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Thread: The Walking Dead (SPOILERS)

  1. #61
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    about time, question is how?

  2. #62
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    I swear to God, you guys better use spoiler tags because if anyone (DAPHNE) doesn't start locking that shit down, I'm gonna flip. I'm avoiding that article, especially since I've seen it pop up on several sites.

  3. #63
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    Oh, come on, I said it was a spoiler in the link. Read at your own risk.

  4. #64
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    I'll just say that I'm really excited to have an idea what's coming (even though fans of the comic saw it coming, I know I did), but I'm also hoping that the circumstances under which everything happens are a little different. I'm sure they'll handle the entire situation just fine, though, and find a way to make everything surprising. As bad as I want the finale to happen, and to see what else they have planned for it, I'm pretty bummed to see this season go. With it broken up into such short parts, it seems like it's just come and gone.

    Not that the entire first half of the season didn't drag as slowly as the legless walker, it's just that six episodes went by way too fast.

  5. #65
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    I dont even know what to post anymore since it is a huge spoiler for non comic followers.

    anyone even up to date on the books? I feel like its mostly just the show watchers on here. I think we should have a separate Walking dead comic thread.

  6. #66
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    I'm right up to uhhh...You know, forget it, I don't even know how to describe where I am without spoiling it. But Yeah, I agree that a seperate thread for discussing the comics would be a great idea. I mean....sure, people should use discretion whenever they talk about it, but when it comes to television/film adaptations of stories, it's impossible NOT to compare the differences and similarities between the two. If someone else makes a thread for the books, I'll participate. But I think I'll just stick to spoiler tags and anyone who reads them accidentally, well, bummer.

    Spoiler: The last panel I remember seeing was the tank/Governor rolling up over the hill toward the prison. I've read a few spoilers about things that happen later on though.

    Also - I realized that, in the promo I mentioned before, where Daryl says "something something Brother," he's saying "Sorry, brother." Dang.

  7. #67
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    Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. #68
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    I was not expecting that... Andrea's development in the show is going to be completely different now.

  9. #69
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    I thought it was going to be a tease. I didn't imagine it ripping open Dale's chest like that. Fuck.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alrea View Post
    I'm right up to uhhh...You know, forget it, I don't even know how to describe where I am without spoiling it. But Yeah, I agree that a seperate thread for discussing the comics would be a great idea. I mean....sure, people should use discretion whenever they talk about it, but when it comes to television/film adaptations of stories, it's impossible NOT to compare the differences and similarities between the two. If someone else makes a thread for the books, I'll participate. But I think I'll just stick to spoiler tags and anyone who reads them accidentally, well, bummer.

    Spoiler: The last panel I remember seeing was the tank/Governor rolling up over the hill toward the prison. I've read a few spoilers about things that happen later on though.

    Also - I realized that, in the promo I mentioned before, where Daryl says "something something Brother," he's saying "Sorry, brother." Dang.
    I mean... I'm cool with posting comic spoilers in here, especially with what just happened tonight, but it's everyone's call. I'll make a comic thread and lead off with a bunch of spoilers.

  10. #70
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    Damned good episode!

    Bummed about the suddenly-lowered X-Files quotient for the cast but excited about the bold new departure.

    And I was kinda lookin' forward to them hookin' up, of course.


    Quote Originally Posted by Conan The Barbarian View Post
    anyone even up to date on the books? I feel like its mostly just the show watchers on here. I think we should have a separate Walking dead comic thread.
    Not up to date at all, but in the past year I've gotten up to Volume Nine of the tpb collections. It's awesome knowing there's still so much ahead, though.

  11. #71
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    Carl was a little shit tonight and I hope he learned his lesson.

  12. #72
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    My brother and I were furious after tonight's episode. I don't know how exactly the writers are going to justify their decision, but as of now, I hate it. I'm so upset - this is my favorite show on TV, but after tonight, all of the AWESOME stuff from the comics that I was looking forward to seeing on screen isn't nearly as appealing as it was a few hours ago.

