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Thread: Rank NIN Albums

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    This is really tough. But before I go into any list I think it is important to set the ground rules for the ranking, for example the OP didn't include Ghosts because it is an instrumental album.

    So, I guess my first criteria would be that only NIN official releases count and that this is not a TR list. So no GWTDT, TSN or HDA. The second, is that this is purely subjective based on my tastes right now, with maybe some consideration given to the effect these albums have had on me over the years. I will not, however, be giving any consideration at all to the public's perception of the albums. So TDS being one of the hallmark 90s releases won't have any effect on my ranking it but the fact that TF was my first ever NIN album may solidify its position at number 1 because I'm a sentimental motherfucker and it was basically my first love.

    I know exactly what 1 and 2 will be, and I know what is going to be last, but 3-8 are really tough choices.

    1. The Fragile - Trent's most masterful work. Two CD sprawling opus that changed the way I listened to music. From the first time I heard it, NIN were my favorite band. If I was a little older and had been introduced to TDS first, then TDS might take top spot, but even ignoring the sentimentality of The Fragile, it still takes top spot. This has been and always will be my favorite NIN album. The day that the Ultra Deluxe Remastered Edition is released is the day my life will be complete. Goddamn, I really hope that it is still in the plans at some point.

    2. The Downward Spiral - Easy number 2 choice. I don't feel like a whole ton more has to be said because these top two seem fairly obvious to me - and apparently almost everyone else because TDS and TF are numbers 1/2 on almost every list.

    3. Hesitation Marks - This might be the euphoria of a new album dropping but I'm pretty confident in this choice at number 3. HM feels like TR has taken all of my favorite things from WT, YZ and The Slip and combined that with a new direction and HM is what came out.

    4. Ghosts I-IV - When I was in University I bet I listened to this album 200 times because any time I was writing a paper, I would put it on repeat and it would be my sountrack to writing for hours on end. I disagree with the comments in this thread that it is too long, isn't as tight as it could be, is directionless or anything else that has been mentioned in this thread (although I might use some of those comments for a GWTDT review but I digress). It is just so beautiful in so many ways. Never has an album that is without a single word said so much to me.

    5. With Teeth - Again my sentimentality is probably what puts this ahead of my 6th-8th choices, as this was the first NIN album that I heard on release day (at the time anyway). It certainly has some weaker songs, like The Collector, but to this day Sunspots is in my top 3 NIN songs of all time.

    6. Year Zero - It does have a couple of tracks I'm not overly fond of but I love the way it represented such a shift from WT and then to The Slip. Both WT and the Slip seem to be more on the Broken side of the pendulum, being more rock oriented with a raw stripped down kind of a feel. YZ feels now like very much a precursor to HM in that it was very electronic focused.

    7. Broken - I couldn't decide where the heck to put this. Slight disadvantage in that it is so short but it is also the album I'd most likely describe as being like getting hit with a sledge hammer. What it lacks in length, it certainly makes up for in intensity.

    8. The Slip - I really wanted to put this higher but there is just so many strong candidates in the previous 7 spaces. Even in an all-star game, someone still has to get picked last, or in this case second last. Good album and unlike some of the previous choices there isn't a single song I don't like but it also doesn't have any game breakers that take it to the next level.

    9. Pretty Hate Machine - As mentioned, only my 1/2 choices and this one were set in stone before I even thought about ranking the albums. I don't dislike PHM, and I'm definitely too young to have appreciated its effect in the late 80s/early 90s, but even though it has grown on me, it still sounds a bit dated and is the only album I don't listen to regularly. I also prefer the live versions of pretty much every song that is played live. There are a few songs in the NIN catalogue that I prefer live but rare that I prefer all the live versions to the studio versions. I don't hate it. I just don't love it as much as the others.

