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Thread: The Walking Dead (SPOILERS)

  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zipfinator View Post
    Err... What? The comics are way past where the show is right now. At the pace the show is going, it won't catch up to the comics until season 5 or 6. Spoiler: We still have the prison, woodbury, the small part where they return to the farm, the long part traveling to Washington, and then the start of the community which still hasn't ended yet in the comics but would last at least 2 seasons on TV until they're where the comics are right now.
    I forgot about Abraham, right. But still, I'm worried.

  2. #122
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    Last edited by profane; 03-21-2012 at 10:03 AM.

  3. #123
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    I have more where that came from. LOL at Scumbag Shane.

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    I have more where that came from. LOL at Scumbag Shane.

  5. #125
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    I wanna love this show so bad, but the writing is just so god awful and not a single likeable character
    Dont get me wrong, they had some great moments, but the bad outweights the good
    I thought the first season kicked off great, kinda dragged in the middle, then picked up again
    The second season started off bad, got good during the mid season finale, then went bad again
    I wanna love it, but the writing needs a serious overhaul. Theres just too much contradictions in its own writing.
    Im on the fence to even watch season 3.
    This season finale had a couple of cool geek out moments, but again a lot of stupid moments.

    Someone I know whos family member is on the writing team admits they play it by ear as it goes along
    Thats not a good thing in my book, it comes through in the storytelling

    So please writing team, step your game up next season

    I think what killed this season was too many episodes... Where the first season only had like 6-8 right?
    This one had double that amount and felt that too many episodes caused the show to drag and stall at points.
    Now if this season was 8 episodes, it would have moved along nicely and not meandered.

    But the finale didnt excite me enough.

  6. #126
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    ^ The producer, Frank Darabont, fired most or all of the writing staff for the second season and then was fired himself halfway through it, so it's been a rough season and I guess they rolled with it pretty well, all in all.

    But watching the season finale of "The Talking Dead" revealed that they didn't even know from one week to the next whether or not Herschel was going to make it to the end of the season. Considering how much they'd built up Shane above and beyond his role in the comics I really wish they would have kept at it with him a bit longer or AT LEAST given him a more interesting run as a walker. And with Dale's death I figured they at least had an interesting new plan in mind.

    But then I heard about Hirschel and found my faith was faltering a bit. Ha.

    Quote Originally Posted by EPICRAGE View Post
    When the first season premiered I went ahead and got all the comics but haven't dived into them yet. Seeing how awful the show has gotten (some would say as early as the middle of the first season, and I wouldn't disagree) I'm wondering if I should even bother with the comics. Are they as bad as the show or are they worth the read? The reason I continue the watch the show even though each week I am bored by the horrible character development, unrealistic situations the characters get themselves into for the sake of drama/tension, etc. is that I believe the show has serious potential, which is proved in the first few episodes of the first season, and I'm waiting for it to get back to that level of quality. I am hoping the comics can hold me over until then and that is why I am asking for the opinions of people who have read them.
    The comics have some of their own problems, but they're different problems than the show has had so far and I think you'll find they're overall pretty damned excellent. I'm not quite up to speed yet, but I just ordered the rest of the trade paperback collections through Amazon (up to vol. 15), so I'll have a more fully considered opinion of the series as a whole thus far by this time next week, I think.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    I just started reading the comics on a CBR I downloaded, and I realized....I'm baaarely halfway through. I'm at issue #46. I'm so stoked to get back into reading, though. The digital version will have to do until the physical copies ship. No way in hell am I paying $14 in store when I can pay $8 something plus free shipping on Amazon.
    Thanks for that, btw! I was just picking up the next one any time I had an extra 20 bucks at Barnes & Noble and it hadn't even OCCURRED to me to look online! I'm basically getting two for the price of one now and would have had the entire rest of the series by now shipped FOR FREE if this damned weekend hadn't gotten in the way, lol.

    But thanks again! That was a big help.


    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    Why must everyone be so bummed if things that happen on TV shows arnt very realistic? Especially zombie shows? Have people forgotten about dramatic effect? Have people lost their imaginations?
    If we were talking about Walker fucking Texas Ranger no one would give a shit. Same goes for most zombie movies, too.

    But IN THIS CASE, what really sets this show and the comics apart from the rest of its genre IS its otherwise realistic approach to the situation.

    When you're trying to tell a story about that "unlimited ammo" shouldn't factor in.

    To be fair, though, I double-checked and Hirschel fires 10 rounds before reloading, which is only ONE more than he should have been able to fire. So they weren't too far beyond the pale there.