    They spent the majority of the episode establishing Dale as the sole voice of reason and humanity - taking extra care to show how unique he is to the group, and then disposing of him. I get it - they wanted an impetus to unite the group, but this was the wrong way to do it. Fucking kill Daryl! He was the one who really said the group was broken. I like Norman Reedus, but I don't get the character's popularity. I can only take so much of the "I don' care 'bout no one!" loner-badass shtick.

    Now that Dale's gone, where's the balance and tension between Shane's violent, renegade tendencies and Dale's tether to humanity/civility? I'll be very angry if they don't kill off Shane by next season. He should've been the one to go tonight.

    edit: yes, and fuck Carl up his stupid ass.
    Last edited by ltrandazzo; 03-11-2012 at 10:48 PM.

  13. #73
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    Anyone else watching tonight's Talking Dead? Guest panelist Scott Ian thinks Randall is this show's Ben Linus. Hmmmm *strokes imaginary beard*

  14. #74
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    well, he totally seems like it based on the trailer for next week. And the show's writers have professed a love for Lost.

    I don't have any problem with Dale dying, but i DO have a problem with the continued hackneyed reliance on these Navy SEAL zombies. These things are loud, belligerent creatures. One snuck up on Lori two episodes back. Tonight, one sneaks up on Dale. Tonight's was even worse, b/c Dale sees this cow with all its guts laid out, as the zombie clearly was eating it. Why would it all of a sudden leave a ton of entrails and just wander around? it would still be devouring the cow at that point. Both aspects of the Dale attack are totally unbelievable and take me out of the scene. Dale would have heard one of those things walking, grunting and moaning waaaay before it came up on him. it's silly. Yes, we have suspended our disbelief to go along with the premise of the show...but beyodn that, keep it realistic, and not so HOLLYWOOOOOOD. I hate when the comic does it as well, but they rely on it much less than the show, and it can be masked better on paper too. find a better way for Dale to get attacked...don't rely on silly Hollywood cliches.

    I DID like how it ripped Dale open though. A little different...glad they're not always just gonna try and bite someone, but use their hands to attack too.

    I assume Andrea is going to become likeable at some point. It will be a shame if they don;t change her drastically. It's bad enough that almost every other character is unlikeable.

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post
    I swear to God, you guys better use spoiler tags because if anyone (DAPHNE) doesn't start locking that shit down, I'm gonna flip.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lt. Randazzo View Post

    I thought it was going to be a tease. I didn't imagine it ripping open Dale's chest like that. Fuck.

    I mean... I'm cool with posting comic spoilers in here, especially with what just happened tonight, but it's everyone's call. I'll make a comic thread and lead off with a bunch of spoilers.

    Yeah, we've got a spoiler warning in the thread title now...but still.

    And the issue with the spoilers relating to the question of what Jenner whispered to Rick at the end of Season One has nothing to do with whether or not he or the C.D.C. were in the comics. It's still jumping ahead to a conclusion and a payoff that hasn't been reached by the show yet, not to mention spoiling a plot point from the comics.

    Sure, there are departures from the comics in the show, but that doesn't change the fact that by-and-large it's still pretty much on track with the overall plot of the comics and that it's worth guarding against spoilers for BOTH audiences if it's worth guarding against spoilers for ANYONE.

    Just catching up with the thread and thought it was worth pointing that out.

  16. #76
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    From Robert Kirkman -

    On Dale's death -
    Losing that role is very important. This is the time more than ever when they really need someone to stand there and say, "Hey, this is not the popular decision, but I'm still voicing this because it needs to be said." They don't have that. Now, we don't know how they're going to deal with Randall and we don't know what they're going to do as Rick and Shane continue to butt heads. They've lost a very important piece of their ensemble, and so they're not going to be able to make the same decisions they would have made and that's really going to affect the group as a whole. They are kind of in a bad place and we're going to have to deal with that.
    On the effect of Dale's death on Carl -