    If I were to incorporate TSN and TGWTDT, I'd put TSN in 4th and bump Ghosts down to 5th and so on. And then I'd put TGWTDT somewhere around Broken/The Slip, maybe ahead of both or between or behind both. Not sure. That one never grabbed me like the others. Still is hard to place too because while I like that record, it is really the last half of the album that I love, specifically AATCHB. Overall though I'd have to place it in the lower half. Probably same or similar to TGWTDT.
    Last edited by Winter Is Coming; 08-29-2013 at 11:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    1. Broken
    2. With_Teeth
    3. The Fragile
    4. Year Zero
    5. Still
    6. Hesitation Marks
    7. The Downward Spiral
    8. Pretty Hate Machine
    9. The Slip
    10. Ghosts

  3. #3
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    1.The Downward Spiral
    2.The Fragile
    3.With Teeth
    5.Hesitation Marks
    7.Year Zero
    8.The Slip

    Obviously HM could move up or down, but It's going to have to grow on me pretty hard to knock any of those
    top 4 albums out..

  4. #4
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    9. Year Zero (love the story/concept behind it though) 8. The Slip 7. Pretty Hate Machine 6. Broken 5. With_Teeth 4. Ghosts 3. Hesitation Marks 2. The Downward Spiral 1. The Fragile

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    5 Post(s)
    1. The Fragile 5/5
    2. The Downward Spiral 5/5
    3. Hesitation Marks 4.5/5
    4. Year Zero 4/5
    5. Ghosts 3.5/5
    6. The Slip 3/5
    7. Pretty Hate Machine 3/5
    8. Broken 2.5/5
    9. With Teeth (A fucking awful album. THTF, Only and the final 3 save it from not being a 0 in my book, the final three are some of my favorite ever.) 1.5/5
    Last edited by ninsp; 08-28-2013 at 01:17 AM.

  6. #6
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    I'll rank em all.

    1. The Fragile
    2. The Downward Spiral
    3. Hesitation Marks
    4. With Teeth
    5. Broken
    6. Ghosts I-IV
    7. Still
    8. Pretty Hate Machine
    9. The Slip
    10. And All That Could Have Been
    11. Year Zero

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    282 Post(s)
    01 - Broken
    02 - The Fragile
    03 - Still
    04 - Pretty Hate Machine
    05 - The Downward Spiral
    06 - The Slip
    07 - Hesitation Marks
    08 - Year Zero
    09 - AATCHB
    10 - With Teeth
    11 - Ghosts I-IV

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    My original ranking as of Dec 9, 2011:

    Quote Originally Posted by ManBurning View Post

    1. The Fragile
    2. The Downward Spiral
    3. The Slip
    4. Pretty Hate Machine
    5. With_Teeth
    6. Broken
    7. Year Zero
    8. Ghosts I-IV
    And now, a year and a half and a new Album later, let's see how my opinion has changed:
    The way I scored it this time was I went over and looked at the tracklisting of each album and added up how many songs I liked very album and divided it by the number of songs on the album. Here is what I came up with... For albums that had identical percentage, I ranked it based on the songs I liked on the album compared to the songs I liked on the other with the same score.

    1. The Fragile - 20/23 = 86.9%
    2. The Downward Spiral - 12/14 = 85.7%
    3. Pretty Hate Machine - 8/10 = 80%
    4. The Slip - 5/10 = 50%
    5. Broken - 4/8 = 50%
    6. Hesitation Marks 7/14 = 50%
    7. Year Zero - 7/16 = 43%
    8. [With_Teeth] - 5/13 = 38.4%
    9. Ghosts I-IV - 7/36 = 19.4%

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    The Fragile
    The Downward Spiral
    Hesitation Marks
    Pretty Hate Machine
    The Slip
    Year Zero
    With Teeth

  10. #10
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    The Fragile
    The Downward Spiral
    Pretty Hate Machine
    The Slip
    Hesitation Marks
    With Teeth
    Year Zero

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    A tier: Tightly competing, but far and away better than the B-Tier albums
    1.The Downward Spiral
    2a. (TGWTDT)
    3.Ghosts/The Fragile (These are competing right now, I often apply something similar to ManBurnings grading system above, actually... but Ghosts has a significant handicap here by virtue of having more tracks.)

