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Thread: Louis CK

  1. #31
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    ^ Exactly. Out of context, that whole Tracy Morgan fiasco just sounded like a black guy on a stage screaming about killing faggots.

  2. #32
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    God, I don't mean to come off like a pretentious twat, but the more I've become interested in comedy and learning more about the art form, the more I understand things like that. My initial reaction to that was that Tracy Morgan was an asshole, but then I heard Joe Rogan talking about it and explaining what may have happened and it made a lot more sense.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I'd never heard of him until today, when I heard him as a guest on Fresh Air. They played a clip from his latest "comedy" special, and frankly, he came off sounding like the biggest douche bag in the world. Bragging about flying first class (because he's a "professional asshole"), telling stories about seeing soldiers being sent off to war in shitty coach seats, then laughing at the idea that he could swap seats with them - but never even actually thought of acting on it.

    What a fucking dick. There's nothing even remotely humorous about that.
    you lose sir.

  4. #34
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    I finally got around to checking out Live at the Beacon Theater, and damn...absolutely hilarious. Not as good as Chewed Up or Shameless, but definitely in the same ball park. Way better than Hilarious (which, save for two or three jokes, was pretty much a complete dud). I was a bit worried after watching that one that this one might be a disappointment too, but I was completely wrong.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
    A nigger was being a nigger so they called him a nigger?

    that's comedy?

  6. #36
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    the humor was in him knowing the complete ignorance and stupidity of that statement, but saying it anyway to a black guy for shock value, who had just finished up a fairly intelligent statement about the origin of the word kike. So instead, Louis CK kinda interrupts him and goes in the complete opposite direction.
    Last edited by bobbie solo; 02-07-2012 at 11:22 PM.

  7. #37
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    Yup. It was all about shock value and, God help me, I laughed my ass off.

    That being said, I do totally understand where someone could be offended by his use of that word (both here and in his stand-up).

    Edit: Actually, I wouldn't say it was entirely about shock value, but that was definitely about half of it. The other half was the joke itself. But I can't quite articulate exactly what the joke was. Like, I know what he was doing there, but I can't figure out how to word it. Anyway, my point is that the humor wasn't derived entirely from shock value.
    Last edited by theruiner; 02-07-2012 at 11:04 PM.

  8. #38
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    My impression is he just blurted it out to be funny, and it was totally funny. But I believe comedy is an art form so it should have something behind it, like a movie or a book need an interesting story.
    He wants to entertain people and he's good at it. If you enjoy him, great. To me Louis is the Transformers movies of comedy. Loud, in your face and fun but at the end of the week there's barely anything to remember.

  9. #39
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    First, to be fair, this was just a throw-away joke that he came up with off the top of his head in the middle of a radio interview. This wasn't a bit he had been working on for months and crafting and honing until it was just right. So this isn't really a joke that can be judged the same way you would judge his actual bits.

    Secondly, I think comedy is an art form, too. And I appreciate, and love, when comedians have something to say besides just making jokes. I still think George Carlin is probably the best stand-up who ever lived, and that was part of the reason. But whether or not one infuses political/social commentary into their humor or is just trying to get laughs, I think it's an art form either way. You can argue about the importance of it (I would say they're both important, albeit in different ways) but I don't think you can say it's not an art form. Even comedians who are just trying to be funny and aren't making a grand statement still work for years and years and years to get good and still put in a huge amount of work to get their routines just right.

    Third, Louis absolutely is way deeper than you give him credit for. One of his big themes is the way our society takes things for granted. He's also talked about gay marriage, religion and white privilege. And that's just off the top of my head. And that's just his stand up; that doesn't even include the stuff he's delved into on his show.
    Last edited by theruiner; 02-08-2012 at 12:22 AM.

  10. #40
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    I should have said I have not seen a lot of his stuff but what I have seen I haven't liked. I just don't find it funny when some one simply says something like shitty dick nipples or bag of dicks.
    To me there are two types of comedians, messengers and jesters(some are both). I haven't seen anything from him that fits him with the first group, so for me he's in the latter.

