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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Unfortunately, I couldn't put that out of my head. It's been so prevalent that even the Onion piled on there. This whole administration has been lambasted on such a crazy scale that the totality of the miserable assault is only just now hitting me full force... as they leave with dignity, reserve, and humility.
    I'm in Chicago where people waited in line FOR HOURS to get tickets hear Obama's farewell speech in person, and then the free tickets were selling for $1,500 each online. The Kennedy and Edens expressways and Lake Shore Drive were closed down and we were stuck trying to go to a Blackhawks/Wings game, then we couldn't go home, after, because everything was closed, again, there were over 20,000 people downtown for that (plus the Hawks/Wings rivalry was SRO in back). And it was all okay, we didn't mind.

    Watch it here.

    Joe Biden has been in the Senate and then a Vice President since 1972. He is responsible for the Violence Against Women Act. He chaired the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee from 1987 until 1995. He was a longtime member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Any of these clowns online diminishing Joe Biden as being anything less than an American who has tirelessly served his country ARE STUPID.
    Last edited by allegro; 01-12-2017 at 10:03 PM.

  2. #62
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    Joe Biden is a great man and definitely deserves the honor. I will miss that man.

  3. #63
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    I found making a constant joke pronouncing the upcoming Commander in Chief makes things less idiotic feeling to me. My favorite moniker I've christened him has been Dolan Tramp.

    The upcoming presidency? The recent press conference sums it up: whining and talking about your opinion on Buzzfeed's content. Really great subject material you need to be thinking about there when you're about to take helm of the Nation. Still has celebrity mentality and other shenanigans going about.

    P.S. Also someone remove his ability to run his twitter account.
    Last edited by Space Suicide; 01-12-2017 at 10:55 PM.

  4. #64
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    I'm going to refer the POTUS-elect as Il Duce from now on. My lack of respect for him is so low, I'm not going to bother saying his name.

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry Seaward View Post
    I'm pretty sick of it so far.

    Hey, you know what hasn't really worked out so well? Going high when they go low. Maybe let's go low for a bit. Maybe we stomp some fucking Nazis?

    EDIT: Facepalm all you want, but it's bullshit. The GOP is getting everywhere by taking the lower ground. Are we supposed to keep attempting to have polite, civil discourse with these fucking idiots? These fucking Nazis, these insane paranoid troglodytes that think Hillary Clinton is eating babies in the basement of a pizzeria? Come the fuck on. Even the mainstream Republicans and alt-righters aren't staying above the ruckus.

    Yeah, let's just keep playing happy fun tea party time, it's working out well for us so far. Let's just ask Trump pretty please don't sell us out to hostile foreign interests and dismantle the core of what makes America great. I'm sure he'll listen to the half of the country who he has stated he views as his enemies. Great.
    like On- Hands- and- Knees- We- Crawl- You- Cannot- Stop- Us All style?
    Fuck the bullshit, i'm down.
    We may HAVE to at some point. I HOPE we don't.

  6. #66
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    I think obama and his family conducted himself with class and dignity in the face of constant adversity if i was him i would leave a note that read, it would off,to Hawaii leave a note for drump in the oval office, "good luck with that, don't call O"
    Last edited by Louie_Cypher; 01-13-2017 at 08:04 AM.

  7. #67
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    Donald Trump just tweeted
    What a nice man. Seriously I bet so many Trump supporters are poor people so why did they vote for this? Finding it difficult to understand coming from somewhere where health care is just taken for granted.

  8. #68
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    I'm not going to make it, four years of this shit. I don't even watch the news anymore because I am so fucking sick of Trump's voice and all the stupid shit that comes out of his mouth and this tweeting bullshit of his is ridiculous.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Yeah, and Obama's farewell was the most sincere moment I've ever seen from a president in my life. The juxtaposition with Trump's "press conference" screwed me up further, but watching Obama's farewell speech made me feel like I was seeing something historic. I've never felt that way while watching someone give a prepared speech. That was brilliant and it tore my heart out.

    It is for some reason hard to watch how eloquently he is exiting. To see him honor Biden now, to ask for respect and dignity be granted to his Vice President, who was so routinely mocked and bashed as a clown in the background... and to hear him speak in a human way in response... This is the most devastating shit.
    I watched Obama's farewell speech on YouTube for the first time about an hour before wiping my eyes dry and watching the Tramp speech live. It was unsettling...the only word I can think to use.

