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Thread: The Mandela Effect

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by DF118 View Post

    elevinism asked:

    "do you guys have any thoughts on this

    And also can somebody tell me what in the fuck is going on

    I explained it to him. Just because I had a rational explanation which doesn't involve alternative realities and aliens, this doesn't mean I was "stoking his fedora". It's not my fault that he loses his shit every 5 posts.
    Dude. You came at me rude and called me bonkers. For the record, even though i didn't appreciate the implied intellectual high ground from which you approached me, i listened to what you were saying and LIKED the fucking post.
    As far as the "can somebody tell me what in the fuck is going on" bit, i guess i should have made clear that i didn't mean that literally.
    I just get a kick out of saying that particular phrase.

    You immediately resorted to name calling.
    And now you are saying that i "lose my shit every five posts."
    I don't think i've ever been rude to you in any way, and i KNOW i haven't called you any names.
    I don't understand the disrespect.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    When i was a kid, i read Berenstein Bears books. And recently, it occurred to me that the books are, in fact, called BerenSTAIN bears, and always have been.

    Another thing that really gets me is Snow White-the witch says Mirror Mirror on the wall, right?
    WHen you go back and watch it, she says MAGIC mirror on the wall.
    Ah but in the original Grimm translated from German it is "mirror, mirror." :-)

    (I didn't have those Bears; I had the Brothers Grimm and A.A. Milne. But maybe kids wanted those Bears to be Jewish, LOL. I mean, really, who the fuck is named BerenSTAIN except those two? Who wrote kids books about bears.)

    One of my faves, though, is "Play it, Sam." (Bogart never said "Play it again, Sam.")

    Oh, also:

    "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." (NOT: "Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore.")

    I don't know why people are so uptight about stuff like this, I think it's great fun. And quite simple, really.

    Like people being convinced, for years, that Abe Vigoda was dead. Except he wasn't. And each time he "died," the world had to again be convinced he wasn't dead. And then he finally really did die. And nobody was sure if he was really dead. Lol.

    And Walt Disney wasn't frozen cryogenically, either; he was cremated. That actually bummed me out because the cryogenics story was so cool. No pun intended.*

    *That reminds me of that "Disney on Ice!!" skit, I think it was SCTV, where Walt Disney's coffin was out on the ice rink sliding around to various Disney theme music with spotlights on it ...
    Last edited by allegro; 06-16-2016 at 02:42 AM.

  3. #33
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    Just for fun I feel it's worth mentioning people such as Elon Musk have said that there's a high chance we're in a computer simulation rather than a tangible physical reality, so this is just the Matrix and they changed something. Look out for passing cats and bricked over windows, everybody

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    Just for fun I feel it's worth mentioning people such as Elon Musk have said that there's a high chance we're in a computer simulation rather than a tangible physical reality, so this is just the Matrix and they changed something. Look out for passing cats and bricked over windows, everybody
    ha! i, and a few friends, have had moments of "damn, the matrix just glitched."

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khrz View Post
    I agree with @ldopa here.
    It's interesting, but we rewrite ourselves constantly, let our memories be rewritten by what we eventually decide to believe.
    OR you can decide that you're drifting from one dimension to the other with every passing second, wonder what it's about, question it until you have an answer, and lose your energy making sense of a mirror maze.
    It's fun, for a while, but it doesn't give you directions. To me, that's pointless.

    Everything might be fake for all I know. But the world I witness around me is the only one I can actually navigate. Really the ground under my feet is the only part that matters, as it's the only part that supports me.
    this is actually how i manage to stay "sane".
    thanks for summing it up, Khrz.

    however, i still keep looking for the side door...the off switch...the dimensional hub... ;p

    and i love that elevenism examines this stuff, and shares it. please don't ever stop sharing your open mind, and your perspective.
    Last edited by Lew; 06-16-2016 at 06:27 PM.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Ah but in the original Grimm translated from German it is "mirror, mirror." :-)

    (I didn't have those Bears; I had the Brothers Grimm and A.A. Milne. But maybe kids wanted those Bears to be Jewish, LOL. I mean, really, who the fuck is named BerenSTAIN except those two? Who wrote kids books about bears.)

    One of my faves, though, is "Play it, Sam." (Bogart never said "Play it again, Sam.")

    Oh, also:

    "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." (NOT: "Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore.")

    I don't know why people are so uptight about stuff like this, I think it's great fun. And quite simple, really.

    Like people being convinced, for years, that Abe Vigoda was dead. Except he wasn't. And each time he "died," the world had to again be convinced he wasn't dead. And then he finally really did die. And nobody was sure if he was really dead. Lol.

