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Thread: The Walking Dead (SPOILERS)

  1. #601
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    They filmed two scenes with each word used. The reason for not saying the word fuck is because of a little company here in the states known as the FCC.
    FCC guidelines only apply to the free over the air networks. Cable channels aren't bound by the rules, but follow along for ad revenue.

  2. #602
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    They filmed two scenes with each word used. The reason for not saying the word fuck is because of a little company here in the states known as the FCC.
    The FCC only has any actual control over the major networks -- ABC, CBS, NBC, and some other that I'm forgetting. Technically speaking Cartoon Network could broadcast hardcore porn all day from 9 AM to 6 PM and then play the Saw film series inbetween. The reason they don't is due to the fact that advertisers would drop them, people would get pissed about it and in general it would damage their image.
    @Alrea : Remember when they had Mike's note with "Fuck" on it digitally fuzzed out on TV? In that exact same season they showed a child getting murdered and 8 guys getting brutally killed, one set on fire and the rest stabbed to death gratuitously.
    @maryelle : Rick loses his hand in his first encounter with the Governor. In the comics it's Rick and Glen who go find Woodbury originally, and while there the Governor (who is 100x more brutal in the comics) chops off Rick's hand before they escape. Oh, he rapes and tortures Michone as well which is the big reason she wants revenge, and then there's a multi-page torture scene in which she brutalises the Governor which leads to his eyepatch; it's no simple quick accidental fight scene. There's a lot of major differences in terms of plot and pacing and even characters who are and aren't alive between the show and the comics and I heavily recommend checking them out, they're a fantastic read.
    Last edited by implanted_microchip; 03-31-2014 at 01:24 PM.

  3. #603
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    FYI: Conan is only repeating what the writer of the episode explained on Talking Dead.

  4. #604
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    The finale was absolute garbage.

    "Hey lets set up the entire second half building up to the question "what is Terminus" and then not explain jack shit and show useless flashbacks half the show."
    And I can't wait to wait for 7 months so we can have a full first episode of Carol and friends getting to terminus and then maybe finding out something on episode 2 or 3.

  5. #605
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    @Alrea : Remember when they had Mike's note with "Fuck" on it digitally fuzzed out on TV? In that exact same season they showed a child getting murdered and 8 guys getting brutally killed, one set on fire and the rest stabbed to death gratuitously.
    It's things like this that make me wonder how The Walking Dead (or Breaking Bad, while I'm at it) would turn out as an HBO show. Don't get me wrong, I think AMC handles it fine, but HBO would be a good outlet to let the show really show its feathers in regards to how dark it COULD be. I feel like it loses a few things as a result of being on cable.

    And, ya know, Neegan could be realized in all his evil-asshole glory.

  6. #606
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    Thanks @kleiner352 - I knew there was more that went on with Michonne than just a fight but I had no idea about the hand. I really have to get the comics.

    Also now that I have logged in, I totally understand Matt's tweet of earlier today.

  7. #607
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    So, twitter user HershelGreen1 (now suspended account) posted this screenshot claiming it was from a deleted scene of the finale.
    Huge possible spoiler? I'm confused...

    This could explain more about what Terminus actually is... or it could be a potential alternative storyline that they didn't follow through with.

    edit: higher quality image over here:
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 04-01-2014 at 10:21 PM.

  8. #608
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    Also, this is a neat timeline of where everyone was throughout the last half of the season. It's fun to look through, but also handy when rewatching the episodes and seeing the little details that connect between each episode.

  9. #609
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    So, twitter user HershelGreen1 (now suspended account) posted this screenshot claiming it was from a deleted scene of the finale.
    Huge possible spoiler? I'm confused...

    This could explain more about what Terminus actually is... or it could be a potential alternative storyline that they didn't follow through with.

    edit: higher quality image over here:
    Don't see how that can spoilerish at all.

    I mean you did see a pile of skinned bones on the ground while the group was being led to their holding car. And you heard other cries of help from other cargo holds that Daryl acknowledged.


  10. #610
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    Wild speculation within...

    Maybe the Terminans are cultists and are not only cannibals but also sacrifice people to the walkers they have chained up (sort of a sacrifice to the "gods" to keep walkers away from Terminus). I'd bet the names that are written on the floor of "Church" aren't their fallen loved ones, but are the names of the people they've sacrificed, for their own meals or to the walkers.

    Those signs along the train tracks probably aren't enough to keep fresh meat coming in. So maybe the Terminans also have "hunters," who go out and either kidnap people or just convince them to follow them back. And maybe that's what their initial plans were for Rick and the group. Why didn't they just capture Rick and the group right away? Instead they returned their weapons and said since they came in the back door that they'd "fit right in here."

