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Thread: Trump 2017: Year Zero

  1. #2821
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    This sounded genuine until the last 5 words.

    Anyway, I am glad for your understanding but I'm still tired of this. This is no longer a debate; it really is a circle-jerk. You and I have been online friends for a long time, and we're on the same "team," here, but all this negative energy goes nowhere.
    True. And I know, it's just rough to explain. Let me try a more nuanced rebuttal than saying "haha fuck you" to @Jughead, and that isn't meant to be condescending.

    Look, you're in Canada. I get that. I'm half Canadian. My dad's from Canada. I have a Canadian passport, and that's nifty, because I flirt with the idea of fleeing north.

    I can't claim to have an understanding on a deep level of Canadian politics, though I do have these discussions with my Canadian relatives and extended family. My Canadian friends fall all over the political map. I tried to have a conversation with one who politely tried to say that he didn't believe racism was a real thing. He doubled down on this by saying "look, am I a racist just because I don't want more muslims in my country?" I said "well, yes, in a way that I had to own, after realizing that I was wrong."

    I had a strong anti-religion thing going on with me for a long time. I hated religion, after I decided it was all bullshit, and I had an arrogant opinion that I'd reached some kind of enlightened mode, wherein I knew what was up and all these brainwashed fools were destroying the world. My main opponent was Christianity, and after 9/11 I viewed Islam as more dangerous. I found most of my liberal friends were mostly on the same page.

    Then I realized that religion wasn't the issue here, dude.

    But this is America, and America is fucking weird, and you might not understand how weird it is. Right now, EVERYONE in America is at the "other" side's throat, and this is political, racial, EVERYTHING.

    America is primed for a civil war, and if you ask a hippie liberal like me, I'd say that's what Russia wants to further. So I don't consider this a civil war. America is, from my own estimation, not as peacefully copacetic as Canada. You guys get along, and even if you disagree, you show respect. That's not how it works here. America is more like Europe; a fractured continent of opposing ideas, principles, ways of life. Some of our states want socialism by the majority, some want us to turn into a libertarian thing, some want a throwback to a time that's insane when it comes to civil rights... and obviously this is all skewed through the lens of my objective view.

    But this country is broken, and you're saying "ah guys, I like the conservative idea," but I don't think you know what that means in Trump America.
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-19-2017 at 12:22 AM.

  2. #2822
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    To be fair I didnt surf into a shit storm I fucking leeroy jenkinsed into it all ''derrrr rahrrr'' I also sent wretched a pretty snarky pm outlining how stupid I think all of you are for being so dickish. I like debating and stuff but I can go all Adam Sandler from punch drunk love when I feel I am being mocked or laughed at. To be honest It just kind of hurt my feelings being a nails fan. I wanted to fit in and be apart of this discussion. I had NO FUCKING idea how sore a subject it was.

    I dont know what to tell you guys. From the outside looking in it looks like he is innocent of what is being portrayed in the media. If you watch the CBC coverage on it compared to the american media its night and day. I just dont see it and no one I have talked to here in the north buys it, none of my wifes family in Sweden buys it. If looks and feels like bullshit to me. I wouldn't be surprised to know this was the plan all along. To have trump win, create divide and let america destroy itself from within so they can get your guns. They got our guns, pretty much everyone's but yours. Once they have your guns a year zero like scenario can proceed. Fucking Lizard people Illuminati are the real enemy!!!

    So wrong foot, my fault. I apologize (as most Canadians do) But seriously I aint posting in here no more, you guys are all fucked.!!!
    Oh yeah, let's have a civil back & forth discourse with this troglodyte.

  3. #2823
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    and the post above mine is even worse. This board isn't the right place for you Jughead. Based on how you post you will shortly be banned anyway, so you might as well leave on your own.

  4. #2824
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    Canada is The u.s. without the weird flea market culture from the south.
    Please reread the post I made. It's not north v south. It's more complicated... and I'm struggling to try to explain it. It's confounding as hell.

    Fuck what a confusing time. Ten years ago all of us in here would of been licking each others cock in agreement listening to nin playing axis and allies, now we are all so terrible divided, what the fuck happened?

    You wanna know what this board was like pre-Obama? How about during Obama?

