victory, and the creators wisely allowed him to grow and to earn it across 3 films.

    The Episodes 4-6 that I watched showed Luke as a solidly written character that had personal growth across 3 films, creating an interesting arc for him. He may have started out as a backwards kid on the farm in ANH, but by the end of ROTJ he had grown and matured into a Jedi ready to stand before the Emperor and Vader full of resolve and confidence. The issue with his character portrayal isn’t how powerful or how badass he is, it’s more a perception of unearned character assassination by the creators.

    This may be the problem with how that element was handled in many minds. To suddenly jump Luke’s character from what he had grown into by the end of ROTJ to how he was portrayed in TLJ is jarring. If this paradigm shift is the direction the creators want to take his character, that’s fine, but they needed to earn that kind of character shift through good and thoughtful storytelling. For many of us, the 15 second flashback clip of Luke one random night deciding whether or not to murder his nephew in his sleep isn’t the kind of story crafting that earns this kind of sea change for such a well established and iconic character. It felt very ham-handed.
    Last edited by Dr Channard; 01-12-2018 at 03:04 PM.

  22. #592
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    Quote Originally Posted by eversonpoe View Post
    everyone complaining about rian johnson's style and acting like JJ is going to come "fix" everything is cracking me up.

    jj abrams is like the king of un-fulfilled setups. isn't that what the majority of Lost ended up being? a bunch of threads that got set up and never knocked down? i honestly doubt he had a direction in mind for many of the things that were included in episode VII.
    As much as I fundamentally disagree with everything you feel about this film, you are 100% correct here. Part of the systemic problem here was JJ's cowardice and laziness in TFA. He set up the map, the knights, snoke - but never had to do any heavy lifting to establish them. It's like Malcolm's rant in Jurassic Park about discipline to attain it and a lack of responsibility. He allowed strong visuals, safe aesthetics, and talented young actors to do that work for him. And then expected the people on 8 and 9 to make his movie look like an even better well plotted work of art, which is completely unfair, but at the same time, exactly what everyone knowingly signed up for.

    And it seemed like it was going to work out fine, JJ was going to be lauded for not royally fucking things up, and a heavy hitter in character expose like Rian Johnson was going to come in and clean up the vision and tell the real story once we got past the fluffy beginnings. I'll take that formula just fine thank you.

    Except.... that's not what happened. Rian turned around and said that vision was a mess (or something?), and I'm going rogue. Which you almost have to applaude having the balls to do even though its so disrespectful, and its clear regardless of whatever loose plan Kennedy and co may have had in place, they let him relatively do just that. It's an attitude you could do a lot worse than for its ambition, its just unfortunate that it didn't work out. It was a risk I'd bet on again though to be honest (in hindsight - not for another round now though), as I felt good about it despite being scared at the time, and I could have never imagine getting the movie we eventually got. Sometimes that happens when you take risks. C'est la vie.

    I'd like to believe had Rian been able to start the trilogy without any of JJ's baggage maybe things would have been different, but I am hard pressed to convince myself of that since so many of his choices were just wrong (again, to me). Either way, now we are left with two pieces that do not interconnect much at all, so the only hope is that JJ is able to salvage some sort of connection to what may have been his original vision for how he expected some of the plot points to be carried out, to give the trilogy some semblance of cohesive structure. It's a mystery box, again, and it will likely end up how its ended up enough times in the past, which is in blue balled disappointment, but there isn't really an alternative?

    Look there are some dickheads that want to hate TLJ for a variety of stupid reasons, but there are also a lot of people like me who really want to love the movie. I've already bought it on blu ray so I can give it more chances to come around on. I really, really don't want to dislike it as much as I do. And I certainly don't love the idea of jerking JJ off while trashing the vastly better filmmaker in Johnson. So just because I liked TFA better than TLJ doesn't mean JJ gets a pass or I excuse the safety of his style. Say what you will about Rian's choices, as bad as some were, but at least he had the guts to make them.

    Any way just imagine for a second, as impossible as it may be - that you did not like TLJ, for whatever reason. What other hope do you actually have other than to believe JJ will finally, for once, show an ability to get his hands dirty and close?

    For those still planning to hang "around", that's the only hope we have left, sad as it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by valiantsteed View Post
    Say what you will about Rian's choices, as bad as some were, but at least he had the guts to make them.
    What did he do exactly which needed balls, other than killing off Snoke? Almost painting the Resistance equally guilty as the First Order? Almost sacrificing Finn? Almost making Kylo join Rey? Almost making Rey join Kylo? Almost dividing the Resistance for good? Almost destroying the very foundations of the ancient Jedi teachings? Almost killing off Leia? Almost wiping out the Resistance?

    You (rightfully so) trash J.J. for his blue balls, then praise Rian for putting two toes in the cold water before running away. It's undeniable that he experimented with some dark storytelling, but ha rarely committed fully. He just gave us a dozen scenes which could have been, and one of them (Snoke's death) actually happened.

    And don't tell me he killed Luke, because that was always in the cards. It was officially confirmed that TFA was Han, TLJ is Luke and IX would be Leia, so even if Luke survived this episode, his arc would have been over anyway.

    Actually, two things he also did: flying Leia and Force projecting. I complained about not expanding the universe and the lore, but yeah, he did officially add those Force powers to the canon, which is - like them or not - cool.

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    So, Kylo seems to have an affinity for his grandpa, at least the Darth Vader version of him. Two movies in and one to go, how do people feel at this point about the chances of Hayden Christensen making an appearance in Episode 9? Good idea or bad idea? Personally I’d like to see him make an appearance as Anakin Skywalker force ghost. If Ben Solo is that enamored with the Darth Vader persona, wouldn’t it make sense for Anakin, who became one with the force, to at least try and talk to Ben? Any thoughts?

  25. #595
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    So, Kylo seems to have an affinity for his grandpa, at least the Darth Vader version of him. Two movies in and one to go, how do people feel at this point about the chances of Hayden Christensen making an appearance in Episode 9? Good idea or bad idea? Personally I’d like to see him make an appearance as Anakin Skywalker force ghost. If Ben Solo is that enamored with the Darth Vader persona, wouldn’t it make sense for Anakin, who became one with the force, to at least try and talk to Ben? Any thoughts?
    It could work. If it's just to have him convince Anakin to go to the light, then nah. Having Anakin and Luke visit Rey would be better, imho.

  26. #596
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    Quote Originally Posted by RhettButler View Post
    Having Anakin and Luke visit Rey would be better, imho.
    That could be an interesting dynamic as well. Should Luke’s force ghost be old Luke or young Luke? Would it be strange seeing an old Luke along with a young Anakin, seeing how Anakin is Luke’s father?

  27. #597
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Channard View Post
    That could be an interesting dynamic as well. Should Luke’s force ghost be old Luke or young Luke? Would it be strange seeing an old Luke along with a young Anakin, seeing how Anakin is Luke’s father?
    I'd just the actors as is.

  28. #598
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    Not TLJ, but there isn't really a main SW thread, soo... - this is great

    And if Anakin ever returns as a Force ghost, I want him to be the same cocky asshole as he was. Though it'd be weird seeing a young Obi-Wan and Anakin next to grandpa Hamill.

  29. #599
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    ALright, so the wife and i finally saw TLJ and are both sort of confused as to why everyone is bitching.

    We both liked it a whole hell of a lot, and we've both been into star wars for the vast majority of our 37 years.
    i mean, i wear star wars pajamas and shit. this isn't about me being too casual of a fan.

  30. #600
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    ALright, so the wife and i finally saw TLJ and are both sort of confused as to why everyone is bitching.

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