  10. #70
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    Have Dems begun impeachment processes? Shouldn't Trump be impeached on day 1, given the egregious irregularities with his undisclosed finances? And unanswered questions about Russia?

    Also: aren't Republicans supposed to be the most patriotic of the patriots? How come the vast majority of them seem entirely unconcerned whether Russia, through Trump, is gaining an inside influence on US policy? I know they crave power, but at what cost? The whole thing is really confusing.

  11. #71
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    I wonder how bummed Trump is now that he's looked behind the curtain and has to acknowledge that Infowars and much of the 4chan conservative-leaning conspiracies peddled by Breitbart aren't real... like that moment a child realizes the easter bunny and Santa Claus are fake.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    as they leave with dignity, reserve, and humility.
    It really does feel like we've taken having capable adults in charge for granted and are losing it completely. It's really setting in for me, seeing the way that Obama and Biden conduct themselves with so much honor and decency, thought and general care for each word they employ and then bouncing over to the fucking Trump-Pence word salad shitshow of white guy braggadocio. It's like we've gone from a graduate program all the way straight back to middle school.
    Last edited by implanted_microchip; 01-13-2017 at 12:42 PM.

  13. #73
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    the irony meter is just shooting through the roof here... Trump ranting in all-caps about how awful "fake news" is. Your team got in bed with Alex Jones!!! You benefited from Pizzagate!!! Wait, suddenly you're terribly concerned about unverified news leaks?! Weren't you the one pedaling the whole birther movement, backed by an unverified "very reliable source" that he never disclosed to the public? Is there a greater example of bald hypocrisy than this?

    ...and then he complains that this is all like Nazi Germany. Seriously. Has he deleted that tweet yet?! When your incoming administration is belittling and silencing the press right after you chastise them during a press conference, you do not then get to cry about how you, the NEW LEADER OF THE COUNTRY, are suffering under Nazi-like conditions!

    Here's a press question for you, mister president. What is the definition of 'fascism?' I'll give you a hint: the answer isn't "jail Hillary." You fuck.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 01-13-2017 at 01:13 PM.

  14. #74
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    Strange. When I hear people blast Obama about his failings, and yes, there were plenty, or when people talk about the fucked-up way the ACA was malfunctioning (a deliberate result of the compromises) I just can't feel the outrage I used to feel. I feel a sad nostalgia for the way I used to be able to lambaste those parts of government. It seemed like there was a good fight ahead, and real changes were about to befall us. Raging at the politicians and judges used to feel like it would accomplish something. I feel that slipping away. In a few days, it seems we're going to be yelling into a void, if we have voices left.

  15. #75
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    The thing that depresses me the most, is exactly what Jinsai said above. This is the President of the United States, and it's real. It blows my mind...I don't know what else to say.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aladdinsanity View Post
    I wonder how bummed Trump is now that he's looked behind the curtain and has to acknowledge that Infowars and much of the 4chan conservative-leaning conspiracies peddled by Breitbart aren't real... like that moment a child realizes the easter bunny and Santa Claus are fake.
    Breitbart's Washington correspondent had a reserved front row seat and asked a question more than CNN.

  17. #77
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    Make America Born Again

  18. #78
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    Doonesbury predicted this press conference a month ago in a way that hit way too close to reality...

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by aggroculture View Post
    Have Dems begun impeachment processes? Shouldn't Trump be impeached on day 1, given the egregious irregularities with his undisclosed finances? And unanswered questions about Russia?

    Also: aren't Republicans supposed to be the most patriotic of the patriots? How come the vast majority of them seem entirely unconcerned whether Russia, through Trump, is gaining an inside influence on US policy? I know they crave power, but at what cost? The whole thing is really confusing.
    Yes yes yes.
    This is fucking insane. It has been proven that our election was influenced by fucking RUSSIA.
    Imagine how that would have gone down in the 90s. This is just so fucking crazy. I don't understand what has changed or when, but we are now living in a new fucking era.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Yes yes yes.
    This is fucking insane. It has been proven that our election was influenced by fucking RUSSIA.
    Imagine how that would have gone down in the 90s. This is just so fucking crazy. I don't understand what has changed or when, but we are now living in a new fucking era.
    ...or even try to wrap your head around the fact that this party's hero is Reagan. How is the "party of Reagan" suddenly chipper about the idea of extending an olive branch to Putin? If Reagan were alive today, he could still be suffering the final, terrible throws of dementia, and still he'd be screaming "what the fuck are you people talking about?! Have you all gone mad???! Russia just got caught red-handed tampering with our elections, got the result they wanted, and you're framing this as a good thing!!!!??"

