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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #1231
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Now he's plugging "Fox & Friends."

    And talking about what network gets good ratings.

    a reality show host, what else what he be interested in discussing? his idea of merit is just that. ratings.ugh.

    you have a strong constitution allegro...i can't turn the tv on anymore...i would have had to replace it a thousand times over by now.
    (not that i can escape anything, though. husband and friends and family want to talk about it all the time. don't blame them. but at least i don't have to hear his voice or see his face when the latest bumper crop of trumpery gets harvested.)

  2. #1232
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    a reality show host, what else what he be interested in discussing? his idea of merit is just that. ratings.ugh.

    you have a strong constitution allegro...i can't turn the tv on anymore...i would have had to replace it a thousand times over by now.
    (not that i can escape anything, though. husband and friends and family want to talk about it all the time. don't blame them. but at least i don't have to hear his voice or see his face when the latest bumper crop of trumpery gets harvested.)
    I'm fascinated. This is historic. It's like watching a car go off a cliff in slow motion. He goes around in circles, he can't remember the question, he interrupts himself with jokes and nonsense, he's still doing campaign rhetoric and the election three months ago, it's non-stop entertainment.

    Like "Hillary gave away uranium!!" Dude, go Snopes the fucking thing, seriously.

    Now he's comparing the fucking BBC to CNN, "unfair."
    Last edited by allegro; 02-16-2017 at 12:55 PM.

  3. #1233
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    The Russian issues are Hillary's fault because she lost the election.

  4. #1234
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I'm fascinated. This is historic. It's like watching a car go off a cliff in slow motion. He goes around in circles, he can't remember the question, he interrupts himself with jokes and nonsense, he's still doing campaign rhetoric and the election three months ago, it's non-stop entertainment.
    And his sources are literally twitter accounts who agree with shit that he said which he copied from their accounts... There's echo chamber, and then there's Ouroboros...

  5. #1235
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    He cuts all of the reporters off.

    He's now saying a ton of stuff about Russia. What he "never" did, etc. Let's see if this bites him on the ass. His lawyer would be telling him to shut up right now.

    "I am the least antisemitic person you've EVER seen IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE."

    So now he knows about all of our lives, who we know, our own views, etc.
    Last edited by allegro; 02-16-2017 at 01:02 PM.

  6. #1236
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    The Russian issues are Hillary's fault because she lost the election.
    also, please, for the love of the children and innocence and all that is holy: do NOT forget those emails.

  7. #1237
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    He cuts all of the reporters off.

    He's now saying a ton of stuff about Russia. What he "never" did, etc. Let's see if this bites him on the ass. His lawyer would be telling him to shut up right now.
    in all honesty: do you think anyone has been able to successfully get him to shut up? i genuinely wonder if he is surrounded by a sea of bobbing heads "ayep ayep ayep". do you think his lawyer would even try?

    if i didn't know better, i would say the world is being trolled. fuck, i WANT this to be trolling. like some super intricate punk'd episode. then we all high five him "wow, dude, that was stellar" and then we get back to the business of trying to be better humans, collectively.
    Last edited by Lew; 02-16-2017 at 01:05 PM.

  8. #1238
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    people don't seem to understand he is mirroring Putain shutting out the press and blaming them for his inaptitude

  9. #1239
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I'm fascinated. This is historic. It's like watching a car go off a cliff in slow motion.
    I agree - except when I see the car, I see a literal toddler sitting in the driver's seat, totally decked out in child-size NASCAR clothes and genuinely thinking that he's a race car driver - all while he can't even reach the fucking breaks OR the steering wheel. Nearby, there's a whole department of cops who could lay out spike strips or put their cars out to stop the car from going over, and millions upon millions of people are screaming at them to do something, but they're all just watching the car like "no way, that toddler is cute, don't crush his dreams!"

    Meanwhile, tied up in the backseat of the car, which has TARDIS-like dimensional properties, is every single person who I've ever cared for. And they're all about to be taken over the cliff by the delusional toddler. I can't watch the car. I have to turn away and pray that someone finally stops it.

  10. #1240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    also, please, for the love of the children and innocence and all that is holy: do NOT forget those emails.
    But... but... Benghazi! NEVER FORGET BENGHAZI!!!

    I really wish he was trolling too, it would be less scary if he was. I don't know if he's an uber moron or if he's totally delusional.

    I was channel surfing between this and a Mayday episode about Korean Air Lines Flight 007 and I was thinking "Sweet Jesus, if if had been 45 instead of Reagan..." I didn't went further because I intend to sleep tonight.

  11. #1241
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    @Lew for a period of time during the campaign Kellyanne did get him to back away from certain subjects at times and he complimented her heavily as the only person in his campaign willing to truly stand up to him and not care if he got angry because later on, he'd realize her judgment had been right. Obviously, she's not exactly the golden child for him anymore, and I think now that he's president (typing that gave me colon cancer btw), he probably is impossible to say no to without him throwing a goddamn hissy fit of Biblical proportions. If he already had an ego and a sense of "I can do no wrong," imagine what that's like now.

