1. The Fragile- pretty easy number one choice. It's like the definitive NIN album, all of the interesting sounds Trent has dabbled in throughout his entire career seem to make an appearance. Pretty impressive beast of a record.
2. With Teeth- underrated masterpiece IMO. So many great tracks, All the Love, TLBTB, BYIT, RWIB. Never understood the hate for this one.
3. The Downward Spiral- deserves its recognition and hype.
4. Pretty Hate Machine- a good pop record.
5. Year Zero- some beats are a tad too similar and samey, but some great tracks here nonetheless.
6. The Slip- I actually really liked The Slip, it just feels a tad unfinished. 1,000,000, Head Down and Lights in The Sky are all essential NIN though.
7. Broken- I do love the heaviness of it, but the brevity of it makes it hard to compare with full-length releases. Plus, I was never the hugest fan of HIS, the outro is overlong.
8. Ghosts I-IV- honestly not a bad album, but certainly his most underwhelming. It probably would have been better if some of the fat had been trimmed from it, but it's a nice album to return to if you're in the mood for it.