    B-Tier, Very tight, :
    1.Pretty Hate Machine
    2.Hesitation Marks/Year Zero (Another competition spot. Year Zero's status as a multimedia ARG project gives it an edge)
    3. Quake
    4. HTDA
    5. With Teeth

    C Tier:
    1. Welcome Oblivion
    2. an Omen
    3. Social Network

    D Tier:
    The Slip

    Quote Originally Posted by Wretchedest View Post
    The Downward Spiral
    The Fragile
    Year Zero
    Dragon Tattoo
    Social Network
    With Teeth

    Honestly I don't know how the lack of lyrics automatically makes it not music... that seems really stupid to me. Vox are but one instrument, not the lynchpin of the whole operation.
    From two years ago... lots of movers! Notably my opinion of Year Zero has fallen, as has the Fragile maybe in part because Ghosts and Broken picked up steam.

    Also Notable: HTDA growing on me quite a bit.
    Last edited by Wretchedest; 08-28-2013 at 04:40 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    3 Post(s)
    1. The Downward Spiral
    3. Pretty Hate Machine
    5.The Fragile
    6. AATCHB
    7. With Teeth
    8. Things Falling Apart
    9. Ghosts
    10. Year Zero

    The top 5 will mix between themselves at random.

    I'm curious how HM can honestly be in anyone's list this early. If you heard every album for the first time in the last few days then yes.
    It's new music after a long hiatus. It's fresh, it's exciting, it's probably been on constant rotation.
    It's also 2 days old
    Last edited by the_tic_begins; 08-28-2013 at 07:18 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    4 Post(s)
    1. The Fragile
    2. The Downward Spiral
    3. Still
    4. Broken
    5. With Teeth
    6. The Slip
    7. Pretty Hate Machine
    8. Year Zero
    9. AATCHB
    10 Ghosts

    I agree, too early for HM, but if things stay the way they are now, it will be #3. Some of the WT songs are my favorite nails songs of all time (the ending trinity). And some of the Ghosts songs are some of my favorite as well (wish he made a few of them with vocals and held them for a different album).

  14. #14
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    Including HTDA and soundtracks, but not Still or the live and remix albums, because that's how I roll.

    Commander-in-Chief: Downward Spiral
    General: Year Zero
    Brigadier: Welcome Oblivion
    Colonel: Fragile
    Major: Social Network OST
    Captain: Hesitation Marks
    Lieutenant: With Teeth
    Sergeant: Quake OST
    Corporal: HTDA EP
    Private: Broken
    Drill Instructor: The Slip
    Private Pyle: Girl With The Dragon Tattoo OST
    Janitor: Pretty Hate Machine
    Jizzmopper: Ghosts

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    As of right now....

    1. The Downward Spiral
    2. The Fragile
    3. Broken
    4. Year Zero
    5. Pretty Hate Machine
    6. Still
    7. Hesitation Marks
    8. Ghosts I-IV
    9. The Slip
    10. With Teeth

  16. #16
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    I just thought that I'd give this another attempt.

    1. The Downward Spiral
    2. The Fragile
    3. Pretty Hate Machine
    4. Broken
    5. Year Zero
    6. With Teeth
    7. The Slip
    8. Ghosts I-IV

  17. #17
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    Not always but right now....

    1-The Fragile
    2-Pretty Hate machine
    4-The Downard Spiral
    6-Year Zero
    7-With Teeth
    9-Further Down The Spiral
    10-The Slip
    11-Strobe Light

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonkaos View Post
    Not always but right now....

    1-The Fragile
    2-Pretty Hate machine
    4-The Downard Spiral
    6-Year Zero
    7-With Teeth
    9-Further Down The Spiral
    10-The Slip
    11-Strobe Light
    Clearly your placement of Strobe Light is incorrect.

  19. #19
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    TF, TDS, Broken, HM, WT, PHM, YZ, TS, Ghosts

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    I - The Fragile
    II - The Downward Spiral
    III - Hesitation Marks
    IV - Broken
    V - Still
    VI - Year Zero
    VII - With Teeth
    VIII - Pretty Hate Machine

    IX - Ghosts I-IV
    X - The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
    XI - Social Network

    The instrumental work deserves a separate category, it's hard to compare it to lyrical music.
    Last edited by exactlythesame; 08-31-2013 at 12:41 AM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    The Fragile
    Hesitation Marks
    The Slip
    With Teeth
    Year Zero

  22. #22
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    Rank NIN Albums

    The fragile

    Downward spiral

    Hesitations marks

    Year zero

    Fixed (like it better than broken even though not a real album)


    Pretty hate machine


    Slip (I agree what the person above said)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

  23. #23
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    I've excluded all the EP, Live and Remix releases from my strictly Album (LP) only list (which is the reason why you don't find the 'Broken' EP there).