    In my opinion all that he is currently doing is diversion tactics. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Bannon and Priebus both felt a long, meandering battle with the press would be good for him today. It's a way of getting the conversation to move past Flynn and the Russia connections and when you view it along with him about to begin fucking campaigning here in Florida again, it's pretty clear that they're doing their best to distract. Trump's biggest advantage in all of his shittiness is that it clogs so many toilets with so many dumps all at once that it becomes impossible for the janitors to get up in arms and focus on any one specific piece of shit; they're flooded with all kinds of it, and many may never even know of some because they're so overwhelmed by others. Having him out there right now going on and on and on and battling with reporters and rambling about the Electoral College is good for his administration in so much as it keeps the attention away from the real scandals.
    @marodi yeah isn't it awesome that the guy who launched a shitton of Benghazi investigations again and again and again refuses to investigate Flynn even once? Not party over country at all.

  12. #1242
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    Meanwhile, tied up in the backseat of the car, which has TARDIS-like dimensional properties, is every single person who I've ever cared for. And they're all about to be taken over the cliff by the delusional toddler. I can't watch the car. I have to turn away and pray that someone finally stops it.
    My husband says the same thing, but I always say this: Karma is a bitch. And the American system will prevail. It may be a slower process than people want, but GOOD things most often come out of political turmoil like this.

  13. #1243
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    @Lew for a period of time during the campaign Kellyanne did get him to back away from certain subjects at times and he complimented her heavily as the only person in his campaign willing to truly stand up to him and not care if he got angry because later on, he'd realize her judgment had been right. Obviously, she's not exactly the golden child for him anymore, and I think now that he's president (typing that gave me colon cancer btw), he probably is impossible to say no to without him throwing a goddamn hissy fit of Biblical proportions. If he already had an ego and a sense of "I can do no wrong," imagine what that's like now.
    But if you look at that really good analysis of Conway that was posted here by @Louie_Cypher , see below, the intention of all of them is to divert attention:

  14. #1244
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    My husband says the same thing, but I always say this: Karma is a bitch. And the American system will prevail. It may be a slower process than people want, but GOOD things most often come out of political turmoil like this.
    I hope you're right. I really, truly do. But I'm a very anxious person by nature and no matter how much evidence I can find, I end up feeling like the hole will be so deep that we can't build a ladder tall enough to climb back out for decades, and it'll be too late for so many people by then. But like I said, maybe that's just the joy of anxiety.

  15. #1245
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Love it.

    A few months ago Dems were screaming that the leaks were coming from Russia to try and ignore the contents. Now, the Trump supporters are screaming that the leaks are from the NSA to try and ignore the contents.

    Complete role reversal and everyone is a hypocrite as usual.... Except for the people who consistently said that both the leak and leaker are separate stories that are worth covering. *waives hand*
    Most people wait until they're alone to self-fellate...

    I kid. Kinda.

  16. #1246
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Love it.

    A few months ago Dems were screaming that the leaks were coming from Russia to try and ignore the contents. Now, the Trump supporters are screaming that the leaks are from the NSA to try and ignore the contents.

    Complete role reversal and everyone is a hypocrite as usual.... Except for the people who consistently said that both the leak and leaker are separate stories that are worth covering. *waives hand*
    Wait... what? During the election, I was saying it was super fucked up that Russia was meddling, despite the contents of the leaked emails amounting to jack shit. Now, the president's team (at least) has been found colluding with Russia, and I think it's super fucked up. Why am I a hypocrite?

  17. #1247
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Wait... what? During the election, I was saying it was super fucked up that Russia was meddling, despite the contents of the leaked emails amounting to jack shit. Now, the president's team (at least) has been found colluding with Russia, and I think it's super fucked up. Why am I a hypocrite?
    Because you're not a cliche internet Libertarian who will never have leaders they support whose actions they will then have to answer for because their people will never win, giving them clean records through inaction, obv.

  18. #1248
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    Trump: Hey black person. You know the other black people, right? Let's meet up!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  19. #1249
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweeterthan View Post

    Trump: Hey black person. You know the other black people, right? Let's meet up!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    The CBC tweeting that they tried to arrange a meeting already and he never responded is icing on the racist cake

  20. #1250
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    when he is up there on tv outright lying...or just making empty grandiose his supporters just take it in, or do they stop and think "hold up. wait. what???".
    the only trump supporter i know, personally, would definitely fall into the "take it in" and cheer the empty grandiose statement category.
    anyone know any trump supporters that are at the "wtf???" stage?
    the supporter i know is someone who loves, what they perceive as, his "strong, bold, straight" talk (yes, equal parts laughable and gutting) when he makes statements like "make america great again" this person doesn't have any need for an actual break down of what "great" is, and how that "great" is going to be achieved. the statement is the end of the line for this person.
    i am asking because this is the only true trump supporter i know, and wondered if this holds true with trump supporters y'all know personally.
    Last edited by Lew; 02-16-2017 at 04:11 PM.

