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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #31
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    Trump literally just called CNN fake news during his press conference.

    Is anyone feeling dumber just by listening to him talk.

  2. #32
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    every time he says 'drug in-dus-treee" it sounds like a malfunctioning robot.

  3. #33
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    Props to his team for immediately coming out swinging against the Russian report and acting like the media has already discredited it, using the New York Times to their advantage even. I think they're all evil, but, geez, they really know how to control the spin, don't they? The story is now no longer "Did these things happen?" but instead "Why did CNN report on these made up allegations?" Amazing shifting of the narrative there.

    Also am I the only one who couldn't help but laugh at Pence's extremely tepid applause from the audience as he talked as though he were still at a campaign rally?

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    Also am I the only one who couldn't help but laugh at Pence's extremely tepid applause from the audience as he talked as though he were still at a campaign rally?
    That was pretty bizarre... yeah

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post

    But here's what i think is REALLY going on. Putin wanted to help trump get elected to FUCK OUR COUNTRY UP.
    I know some of you guys are russian and i have no problems with russians, so please don't take offense, but russia has always been, in most of our lifetimes, the OTHER superpower-the other side of the coin-the biggest fucking threat to the US.

    And tensions are at an all time high since the cold war; we fought a fucking proxy war in syria for fuck's sake, that i expected to errupt into world war 3 any fucking day SO...

    I think Putin is LAUGHING HIS ASS OFF at trump, thinks he's a moron, and is saying to his inner circle "look what i did to the United States, eh? have you SEEN the motherfucker who's gonna be their new COMMANDER IN CHIEF?!

    Just a (grim) thought that's been bouncing around my dome.
    its a military superpower...thats about it.....its nowhere near as powerful as the Soviet Union was or the United States today in 2017... The US is much stronger.....its not a rival to the US at all, ..Russia has a smaller economy than individual US states like California, Texas, and countries like Canada and Spain. You need money to be a superpower.
    Its only its millitary in which it is a superpower...with its fuck tonne of nukes.
    But its mostly poor. And too corrupt to make any real progress for the foreseeble future.

    I agree he wants a weaker united states though. Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union(without the communism)....the United States is the only country who has been able to stop him using brute force to get him empire back.

  6. #36
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    A pretty apt and popular (if somewhat reductive) statement I've seen a lot is "The United States is the most influential nation in the world and Russia just successfully influenced the most influential nation in the world."

    Regardless I just can't believe that there's been such an overall ... mild reaction to another foreign government and leader -- no matter the government or the leader -- hacking and influencing our democratic process. Period. Why it is that people like McCain and Graham seem to be in a minority among the rest of the Republican party on this is shocking to me and shows just how short-sighted and greedy so many of them are. Because if they can do this to the Democrats, they can do this to the Republicans, too; it's not a partisan issue, it's an American issue, and when your country's elections are being meddled with by another, no matter what they're doing or who they are, that's a gigantic problem.

    It's extremely disconcerting to me the tepid and ineffectual reaction that this has been met with, not to mention the people who have been so eager to clutch onto every last desperate straw to somehow prove it isn't what happened, and now even Trump himself is admitting to it happening, but we're just gonna get a whole lot of "Yes, and"ing and "... but it doesn't matter!"-style responses from people who, for some reason, are invested in not allowing this to be taken seriously. I just don't get it. Not at all.

  7. #37
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    nothing was answered.. now more tweet's

  8. #38
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    Even their military is crap... hopelessly out of date, their carrier nearly blew up when it rocked up in Syria and half the planes went into the ocean

    Their nuke stockpile and their current strategy are all they have going for them - that performance art loon putin has as a strategist is a legit genius. They are looking to claw back some of the losses they made territorially between 89/92, and have had some luck. The baltics will be next. Putin is doing it to legitimise his tenuously long stay in office as much as anything else

    He clearly wishes to be warm with trump - ovation in the duma, snubbing Castro's funeral etc. Or does he? This is the genius of current Russian strategy, they intentionally make serious moves, purely to confuse

    The relationship between the two will be very interesting to watch - trump has interests and debt in Russia, and Putin has billions frozen in the USA, which trump could theoretically release.

    The two have common ground, but they head up state apparatus which are practically bred to oppose each other. Extremely interesting and slightly scary times

  9. #39
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    "Fake news" is fast becoming the most meaningless and overused term ever.

  10. #40
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    I heard something on the news today (in French, because Vive le Québec libre) that made me paused because it's so true. The reporters were discussing the differences between Obama and Trump and one reporter said (about the way both of them express themselves) "We are crossing from a "we" (Obama) to an "I" (Trump)".

    And that is a scary thought.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    Trump literally just called CNN fake news during his press conference.

    Is anyone feeling dumber just by listening to him talk.
    I feel dumber reading about it.

  12. #42
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    that"press conference" had more staging than a pen and teller show.

  13. #43
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    Not even ten days in the New Year and we have Golden Shower-gate.