    Maybe some of the strongest who arrive become hunters. If they don't want to do it, maybe their loved ones are held hostage at Terminus and their lives are threatened if the "hunters" don't bring back fresh meat. I think back to the group that Tyreese encountered on the train tracks, where all but one was killed by the walkers. The survivor was distraught and dying, but made sure to tell the strangers to follow the tracks to sanctuary. Perhaps he was a hunter, and wasn't distraught because his loved ones had been killed by walkers -- but because his loved ones back at Terminus would be killed when he didn't bring any fresh meat back.

  11. #611
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    That's a pretty neat idea.

  12. #612
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    Wild speculation within...

    Maybe the Terminans are cultists and are not only cannibals but also sacrifice people to the walkers they have chained up (sort of a sacrifice to the "gods" to keep walkers away from Terminus). I'd bet the names that are written on the floor of "Church" aren't their fallen loved ones, but are the names of the people they've sacrificed, for their own meals or to the walkers.

    Those signs along the train tracks probably aren't enough to keep fresh meat coming in. So maybe the Terminans also have "hunters," who go out and either kidnap people or just convince them to follow them back. And maybe that's what their initial plans were for Rick and the group. Why didn't they just capture Rick and the group right away? Instead they returned their weapons and said since they came in the back door that they'd "fit right in here."

    Maybe some of the strongest who arrive become hunters. If they don't want to do it, maybe their loved ones are held hostage at Terminus and their lives are threatened if the "hunters" don't bring back fresh meat. I think back to the group that Tyreese encountered on the train tracks, where all but one was killed by the walkers. The survivor was distraught and dying, but made sure to tell the strangers to follow the tracks to sanctuary. Perhaps he was a hunter, and wasn't distraught because his loved ones had been killed by walkers -- but because his loved ones back at Terminus would be killed when he didn't bring any fresh meat back.
    This is too intelligent and intricate for this show

  13. #613
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    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    I'd bet the names that are written on the floor of "Church" aren't their fallen loved ones, but are the names of the people they've sacrificed, for their own meals or to the walkers.
    That's totally what I thought. The writing on the walls said "Never forget" and "Never trust" - i.e., never forget these people but also never trust - they did and look what happened.

    Also I think they are the ones who took Beth. My sister thought one of the cars inside the compound is the same one she was in. I didn't notice myself.

  14. #614
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    I looked for that car (wasn't it a hearse?) but didn't see it.

    More wild speculation:

    I don't think Beth is at Terminus. I think it will be Beth who comes to Terminus to help save people. Remember that flashback to the prison, where they're beginning to dig up the yard and Carl's hat falls off? Rick puts it on Beth and says, "There's a new sheriff in town."

    I also don't think Carol, Tyreese and Judith are at Terminus. I actually think that the scenes in the last several episodes of Season 4 weren't happening in the same time period. I think the smoke that Carol, the girls and Tyreese were seeing for days off in the distance was Terminus burning down, after Rick and the crew finally overtook the sanctuary and torched it. I think the burned zombies that came out of the woods were Terminans. One of them bears a striking resemblance to Gareth.

  15. #615
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    Quote Originally Posted by NYRexall View Post
    This is a very intriguing observation, and makes a shitload of sense.
    I thought it was already discussed that the fire they saw was the house Beth and Darryl burned down in the previous episode most likely?

  16. #616
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipfinator View Post
    I thought it was already discussed that the fire they saw was the house Beth and Darryl burned down in the previous episode most likely?
    Discussed by whom? Someone official?

    Seemed like there was way too much smoke and that it burned too long to be something as small as a cabin. And a bunch of walkers wouldn't have been burned to a crisp by it. (And why make it such a recurring point in the storyline unless it was important foreshadowing?)

  17. #617
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    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Don't see how that can spoilerish at all.

    I mean you did see a pile of skinned bones on the ground while the group was being led to their holding car. And you heard other cries of help from other cargo holds that Daryl acknowledged.

    Yea, but the screenshot shows them feeding it to motherfucking walkers!

    Quote Originally Posted by jessamineny View Post
    Wild speculation within...

    Maybe the Terminans are cultists and are not only cannibals but also sacrifice people to the walkers they have chained up (sort of a sacrifice to the "gods" to keep walkers away from Terminus). I'd bet the names that are written on the floor of "Church" aren't their fallen loved ones, but are the names of the people they've sacrificed, for their own meals or to the walkers.

    Those signs along the train tracks probably aren't enough to keep fresh meat coming in. So maybe the Terminans also have "hunters," who go out and either kidnap people or just convince them to follow them back. And maybe that's what their initial plans were for Rick and the group. Why didn't they just capture Rick and the group right away? Instead they returned their weapons and said since they came in the back door that they'd "fit right in here."