    And Walt Disney wasn't frozen cryogenically, either; he was cremated. That actually bummed me out because the cryogenics story was so cool. No pun intended.*

    *That reminds me of that "Disney on Ice!!" skit, I think it was SCTV, where Walt Disney's coffin was out on the ice rink sliding around to various Disney theme music with spotlights on it ...
    there are fucking SCORES of them.
    99 percent of them are obviously just false memories, but there ARE a few head scratchers for me.
    Also, i'm absolutely convinced that all of the "ghosts" i see are shadows of people from a near dimension.
    But then again, good old eleveno IS crazy...

    But if Michio Kaku tells me that there are probably dinosaurs in our living rooms and we just aren't tuned into the right "frequency" to see them...

    I will say that there is one more that i DAMN sure don't remember-the Volvo logo being like surrounded by a male gender symbol.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I will say that there is one more that i DAMN sure don't remember-the Volvo logo being like surrounded by a male gender symbol.
    I feel like this in particular is more in line with the Joshua Tree Epiphany.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    will say that there is one more that i DAMN sure don't remember-the Volvo logo being like surrounded by a male gender symbol.
    I love logos because I was in advertising, and I only recently figured out that the Acura logo is just a kind of bent version of the Honda logo, heh. That's brilliant.

  9. #39
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    I don't think this stuff is officially a part of the "Mandela Affect" (logos and all that) but I used to kinda be fascinated with subliminal advertising, like "SEX" in the ice cubes in this ad:

  10. #40
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    oh hell yeah @allegro . i love that type of thing too.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I feel like this in particular is more in line with the Joshua Tree Epiphany.
    what is that @theimage13 ? the link is broken

  12. #42
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    Stephen Hawking believes that black holes could be a portal to parallel universes. If he says so, it may be possible; I'm not going to argue with him.

    As for the Mandela Effect: I've never experience any of the "signs" of it except for the movie misquotes. However, I've always been intrigued by something: I often dreams I'm watching a movie (or even a whole series) that doesn't exist in real life. I've even "watched" the same "movie" several times. And it's not just glimpses too: it's like in real life; sitting in a theater (or the tv) and watching the whole thing from beginning to the end. Usually, right after I wake up, I can even remember the score of those "movies".

    It's either me having a really vivid imagination or I'm watching stuff from another dimension. Who knows?

  13. #43
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    We already have a Drugs thread here.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I love logos because I was in advertising, and I only recently figured out that the Acura logo is just a kind of bent version of the Honda logo, heh. That's brilliant.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfkiller View Post
    Nah, that's completely different. Hyundai had to do an "H" but an "H" that was totally different than Honda's. And they succeeded. It's also a silhouette of two guys shaking hands.

    Honda's and Acura's look something like an emblem on a uniform on the Starship Enterprise. Hyundai's doesn't.

    The Acura logo is actually designed to look like a pair of calipers inside an oval.

    "We do know that Honda wanted its logo to reflect trustworthiness, reliability, and durability—and the wide/thick lettering reflects that. The “H” is broader at the top and narrower at the bottom, as if its arms are raised toward the sky—a fitting stance considering the company’s belief in reaching for one’s dreams (the official motto being “The Power of Dreams”)."
    Last edited by allegro; 06-19-2016 at 08:07 PM.

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    I am tired of people being so dismissive of actual high strangeness because "science."
    I don't dismiss the so-called Mandela Effect (actually a better description would be 'sticky memories', because they get stuck in the brain's 'truthiness detector' despite overwhelming evidence that they're wrong); however, I disbelieve that this phenomenon constitutes evidence of parallel realities. The human memory system is incredibly fallible, particularly when the brain is presented with confusing information (how could Berenstain even be a real surname, when the one I remember is clearly more plausible? how could a political prisoner become the democratically elected president of his nation after spending DECADES in jail? how could the thing I SWEAR TO GOD I HEARD ONE WAY actually turn out to be a different way — after hearing an almost infinite number of other things in the intervening years). But there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio. Seeing is believing (or rather, observation is evidence), but memory cannot be trusted. Institutional safeguards at all levels of society exist to prevent this fact from fucking up the everyday operations of our lives. If you relied on your memory, quite quickly you'd be fucked over by its failings. This has been demonstrated ad nauseum.

    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Science is as faulty as religion.
    The science i learned in school in the nineties is mostly obsolete. We just discovered another fucking planet in the solar system. We don't know shit. The arrogance takes me aback, and it is quite similar to the arrogance of religious zealots.
    True, we as individuals don't have a reliable view of reality (see above), but the good news is that science actually takes this into account and can revise its conclusions to better reflect improved data that conflicts with older explanatory models. That very same conflicting data, when shown to contradict your personalized theory of how things happened in your memory, in my view, causes the strangeness of sticky memories. Pluto was totally a planet and now it's not considered to be one anymore, but these fucking scientists are saying there's ANOTHER planet out even further?? What the fuck, scientists??!? (From what I've heard, the 'new' planet has not yet been observed, it's only theoretical at this point.) This is potentially upsetting, to be sure, but it's not evidence that science is broken — this is actually evidence that it's doing its job.