  14. #44
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    I feel like I'm on the biggest rollercoaster in the world and we are at the very top so high you can barely see the bottom, as the coaster cars slowly hang over the hill facing downward. My heart skips a beat the panic sets in for what will be a thrilling ride. The ride that everybody said you shouldn't go on, the ride I didn't want to go on, but I am stuck here now and I can't get off. The coaster cars start to accelerate as they begin the descent then I notice that a piece of the track is missing.

  15. #45
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    His claim that 96M people are looking for a job was so ridiculous. Not everyone out of the work force are actually looking for a job.

    But now, if CNN fact check this claim, people will scream fake news. What a mess...

  16. #46
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    I don't understand how CNN is conceivably reporting "fake news." They're addressing a controversy that erupted elsewhere and made it to the top ranks. The source and actual information may be completely fabricated (and it does sound like ridiculous BS), but if Buzzfeed actually believes the story could be credible, they are not intentionally proliferating fake information, and they even stated that it was unverified.

    What weirds me out is how furious Trump got about this one... He hardly batted an eye when he was accused of rape, or really pay much attention when several women accused him of unwanted advances and harassment... but this piss-play story got him really worked up. I was thinking "no way is this actually true" until he got so mad about it. Suddenly, it seems slightly more plausible.

  17. #47
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    i so wanted someone to go to the table with all the folders on it open one and go, "hey wait, these are all just stripper ads"

  18. #48
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    I've reached the point where I don't think there's anything left to analyze about him. I just have a mantra of "shitshowshitshowshitshowshitshow* in my head every time he opens his mouth. Four years of this, at least? I don't know if I can make it.

  19. #49
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    I'm trying to avoid everything to do with his presidency since it seems designed to give me a fucking aneurysm.

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    His claim that 96M people are looking for a job was so ridiculous. Not everyone out of the work force are actually looking for a job.

    But now, if CNN fact check this claim, people will scream fake news. What a mess...
    Doesn't he literally count everybody who doesn't have a job, like those who are too young to get one plus retirees?

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by skullboy0 View Post
    Doesn't he literally count everybody who doesn't have a job, like those who are too young to get one plus retirees?
    I thought he just made shit up, and when questioned about the veracity of his claims would just stammer about "I don't know, I read it on the Internet... Hashtag emoji zomg let's make America great again!"

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by skullboy0 View Post
    Doesn't he literally count everybody who doesn't have a job, like those who are too young to get one plus retirees?
    That 96M is the number of people out of the workforce 16 and older, which includes, retirees, disabled, sick people, stay at home parents or people that go to school.
    The TRUE number of people looking for work is anywhere between 5.1M to 14.7M depending on who you ask. Those include part-time workers looking for full-time jobs.

  23. #53
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    Just random, but you will never hear me say "not my president". I didn't vote for him of course, which just makes him the guy I didn't vote for. I don't believe in the idea that someone is the president of me, anymore than I think the people who own my apartment complex is the landlord of me, etc.

  24. #54
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  25. #55
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    wait till the inauguration

  26. #56
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    Me too. Thanks Obama!

    I'm going to miss these gentlemen and their families so much... and I'm Canadian.

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by marodi View Post
    Me too. Thanks Obama!

    I'm going to miss these gentlemen and their families so much... and I'm Canadian.
    They'll still be around.

  28. #58
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    Yeah, and Obama's farewell was the most sincere moment I've ever seen from a president in my life. The juxtaposition with Trump's "press conference" screwed me up further, but watching Obama's farewell speech made me feel like I was seeing something historic. I've never felt that way while watching someone give a prepared speech. That was brilliant and it tore my heart out.

    It is for some reason hard to watch how eloquently he is exiting. To see him honor Biden now, to ask for respect and dignity be granted to his Vice President, who was so routinely mocked and bashed as a clown in the background... and to hear him speak in a human way in response... This is the most devastating shit.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 01-12-2017 at 08:41 PM.

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    who was so routinely mocked and bashed as a clown in the background
    I didn't even think about that at all, it didn't even occur to me. All I saw was a man in a position of authority honoring a man who has dedicated the majority of his life to this country, and even lost a son who served this country. That's all I saw. That's all I felt. I wasn't devastated at all. I cried to see Biden's humble attitude, a man who has served this country for over 40 years. He was first elected to the Senate IN 1972.

    The social media bullshit has fed its negativity into peoples heads SO much that now they can't even see a simple moment of high honor in a man's career and life as being anything more than a big "fuck you" to people who "treated him unfairly" (which I didn't see, either, maybe because I don't hang out on that fucking cesspool known as Facebook). There is so much polarization, so much "us vs. them," that even poignant moments, even high honors, even a pep-talk about the precious nature of our democracy and how we must fight to preserve it, is seen as just another nail in a coffin of loss. People have grown to love being miserable.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-16-2017 at 07:57 PM.

  30. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I didn't even think about that at all
    Unfortunately, I couldn't put that out of my head. It's been so prevalent that even the Onion piled on there. This whole administration has been lambasted on such a crazy scale that the totality of the miserable assault is only just now hitting me full force... as they leave with dignity, reserve, and humility.

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