  21. #1251
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    I have a few relatives who voted for him. They accept everything he says as either truth or harmless "everyone lies" type of stuff. But sometimes - if they're really feeling adventurous - they'll hear out an opposing view and maybe even do some research on it after the fact. Afterwards though, it's still "I'd still rather have him than Hillary".

  22. #1252
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    I have a few relatives who voted for him. They accept everything he says as either truth or harmless "everyone lies" type of stuff. But sometimes - if they're really feeling adventurous - they'll hear out an opposing view and maybe even do some research on it after the fact. Afterwards though, it's still "I'd still rather have him than Hillary".
    And those people will never change their minds, because if they get the sneaking suspicion they might have been wrong all along, they have that default "better than Hillary" riposte.

    There's those people, and then there's people like this guy. I screen capped his post for posterity

    The next time someone tries to lecture you on "see, you STILL don't understand why Trump won do you?! Let me explain this to you..." feel free to just respond with that image, and assure them that you're well aware of why Trump won.

  23. #1253
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lew View Post
    when he is up there on tv outright lying...or just making empty grandiose his supporters just take it in, or do they stop and think "hold up. wait. what???".
    the only trump supporter i know, personally, would definitely fall into the "take it in" and cheer the empty grandiose statement category.
    anyone know any trump supporters that are at the "wtf???" stage?
    the supporter i know is someone who loves, what they perceive as, his "strong, bold, straight" talk (yes, equal parts laughable and gutting) when he makes statements like "make america great again" this person doesn't have any need for an actual break down of what "great" is, and how that "great" is going to be achieved. the statement is the end of the line for this person.
    i am asking because this is the only true trump supporter i know, and wondered if this holds true with trump supporters y'all know personally.
    I have yet to see any trump supporter - any - offer any criticism of him, his performance or his cabinet. And there are plenty of non partisan criticisms to be made.

    I think they just see what they want to see, it's tied in with tribalism and to attack him would be to have a pop at their own identities.

  24. #1254
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    you know how you know your admin is fucked when you invited to work in the white house and you reply "I think I'll stick it out here in the private sector"

  25. #1255
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  26. #1256
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    And those people will never change their minds, because if they get the sneaking suspicion they might have been wrong all along, they have that default "better than Hillary" riposte.

    There's those people, and then there's people like this guy. I screen capped his post for posterity

    The next time someone tries to lecture you on "see, you STILL don't understand why Trump won do you?! Let me explain this to you..." feel free to just respond with that image, and assure them that you're well aware of why Trump won.
    "Liberals killed the KKK leader" isn't a thing now is it? The guy's wife and step-son have been arrested already.

  27. #1257
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    "Liberals killed the KKK leader" isn't a thing now is it? The guy's wife and step-son have been arrested already.
    Try telling that to Rusty...

  28. #1258
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    Who the hell is he?

  29. #1259
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    Who the hell is he?
    Some asshole on the internet. When the story about the KKK leader being killed was trending, his insightful commentary popped up.

    Looking at his feed is kind of fascinating... I was thinking earlier that he sounds like a fictional comic sidekick invented by Larry the Cable Guy... but you can't make people like this up.

  30. #1260
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Greenwald: Empowering the "Deep State" to Undermine Trump is Prescription for Destroying Democracy
    I would never describe myself as someone who's rooting for the deep state. In fact, like most people who have any ounce of respect for democracy, I've always felt pretty terrified of the U.S. intelligence organizations and the brutal, unaccountable power they wield. Their primary influence throughout history has been to subvert democracy around the world any time the mood strikes them. But I have to admit...I take a certain pleasure in watching them devour one of their own.

    No one has done more to "empower" the deep state than Republicans. That party has built their entire brand around fear-mongering propaganda, and that has in turn been used as justification for building up the monstrous U.S. intelligence apparatus. Whether it was red scare bullshit or xenophobia against Islam, Republicans have always been 100% a-okay with watching the CIA and NSA undermine democracy around the world and commit any number of horrendous crimes against humanity. So there's a sweet, dark irony to this moment. They helped build this fucking monster for decades, but NOW all of a sudden they care about respecting democracy and holding the deep state accountable? Fuck them. You reap what you sow. Political writers on the left have been critical of the deep state for years, and now all of the sudden I'm reading these morons on r/the_Donald acting so concerned about it, as if they would have EVER cared about this issue if it were anyone else. They cheered when their daddy was talking about "bringing back waterboarding and worse," but now they're so worried about reigning in the creepy power of the CIA? lol, gimme a break.

    So I'm not enjoying this because I think for one second that the intelligence community are a bunch of heroes. They're scum of the earth, as far as I'm concerned. I'm enjoying this because it's fascinating to watch one evil entity turning against another evil entity.

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