    Some of us were here ten years ago, I for one regret what a dick I was, and I was a liberal then too.

    But, on a side note reach-around, trust me, someone who tucked in their Nirvana T-shirt would get the LIVING SHIT beaten out of their poser ass in America.
    And that's why I love this country!

    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-19-2017 at 01:32 AM.

  5. #2825
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    I've missed a few pages of discussion but I'm sure all of you are having a good laugh at the spectacle being offered by Republicans in regard of their healthcare plan.
    Trump is also more clueless than ever. He has taken three different positions in less than 24hrs.

  6. #2826
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    this is interesting a funny little coincidence (not) Mariya Putin, Vlads eldest daughter just so happens to run a children's endocrinology charity, guess who specializes in endocrinology? Spectrum Health of Michigan. The same site that all the computer traffic was going to and from Trump Tower and Alfa Bank of Russia. Spectrum Health is owned by Betsy Devos. LOL That ladies and gentlemen is called an implausible coincidence. Devos didnt get a cabinet position because she was qualified(an understatement)! She got that job because she's right smack in the middle of all this! They used her companies computer servers to communicate with the Russians and they thought no one would notice! I'm sure she's terrified right about now, If we all know what she did you can best be sure Robert Mueller knows what she did!

  7. #2827
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    How the party of Eisenhower and Reagan have fallen.

  8. #2828
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deepvoid View Post
    I've missed a few pages of discussion but I'm sure all of you are having a good laugh at the spectacle being offered by Republicans in regard of their healthcare plan.
    Trump is also more clueless than ever. He has taken three different positions in less than 24hrs.
    What's there to laugh about? They're never more than about two votes away from fucking over me, my partner, several members of my family, and at least 20 million other people. It would only be funny if Democrats held a strong majority and there wasn't even a snowball's chance in hell that they might accidentally convince enough people to vote for such damaging legislation.

    Meanwhile...child troll living in parents' basement* dupes Fox News into interview; president likely saw it aboard Air Force One and believed it was real.

    *personal speculation based on age and maturity level

  9. #2829
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    I think negative energy is amplified because logic and reason have been lost. I agree with Jinsai: there isn't actually a counterpoint, there's just an insane mess. For the crime of quoting him I was rewarded with a very long PPM with colorful phrases like "transgender SJWs" and "the Clinton foundation..." etc etc.

    when your opponent is incomprehensible and the consequences are this dire, what to do but lash out?

  10. #2830
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    Exactly. There's no point in trying to rationally discuss things with those who do not live in reality and work with facts.

    If you voted for Trump or support him and the GOP, I'm done wasting time trying to convince you why you've chosen poorly and are only likely hurting yourself, your loved ones and the planet at this point. You're evil, stupid or both. End of the line.

  11. #2831
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    Quote Originally Posted by theimage13 View Post
    What's there to laugh about? They're never more than about two votes away from fucking over me, my partner, several members of my family, and at least 20 million other people. It would only be funny if Democrats held a strong majority and there wasn't even a snowball's chance in hell that they might accidentally convince enough people to vote for such damaging legislation.

    Meanwhile...child troll living in parents' basement* dupes Fox News into interview; president likely saw it aboard Air Force One and believed it was real.

    *personal speculation based on age and maturity level
    I don't think you have anything to worry about. GOB moderates will always clash with the most conservative wing of the party.
    You'll die of natural cause before they can agree on a repeal & replace bill.

  12. #2832
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    I just typed out a long post about how @allegro is probably mostly right and we need to remember to not punch an opposing political contribution in the face, but instead engage and actually reason out our stances... and then my web browser crashed and it's all gone.

    So, fuck it, tl;dr version - if you find yourself talking to someone that you think has a dumb idea, tell them why it's dumb, especially if it is related to something you think is important, because it's too easy to get emotional and spastic when you care about something.

    And, for me to say that is TOTALLY weird... I get that.

  13. #2833
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I just typed out a long post about how @allegro is probably mostly right and we need to remember to not punch an opposing political contribution in the face, but instead engage and actually reason out our stances... and then my web browser crashed and it's all gone.

    So, fuck it, tl;dr version - if you find yourself talking to someone that you think has a dumb idea, tell them why it's dumb, especially if it is related to something you think is important, because it's too easy to get emotional and spastic when you care about something.