    The fun of this world is dealing with Carl. It's one thing to have grown to adulthood in the world before and not have to deal with the indirect civilization and all the different things that are going on now, but to have never grown to adulthood and to not really have any kind of basis for realizing how screwed up things are — this is Carl's normal. So while he did — to a certain extent — cause Dale's death, how he deals with that is going to be very different than how someone would deal with that if they had not grown up in this world. We're going to see him grow and change over time and twist and turn into something that may not be recognizable as what we perceive a child to be, which is really kind of cool.
    Translation - EXCITING STUFF. This show has been amazing and I can't wait for more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post

    Yeah, we've got a spoiler warning in the thread title now...but still.
    That was in response to a death that HAS NOT YET HAPPENED ON THE SHOW AND STILL HAS NOT HAPPENED THAT WAS LEAKED. Leaked material is a no-go, stuff that has aired is open season. Not that hard to understand.

    I posted this thread at the top of the forum a few days before we launched - This policy is universal for this forum. If it has aired, it is free to discuss. If it has not aired, but has leaked, SPOILER TAG it.

  17. #77
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    Well, fair enough on that count then. I only saw an allusion to it on the top of this page and decided against clicking the page before to see what I'd missed.

  18. #78
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    Anybody else a little tired of how self-righteous Andrea is? Every time she opens her mouth with one of her smug little rants, I wish Dale had let her kill herself. She leaves a suicidal girl alone, the girl fails to kill herself and she turns it around as though she was expecting things to turn out the way they did? Sod off, blondie.

    Andrea aside, I'm enjoying the show since it came back. I know people have been complaining that it's all talk and no walk, but I feel lately as though they've got the balance of drama and action down perfect.

  19. #79
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    To be honest, I wouldn't mind Andrea getting eaten alive if they ever decide to off her in the story. They made a great character in the books into one of the most annoying bitch.

    I can see that happening since Daryl is a bad ass and they wouldn't need Andrea around anyways. A boy could dream.

  20. #80
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    Yeah fuck Andrea. Her, Shane, and Walter White should all sit around and all congratulate each other on how awesome they think their own selves are.

  21. #81
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    All I can say is... Holy shit. Even though I'd heard who died, I was still pretty shocked when it happened. Talk about gore.

  22. #82
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    I felt terrible watching that episode. Poor Dale, that was unfair. Reminded me of the first time I read The Walking Dead #48, absolutely shocking.

    It kinda sucks because I was hoping to see a lot of cool stuff from the comics that obviously will never happen now.

    Anyway, here's the promo for the next episode, seems like the zombies found MORE food:

  23. #83
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    Wow, how do you top that ending?

  24. #84
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    I loved this episode so much. The shots of the field at the end looked beautiful and conveyed the events happening so well. I wasn't a fan of the previous one so much. Dale was one of my favorites. This one restored any faith I may have had lost though. Dayyuuum.
    Last edited by darktemplar007; 03-11-2012 at 09:17 PM.

  25. #85
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    Cannot wait for the finale. Fuck yes.

  26. #86
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    First of all, I just LOVE the synergistic cross-marketing of the zombie-related "Comic Book Men" episodes and that AWESOME commercial for "Mad Men," lol. Pretty cool, as that sort of thing goes.

    But, damn!

    Dale and Shane were both being handled FANTASTICALLY and were excellent roles for excellent actors who were both stand-out high-points for the show, and I've gotta say, it kinda feels like they botched and wasted 'em BOTH at the end there. Like a LOT. Especially Walker-Shane. If they were gonna go that way they could've at least given him a cooler run in the "afterlife." Bit of a shame. He was seriously TEN TIMES more awesome than comic-Shane, they should've milked that shit more on ALL fronts, damnit.


    I did however enjoy the cool play on Carl's first killshot and the nearly simultaneous discovery about the nature of the outbreak. I'm fully expecting the Season 2 finale to play off the Season 1 finale with Rick finally revealing what he was told at the CDC.

    And who else thinks they're setting up Herschel to fill-in as a romantic foil to Andrea in place of Dale? Kinda seemed to be heading that way for a second there, imho.