    I think somewhere around trying to articulate that last sentence there, Reagan's head would have exploded Scanners-style.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I think somewhere around trying to articulate that last sentence there, Reagan's head would have exploded Scanners-style.
    Man, yes. Jesus. At least that last bit made me LOL.

    I can't stand to hear any news about trump now. It's nice that these days you can choose which news stories you wish to view, because i straight up don't want to fucking hear it.

    But i still catch bits and pieces of what's going on in the party because i'll catch a story that doesn't have trump's name in the title. Like "let's defund the ACA as soon as possible..."
    so that in jan of 2018 we can choose between buying insurance for my 60 year old mother for $15,000 or some shit or letting my epileptic wife die of status epilepticus to ring in the new year.

  22. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Man, yes. Jesus. At least that last bit made me LOL.

    I can't stand to hear any news about trump now. It's nice that these days you can choose which news stories you wish to view, because i straight up don't want to fucking hear it.

    But i still catch bits and pieces of what's going on in the party because i'll catch a story that doesn't have trump's name in the title. Like "let's defund the ACA as soon as possible..."
    so that in jan of 2018 we can choose between buying insurance for my 60 year old mother for $15,000 or some shit or letting my epileptic wife die of status epilepticus to ring in the new year.
    The reality of this will dawn on a lot of people very soon, and they'll change their minds quietly while they change their anonymous opposition vocally... hopefully...

  23. #83
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    i lost all hope that this will end peacefully. the american-dream mantra didn't work anymore. disparity became too obvious. And produced an angry, irrational mob, who screams for vengeance (against whomever..the weakest i suppose)

  24. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    I suppose you don't know that in Obama's final days, he just unlocked the fucking Eye of Sauron as a welcome gift for Trump. He just allowed other departments unfiltered access to NSA's bulk collection. Privacy protections are removed now.

    Sounds like a great thing to give Trump. Right?

    I suppose you don't realize this has been in the works on a bureaucratic level for many years, even before Obama took office. I'm not defending the scope of the NSA's mandate, but given what it has been instructed to do, I'd rather Obama's administration have finalized this order with at least some limitations rather than left loopholes open for Trump to give himself more access legitimately. Read this perspective from a lawmaker. There's enough hyperbole flying around here without your stupid Tolkein reference BTW.

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    The reality of this will dawn on a lot of people very soon, and they'll change their minds quietly while they change their anonymous opposition vocally... hopefully...
    Oh FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, @Jinsai ? There are people who don't know what the ACA is?
    Oh, wait. Okay. Yeah, we just elected fucking Donald Trump to the presidency, so that makes sense.

    So yeah i can imagine trump supporters who didn't realize that their subsidy was "obamacare."

    So yes, when this dawns on the poor and uninformed trump supporters who didn't realize that their assistance was "Obamacare," hopefully they raise holy hell.
    Hopefully they will also change their political affiliation too when they realize that they've been voting against themselves their entire lives.

    Here's a fun fact. Texas is one of the few states that chose to not expand medicaid, despite having a higher number of people who could have benefited from it that any other state in the union.
    Last edited by elevenism; 01-14-2017 at 08:40 AM. Reason: Depersonalization