    And, for me to say that is TOTALLY weird... I get that.
    I don't think we need to always be logical an "unemotional" but I just hate when this veers into Shit List stuff and we stop focusing on the issues while we're focusing on how stupid somebody is, ya know? I dunno, I don't know shit, anymore. This current guy thinks that we were all hugging and singing Kumbaya in a NIN forum ten years ago when, really, ten years ago we had the Shit List where opposing views were publicly lambasted and ridiculed like sport. It was like "Gladiator."
    Last edited by allegro; 07-19-2017 at 12:19 PM.

  14. #2834
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    Oh jinsai remembers the shit list, yes he does precious....

    but I am on that page with you there... Even when I was posting my initial response there I was thinking "this is a sort of shitlist post isn't it, but wtf ever, fuck this"

    but no, ultimately unhelpful
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-19-2017 at 12:16 PM. Reason: I hate typing on a phone it sucks

  15. #2835
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    Oh jinsai remembers the shit list, yes he does precious....

    but I am on that page with you there... Even when I was posting my initial response there I was thinking "this is a sort of shitlist post isn't it, but wtf ever, fuck this"

    but no, ultimately unhelpful
    I think maybe more like "unhealthy" because it gets us all worked up? Even unintentional trolling should be ignored, yes? I dunno, I won't even DISCUSS this Trump and Republicans shit IRL, anymore, I don't wanna have a fucking stroke.

  16. #2836
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    I just typed out a long post about how @allegro is probably mostly right and we need to remember to not punch an opposing political contribution in the face, but instead engage and actually reason out our stances... and then my web browser crashed and it's all gone.

    So, fuck it, tl;dr version - if you find yourself talking to someone that you think has a dumb idea, tell them why it's dumb, especially if it is related to something you think is important, because it's too easy to get emotional and spastic when you care about something.

    And, for me to say that is TOTALLY weird... I get that.
    What I hate is watching the news and all you see are Republicans saying why Net Neutrality is bad, or why Obamacare is bad, or why the Democrats are opposing them on everything. That far FAR outweighs seeing Democrats talking about what they're doing to make it better. They need to step up their game and messaging because I'm just not seeing it.

    Though maybe it's a filter issue where the media's just like, "Do you see this shit?" and they're hoping that just by putting it out there people will inform themselves?

  17. #2837
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I think maybe more like "unhealthy" because it gets us all worked up? Even unintentional trolling should be ignored, yes? I dunno, I won't even DISCUSS this Trump and Republicans shit IRL, anymore, I don't wanna have a fucking stroke.
    I'm with you there... I could handle all this disgusting drama when my ship was coasting along pleasantly regardless, but right now, it's just too much. I'm gonna land myself in a hospital if I get too engaged at this point. I reached a new precedent the other day, doing sound for a Neil Diamond cover band, and actually snapping at a drunk person in the audience. That never happens.

    Tonight I need to set up sound for a karaoke gig... in the back of my head I'm gonna have to tell myself to stay cool. My brain right now is wracked with anger, frustration, sadness, all sorts of shit... and I'm doing ok. I can function and do my job and then go home and smoke a joint. I can't imagine what it would be like to be in my mental shoes and also be struggling to get by. That would break me. Where my head is at right now is so awful, I've never known a reality like this.

  18. #2838
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    doing sound for a Neil Diamond cover band, and actually snapping at a drunk person in the audience
    wait ... the drunk chick demanding that you "TURN IT UP!!" was there for a NEIL DIAMOND COVER BAND?!???!!?

    I can't even listen to any Neil Diamond, anymore, without thinking of this:

  19. #2839
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    Sen. John McCain has brain cancer, aggressive tumor surgically removed - CNN

  20. #2840
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    WHAT is this bullshit?! Nobody is saying Clinton is going to become president if Trump is impeached. Who the hell is this guy?

    Also, this is an older video... some of this "The Russia story thing is total hysterical bullshit!" stuff hasn't aged very well. Did you miss the whole thing w/ Jr's emails?

    This one's aged even worse. Do you read any legitimate news sources? This vlogger apologist isn't impressing anyone. Check out his other video, title "The Democratic Party Simply Isn't Cool Anymore." Ha, yeah... what the FUCK ever... What is cool?