    Great episode, though. My only other real complaint is that the walkers should've ALREADY been drawn by Shane's gunfire instead being all, "Huh? Whuzzat?" five minutes later with Carl's killshot.


  27. #87
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    Really loved this episode, but damn I cannot wait for the finale and next season. Spoiler: Rumor has it, Michonne finally shows up in the finale. Likely to save the survivors of this herd. I doubt we'll see the Prison next week, but damn that would make one hell of a final shot for the season.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Great episode, though. My only other real complaint is that the walkers should've ALREADY been drawn by Shane's gunfire instead being all, "Huh? Whuzzat?" five minutes later with Carl's killshot.
    In fairness, they were probably already on their way after Shane's gunshot, without it being shown chronologically in the scene—they already seemed pretty close to have only just heard the gunfire.

    Anyway. HOT DAMN, THIS EPISODE. I guess it was about time for the group to find themselves at the mercy of a vast horde of zombies once again... At least they were sensible enough to start preparing after that first walker got on the farm.

  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post

    And who else thinks they're setting up Herschel to fill-in as a romantic foil to Andrea in place of Dale? Kinda seemed to be heading that way for a second there, imho.

    I thought the same thing this episode. In the comics Dale seemed younger than Hershel... and felt more acceptable. I guess we will see.

    Im glad that the second half of this season picked up the way it did.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hula View Post
    Anybody else a little tired of how self-righteous Andrea is? Every time she opens her mouth with one of her smug little rants...
    Quote Originally Posted by Hula View Post
    I know people have been complaining that it's all talk and no walk, but I feel lately as though they've got the balance of drama and action down perfect.
    I find that whenever any character opens their mouth everything they say is forced or cliched or maybe it's just bad writing. I don't mind when shows focus on developing their characters rather than having an action set-piece every week but when it's as bland and cliched as it has been on The Walking Dead I start to get rather irritated. They recently have been spicing it up with some zombie kills each week but it hasn't been anything exciting, except for the cracked head of that one zombie from the recent episode.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hula View Post
    In fairness, they were probably already on their way after Shane's gunshot, without it being shown chronologically in the scene—they already seemed pretty close to have only just heard the gunfire.
    So even though Rick, Shane, Daryl, and Glenn were walking through the woods all day/night looking for the prisoner and didn't stumble upon a single zombie, we are supposed to accept that all of a sudden there's a horde of zombies just standing around waiting until the end of the episode to appear to give it a cliffhanger "oh shit" ending? This show is getting as bad as the recent Romero movies where a random zombie will just appear out of nowhere when the plot calls for it, even though it makes little sense in everything that has come before. I thought last weeks random silent walker that would rather surprise Dale than eat all them delicious cow guts was pretty awful writing but then we get this? Come on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hazekiah View Post
    Sure, there are departures from the comics in the show, but that doesn't change the fact that by-and-large it's still pretty much on track with the overall plot of the comics and that it's worth guarding against spoilers for BOTH audiences if it's worth guarding against spoilers for ANYONE.
    When the first season premiered I went ahead and got all the comics but haven't dived into them yet. Seeing how awful the show has gotten (some would say as early as the middle of the first season, and I wouldn't disagree) I'm wondering if I should even bother with the comics. Are they as bad as the show or are they worth the read? The reason I continue the watch the show even though each week I am bored by the horrible character development, unrealistic situations the characters get themselves into for the sake of drama/tension, etc. is that I believe the show has serious potential, which is proved in the first few episodes of the first season, and I'm waiting for it to get back to that level of quality. I am hoping the comics can hold me over until then and that is why I am asking for the opinions of people who have read them.

    *As a side note, Hula, I quoted you several times but this isn't an attack on you and your opinions. You said some interesting things that helped me somewhat voice my concerns/issues with the show. I enjoy reading posts where people are excited about what happens and what might happen next and it makes me hopeful, but for now I am unable to look past all the shows flaws.

    Last edited by EPICRAGE; 03-12-2012 at 01:34 PM.

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