    But those small-arms-headshots-at-a-distance-from-moving-vehicles-on-rough-terrain scenes were just ridiculous. Normal people in extraordinary situations is dramatic need to turn them into badass superheroes on top of it all, ffs.


  7. #127
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    I would disagree that there aren't any likeable characters. Most of them do seem irritable, yes, but I really think it adds to the whole "it's the zombie apocalypse" atmosphere. You and I would probably be on edge, too.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mech View Post
    I would disagree that there aren't any likeable characters.
    I almost yelled at my screen when I thought they were going to kill Hershel.

    By the way, the original idea was to kill him, and not by a zombie:
    Last edited by burn.; 03-26-2012 at 08:28 AM.

  9. #129
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    Yeah, I saw that on the Talking Dead as well. And the cow was supposed to be another member (can't remember who anymore). From what I've been reading, I hear next season we'll probably get some more likeable characters (everyone wants Michonne).

  10. #130
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    I thought I read somewhere that Kirkman wrote the comics more or less on the fly, with a general long-term plan that he wants to stay on track with. I remember him saying how he'd planned for certain things to happen (character deaths, etc.), and he changed it up as he wrote to better suit the story. To me, that seems to make the "we're making it up as we go" story a bit more understandable. I'm sure they're not just completely winging it or anything, but in a way, I kinda like that. I'm sure things'll be a bit more thought out in the next season, though. It seems like they tried to force the second half of the season back up to speed after searching for Sophia for 6 episodes. Mazzara seems like he's got a pretty good handle on what he wants to do with the show.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Thanks for that, btw! I was just picking up the next one any time I had an extra 20 bucks at Barnes & Noble and it hadn't even OCCURRED to me to look online! I'm basically getting two for the price of one now and would have had the entire rest of the series by now shipped FOR FREE if this damned weekend hadn't gotten in the way, lol.
    No problem! I did the same thing. I'd already bought a couple of the trade paperbacks in store for about 16 something, then just looked online for kicks and nearly punched myself in the face when I realized how much cheaper they were.

    By the way! I saw that Kirkman's got a new Walking Dead book coming out. More alternate storylines!

    The Walking Dead Cutting-Room Floor HC

    NEVER BEFORE SEEN WALKING DEAD PLOTS! For the first time ever: an unprecedented, behind-the-scenes look at Robert Kirkman's original, hand-written plot lines for the early issues of the Eisner-award winning series, The Walking Dead! See what plot lines were left on the cutting-room floor and get an in-depth look at how the series came together. This collection includes commentaries on Kirkman's original plots with never-before-seen material. This is The Walking Dead collector's item of the year!

  11. #131
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    Just started watching this show last week, and it was verrrrry very familiar to 28 Days Later in the opening sequence which I found kind of unoriginal and lame. The scene when he enters his house and no one is there..... gut wrenching to watch that. Just bad acting. I really hope after this episode that those aspects will seem to pick up. I am keeping high hopes since a lot of people I know love this show and I love zombies. I'm keeping high hopes

  12. #132
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    Quote Originally Posted by Self.Destructive.Pattern View Post
    Just started watching this show last week, and it was verrrrry very familiar to 28 Days Later in the opening sequence which I found kind of unoriginal and lame.
    Not really. The first issue of The Walking Dead comics came out pretty much the same month or so as 28 Days Later. It's not like they copied it or anything. It's based off of the source material which had an unlucky coincidence with a movie that came out at the same time.

  13. #133
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    The Walking Dead does totally steals off 28 Days Later...
    But 28 Days Later stole that aspect from The Day Of The Triffids
    28 Days Later came first... way first... just because the release dates are close to each other doesn't mean a thing since 28 Days Later was being filmed in early 2001.

    Confirmed by this tidbits on

    "The shot of the notice board at Piccadilly Circus, with the missing persons flyers, created a degree of controversy when the filmed was first shown, with some saying it was insensitive to what was happening in New York after the 9/11 attacks. However, the film was shot prior to 9/11, although it was released after it. In any case, Danny Boyle has stated that he based the shot on a photograph he had seen from an earthquake in China, but he also acknowledges that had he made the movie post 9/11, he would not have shot the scene."

    So, yes, The Walking Dead stole the opening sequence. But then again 28 Days Later takes inspiration from other stories as well, confirmed by screenwriter Alex Garland.

