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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #1501
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    I think you have to take "comments" with some grain of salt still. We're not one big 50-state loony bin (yet). There are probably people around who just make these comments as a kind of sport to see what gets the most attention. Not that I'm saying there aren't people who take that silliness seriously, but still I have to believe that if you shine a light on a lot of those people it might look a lot different than people think.

  2. #1502
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    I think you have to take "comments" with some grain of salt still. We're not one big 50-state loony bin (yet). There are probably people around who just make these comments as a kind of sport to see what gets the most attention. Not that I'm saying there aren't people who take that silliness seriously, but still I have to believe that if you shine a light on a lot of those people it might look a lot different than people think.
    Noooooo, these people are dead fucking serious. Accusing their comments of being "sport" is the same as them accusing all liberals of being paid by Soros. Neither is true. These people have drank some kind of "stupid" Kool Aid. They are there saying that the "educated" people are really the dumb and lazy ones, and they are the enlightened smart ones with the ability to see what's "really going on." They post a few obviously right-wing biased sources (with, like, 'RIGHT" in the fucking web site name) and say "well, that looks like a reliable source thanks for the link." We should start creating fake-news right wing sights just for shits and giggle. "Barack Obama is really a space alien, sent here to take over our planet" and then see if the shit shows up on Breitbart. You know, like the 300 comments about how Obama was trained to be a communist from a very early age.

    Some samples:

    If you had spent any time around the college crowd ( especially at the Ivy League schools) you would see that so many of them are a bunch of smug fools who climb the ladder of success based on who they know not what they know. Btw, I know plenty of rural people who are 10 times smarter than these college grads...and 100 times more patriotic.
    Absolutely some people with degrees are so stupid they are downright insane. You go into college and listen to the same spastic messages from 1960s faculty (They were mobs back then) subliminally and directly bombard you with and you become like the Obamites. You will place your CTRL ALT LEFT ideologies first before your fellow countrymen's basic needs. Let me quote a couple of examples for you.

    1. The Obama Faculty decided to regulate the coal industry out of existence because of ideology. They put thousands of people out of work and devastated Ohio, West Virginia, and other areas were placed in great economic peril. All Professor Obama needed to do was start phasing in clean coal technology for coal plants but Ideology dictated otherwise.

    2. The CTRL ALT LEFT is trying to victimize transgender freaks. They want children to be able to have this surgery without parental consent. In addition there is evidence of a secret movement to victimize pedophiles and give them civil rights and to change existing law and allow adults to have sex with children. The are numerous reasons for this but primarily Islam allows sex with children if no penetration occurs. Google Thighing of Aisha. In addition many Mexican states allow sexual contact with 12 year old minors. The CTRL ALT LEFT understand they will have to change legislation or laws to allow these demographics to live and maintain their heathen third wold ways. These are your potential new left voter blocks.
    Who cares what color Obama was. Get over yourself. Obama was brainwashed, from an early age, in communist ideology. His mother, his grandparents, and those they associated with, made sure of that. Now, if you think communism is so wonderful, why don't you go live in Cuba? Bur you don't want to do that, do you? You want to stay here, In the United States, where you are free to work to subvert our freedom to the tyranny you like but don't want to live under. Go figure! Some people really are stupid!
    Don't feed the trolls. These are probably college kids that are paid to post garbage on websites. Just ignore and flag the little facists. They are totalitarian minions, so pay them no mind.
    Naziism sprang from socialism. It's about statism control. Seems that was the Hillary/Obama playbook..
    Actually, because a LOT of whites did vote for the Islamic Fraud, babumjane's comment technically is "racist". But the Islamic Fraud called "Obama" is one of the gravest threats to the US Constitution. He must be dealt with in a decisive manner, as must Soros, and Soros' son. The Jarrett woman must also be taken.
    Obama is the most divisive President in the history of the United States. In just 8 years he turned a generally peaceful and mostly united American population into the most splintered, labeled and polarized society since the Civil War. He has all races at each other's throats...he has the major religions at each other's throats...he has the genders at each other's throats, he has the economic classes at each other's throats...he has the police alienated from the civilian populous...he even has the entire internal government infrastructure waging war against each other! And you can't see this??? You can't seriously be that blind or stupid can you? How can you call someone like this someone you admire? Glad you're not my kid...I'd disown you for your ignorance!
    RINOs who need to get voted OUT or Retire (in no certain order):
    1. John McCain (who has been manipulating the Republican party in AZ for years to keep himself in...)
    2. Mitch McConnell (barf) - get someone with a spine to be Senate Majority leader. Please.
    3. John Cornyn (Texas, how did you elect this guy?)
    4. Lindsey (actually, after getting rid of the 3 above, who knows?)
    He has nothing else to do. He ran off to his homosexual pals in Cali for a month of intimacy and golf, and now back to DC as a curse upon America. He wants headlines, and he wants to harass Trump and devolve America. I know what I would do if I were Trump.
    Obama has been a clear and present danger to this nation since he entered on a student visa. Since then he's committed more acts of treason than all the traitors in the history of this country and he's STILL at it. WHY is he still free and living in this country? He and his financial sponsor, George Soros are both enemies of this country. WHY hasn't our FBI or any other law enforcement agency done something to stop both those despicable criminals from doing more damage to our nation?
    he is draiing the swamp. Hiring successful people means hiring those that ran large coprorations as they've proven they can run large operations. The Swamp is NOT business, the swamp is politicians and media that infest DC.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-04-2017 at 12:56 PM.