    Maybe some of the strongest who arrive become hunters. If they don't want to do it, maybe their loved ones are held hostage at Terminus and their lives are threatened if the "hunters" don't bring back fresh meat. I think back to the group that Tyreese encountered on the train tracks, where all but one was killed by the walkers. The survivor was distraught and dying, but made sure to tell the strangers to follow the tracks to sanctuary. Perhaps he was a hunter, and wasn't distraught because his loved ones had been killed by walkers -- but because his loved ones back at Terminus would be killed when he didn't bring any fresh meat back.
    I like this! The only issues is the "feed the walkers" theme of both herschel's barn and the governor's daughter is going to be a bit overused.

    Some additional possibilities:

    the "those who arrive survive" sign might connect if they somehow see walkers as a form of eternal life.

    or perhaps there is some form of walker domestication going on? There were a lot of flashbacks and miscellaneous scenes in the final episode that allude to obvious events that happened later (funneling animals into a snare, etc). Some of them didn't have an obvious connection so there is some implication there. Herschel talking about domesticating pigs for instance.
    Last edited by DigitalChaos; 04-07-2014 at 02:12 PM.

  18. #618
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    Also, Kirkman has stated that Spoiler: Gareth is based on someone from the Comics.

  19. #619
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    Well as you now know the show is different then the books. I say keep watching to catch all the comic sides of the show. Its why I still watch.

  20. #620
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    The comics really are a whole different beast, and way higher in quality, so congrats @NYRexall for taking the plunge! They're one of the best zombie stories I've ever seen/read in general, and it really does make the whole show seem significantly lower in quality -- simply because the source material is so rich that it's very hard to excuse the things they've ignored/passed up and replaced with really disappointing episodes/arcs. But, the books definitely make me appreciate Andrew Lincoln's acting as Rick quite a bit; the guy just nails what I imagine him being like.

  21. #621
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    Hurry up and come back on air, TV series!

  22. #622
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    Just started reading the comics to see what all the fuss was about, and yep, they're a lot better. The show pales in comparison.

  23. #623
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    I think the Walking Dead (TV show) would have been better on a channel like HBO or Showtime. For some reason it really bothers me that they can show all this violence and not say "fuck". I did start the comics recently as well, and they are so much better than the show. I still enjoy...well, mostly enjoy the show.

  24. #624
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    The Terminus set is only a couple miles from my house. They were filming there a few weeks ago.

  25. #625
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post
    The Terminus set is only a couple miles from my house. They were filming there a few weeks ago.
    Did you get Carl's hat and shred it to pieces for me?

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    ‘The Walking Dead’ currently has plans for a whopping 12 seasons

    The Walking Dead producer David Alpert says that the series has plans for at least seven more seasons.

    Speaking on a panel over the weekend, Alpert revealed that AMC’s wildly successful zombie drama could last a very long time if the viewers stick around.

    “I happen to love working from source material, specifically because we have a pretty good idea of what season 10 is gonna be,” he said in comments published by Indiewire. “We know where season 11 and 12…we have benchmarks and milestones for those seasons if we’re lucky enough to get there.”

    The comments were made when an attendee asked Alpert if he enjoys working from source material, referring to The Walking Dead comic series by Robert Kirkman on which the show is based.

    With close to 130 issues in print, it’s no surprise that The Walking Dead could have a long lifespan. The surprise is that this amount of material is already mapped out, according to these new comments.

    If all 12 seasons see the light of day, The Walking Dead will become AMC’s longest-running drama. Their current longest is Mad Men, which will air the second half of its seventh and final season next year.

    AMC is also planning a Walking Dead spinoff, which is slated to premiere in 2015. The new series will be produced by the original show’s team: Kirkman, Albert, and Gale Anne Hurd. While information about the new series is still under wraps, one report suggests that it will be a prequel with new characters and set in an entirely different area of the United States.

    The Walking Dead risks losing viewers if there are one too many seasons of the show. Do you think the series can last through the year 2022 and still hold your interest?

  28. #628
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    I don't see myself sticking with it that long. I mean, Jesus, thats a long time. Who knows, I could be so swamped by kids, bills, and taxes by then to care. Maybe I could if the writing improves. There were times when the show was meandering this season that I felt like turning it off. Also, I'm getting zombie fatigue with zombies becoming a very ubiquitous presence in a lot of different media in the last decade or so. I don't blame them, though, for wanting to keep the show going that long, with the amount of green they're getting.

    A spinoff sounds intriguing. Some new blood wouldn't be a bad thing. I would like to see it in LA, like 28 Days Later with chaos tearing up Burbank and Downtown. Living here, when you get stuck in traffic on the 405 sometimes you just want to see society hit the reset button and go primal.
    Last edited by Millionaire; 06-10-2014 at 12:41 PM.

  29. #629
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    i think unless they do something egregious with the series they'll always have an audience. i would like to see the spin off do well and spice things up a bit.

  30. #630
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    For anyone interested, AMC is running the "Dead White & Blue" marathon all weekend long. Every episode of the show shown entirely in a big multi-day block

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