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Thread: Dakota Access Pipeline [DAPL] Protests

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubeninphoenix View Post
    Apparently, they can continue along even after the permit was denied by the ACoE but they'll just have to pay some fines and order additional environmental studies. Those of you who say they feel jaded by the announcement, you would be right to do so sadly.
    I don't think there were proper impact studies to begin with, that's the problem. This is Federal land (well, actually, it's Reservation land that was annexed) so the Feds have full power to stop construction but they won't. They can shut work down without a permit but won't, They can shut work down pending impact studies. They can enforce that. But will they? It depends on if this administration wants to give a shit or wants it to be a giant pimple on Trump's ass, especially now that Vets are acting as human shields.

    It sucks that it came to this, having read this:
    Last edited by allegro; 12-04-2016 at 11:07 PM.

  2. #62
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    The White House’s directive today to the Corps for further delay is just the latest in a series of overt and transparent political actions by an administration which has abandoned the rule of law in favor of currying favor with a narrow and extreme political constituency.
    As stated all along, ETP and SXL are fully committed to ensuring that this vital project is brought to completion and fully expect to complete construction of the pipeline without any additional rerouting in and around Lake Oahe. Nothing this Administration has done today changes that in any way.

  3. #63
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    Merry Christmas y'all.

    Last edited by Aladdinsanity; 12-05-2016 at 11:30 PM.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubeninphoenix View Post
    If they're obeying all laws, then what's the problem here? Don't answer that. I'm going to do some research and then write my thoughts in this post later in an edit.

  5. #65
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    here are some facts there is little or no regulation in north dakota. line was supose to go through bismark.

  6. #66
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    BLM is fundraising and organizing to send organizers and supplies.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by cashpiles View Post
    If they're obeying all laws, then what's the problem here? Don't answer that. I'm going to do some research and then write my thoughts in this post later in an edit.
    What that article isn't saying is that it's big money vs. a bunch of unrepresented Indians who didn't know the right way to go up against big money oil companies or the government. Lack of adequate representation. A full environmental impact study should have been done, as it was in Bismarck (which shut down the project and re-routed it). Near the current site, only an environmental "assessment" was done, which is a quick-and-dirty and cheap way to push through this project, not NEARLY as comprehensive as a full impact study. The fear of having pipelines under rivers and lakes is due to disasters like this. Or these. And this.

    The Department of Justice (as well as the United Nations) saw that these indigenous people were unrepresented in this matter and even though you can offer them "meetings" that does not mean that they will be "heard" and they know this, they know it's mere protocol "for the record" so that the record can show that there was a meeting or meetings, but not that any of the tribes' concerns would be actually acknowledged and considered and appropriate actions would taken, and there is a high level of mistrust, here, where these Native Americans truly do not trust the white man based on literally hundreds of years of sneaky bamboozling and treatment, so that is why the easement was denied the other day and a full impact study has now being done and that pipeline to be re-routed as that is the Native American's only source of water, plus the pipeline is digging up areas of ancient burial sites.

    This has happened against these Indians COUNTLESS times in the past, where they have been taken advantage of, their land stolen from them, etc., without adequate representation, without the finances to hire big guns like that, without the legal understanding as to the proper way to fight this, etc. The above article is deliberately weighted to show the oil company's and the government's "oh well" attitude.

    Last edited by allegro; 12-06-2016 at 12:32 PM.

  8. #68
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    So in the two previous videos I posted, a few people did some viral footwork in tracing the plate numbers of the van which the harasser was using to tail the two people you see in the car... and it turns out the van itself is the vehicle used for inmate transfers via Morton County. If I allow myself to be the most cynical person to walk this dark green/yellow/gray/brown earth, I would get the feeling that Sunoco and Energy Transfers are paying Morton County under the table.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aladdinsanity View Post
    So in the two previous videos I posted, a few people did some viral footwork in tracing the plate numbers of the van which the harasser was using to tail the two people you see in the car... and it turns out the van itself is the vehicle used for inmate transfers via Morton County. If I allow myself to be the most cynical person to walk this dark green/yellow/gray/brown earth, I would get the feeling that Sunoco and Energy Transfers are paying Morton County under the table.
    Well, yeah, that seems REALLY obvious considering all of this "interest" in so fervently "protecting" that area. It appears that pretty much every law enforcement agency out there is being paid A LOT of money to be out there; otherwise, there would be zero incentive to be there.

    Also, I last night with this woman who went there as a trauma counselor and who was arrested initially for "trespassing" but was then charged, with a whole bunch of other praying females, for "arson" and a bunch of other bogus FELONY charges, these women were told to PROVIDE THEIR DNA, which is fucking CRAZY. Why? Before they were even ARRAIGNED.
    Last edited by allegro; 12-06-2016 at 12:39 PM.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Also, I last night with this woman who went there as a trauma counselor and who was arrested initially for "trespassing" but was then charged, with a whole bunch of other praying females, for "arson" and a bunch of other bogus FELONY charges, these women were told to PROVIDE THEIR DNA, which is fucking CRAZY. Why? Before they were even ARRAIGNED.
    This is happening now. Give it a month. Let's just see how crazy shit gets.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    This is happening now. Give it a month. Let's just see how crazy shit gets.
    That video was horrible; women not provided with DIABETES MEDICATION and one woman's sugar count was up over FOUR HUNDRED, old women not given their heart meds, they're gonna KILL SOMEBODY, for sure. These women weren't even near any location where anything like that was going on, then they come back after having been in two jails, and the entire hill (where the ancient burial ground is located) is ON FUCKING FIRE. Why would the Native Americans burn their own fucking burial grounds? Answer: THEY WOULDN'T. Of course, these charges won't stick but abusing people and NEARLY KILLING THEM BY DENYING THEM MEDS: Cruel and unusual punishment, NEVER MIND the human rights violations by forcing them to provide fucking DNA and if they don't, then you threaten them with more "felony" charges by "non-compliance."