  3. #1503
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Noooooo, these people are dead fucking serious. Accusing their comments of being "sport" is the same as them accusing all liberals of being paid by Soros. Neither is true.
    I didn't say it was all of them. It's probably not even a majority, but I would have to believe that some of them are knowingly planting stuff to just fuck with people, for the enjoyment of it.

  4. #1504
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    I didn't say it was all of them. It's probably not even a majority, but I would have to believe that some of them are knowingly planting stuff to just fuck with people, for the enjoyment of it.
    I think the LIBERALS on there are doing that, yeah, for sure. Trolling for fun. But I think that place is an echo chamber for the remainder of them who seem to just hang out on Breitbart and post this same shit. One guy just keeps posting 'LOCK HER UP' about 50 times in one post. Over and over again.

    I've been online long enough to spot trolls, and that's what freaked me out: these people are really that crazy and stupid and aren't trolling.

  5. #1505
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    I want a full investigation into the wiretapping claim. I want whoever Trump wants to conduct it to take the reins. I want dozens, nay, hundreds of people in various intelligence departments working on this.

    And when nothing is found, I want his ass thrown in jail the same way that gamers who "swat" their opponents get tossed in jail for filling false reports.

    (And in the teensiest, tiniest off chance that he actually turned out to be right, then hey - we learned the truth about something groundbreaking, which shitty as it may be, would be good to know.)
    Last edited by theimage13; 03-04-2017 at 02:25 PM.

  6. #1506
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    I'm pretty sure you can't throw the president in jail for re-tweeting some bullshit from Breitbart.

    The oddest thing about this is, in order to get a FISA warrant, you have to demonstrate that there is probable cause to justify it. You can't just say "hey, I have a hunch that Trump might be talking to a bank in Moscow... can I listen to his phone calls?" You have to bring evidence to the table.

    Supposedly, anyway.

    This Twitter breakdown is interesting...
    Last edited by Jinsai; 03-04-2017 at 02:56 PM.

  7. #1507
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    more distraction because he is busted, also

  8. #1508
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I'm pretty sure you can't throw the president in jail for re-tweeting some bullshit from Breitbart.
    If I tweeted "my neighbor is murdering his wife and taking the kids hostage inside the house", there would be a SWAT team there. Once they found out it was all a lie, my ass would be in big trouble.

    I just feel like a politician should be held to the same legal standard.

  9. #1509
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    Ive lived in both the US and duel nationality...moved to the UK aged 10....I can see many differences between the US and European countries.
    one thing that struck me was how excited everyone got for Bernie Sanders...