  11. #41
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    Well, you're wrong about him. And you've admitted you haven't seen much of his stuff, so you are really jumping the gun on making a judgement call. And I outlined in my last post a whole bunch of topics that prove he's much deeper than that, and again, that's just stuff off the top of my head.

  12. #42
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    The way he says "oh god, I love being white" fucking KILLS me every time!

  13. #43
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    ^^"If it was an option, I would re-up every year!"

  14. #44
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    "the year 2? I don't even know what was happening then but I'm sure when I got there they'd say "right this way, sir, we have a table right here""

    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

  15. #45
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    This is one of the many reasons I love Louis.
    He asks Donald Rumsfeld, if he and Dick Cheney are lizards who eat humans:

  16. #46
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    Louis C.K. is one of the most truthful and sincere comedians out there. I don't think anything he does is for shock value. Instead, he says things that the audience feels and knows and has already experienced and has consciously chosen to repress. Every gasp I hear in the audience when Louie is doing a show isn't a gasp of "shock" but of surprise that somebody actually had the guts to say something every body had subdued within themselves.

    When he does that first class joke or talks about soldiers on a plane, you respond with it in disgust because you've been told to feel that way by every norm surrounding you - everything we do is out of a norm after all. Louis C.K. just deconstructs those norms, and says what is actually on his mind. It's not a politically-correct form of comedy, but it isn't "shock" either. It's honest instead. It's things everybody feels but is afraid to say out loud. "I think recycling great... but fuck, I can't be bothered." Who hasn't said that? Of course, some norms are for the best or just morally right, but that doesn't mean we do them, but most people try to cover that up and lie to themselves more than anyone else that they do. That's Louie's job: to not lie... and it's funny because we see a part of him in every one of us (and because he's fucking funny).

    When he says "I hope so-and-so dies" and he says it with such anger and desperation in his face, you know that he's being truthful and you know that you've been there too, feeling those same feelings. It's not about jokes to Louie - even though every joke of his still has a punch-line - it's about all the weird and wacky shit that happen in everyday life, which we just ignore; all the little things that matter, and all those moments where you, "God dammit, I hate this", which in reality is quite funny, but you don't really notice it. It's the same kind of fantastic and groundbreaking Larry David comedy, and I find it hilarious and beautiful.

    If that's not informative or the job of a "messenger" I don't know what is. And that is not even a good branching of comedy and comedians anyway. Comedy is many things - conveying a socio-political message is one of them. You can't relegate comedy to a mere two-branched ideal that basically certifies whether you're a Bill Hicks or a Jerry Seinfeld. They are both funny, in different ways, for different reasons.

    If anybody hasn't listened to it, by the way, Bill Simmons (!) had a fantastic interview with Louis C.K. on his podcast a few months ago which I truly recommend. Also, since it's kind of the heart of comedy-related interviews nowadays, the WTF with Marc Maron episode with Louis is fantastic too.
    Last edited by Morad; 02-08-2012 at 10:52 PM.

  17. #47
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    ^^That's probably my favorite WTF episode ever. That and the one with Mike DeStefano.

    And I absolutely agree with everything you said, except for one thing. I do think that, every once in awhile, he says something shocking just for the sake of it. Most of the time, it's exactly what you said: acknowledging and putting a spotlight on something people really think or do that we try to suppress in ourselves. But sometimes it is just about being shocking (there's one specific joke in the new special I'm thinking of that I think really is just to be shocking. But it's also really, really funny, though not the norm for him).

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by theruiner View Post
    I do think that, every once in awhile, he says something shocking just for the sake of it. Most of the time, it's exactly what you said: acknowledging and putting a spotlight on something people really think or do that we try to suppress in ourselves. But sometimes it is just about being shocking (there's one specific joke in the new special I'm thinking of that I think really is just to be shocking. But it's also really, really funny, though not the norm for him).
    Absolutely. You're right. Sometimes he just wants to be a troll and it's amazing. What I meant to say that at its purest and most basic, Louis' comedy is less about shock and more surprising because of the limits we've put on ourselves in daily life.

