Quote Originally Posted by imail724 View Post
I'll honesty probably do the same. I kept telling myself I was gonna hold out for this Negan thing because everyone's always said how it's one of the best plotlines in the books, but they've just been stretching it out way too long. Fuck this show.
I have a friend that will stay with the Walking Dead until the bitter end, she watched the entire Weeds series and I thought that show was only good for two seasons. The Walking Dead had more decent seasons then Weeds did, but I'm not sure where they lost me or on what season that I started feeling like it was becoming a chore to watch.
I think as far as writing goes, they have spent too much time on the group facing external struggles, ever since the Governor but after that everything since has just been another version of the Governor. They should have focused more on internal struggles within the group, you would think a group of people under that much stress would eventually start turning on each other and I think that would have been a more interesting storyline. I know we've had Shane and Merle but that was many seasons ago.