    I think socialism was 100 Percent necessary for the UK and Europe...not forever...but there needed to be some of socialist reformation.
    Im a big history thing i could never understand was how in July 1945...two months after World War 2...Winston Churchill lost the British election to a democratic socialist..THE Winston Churchill the warlord icon of the 20th century lost an election to a weedy Socilaist two months after he saved his country...WTF???

    but the thing is before 1945 in the UK there was no socialism, there was no free health care..millions were living in slums
    They sacrificed their take care of their own people in Britain...
    Hmmm ring any bells
    Through out the 1930s the consequences of the Great Depression were making people angry....
    Not just in UK but in Europe....
    France and Italy very nearly turned to communism as a result...and we all know where Germany turned to...
    In 2017 socialism is dead in the UK we had the reformation...a candidate like Bernie Sanders would be old news...boring...

    But in the U.S a country opposed to any form of socialism...i really got the excitement Bernie Sanders made me realize why people voted for a socialist candiate in 1945 in the UK over Churchill...something that used to baffle me...
    Im just thinking if the democrats elect someone genuinely commited to change they will win...
    Im not saying socialism is perfect...the UK grew out of it ...i highly doubt a socialist governement will control this country ever again...but the reformation was vital to the UK..

    And i think its inevitable in the US

  10. #1510
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  11. #1511
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    @Exocet - The US will never be socialist; there is too huge of a population that is against it because we are so pro-Capitalist. The President does not have the power to turn the country to socialism. Congress controls our finances. We already HAVE many socialist PROGRAMS in this country (Medicare, Medicaid, Disability, Public Schools, Public Libraries, Police and Fire, much of our infrastructure) but they all allow Capitalism to flourish. We are not a welfare state, and never will be.

  12. #1512
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    anti-trump people have been just fine anonymous sources and unsubstantiated claims. why the sudden change?
    When the media says a security source is "anonymous," it's to protect the source; e.g. "Deep Throat" from Watergate. That's not the same as the source being the media, itself, with suppositions and conjectures and conspiracies, etc.

  13. #1513
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    @Exocet - The US will never be socialist; there is too huge of a population that is against it because we are so pro-Capitalist. The President does not have the power to turn the country to socialism. Congress controls our finances. We already HAVE many socialist PROGRAMS in this country (Medicare, Medicaid, Disability, Public Schools, Public Libraries, Police and Fire, much of our infrastructure) but they all allow Capitalism to flourish. We are not a welfare state, and never will be.
    We never thought we'd have a game show host for prez either.

  14. #1514
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    @Exocet - The US will never be socialist; there is too huge of a population that is against it because we are so pro-Capitalist. The President does not have the power to turn the country to socialism. Congress controls our finances. We already HAVE many socialist PROGRAMS in this country (Medicare, Medicaid, Disability, Public Schools, Public Libraries, Police and Fire, much of our infrastructure) but they all allow Capitalism to flourish. We are not a welfare state, and never will be.
    Didnt you think Jeb Bush would win the republican primary...change can happen...

    Im certain your country could become socialist....if the right candidate was in place.....he would win by a landslide..

  15. #1515
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    Didnt you think Jeb Bush would win the republican primary
    I'm very much "on the left" and I figured very early on that Trump would be the Republican nominee, save for the GOP banding together at the RNC to prevent his nomination (there was a period of time where it really did seem possible, too). Hell, I figured Trump had a chance all the way up until the Access Hollywood tape happened, and then he laid low for a bit and the Comey letter happened and all bets were off again. I wasn't exactly surprised that he won, just amazingly disappointed and downright angry to have my worst assumptions about a chunk of this country verified.

    I also never thought Jeb had a single fucking shot at that nomination because he was the candidate Democrats said they were rooting for and, quite simply, the Republican primary voting base is not interested in what Democrats are interested in. Not to mention the Bush name being tarnished heavily. After eight years of seeing those voters call our president a Kenyan Muslim socialist who wanted to take our guns away, I was never expecting a man like Jeb or Kasich to win.