    "Scriptwriter Alex Garland acknowledges several sources as inspiration for his screenplay, notably John Wyndham's The Day of the Triffids, George A. Romero's "Dead" trilogy (Night, Dawn and Day) and The Omega Man. Direct homages include Jim waking up in the hospital from The Day of the Triffids, the chained infected being studied from Day of the Dead, and the scene in the grocery store (people in the mall from Dawn of the Dead), the stop for supplies that saw a run-in with infected children (also Dawn of the Dead (1978)), and the military holing up against the plague with outsiders partially to deliberately include females (also Day of the Dead)."

  14. #134
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    I wanted to love The Walking Dead... I really did.
    The acting is pretty crumby and the show's storylines can be dragging and god awful.
    But the zombies look fucking amazing.
    I think they need to fire the entire writing staff... AGAIN.

    Anyone hear Darabont's original season 2 opening episode?
    Now THAT sounding frigging amazing than the route they went this season.

    I do wanna read the comics though.

  15. #135
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    the comics shit all over the show. it's not even close. Kirkman is a masterful storyteller, it's just a bummer that he's being sued by his childhood friend and orig. co-creator/artist Tony Moore for wrongfully signing away his rights to the property when the TV show came along. I love Kirkman, so i really really hope he didnt screw his friend over, cuz i'd hate to have a bad taste in my mouth about him.

    The show does just enough right to keep me watching. the zombies are done so well, as said above. the major story beats that mirror the book are handled well. they ramped up the action just enough as season 2 progressed to keep me tuned in after the zzzzz=fest that happened the rest of the time. stuff like that, and my overall love for the property, outweigh the poor acting, the unlikable characters (in the book, Dale, Carl, Lori & Andrea are almost unquestionably likeable to fans), terrible pacing, and unbelievable moments (stealthy ninja zombies, Carl not being watched over repeatedly, the eprfect shooting in the finale, etc).

    But yes, i really hope they fix this stuff for season 3.

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by neorev View Post
    I wanted to love The Walking Dead... I really did.
    The acting is pretty crumby and the show's storylines can be dragging and god awful.
    But the zombies look fucking amazing.
    I think they need to fire the entire writing staff... AGAIN.

    Anyone hear Darabont's original season 2 opening episode?
    Now THAT sounding frigging amazing than the route they went this season.

    I do wanna read the comics though.
    I just read this.... and it hurts to think what an awesome episode that must have been.
    Knowing the snoozefest that was the first half of season 2... searching for a dead girl that noone cared about.

  17. #137
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    I am half way into the second season and it is pretty good... not great. I think that some of the encounters with the zombies are pretty lame. Like "O no!!! A.... Walker!... What do we do!!! OMG!!!" Then a swift shot to the head takes care of that mess. I think after all the zombies they have killed along the way, it should be no big huge surprise that there is a walker in the area just stumbling towards them as they panic. Now a hoard is completely different. I do like how Shane is showing his true colors and pretty much being the only sensible one on the fact that they need to move on. But then again, Shane is freaking crazy.

    On Episode 9 right now so I am really curious how this whole thing is going to turn out. Have to add that the zombies do look pretty good. Especially the one that wandered into the camper when they were hiding from the hoard passing by.

  18. #138
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    So I got Compendium 1 from Amazon and it's not in color. Are the comics not inked in color or did I get ripped off?

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by kdrcraig View Post
    So I got Compendium 1 from Amazon and it's not in color. Are the comics not inked in color or did I get ripped off?
    the digital copies i have are black and white.

  20. #140
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    The entire series is black and white

  21. #141
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    Ok thanks, I figured that was the way it was supposed to be but just wanted to make sure.

  22. #142
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    Don't forget the shades of gray, damnit!


  23. #143
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    Anyone check out the game that came out on PSN this week? I played through most of episode 1 last night and it's pretty awesome so far.

  24. #144
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    Pictures of Rick and The Governor to go with that Michonne picture above.

    Wonder where Rick found that there pistol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    And then I had to change my pants.

  28. #148
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    Yeah, especially the last scene!

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by orestes View Post
    Yeah, especially the last scene!
    SO HYPE! I think the best part is that even though all the readers of the comics know where the story is going generally, they still have it set up to where we really have almost no idea what course things are going to take.

    By the way, here's the song in the trailer if anyone else is obsessing over it as much as I am.

  30. #150
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    Great return! I missed this.

    I even felt claustrophobia during the last minutes. Spoiler: Poor Hershel, his yelling at the end almost made me burst into MANLY tears. (I can't see old guys suffering or dying on screen, it always gets me).

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