    what a bunch of fucking hillbillies. Of COURSE the oil companies are behind all of this. Why else would these law enforcement agencies spend all of these state and county RESOURCES on this shit where there aren't enough other revenues and taxpayers to pay for it?

  12. #72
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    Why I Joined My Fellow Vets at Standing Rock This Weekend, written by a former Marine and retired Air Traffic Controller (and father of an ACLU staff member).

    I also received the following email from the ACLU:

    On Sunday, just hours before the evacuation notice for the main protest camp at Standing Rock was to take effect, the Army Corps of Engineers denied a permit for the Dakota Access Pipeline to drill under the Missouri River – halting the pipeline construction.

    This is a testament to the organizing power and resilience of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, whose members have been fighting to protect their water and defend their sovereignty for more than nine months.

    Over a quarter million ACLU supporters joined this fight. More than 250,000 of you called on the Department of Justice to demilitarize the police force confronting the nonviolent protesters and investigate possible constitutional violations. Over 46,000 of you sent a message to the Corps telling them not to silence free speech and shut down the biggest encampment at Standing Rock.

    This fight is not over yet. The Corps must now consider alternate pipeline routes and will need to complete an Environmental Impact Statement, which could take months or years. The Standing Rock Sioux and other tribal leadership will continue to be key participants in this process.

    We will continue to pressure the Department of Justice to hold police fully accountable for civil rights abuses committed against water protectors – including the many hundreds who have been detained and face criminal charges.

    And we’ll continue to be vigilant should the Trump administration move to authorize construction on the pipeline.

    For the moment, we celebrate this victory. And we will continue to fight to protect the rights of protesters, at Standing Rock and beyond.

    Thank you for all that you have done,
    Anthony for the ACLU Action team

  13. #73
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    OMG, this made me cry. Beautiful.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    OMG, this made me cry. Beautiful.

    Ah, the feels. :')

    Word is these vets are also set to head to Flint, Michigan in the springtime to help with their water crisis. This could be the start of an anti-domestic-enemy movement.
    Last edited by Aladdinsanity; 12-07-2016 at 11:59 PM.

  15. #75
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    I received the following email from the White House today:

    Dear [redacted]:

    Thank you for writing. I want you to know that I am listening, and I appreciate your perspective.

    On December 4, the Department of the Army indicated that it will not approve an easement for the proposed Dakota Access pipeline to cross under Lake Oahe and that more work is necessary to explore alternative routes. The Department stated that it has been having discussions with officials from the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe who expressed concerns about the risk that a rupture or spill could pose to the tribe’s water supply and treaty rights. The Department indicated that consideration of alternative routes would best be accomplished through an Environmental Impact Statement with full public input and analysis.

    As President, my greatest responsibility is ensuring the safety of the American people. That includes protecting the rights of all our citizens, as well as the integrity of our energy infrastructure. My Administration has been committed to setting the highest possible standards for oil and gas production and transportation and to making sure our pursuit of energy resources does not put our communities or the environment at risk. As new energy infrastructure is developed, the Federal government works with State, local, and tribal governments—which play a central role in the siting and permitting of pipelines—to address the concerns of local communities. That’s one reason why Federal agencies have engaged in a series of consultations open to leaders from all 567 Federally‑recognized tribes about how the Federal government can improve its working relationship with tribal governments on infrastructure‑related issues. We have made a great deal of progress in building a brighter shared future with Indian Country, and we remain committed to strengthening our nation‑to‑nation relationships as we tackle the work that must still be done.

    Again, thank you for writing. I am optimistic that together, we can grow our economy and create new opportunities while securing a cleaner and safer future for all our people.


    Barack Obama
    It's nice, but of course it is kinda useless knowing the incoming administration of oil terror starts in less than a month.

  16. #76
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    Trump Revives Keystone Pipeline Rejected by Obama

    "Mr. Trump signed a document clearing the way to government approval of the pipeline as well as for the Dakota Access pipeline in North Dakota."
    Fuck. Here we go again.

  17. #77
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    This was pretty much expected to happen as soon as Trump won the election. The Democrats spent this entire time giving ineffectual gestures, so... my personal feelings have remained the same throughout this ordeal.

    That said, with the Keystone pipeline also being revived, there might be a combination of both the #IdleNoMore and #NoDAPL movements. There's a storm coming.

  18. #78
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    This is what we are fighting against. This is how they see us.

  19. #79
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    Ugh that is staggering.

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