    I could see a socialist-leaning politician getting elected, but for the country's general discourse and alignment to swing truly into the left would be a surprise. The people who didn't think somebody like Trump could happen were ignoring trends left and right. There are no real trends suggesting that actual socialism has any real popularity here.

  16. #1516
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    Quote Originally Posted by Exocet View Post
    Didnt you think Jeb Bush would win the republican primary...change can happen...

    Im certain your country could become socialist....if the right candidate was in place.....he would win by a landslide..
    Even if the biggest socialist in the country won, our President does not create laws; our President ENFORCES laws that are created by Congress. Republicans in Congress (voted into those positions) have been trying to GET RID OF all programs that are considered socialist, with the full support of their voters who want less government power and less taxes.

    Bernie didn't win the primary partly due to his socialist label.

    I'm a socialist and I know it ain't happening.

    Trump won primarily due to opposition to the ACA, because those against it hate government mandates and Federal overreach.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-04-2017 at 08:04 PM.

  17. #1517
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    We never thought we'd have a game show host for prez either.
    He didn't win as game show host (a relatively new persona); he's been a rich commercial real developer for nearly 30 years and THAT is why these voters wanted him: the same reason why GW Bush was elected: the idea that a rich Capitalist businessman knows more than lawyers. Trump is a Celebrity Capitalist.

    I thought Bush had a chance back before Trump entered the ring; after the first debate, all bets were off. The difference between the Dem and Repub NCs is that each put all their money behind the fave, but the Repugs lost control. Because Trump used crazy tactics never used before like personal attacks, name-calling, Twitter, etc. He was elected by the cult of celebrity that ate that shit up. Also, he appealed to blue collar racists nationalists. Millions and millions of them.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-04-2017 at 08:28 PM.

  18. #1518
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post

    Trump won primarily due to opposition to the ACA, because those against it hate government mandates and Federal overreach.
    Don't leave out the fact that a lot of Democratic voters are idealists who have a hard time compromising in the name of progress, all the while Republicans for the most part fall in line and vote for whoever has that beautiful capital "R" next to their name. Oh, and who could forget a nearly-three decade smear campaign against Hillary Clinton where a centrist Democrat was painted as a far-left nightmare by the right?

  19. #1519
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    He didn't win as game show host (a relatively new persona); he's been a rich commercial real developer for over 30 years and THAT is why these voters wanted him: the same reason why GW Bush was elected: the idea that a rich Capitalist businessman knows more than lawyers.
    My comment was rather flippant and reactionary. But when I hear him be petty about his old show while he's running the free world, you can't help but think that's all he is. The "outsider" tag bugs me too. To Washington he was technically one, but he spent most of his life before that as a real estate agent and a casino magnate. Screwing people out of their land, and their money. So at least he had lots of practice being a politician.

  20. #1520
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    Quote Originally Posted by onthewall2983 View Post
    My comment was rather flippant and reactionary. But when I hear him be petty about his old show while he's running the free world, you can't help but think that's all he is. The "outsider" tag bugs me too. To Washington he was technically one, but he spent most of his life before that as a real estate agent and a casino magnate. Screwing people out of their land, and their money. So at least he had lots of practice being a politician.
    He was never a real estate agent; he was a real estate developer; there is a big difference. The casino thing was an unsuccessful offshoot of commercial real estate development. I know all this because I've been in his circles for as long as him, in commercial and residential real estate law.

    Here's the funny thing: back in the 80s, we all poked fun at him because he never used his own money for ANYTHING; he used venture capitalist money, so he didn't care if he lost. He just made deals using other people's money and then blamed everybody else when shit happened.

  21. #1521
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    Quote Originally Posted by kleiner352 View Post
    Don't leave out the fact that a lot of Democratic voters are idealists who have a hard time compromising in the name of progress, all the while Republicans for the most part fall in line and vote for whoever has that beautiful capital "R" next to their name. Oh, and who could forget a nearly-three decade smear campaign against Hillary Clinton where a centrist Democrat was painted as a far-left nightmare by the right?
    True, but he won the Electoral College in the Rust Belt by blue collar workers, many of whom are said to have switched to R just to vote for him.