    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    SO-there is this Ayn-Randian objective box into which all knowledge must neatly fit.
    If anyone believes, or even ponders, anything that doesn't fit into this agreed-upon box, they are labeled a "wacky conspiracy theorist" (even when the subject at hand doesn't involve any conspiracy. Look up the word conspiracy. Hundreds of millions of "conspiracies" are committed every day) and dismissed.
    This is called "contempt prior to investigation."
    Everyone knows everything and speaks from an intellectual high ground on which they have already solved all the mysteries of the universe, and frankly, it maddens me.
    I'm not speaking about anything that's unavailable to anyone with the ability and will to investigate. You can come to whatever conclusion about the mysteries you want. I'd like to judge people only by the quality of their ideas, and sometimes more particularly their ability to make them useful. Parallel realities on those counts doesn't cut the mustard for me, no matter who's saying it.
    Last edited by botley; 06-19-2016 at 05:47 PM.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    The human memory system is incredibly fallible
    And amazing that if even WORKS, especially if you take some neurology classes; you walk away going, "holy shit, that's incredible!"

    Memory is also highly subject to the power of suggestion, e.g. the Mandela Affect.

    Or why sometimes what we think we remember is what we dreamed. Some of our memories are not real.
    Last edited by allegro; 06-19-2016 at 05:41 PM.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Parallel realities on those counts doesn't cut the mustard for me, no matter who's saying it.
    I am a big Michio Kaku fan.

    Also, @botley , as far as the paranormal stuff goes, most of it for me is for fun.
    SOME of it crosses the line, but usually it's more of a "what if."

    edit: Furthermore, i don't believe that i have said anything in this thread regarding parallel realities.
    I said high strangeness.
    @allegro , at least half of my favorite memories aren't real.
    Last edited by elevenism; 06-19-2016 at 06:57 PM.

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    what is that @theimage13 ? the link is broken
    Once upon a time, Robin received a tree identifying book whereyou could match a tree up with its name by looking at its picture.Robin decided to go out and identify the trees in theneighborhood. Before she went out, she read through part of thebook. The first tree in the book was the Joshua tree because itonly took two clues to identify it.

    Now the Joshua tree is a really weird-looking tree and she lookedat that picture and said to herself, "Oh, we don’t have that kind oftree in Northern California. That is a weird-looking tree. I wouldknow if I saw that tree, and I’ve never seen one before."So she took the book and went outside.

    Her parents lived in acul-de-sac of six homes. Four of those homes had Joshua trees inthe front yard. She had lived in that house for thirteen years, andshe had never seen a Joshua tree.She took a walk around the block - at least 80 percent of thehomes had Joshua trees in the front yards. And she had swornshe had never seen one before!

    The moral of the story? Once Robin was conscious of the tree,once she could name it, she saw could see it everywhere. Whichis exactly my point. Once you can name something, you’reconscious of it. You have power over it. You own it. You’re incontrol.

  20. #50
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    i like how this thread can and is evolving into discussion of the bizarre nature of natural consciousness.

    thanks @theimage13

  21. #51
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    so since i got interested in the mandela effect, my youtube feed has been full of it.

    And 99.9999% of these videos are things like people saying that they KNOW for CERTAIN that Anne Rice's Interview With The Vampire was Interview With A vampire...shit like that interspersed with sheer fucking lunacy.

    So i now understand how the mere mention of this phenomenon elicited a groan.

  22. #52
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    THAT BEING SAID, since we started talking about the bizarre nature of human consciousness in general, check THIS shit out.

    This amazes me. I'm sure a lot of you english majors have known about this for a hot minute but it's new to me

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I don't think this stuff is officially a part of the "Mandela Affect" (logos and all that) but I used to kinda be fascinated with subliminal advertising, like "SEX" in the ice cubes in this ad:

    whoa, holy shit. it works.
    i just pulled up this page again and i swear to god i saw "dirty" instead of "dry" BEFORE i consciously saw sex in the ice cubes.
    I don't think it's a coincidence. i think my judeo christian subconscious saw sex and thought dirty :P

  24. #54
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    Are any of you mandela affected?
    This thing is happening.
    I'm not saying it's evidence of ANYTHING in particular, but the phenomenon IS happening.

    here is a VERY small handful of examples

    Whether it is mass confabulation or evidence of something stranger, it is fascinating.
    Last edited by elevenism; 02-15-2017 at 04:49 PM.

  25. #55
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    Visualise the Boris Karloff portrayal of Frankenstein' s monster... walking with arms outstretched? Never actually did that.