    Is this fucker "cool" to some people?

    Now suddenly I have this strong urge to rewatch American Movie...
    Last edited by Jinsai; 07-19-2017 at 07:43 PM.

  21. #2841
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post

    Dude, please stop posting links to that pompous douchebag Trump supporter. It's not worth anyone's time.

  22. #2842
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinsai View Post
    WHAT is this bullshit?! Nobody is saying Clinton is going to become president if Trump is impeached. Who the hell is this guy?

    Also, this is an older video... some of this "The Russia story thing is total hysterical bullshit!" stuff hasn't aged very well. Did you miss the whole thing w/ Jr's emails?

    This one's aged even worse. Do you read any legitimate news sources? This vlogger apologist isn't impressing anyone. Check out his other video, title "The Democratic Party Simply Isn't Cool Anymore." Ha, yeah... what the FUCK ever... What is cool?

    Is this fucker "cool" to some people?

    Now suddenly I have this strong urge to rewatch American Movie...
    Look at this dickhead's YouTube channel, mostly him showing his skimpy chest hairs wearing only an open kimono or open leather jacket. He's a total dickwad who hangs out on reddit with the Donald assholes, writes his own online bios describing him as having a high IQ and a big dick. Probably has neither. He's a "former Libertarian who supported Garry Johnson until he disagreed about Johnson's Islamic immigration policies" so he switched to supporting Trump.
    Last edited by allegro; 07-19-2017 at 07:50 PM.

  23. #2843
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    Cool. As. Ice.

  24. #2844
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    I don't think we need to always be logical an "unemotional" but I just hate when this veers into Shit List stuff and we stop focusing on the issues while we're focusing on how stupid somebody is, ya know? I dunno, I don't know shit, anymore. This current guy thinks that we were all hugging and singing Kumbaya in a NIN forum ten years ago when, really, ten years ago we had the Shit List where opposing views were publicly lambasted and ridiculed like sport. It was like "Gladiator."
    best to just let it go it will take care of itself, some people just love to work others up, why I don't know why maybe it's some kind of power trip but guess I ain't playing not worth your energy or health, or even acknowledgment of their assistance, you definitely don't want to go down the stroke path most fucked up year+ of my life, still can't play guitar like I used to, it's not only that it's the depression, medical bills rehab, people treating you like an idiot having to re-learn things, and million other things, maybe some day I will go into detail, but like I said best to just let it go

  25. #2845
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    I think the debate about how to handle Trump supporters is nothing more than a distraction. It takes away from debating the ideas. So does debating what Hillary would or wouldn't do.

    We should debate what the politicians who have been elected should or shouldn't do. Not debate how to discuss with the other side, or what would have happened if Hillary had won, because those are both nothing more than a waste of energy.

    Lets debate the pro's and con's of what Trump and the republicans are doing. Let's not waste our time on the distractions.

  26. #2846
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    Quote Originally Posted by allegro View Post
    Sen. John McCain has brain cancer, aggressive tumor surgically removed - CNN
    President Barack Obama tweets a statement to John McCain.

  27. #2847
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    Obama tweeted something really nice about him i saw Clinton speak when Reagan announced he had Alzheimer's and he was really classy about it which made me respect him a little more, anyways the video someone posted earlier hit the nail square on the noggin maybe the Dem's need to fail for a few to get back on track, they are not the party of hip anymore, it's like little kids or old people rapping at first it maybe cute or funny after about ten second you realize it's stupid weak pandering bullshit
    Last edited by Louie_Cypher; 07-19-2017 at 11:31 PM. Reason: spelling it's not just for breakfast anymore

  28. #2848
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    I've always liked and respected McCain. He seems like a genuine person that just wants to do what is right for the country. While I disagreed with some of his views, at least he was someone that was willing to listen and be open to things. It's sad what he's going through as I'm glad there's some showing respect to this man unlike the **** at the White House who has constantly disrespected him over and over again during his campaign.

  29. #2849
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jughead View Post
    Dat ass
    Ba da Da dada da dum, ass ass baby...

    Shake it, shake shake shake shake it, shake it like a Polaroid picture...

    Put on those granny pants and go play tennis like a boss...

    What's cooler than being cool? I SAID... what's cooler than being cool?



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