    Yes, minorities also didn't come out to vote for Clinton OR Sanders, but they arrived in droves for Obama.

  22. #1522
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Sometimes. Not always. And they usually specify that thy are hiding the identity to protect the source. I haven't seen any of that with any. It has the benefit of allowing the press to properly vet the source for reliability too.
    No, they don't. Because they could then be subpoenaed and possibly jailed for not disclosing the source. They learned a lot from Watergate.

    Also, these leaks have happened since forever, particularly when there is huge dissent among the intelligence staff.
    Last edited by allegro; 03-04-2017 at 09:19 PM.

  23. #1523
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    Can somebody please remove Trump's thumb and/or index finger? I'm really starting to get annoyed at that fucking "Ok" symbol he makes every time he opens his mouth.

  25. #1525
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    well then that lack of differentiation isn't working out very well. lots of "anonymous sources" are producing stories that turn out to be wrong.
    Of course there are... I could make a website that claims to have reliable "anonymous sources" and then just make shit up.

    This is why we have respected, trusted sources of journalism (that Trump and his team are doing their best to delegitimize). You TRUST, that when you read a report from the NYTimes, that when they say the source is anonymous, that they personally verified their identity. They could have been lied to by that person, but at least we tend to believe them when they say they're not making shit up about the fact that they talked to real people.

    This is a protected thing about journalism for a reason... I'm not sure why earlier you were implying that liberals had an aversion to this sort of thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bachy View Post
    Can somebody please remove Trump's thumb and/or index finger? I'm really starting to get annoyed at that fucking "Ok" symbol he makes every time he opens his mouth.
    Well, maybe we can stop it by tweeting him incessantly about how the "ok!" sign, especially with curved/relaxed fingers outside of the index and thumb, is considered in Brazil to be "asshole." It's like our middle finger.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 03-05-2017 at 12:36 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Well, here is from an anonymous source from inside the whitehouse
    I do not understand what you're implying here. I certainly do not count Fox News as one of our "respected, trusted sources of journalism," but what's being said here is not anything new, and on the side, what Geraldo is saying in response is running pretty much in concert with what I was saying above.

    All that said, Fox is BULLSHIT when it comes to attributing KNOWN, non-anonymous sources. Did you see the Swedish guy who came on Fox to talk about how Sweden was in all sorts of trouble, despite the Swedish government having no knowledge of who he was? Did you see that overlong post I made looking up that "Democratic Strategist" Harlan Hill? Fox is known for propping up straw men and fake sources.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 03-05-2017 at 01:19 PM.

  28. #1528
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    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    This was some masterful symbolism trolling on behalf of the person who made this sign, and/or the idiot burning the sign was in on it.

    Berkeley 1965 vs Berkeley yesterday.

    Nearly perfect copy.
    Well, if the guy burning it was in on it, he wouldn't be "an idiot," would he?

    Also, if not to intentionally highlight and draw attention to the reproduction of the sign from the 1965 photo, what would be the point in burning it? Seems pretty obviously set up with the hope this goes viral in some way.

    Also, what the hell is going on with the "C" in the burning sign?

  29. #1529
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    The whole burning the "free speech" sign is silly. I'm not even sure what the message is there. Hate speech IS free speech. Just because someone is a self-proclaimed progressive doesn't mean they're intelligent. Either way, this looks like a set up photo op. I'm unsure what the end goal was... maybe to upload a video called "Progressives burn 'free speech' sign in Berkeley?" Just a thought.

    Quote Originally Posted by DigitalChaos View Post
    Now you are just getting silly. Here are a whole bunch of other sources, but through the medium of Fox News because I find it funny:

    This just in

  30. #1530
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    sorry for the double-post...

    Remember that Roger Stone guy I was going on about? He had what comes across like a drunken keyboard warrior moment on Twitter last night.. One of the tweets he deleted was curious

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