    1. The Downward Spiral
    2. Pretty Hate Machine
    3. Hesitation Marks
    4. With Teeth
    5. Year Zero
    6. The Slip
    7. The Fragile
    8. Ghosts I-IV

  24. #24
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    1. The Fragile
    2. The Downward Spiral
    3. Year Zero
    4. Ghosts I-IV
    5. Broken
    6. With Teeth
    7. Pretty Hate Machine
    8. The Slip

    Not going to rank Hesitation Marks until I've had a few months with it, but my initial impression is that it could wind up supplanting Year Zero as my #3 favorite, or crack my top 4. It's really, really fucking good, but...need time before I can properly place it.

  25. #25
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    the fragile (left)
    the downward spiral
    with teeth
    ghosts i-iv
    the fragile (right)
    hesitation marks
    year zero
    pretty hate machine
    the slip

  26. #26
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    Did not include live stuff, still or any of the remix records.

    The Fragile
    Hesitation Marks
    The slip
    With teeth
    Year zero

  27. #27
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    New ranking:

    1. The Downward Spiral/The Fragile
    2. Ghosts I-IV
    3. Hesitation Marks
    4. Year Zero
    5. Broken
    6. With Teeth
    7. The Slip
    8. Pretty Hate Machine

  28. #28
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    1. The Downward Spiral-masterpiece from start to finish.
    2. The Fragile-just short of masterpiece, some filler and white noise, but 90+% is brilliant.
    3. Pretty Hate Machine-some of it has not held up (kinda I want to), but most of it is stellar and sounds fresh still, didn't fall victim to the 80's or Nirvana.
    4. Year Zero-surprisingly diverse, goes heavy to mellow, last album to really have the edge of NIN, not a personal album, but still angry, and NIN is at its best when TR is angry.
    5. Broken-would be higher if there was more of it. Only Tom Morello and Dimebag Darrell played guitar angrier than what TR did here.
    6. With Teeth-lots of good stuff here, but not a cohesive album, the first one on this list that I skip around and don't play through. seems like a greatest hits record comprised of all new material
    7. Hesitation Marks-doesn't do much for me, 4-5 songs are enjoyable to me, hopefully over time it will grow on me.-
    8.The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo-only 2 songs that have vocals and none are TR, but its still better than the rest
    9. Still-more The Becoming
    10. The Slip-IMHO-the low point of NIN, I don't like any of it
    11. Ghosts-I barely count this as NIN, but its on the list because so far, its the only way Ive been able to get TR's autograph
    12. The Social Network-Interview on the DVD is cool

    I factor in the quality of songs when played live and the artwork in addition to the studio recording. I figure if TR goes out of his way to make each album a multi-media experience, then I treat them as such. No remix or Live, redundant.

  29. #29
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    1- TDS
    2- Broken
    3- The Fragile
    4- PHM
    5- Withahha_Teethhaa!!
    (big drop off IMO after this)
    6- Year Zero (much like TF, a grower- but nothing ends up sticking out)
    7- Hesitation Marks (after multiple listens and seeing Tension live multiple times still doesn't do much for me :/ I've yet to come across someone in person to have anything good to say about HM)
    8- The Slip (understanding the process of the album, it ends up being OK at best- but only us NIN dorks know how it came to be. I can understand someone picking this out never hearing of NIN, and wondering what the fuss is all about with NIN)
    9- Ghosts (don't consider it a NIN album, I understand it to be labeled as such for marketing purposes though)

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    3 Post(s)
    The Fragile
    The Downward Spiral
    Hesitation Marks
    Year Zero
    Pretty Hate Machine
    With Teeth
    The Slip
    Ghosts I-IV

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