    One of the best trolling I've seen was how in the last special he just blurted out "Babies... They can be deformed, one could have three eyes, seven legs... Hell, they could even be Chinese." Or the part where he talks about maybe masturbating in a schoolyard. Oh God, I love him.

    If you haven't listened to it, that Bill Simmons interview is pretty great too. My favorite WTF though is probably the one with Norm Macdonald. It was so deep and insightful that I was actually shocked by it. WTF's definitely my favorite podcast. I always look forward to it. I'll surely check out the Mike DeStefano one! I've never heard of him actually.

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Morad View Post
    One of the best trolling I've seen was how in the last special he just blurted out Spoiler: "Babies... They can be deformed, one could have three eyes, seven legs... Hell, they could even be Chinese."
    That was it. That was the one I was referring to. I couldn't remember how it went, so I didn't post it.

    If you haven't listened to it, that Bill Simmons interview is pretty great too. My favorite WTF though is probably the one with Norm Macdonald. It was so deep and insightful that I was actually shocked by it. WTF's definitely my favorite podcast. I always look forward to it. I'll surely check out the Mike DeStefano one! I've never heard of him actually.
    I'll have to check out that Simmons interview. And yeah, I like WTF, but I only listen when it's a guest I like.

  20. #50
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    Did you guys watch that special with Ricky Gervais sitting down with Louis CK, Chris Rock, and Jerry Seinfeld?

    It was pretty funny. Louis came off the most sincere and genuine actually. Chris Rock just seemed uncomfortable. And Jerry came off kinda pompous.

    But still a very funny sitdown and interview

  21. #51
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    ^^That was a really interesting special.

    So...Louis won a Grammy.

  22. #52
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    So, um...if you want to see Louis on tour this fall, I would suggest heading over to his website as quickly as possible. He just announced the tour today, but all the tickets appear to be on sale already.

    On the plus side- $45 a ticket, no Ticketmaster, no taxes, no additional fees, it's all through Louis' website and his website alone. And if anyone tries to sell it for higher than face value, he cancels their ticket and refunds them their purchase price, so scalpers are basically fucked. Which is awesome.

  23. #53
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    Wow. No Los Angeles show?....

  24. #54
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    That is really weird. Maybe he'll announce one later.

  25. #55
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    Double post. Sorry.

    So I finally finished season two of Louie. I had four episodes to go and it took me, like, six months before I could finally watch them, but I ended up watching all of them tonight. I didn't even intend to watch all four, but I just couldn't stop. What a great, great show. "Airport" actually made me cry. I think that's the first time this show has made me cry. That actually might be one of my absolute favorite episodes of the series now. Absolutely fantastic.
    Last edited by theruiner; 06-29-2012 at 04:20 AM.

  26. #56
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    Sad there are no canadian stops on his new tour, this guy is HILARIOUS! Best comedian around these days, for sure.

  27. #57
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    No one is talking about the last episode!?


    I thought it was the best episode of Louie yet. It felt like a revelation watching Louie get some confidence, and yell from the street at Letterman.

    Plus the scene where he tried to make David Lynch laugh was ridiculously hilarious. Who the hell saw that coming? haha

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torgo View Post
    Wow. No Los Angeles show?....
    Oh, wow. I'm way late on this, but I actually do have an explanation. In some interview they asked Louis about that, and he said since he was foregoing Ticketmaster and selling tickets entirely on his own this tour, a lot of venues that have exclusive deals with TM wouldn't have him, so he had to find alternative venues. He said in L.A. he just couldn't find a good venue that wasn't contracted with TM or was willing to work with his ticketing constraints, I guess, so he had to skip it this time. He did say he hopes that, if this tour does well, maybe he'll have an easier time finding a venue in L.A. next time.

  29. #59
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    So anyway I just finally started watching Louie and I'm most of the way through season two and it's easily one of the best five shows on TV.


  30. #60
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    Re: Louis CK

    Quote Originally Posted by Corvus T. Cosmonaut View Post
    So anyway I just finally started watching Louie and I'm most of the way through season two and it's easily one of the best five shows on TV.

    Then wait until you see season 3 it blows the first 2 out of the water.

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