  26. #86
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    Also, sorry for double post, but @botley if you were reading what i said about my wife and mother as hyperbolic, it certainly wasn't.
    She is epileptic, and prone to Status Epilepticus (as in she's had it a couple of times, to the point of seizure activity in her brain still going on DAYS after a seizure) and we can't afford her medicines. She literally nearly died in my arms 2 years ago. And 1 year ago she had to be taken to hospital by helicopter.
    Last edited by elevenism; 01-14-2017 at 08:55 AM.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Your Name Here View Post
    I'm not going to make it, four years of this shit. I don't even watch the news anymore because I am so fucking sick of Trump's voice and all the stupid shit that comes out of his mouth and this tweeting bullshit of his is ridiculous.
    I've gone solely to online news for just this reason - I can at least just scroll past things if I don't have the strength to read them. I can't watch it on TV or have it on in the car, because...well, I really don't mean to sound insensitive here, but it feels kind of bipolar. By that I mean there are times where they can start talking about the president-elect in the news and I just kind of shrug and turn it down, but then there are times that just hearing his name on the radio literally makes my heart rate increase and a pure, somewhat irrational rage overcomes me.

    This election has taught me so much about trying to see things from the other side. I hated, with a passion, all of the "Nobama" / "Obummer" people who didn't have the respect to use the fucking president's real name when they insulted him. And as much as I absolutely loathe, with all my heart, the president-elect, I can't actually bring myself to call him the Cheeto-Covered Cuntwaffle or anything like that, especially when trying to argue or debate in a civil manner.

    I've never been this scared in my adult life. Thank god I have insurance through my employer now, but ironically, I only got it at first because of the ACA (now I've been there long enough that I'm eligible for the company's plan for career-path staff). If I leave, I'll have to pay for private insurance. And where I live, that's over $300 a month. So, scared about that. I'm also scared about going to war, because the president-elect can't keep his fucking fingers off of Twitter. I'm typically not one for censorship, but I wish they would ban him. If they needed a reason, they could go with hate speech, threat to national security, or both. Foreign nations are now saying they'll carefully consider what intel they share with us because they don't trust him to keep anything to himself. He's antagonizing people left and right.

    You think he's going to "stop ISIS"? I'm calling right now: there will be substantially more attacks on American soil now because of him and his rhetoric.

    And here's where it all feels even heavier: even if he does get impeached (he won't) or resign (he won't), Mike Pence becomes president. He may not be the tantrum-throwing blowhard that the president-elect is, but he's still a shit human being. Just look at his views on women and women's rights and tell me he's fit to sit in the Oval.

    Sorry. I've tried very hard to ignore all of this and live in a bubble, but I had to get that off my chest.

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    Also, sorry for double post, but @botley if you were reading what i said about my wife and mother as hyperbolic, it certainly wasn't.
    She is epileptic, and prone to Status Epilepticus (as in she's had it a couple of times, to the point of seizure activity in her brain still going on DAYS after a seizure) and we can't afford her medicines. She literally nearly died in my arms 2 years ago. And 1 year ago she had to be taken to hospital by helicopter.
    Yeah, that wasn't directed at you; I TOTALLY empathise with your mom's situation. We talk a big game up here in Canada about socialised medicine but the privileges we enjoy (especially here in Ontario) are on razor thin ice. And it's justified sometimes as "well, hey, at least you don't have it as bad as the USA".

  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by botley View Post
    Yeah, that wasn't directed at you; I TOTALLY empathise with your mom's situation. We talk a big game up here in Canada about socialised medicine but the privileges we enjoy (especially here in Ontario) are on razor thin ice. And it's justified sometimes as "well, hey, at least you don't have it as bad as the USA".
    I then, sir, am sorry for the inference. I have a bad habit of taking and making things personal in this forum and it's something i'm trying to stop doing.

    End Drift.
    @theimage13 , we used to watch CBSN on roku, but now we have gone back to the roku apps where you click story by story.
    And it's really sad because we LOVE CBSN, but not as much as we hate hearing ANYTHING about trump.
    As i've said before, i gave trump a chance. When he made his first cabinet pick, the chance was over.
    Last edited by elevenism; 01-14-2017 at 09:12 AM.

  30. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by elevenism View Post
    As i've said before, i gave trump a chance. When he made his first cabinet pick, the chance was over.
    I'll be honest, I didn't give him a chance. Even if you didn't know his twitter feed existed, this one instance was all it took for me to know that he has no business being a leader of any group at all, let alone one of the most powerful countries in the world. It's not the only reason (just one of hundreds), but it was all it took for me to lose any hope that maybe he wasn't so ignorant.

    Ladies and gentlemen, the 45th President of the United States of America.

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