    Lon Chaney' s portrayal did, for part of one obscure later sequel. For some reason it has taken root as a popular image and people swear blind that's how he acts in Frankenstein and bride of Frankenstein

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Are any of you mandela affected?
    This thing is happening.
    I'm not saying it's evidence of ANYTHING in particular, but the phenomenon IS happening.

    here is a VERY small handful of examples

    Whether it is mass confabulation or evidence of something stranger, it is fascinating.
    I think a HUGE number of these are simply the effect of people trying to remember things from an entirely different developmental period - childhood vs adulthood. Things like Froot Loops, Looney Tunes, etc - it's all stuff that you never really paid that close attention to as a freaking five year old, so you're only freaked out about it when you suddenly realize that something was spelled different. Although for some reason, I do specifically remember Looney Tunes.

    Sex and the City? It's because people don't enunciate when they speak and the title "Sex IN the City" still makes sense, so it just doesn't get questioned. No one pays close attention to seeing the title in print; they just see the overall title (or a picture of the foursome) and know what they're watching. They don't pay attention to each individual word.

    Berenstain Bears? I don't know a single middle-aged person who is adamant that it was Berenstein. I, as someone who was on the receiving end of a number of readings of those books, don't strongly recall it being -ein the way that other people seem to be. This feels more like hysteria to me (an idea has been planted, and now other people SWEAR they feel / remember something the same way).

    I'm all for mindfucks and things that make me go "wait.........what? Crazy!" But this just doesn't feel that way to me.

  27. #57
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    Never heard anyone call it sex in the city tbh

    Another classic is "beam me up Scotty" - never actually said

    I think you're onto something the idea of the childish brain playing a part. I'm a big fan of classic era doctor who, and when people over thirty find this out they often describe fictional, exaggerated or incorrect episodes and sequences they swear they saw as a child. It's so common that I basically expect it
    Last edited by Sutekh; 02-16-2017 at 08:00 PM.

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I think a HUGE number of these are simply the effect of people trying to remember things from an entirely different developmental period - childhood vs adulthood. Things like Froot Loops, Looney Tunes, etc - it's all stuff that you never really paid that close attention to as a freaking five year old, so you're only freaked out about it when you suddenly realize that something was spelled different. Although for some reason, I do specifically remember Looney Tunes.)

    Sex and the City? It's because people don't enunciate when they speak and the title "Sex IN the City" still makes sense, so it just doesn't get questioned. No one pays close attention to seeing the title in print; they just see the overall title (or a picture of the foursome) and know what they're watching. They don't pay attention to each individual word.

    Berenstain Bears? I don't know a single middle-aged person who is adamant that it was Berenstein. I, as someone who was on the receiving end of a number of readings of those books, don't strongly recall it being -ein the way that other people seem to be. This feels more like hysteria to me (an idea has been planted, and now other people SWEAR they feel / remember something the same way).

    I'm all for mindfucks and things that make me go "wait.........what? Crazy!" But this just doesn't feel that way to me.
    I agree with a lot of what you are saying. As i stated above in this thread, 99% of these are nonsense for me. Some of it is even frustratingly goofy, like Sex In/And the City, and Interview With A/The Vampire (i've been correcting people about that one for around 25 years. And i, too, remember Looney Tunes.
    If you look at a LOT of the examples, you may just find one that fucks your head up.
    For me and my mother (who is nobody's fool and pulled a 4.0 in nursing school,) it was Berenstein/Berenstain Bears first off. My mother went out of her way to explain to me that it was a Jewish name and showed me how to sound it out and taught me the possible pronunciations, steen and styne.
    Another one that blows my mind is "mirror mirror on the wall." It never said that; it said "Magic Mirror." Now this isn't the result of me remembering all the pop culture references that misquoted it. I OWNED that motherfucking movie. And if you are of a certain age, you probably know what that means-i watched it over and over and over again, as we did with the few VCR tapes we actually owned in the 80s and 90s. Also, i watched it with my niece a few years ago.
    One that has my mom tripped out is Ed McMahon never worked for Publisher's Clearinghouse.
    While he did work as a spokesperson for a DIFFERENT publishing company, he never went to people's houses carrying a giant check.
    As you mentioned some examples, maybe you have already seen them all and aren't affected.
    A lot of us are though, and i'm not crazy or stupid. Some of my friends who went to the same gifted and talented schools i attended and now hold master's degrees and shit are also affected by this strange phenomenon.

    And it's a field day for me, because i LOOOOOOVE weird shit :P

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sesquipedalism View Post
    What's that now?
    It was ineffective advertising on one company's part that led to a misconception that simply spread like wildfire.

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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    It was ineffective advertising on one company's part that led to a misconception that simply spread like wildfire.
    yeah i read that article.
    i didn't know shit about ed mcmahon. that one wasn't mine.

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